
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Schema.type

Value members

Concrete methods

def customErrorEffectSchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, E, A](convertError: E => ExecutionError)(implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, ZIO[R1, E, A]]
def customErrorQuerySchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, E, A](convertError: E => ExecutionError)(implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, ZQuery[R1, E, A]]
def customErrorStreamSchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, E, A](convertError: E => ExecutionError)(implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, ZStream[R1, E, A]]
def field[V](name: String, description: Option[String], directives: List[Directive]): PartiallyAppliedField[V]

Manually defines a field from a name, a description, some directives and a resolver. If the field is a function that should be called lazily, use fieldLazy instead. If the field takes arguments, use fieldWithArgs instead.

Manually defines a field from a name, a description, some directives and a resolver. If the field is a function that should be called lazily, use fieldLazy instead. If the field takes arguments, use fieldWithArgs instead.

def fieldLazy[V](name: String, description: Option[String], directives: List[Directive]): PartiallyAppliedFieldLazy[V]

Manually defines a lazy field from a name, a description, some directives and a resolver.

Manually defines a lazy field from a name, a description, some directives and a resolver.

def fieldWithArgs[V, A](name: String, description: Option[String], directives: List[Directive]): PartiallyAppliedFieldWithArgs[V, A]

Manually defines a field with arguments from a name, a description, some directives and a resolver.

Manually defines a field with arguments from a name, a description, some directives and a resolver.

def obj[R1, V](name: String, description: Option[String], directives: List[Directive])(fields: FieldAttributes => List[(`__Field`, V => Step[R1])]): Schema[R1, V]

Creates a new hand-rolled schema. For normal usage use the derived schemas, this is primarily for schemas which can't be resolved by derivation.

Creates a new hand-rolled schema. For normal usage use the derived schemas, this is primarily for schemas which can't be resolved by derivation.

Value parameters:

An optional description of the type


The directives to add to the type


The fields to add to this object

case class Group(id: String, users: UQuery[List[User]], parent: UQuery[Option[Group]], organization: UQuery[Organization])
case class Organization(id: String, groups: UQuery[List[Group]])
case class User(id: String, group: UQuery[Group])
implicit val groupSchema: Schema[Any, Group] = obj("Group", Some("A group of users"))(implicit ft =>
implicit val orgSchema: Schema[Any, Organization] = obj("Organization", Some("An organization of groups"))(implicit ft =>
implicit val userSchema: Schema[Any, User] = obj("User", Some("A user of the service"))(implicit ft =>

The name of the type

def objectSchema[R1, A](name: String, description: Option[String], fields: (Boolean, Boolean) => List[(`__Field`, A => Step[R1])], directives: List[Directive]): Schema[R1, A]

Creates an object schema for a type A

Creates an object schema for a type A

Value parameters:

description of the type


list of fields with a type description and a resolver for each field


name of the type

def scalarSchema[A](name: String, description: Option[String], specifiedBy: Option[String], makeResponse: A => ResponseValue): Schema[Any, A]

Creates a scalar schema for a type A

Creates a scalar schema for a type A

Value parameters:

description of the scalar type


function from A to ResponseValue that defines how to resolve A


name of the scalar type


URL of the scalar specification

Inherited methods

def customizeInputTypeName(name: String): String

Default naming logic for input types. This is needed to avoid a name clash between a type used as an input and the same type used as an output. GraphQL needs 2 different types, and they can't have the same name. By default, we add the "Input" suffix after the type name.

Default naming logic for input types. This is needed to avoid a name clash between a type used as an input and the same type used as an output. GraphQL needs 2 different types, and they can't have the same name. By default, we add the "Input" suffix after the type name.

Inherited from:
inline def derived[R, A]: Schema[R, A]
Inherited from:
inline def genDebug[R, A]: Schema[R, A]
Inherited from:
def localDateSchemaWithFormatter(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Schema[Any, LocalDate]
Inherited from:
def localDateTimeSchemaWithFormatter(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Schema[Any, LocalDateTime]
Inherited from:
def localTimeSchemaWithFormatter(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Schema[Any, LocalTime]
Inherited from:
def offsetDateTimeSchemaWithFormatter(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Schema[Any, OffsetDateTime]
Inherited from:
inline def recurse[R, Label, A <: Tuple](index: Int): List[(String, List[Any], Schema[R, Any], Int)]
Inherited from:
def temporalSchema[A <: Temporal](name: String, description: Option[String])(f: A => ResponseValue): Schema[Any, A]
Inherited from:
def temporalSchemaWithFormatter[A <: Temporal](name: String, description: Option[String])(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Schema[Any, A]
Inherited from:
def zonedDateTimeSchemaWithFormatter(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Schema[Any, ZonedDateTime]
Inherited from:

Inherited fields

lazy val instantEpochSchema: Schema[Any, Instant]
Inherited from:
val localDateEpochSchema: Schema[Any, LocalDate]
Inherited from:
val localDateTimeEpochSchema: Schema[Any, LocalDateTime]
Inherited from:
lazy val sampleDate: ZonedDateTime
Inherited from:


Inherited givens

given gen[R, A]: Schema[R, A]
Inherited from:



implicit val bigDecimalSchema: Schema[Any, BigDecimal]
implicit val bigIntSchema: Schema[Any, BigInt]
implicit val booleanSchema: Schema[Any, Boolean]
implicit def chunkSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, Chunk[A]]
implicit val doubleSchema: Schema[Any, Double]
implicit def effectSchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, E <: Throwable, A](implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, ZIO[R1, E, A]]
implicit def eitherSchema[RA, RB, A, B](implicit evA: Schema[RA, A], evB: Schema[RB, B]): Schema[RA & RB, Either[A, B]]
implicit val floatSchema: Schema[Any, Float]
implicit def functionSchema[RA, RB, A, B](implicit arg1: ArgBuilder[A], ev1: Schema[RA, A], ev2: Schema[RB, B]): Schema[RB, A => B]
implicit def functionUnitSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, () => A]
implicit def futureSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, Future[A]]
implicit def infallibleEffectSchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, URIO[R1, A]]
implicit def infallibleQuerySchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, ZQuery[R1, Nothing, A]]
implicit def infallibleStreamSchema[R1, R2 >: R1, A](implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R1, ZStream[R1, Nothing, A]]
implicit val intSchema: Schema[Any, Int]
implicit def listSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, List[A]]
implicit val longSchema: Schema[Any, Long]
implicit def mapSchema[RA, RB, A, B](implicit evA: Schema[RA, A], evB: Schema[RB, B]): Schema[RA & RB, Map[A, B]]
implicit def metadataFunctionSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, Field => A]
implicit def optionSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, Option[A]]
implicit def querySchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, E <: Throwable, A](implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, ZQuery[R1, E, A]]
implicit def seqSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, Seq[A]]
implicit def setSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, Set[A]]
implicit val shortSchema: Schema[Any, Short]
implicit def streamSchema[R0, R1 >: R0, R2 >: R0, E <: Throwable, A](implicit ev: Schema[R2, A]): Schema[R0, ZStream[R1, E, A]]
implicit val stringSchema: Schema[Any, String]
implicit def tupleSchema[RA, RB, A, B](implicit evA: Schema[RA, A], evB: Schema[RB, B]): Schema[RA & RB, (A, B)]
implicit val unitSchema: Schema[Any, Unit]
implicit val uploadSchema: Schema[Any, Upload]
implicit val uuidSchema: Schema[Any, UUID]
implicit def vectorSchema[R0, A](implicit ev: Schema[R0, A]): Schema[R0, Vector[A]]

Inherited implicits

implicit lazy val instantSchema: Schema[Any, Instant]
Inherited from:
implicit lazy val localDateSchema: Schema[Any, LocalDate]
Inherited from:
implicit lazy val localDateTimeSchema: Schema[Any, LocalDateTime]
Inherited from:
implicit lazy val localTimeSchema: Schema[Any, LocalTime]
Inherited from:
implicit lazy val offsetDateTimeSchema: Schema[Any, OffsetDateTime]
Inherited from:
implicit lazy val zonedDateTimeSchema: Schema[Any, ZonedDateTime]
Inherited from: