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AbstractInterpolatorFactory<O> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
Use this class as a base class to create InterpolatorFactory implementations that can be passed to D3.interpolators().push().
AbstractInterpolatorFactory() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.AbstractInterpolatorFactory
accessObject(Array<T>, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayIterator
add(E) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
add(int, E) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
add(T) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.RootNode
Adds a new point to the previously-computed quadtree.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
albers() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.Geography
An alias for Geography.conicEqualArea(), with USA-centric defaults: scale 1000, translate [480, 250], rotation [96°, 0°], center ⟨-0.6°, 38.7°⟩ parallels [29.5°, 45.5°], making it suitable for displaying the United States, centered around Hutchinson, Kansas in a 960×500 area.
alpha() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
alpha(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the force layout's cooling parameter, alpha to the constant value specified.
angle(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.RadialLine
Set the angle coordinates of points generated by this generator.
angle(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.RadialLine
Set the function used to compute angle coordinates of points generated by this line generator.
append(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Appends a new element with the specified name as the last child of each element in the current selection.
append(DatumFunction<Node>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Appends the new node returned by the given function, as the last child of each element in the current selection.
append(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
append(String, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
append(String, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
appendNull(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
apply(D, int) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.core.ObjectAccessor
The accessor function which transform a DsvRow in an other type T.
apply(Element, Value, int) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.BooleanDatumFunction
Apply the function for the given Element at the specified index of the Selection mapped to the given Datum.
apply(Element, Value, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.CountFunction
apply(Element, Value, int) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.DatumFunction
Apply the function for the given Element at the specified index of the Selection mapped to the given Datum.
apply(Element, Value, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.PropertyValueFunction
apply(Array<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Hull
Returns the convex hull for the specified vertices array, using the current x- and y-coordinate accessors.
apply(List<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Hull
Returns the convex hull for the specified vertices array, using the current x- and y-coordinate accessors.
apply(Array<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
Constructs a new quadtree for the specified array of points.
apply(List<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
Constructs a new quadtree for the specified list of points.
apply(Array<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
Returns an array of polygons, one for each input vertex in the specified data array.
apply(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Given a value x in the input domain, returns the corresponding value in the output range.
apply(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Given a value x in the input domain, returns the corresponding value in the output range.
apply(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Given a value x in the input domain, returns the corresponding value in the output range.
apply(T) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Generate a piecewise linear area, as in an area chart.
apply(T, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Generate a piecewise linear area, as in an area chart.
apply(Selection) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Apply the axis to a selection.
apply(Transition) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Apply the axis to a transition.
apply(Selection) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Draws or redraws this brush into the specified selection of elements.
apply(Transition) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Draws or redraws this brush into the specified transition of elements.
apply(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
apply(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
apply(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
apply(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeFormat
Formats the specified date, returning the corresponding string.
apply(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeFormat
Formats the specified date, returning the corresponding string.
apply(Element, Value, int, Value) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.tweens.TweenFunction
Arc - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
A generator to create an arc by defining the inner radius, the outer radius, the start angle, and the end angle.
Arc() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
arc() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new arc generator with default accessor functions.
area() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Polygon
Returns the signed area of this polygon.
Area - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Generates path data for a closed piecewise linear curve, or polygon, as in an area chart:
Area() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
area() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Area generator.
Area.InterpolationMode - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Array<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays
A Javascript object wrapping an array-like structure.
Array() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
ArrayIterator<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays
Internal iterator from a JsArray.
ArrayIterator(Array<T>) - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayIterator
ArrayList<E> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays
A List wrapping a Javascript Array.
ArrayList(Array<E>) - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
Arrays - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
Convenient methods to deal with arrays.
Arrays() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
as() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value, if possible.
as(Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
asBoolean() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
asByte() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
ascending() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Compare two values for sorting.
asChar() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
asCoords() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Return the value casted to a Coords object.
asDouble() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
asElementArray() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Return the internal structure of the selection.
asFloat() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
asInt() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
asIterable() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
asJsDate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
asJSOFunction() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.AbstractInterpolatorFactory
asJSOFunction() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.CallableInterpolator
asJSOFunction() - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.Interpolator
Return a one-arg JS function wrapping the interpolation.
asJSOFunction() - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.InterpolatorFactory
Return a one-arg JS function wrapping the interpolation.
asJSOFunction() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolator
asJSOFunction() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolatorDecorator
asJSOFunction() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JSNIInterpolatorFactory
asList() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
asLong() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the value.
asShort() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Cast and return the wrapped value.
asString() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Return the value casted to a String.
attr(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns the value of the specified attribute for the first non-null element in the selection.
attr(String, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the attribute with the specified name to the specified value on all selected elements.
attr(String, PathDataGenerator) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the attribute with the specified name to the specified PathDataGenerator value on all selected elements.
attr(String, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
attr(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
attr(String, DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the attribute with the specified name to the value returned by the specified function on all selected elements.
attr(String, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Transition the attribute with the specified name to the specified value on all selected elements.
attr(String, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
attr(String, DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Transitions the attribute with the specified name to the value returned by the specified function on all selected elements.
attr(String, PathDataGenerator) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Transitions the attribute with the specified name to the specified PathDataGenerator value on all selected elements.
attrTween(String, TweenFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Transitions the value of the attribute with the specified name according to the specified tween function.
Axis - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
D3’s axis component displays reference lines for Scales automatically.
Axis() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
axis() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Axis generator.
Axis.Orientation - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Orientation of the ticks in relation to the axis.


b() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
back(double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Simulates backing into a parking space.
back(Mode, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Simulates backing into a parking space.
base() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Returns the current base, which defaults to 10.
base(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Sets the base for this logarithmic scale.
Behavior - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
The behaviour module.
Behavior() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Behavior
behavior() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
BooleanDatumFunction - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
A function taking an element and the index of the element in the selection, returning a boolean primitive value.
bounce() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Simulates a bouncy collision.
bounce(Mode) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Simulates a bouncy collision.
brighter() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
Returns a brighter copy of this color yith a gamme of 1.
brighter(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
Returns a brighter copy of this color.
brighter() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
Returns a brighter copy of this color with a gamma of 1.
brighter(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
Returns a brighter copy of this color.
Brush - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Brush() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
brush() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Brush generator.
Brush.BrushEvent - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
build() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
Builder() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeFormat.Builder
bundle() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Layout
Creates a new bundle layout with the default settings.


call(IsFunction) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Invokes the specified function once, passing in the current selection as a single parameter.
call(IsFunction) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Invokes the specified function once, passing in the current transition as a single parameter.
CallableInterpolator<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
An interpolator that can be passed to JSNI.
CallableInterpolator() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.CallableInterpolator
cast(Value) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolatorDecorator
Cast the given value to the correct type.
category10() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new ordinal scale with a range of ten categorical colors: #1f77b4 #ff7f0e #2ca02c #d62728 #9467bd #8c564b #e377c2 #7f7f7f #bcbd22 #17becf.
category20() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new ordinal scale with a range of twenty categorical colors: #1f77b4 #aec7e8 #ff7f0e #ffbb78 #2ca02c #98df8a #d62728 #ff9896 #9467bd #c5b0d5 #8c564b #c49c94 #e377c2 #f7b6d2 #7f7f7f #c7c7c7 #bcbd22 #dbdb8d #17becf #9edae5.
category20b() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new ordinal scale with a range of twenty categorical colors: #393b79 #5254a3 #6b6ecf #9c9ede #637939 #8ca252 #b5cf6b #cedb9c #8c6d31 #bd9e39 #e7ba52 #e7cb94 #843c39 #ad494a #d6616b #e7969c #7b4173 #a55194 #ce6dbd #de9ed6.
category20c() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new ordinal scale with a range of twenty categorical colors: #3182bd #6baed6 #9ecae1 #c6dbef #e6550d #fd8d3c #fdae6b #fdd0a2 #31a354 #74c476 #a1d99b #c7e9c0 #756bb1 #9e9ac8 #bcbddc #dadaeb #636363 #969696 #bdbdbd #d9d9d9.
ceil(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Returns the earliest time interval after the specified date.
ceil(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.ceil(JsDate) for a Java date.
ceil(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.round(JsDate) for a timestamp.
center(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
If center is specified, sets the focal point [x, y] for mousewheel zooming and returns this zoom behavior.
center() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Returns the current focal point, which defaults to null.
center(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.Projection
centroid() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Polygon
Returns a two-element array representing the centroid of this polygon.
centroid(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Polygon
Returns a two-element array representing the centroid of this polygon.
centroid(JavaScriptObject, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
Computes the centroid of the arc that would be generated from the specified input arguments; typically, the arguments are the current datum (d), and optionally the current index (i).
charge() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
charge(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the charge strength to the specified constant value for all nodes.
charge(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets sets the charge strength per node.
chargeDistance() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
chargeDistance(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the maximum distance over which charge forces are applied to nodes.
children(DatumFunction<List<T>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
Sets the specified children accessor function.
children() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Node
Chord - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Chord() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord
chord() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Layout
Chord - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Constructs a new chord generator with the default accessor functions (that assume the input data is an object with named attributes matching the accessors; see below for details).
Chord() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
chord() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Chord generator.
Chord.ChordItem - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Chord.Group - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
ChordItem() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.ChordItem
chords() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord
circle() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
The quarter circle.
circle(Mode) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
The quarter circle
clamp() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ContinuousQuantitativeScale
returns whether or not the scale currently clamps values to within the output range.
clamp(boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ContinuousQuantitativeScale
Enables or disables clamping accordingly.
clamp(boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Sets the current clamping behavior., for a brush where only one of the x-scale and y-scale are available.
clamp(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Sets the current clamping behavior, for a brush where both an x- and y-scale are available.
clamp() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Gets the current clamping behavior.
classed(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets whether or not the specified class(es) is(are) associated with the selected elements.
classed(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns true if and only if the first non-null element in this selection has the specified class.
classed(String, DatumFunction<Boolean>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
classed(String, BooleanDatumFunction) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets whether or not the class should be associated or not to the elements, according to the return value of the given function.
clear() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
clear() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Clears the extent, making the brush extent Brush.empty().
clearClipExtent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
Clear the extent clipping.
clip(Array<Array<Double>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Polygon
Clips the subject polygon against this polygon.
clipExtent(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
Sets the clip extent of the Voronoi layout to the specified bounds and returns the layout.
clipExtent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
Get the current clip extent which defaults to null.
cloneObject() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
Cluster<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
The cluster layout produces dendrograms: node-link diagrams that place leaf nodes of the tree at the same depth.
Cluster() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster
cluster() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Layout
Creates a new cluster layout with the default settings: the default sort order is null; the default children accessor assumes each input data is an object with a children array; the default separation function uses one node width for siblings, and two node widths for non-siblings; the default size is 1×1.
Cluster.Node<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
A node in the cluster layout.
Color - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
Constructing visualizations often involves working with colors.
Color() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Color
Colors - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
Provides factory methods to create colors.
Colors() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.Colors
com.github.gwtd3.api - package com.github.gwtd3.api
com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays - package com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays
com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour - package com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
com.github.gwtd3.api.core - package com.github.gwtd3.api.core
com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv - package com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv
com.github.gwtd3.api.ease - package com.github.gwtd3.api.ease
com.github.gwtd3.api.functions - package com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
com.github.gwtd3.api.geo - package com.github.gwtd3.api.geo
com.github.gwtd3.api.geom - package com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators - package com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
TODO: interpolator factory API is a work in progress.
com.github.gwtd3.api.layout - package com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
com.github.gwtd3.api.scales - package com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
com.github.gwtd3.api.svg - package com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
com.github.gwtd3.api.time - package com.github.gwtd3.api.time
com.github.gwtd3.api.tweens - package com.github.gwtd3.api.tweens
com.github.gwtd3.api.utils - package com.github.gwtd3.api.utils
com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr - package com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr
concat(Array<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return a new array containing the values of this array and the given array.
concat(Array<?>, Array<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return a new array containing the values of this array and the given array.
concat(Array<?>, Array<?>, Array<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return a new array containing the values of this array and the given array.
concat(Array<?>, Array<?>, Array<?>, Array<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return a new array containing the values of this array and the given array.
concat(Array<?>, Array<?>, Array<?>, Array<?>, Array<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return a new array containing the values of this array and the given array.
conicEqualArea() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.Geography
The Albers projection, as an equal-area projection, is recommended for choropleths as it preserves the relative areas of geographic features.
ConicProjection - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geo
ConicProjection() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.ConicProjection
constantArc() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
Create an instance of Arc with all properties initialized to 0.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
ContinuousQuantitativeScale<S extends ContinuousQuantitativeScale<S>> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
QuantitativeScale with a continuous range: LinearScale have a linear interpolator LogScale have apply a log function to the domain PowScale IdentityScale TimeScale are linear scale for timestamp
ContinuousQuantitativeScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ContinuousQuantitativeScale
Coords - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
A Javascript object containing x and y properties.
Coords() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
copy() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Returns an exact copy of this scale.
copy(Arc) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
Create a new arc with properties initialized with the given arc
CountFunction - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
A DatumFunction that counts something, mainly used as a debugging purpose in Selection.each(DatumFunction) method.
CountFunction() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.CountFunction
create() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new empty array.
create(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
create(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Formatter
Create a new instance of Formatter.
create(Object) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Wraps the given object into a Value.
create(JavaScriptObject, String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Create a Value instance from the value of the named property of the given object.
create(I, I) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.AbstractInterpolatorFactory
create(I, I) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.InterpolatorFactory
Create an interpolator appropriate for interpolating the input value, or return null if the factory does not support the two specified input values.
create(I, I) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JSNIInterpolatorFactory
create() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
create(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
create(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
create(String, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
create(T, T) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Link
Create a basic link object starting at one coordinate and ending at another
create(T, T) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Link
Create a basic link object starting at one coordinate and ending at another
createInterpolator(I, I) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JSNIInterpolatorFactory
csv() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
csv(String, DsvCallback<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (CSV) file at the specified url.
csv(String, DsvObjectAccessor<T>, DsvCallback<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (CSV) file at the specified url.
csv(String, DsvObjectAccessor<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (CSV) file at the specified url.
csv(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (CSV) file at the specified url.
cubic() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Equivalent to poly(3).
cubic(Mode) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Equivalent to poly(3).


D3 - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
Entry point for D3 api modules.
D3() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
D3Event - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
D3Event() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3Event
darker() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
Returns a darker copy of this color yith a gamme of 1.
darker(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
Returns a darker copy of this color.
darker() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
Returns a darker copy of this color with a gamma of 1.
darker(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
Returns a darker copy of this color.
data() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns the array of data for the first group in the selection.
data(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of values with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(JavaScriptObject, KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Same as but let the user control how to map data to the selection.
data(DatumFunction<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins each array returned by the specified function to a group of the current selection, using the default by-index key mapping.
data(Object[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of data with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(Object[], KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
data(byte[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of data with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(byte[], KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
data(double[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of data with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(double[], KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
data(float[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of data with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(float[], KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
data(int[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of data with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(int[], KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
data(long[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of data with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(long[], KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
data(short[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Joins the specified array of data with the current selection using the default by-index key mapping.
data(short[], KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
data(List<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Same as #data(JavaScriptObject) for an List of objects.
data(List<?>, KeyFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Name of the element property in which D3 stores the datum of an element.
datum(DatumFunction<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the bound data to the specified value on all selected elements.
datum(Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the bound data to the specified value on all selected elements.
datum() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns the bound datum for the first non-null element in the selection.
datum() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
datum(T) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
datum() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Node
datum(T) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Node
DatumFunction<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
A function taking an element and the index of the element in the selection, returning a value of type T.
day() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Days (e.g., February 7, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
dayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the day number for the given date.
dayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.dayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
dayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.dayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
days(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #day().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
days(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #day().range(Date start, Date stop).
days(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #day().range(double start, double stop).
days(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #day().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
days(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #day().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
days(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #day().range(double start, double stop, double step).
defined(DatumFunction<Boolean>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
FIXME: D3 bug ??? Does not seem to work...
defined(BooleanDatumFunction) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
FIXME: D3 bug ??? Does not seem to work...
defined(DatumFunction<Boolean>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
defined(BooleanDatumFunction) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Sets the function used to controls where the line is defined.
delay(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Specifies the transition delay in milliseconds.
delay(DatumFunction<Integer>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Specifies the transition delay of each selected element.
delegate - Variable in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolatorDecorator
depth() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Node
descending() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Compare two values for sorting.
Diagonal - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Diagonal generator.
Diagonal() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
diagonal() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Diagonal generator.
DiscreteQuantitativeScale<S extends DiscreteQuantitativeScale<S>> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
QuantitativeScale with a discrete output range.
DiscreteQuantitativeScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.DiscreteQuantitativeScale
domain(double...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Sets the scale's input domain to the specified array of numbers.
domain(String...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Sets the scale's input domain to the specified array of strings.
domain(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Sets the scale's input domain to the specified array.
domain() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Returns the current scale's input domain.
drag() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Behavior
Create a new Drag behavior, that you will configure and apply to a Selection.
Drag - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
This behavior automatically creates event listeners to handle drag gestures on an element.
Drag() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag
drag() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Bind a behavior to nodes to allow interactive dragging, either using the mouse or touch.
Drag.DragEvent - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
Provide access to the properties of a drag event.
Drag.DragEventType - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
Type of drag event to listen to.
DragEvent() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag.DragEvent
dragEvent() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Get the DragEvent from within a Drag listener.
Dsv<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv
Dsv() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.Dsv
DsvArrayAccessor<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv
This accessor function is invoked for each row in a DSV file, being passed the current row and index as two arguments.
DsvCallback<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv
When the CSV data is available, the specified callback will be invoked with the parsed rows as the argument.
DsvObjectAccessor<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv
An accessor function which is passed to Dsv.parse(String, DsvObjectAccessor).
DsvRow - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv
Each row of a DSV file is represented by a DsvRow.
DsvRow() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.DsvRow
DsvRows<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv
A DsvRows represent the array of parsed rows in a DSV file.
DsvRows() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.DsvRows
duration(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Specifies transition duration in milliseconds of all elements.
duration(DatumFunction<Integer>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Specifies per-element duration in milliseconds of all elements, using the given function.
dx() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag.DragEvent
dy() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag.DragEvent


each(DatumFunction<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Invokes the specified function for each element in the current selection, passing in the current datum d and index i.
each(Transition.EventType, DatumFunction<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Adds a listener for transition events.
each(DatumFunction<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Behaves similarly to Selection.each(DatumFunction): immediately invokes the specified function for each element in the current transition, passing in the current datum d and index i, with the this context of the current DOM element.
ease(EasingFunction) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Specifies the transition EasingFunction to be used.
ease(double) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.EasingFunction
Given a parametric time t in the range [0,1], returns the eased time.
ease(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.JavascriptEasingFunction
Easing - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.ease
Creates an easing function.
Easing() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
EasingFunction - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.ease
An easing function takes the current parameterized time value t in the domain [0,1], and maps it to another value in a similar range; it is typically used to set Transition#ease().
elastic(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Simulates an elastic band; may extend slightly beyond 0 and 1.
elastic(Mode, double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Simulates an elastic band; may extend slightly beyond 0 and 1.
empty() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Returns true if the current selection is empty; a selection is empty if it contains no non-null elements.
empty() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Returns true if the current transition is empty; a transition is empty if it contains no non-null elements.
empty() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Returns true if and only if the brush extent is empty.
endAngle() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.Group
endAngle() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
endAngle(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
Set the end angle in radians of the Arc.
endAngle(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the end angle accessor.
endAngle(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the end angle as a constant in radians.
enter() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.UpdateSelection
Returns the EnteringSelection: placeholder nodes for each data element for which no corresponding existing DOM element was found in the current selection.
enter(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
Put a new JSONObject into the given property and return the child JSON builder.
EnteringSelection - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A selection returned by a call to UpdateSelection.enter().
EnteringSelection() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
event(Selection) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Immediately dispatches a zoom gesture to registered listeners, as the three event sequence Zoom.ZoomEventType.ZOOMSTART, Zoom.ZoomEventType.ZOOM and Zoom.ZoomEventType.ZOOMEND.
event(Transition) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Registers the appropriate tweens so that the zoom behavior dispatches events over the course of the transition: a Zoom.ZoomEventType.ZOOMSTART event when the transition starts from the previously-set view, Zoom.ZoomEventType.ZOOM events for each tick of the transition, and finally a Zoom.ZoomEventType.ZOOMEND event when the transition ends.
event() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Retrieve the current event, if any.
event(Selection) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Dispatch a brush gesture to registered listeners as a three event sequence: Brush.BrushEvent.BRUSH_START, Brush.BrushEvent.BRUSH, and Brush.BrushEvent.BRUSH_END.
event() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
event(Transition) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Registers the appropriate tweens so that the brush dispatches events over the course of the transition: a Brush.BrushEvent.BRUSH_START event when the transition starts from the previously-set extent, Brush.BrushEvent.BRUSH events for each tick of the transition, and finally a Brush.BrushEvent.BRUSH_END event when the transition ends.
eventAsCoords() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Retrieve the current event if any, as a Coords object containing the x and y of the mouse.
eventAsDCoords() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Retrieve the current event if any, as a Coords object containing the dx and dy representing the element's coordinates relative to its position at the beginning of the gesture.
every(ForEachCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds one where callback returns a falsy value.
every(ForEachCallback<Boolean>, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds one where callback returns a falsy value.
execute() - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.TimerFunction
Return true to stop the timer, false to continue.
exit() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.UpdateSelection
Returns the exiting selection: existing DOM elements in the current selection for which no new data element was found.
exit() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
exp() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Raises 2 to a power based on t.
exp(Mode) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Raises 2 to a power based on t.
exponent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Returns the current exponent, which defaults to 1.
exponent(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Sets the current exponent to the given numeric value.
extent(JavaScriptObject) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Find the minimum and maximum value in an array.
extent(JavaScriptObject, ObjectAccessor<D, R>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Find the minimum and maximum value in an array.
extent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
Returns the current extent, which defaults to null.
extent(Array<Array<Double>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
If the specified extent is null, this causes the quadtree extent to be automatically computed for the initial array of points.
extent(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
If the specified extent is a two-dimensional array [‍[ x0, y0 ], [ x1, y1 ]], where x0 and y0 are the lower bounds of the extent, and x1 and y1 are the upper bounds of the extent, this sets the quadtree's extent.
extent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Get the current brush’s extent.
extent(Array<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Set the current brush’s extent.
extent(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Set the current brush’s extent for a one-dimensional brush (defined by its x scale, or by its y scale, but not both).
extent(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Set the current brush’s extent for a two-dimensional brush (defined by both its x scale and its y scale.


filter(ForEachCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Calls the provided callback function once for each element in an array, and constructs a new array of all the values for which callback returns a true value.
filter(ForEachCallback<Boolean>, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Calls the provided callback function once for each element in an array, and constructs a new array of all the values for which callback returns a true value.
filter(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Filters the selection, returning a new selection that contains only the elements for which the specified selector is true.
filter(DatumFunction<Element>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Filters the selection, returning a new selection that contains only the elements returned by the given function.
filter(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Filters the transition, returning a new transition that contains only the elements for which the specified selector is true.
filter(DatumFunction<Element>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Filters the transition, returning a new transition that contains only the elements for which the specified selector is true.
fixed() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
fixed(boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
sets a boolean indicating whether node position is locked.
floor(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Return the latest time interval before or equal to the specified date.
floor(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.floor(JsDate) for a Java date.
floor(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.floor(JsDate) for a timestamp.
Force<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
A force-directed layout with the default settings: size 1×1, link strength 1, friction 0.9, distance 20, charge strength -30, gravity strength 0.1, and theta parameter 0.8.
Force() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
force() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Layout
Constructs a new force-directed layout with the default settings: size 1×1, link strength 1, friction 0.9, distance 20, charge strength -30, gravity strength 0.1, and theta parameter 0.8.
Force.ForceEventType - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Type of force event for Force.on(ForceEventType, DatumFunction) method.
Force.Link<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Each link has the following attributes: source - the source node (an element in nodes).
Force.Node<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
A node in d3j's force layout, see d3 docs on node.
forEach(ForEachCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Executes the provided callback once for each element of the array with an assigned value.
forEach(ForEachCallback<Void>, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Executes the provided callback once for each element of the array with an assigned value.
forEach(Object, Value, int, Array<?>) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ForEachCallback
Executed for each element of the array with an assigned value.
forEach(Object, Value, int, Array<?>) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.NumericForEachCallback
Executed for each element of the array with an assigned value.
ForEachCallback<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays
format(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Formatter
Return a String representation of the specified number formatted according to the specifier of this Formatter.
format(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns a new Formatter function with the given string specifier.
format(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Constructs a new local time formatter using the given specifier.
format() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Create a TimeFormat builder.
formatPrefix(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Return the SI Prefix for the specified value at the specified precision.
Formatter - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
Allows a number to be formatted as a String.
Formatter() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Formatter
forProperty(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.PropertyValueFunction
Create a PropertyValueFunction which returns the value of the property with the given name
friction() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
friction(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the friction coefficient to the specified value.
friday() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Friday-based weeks (e.g., February 10, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
fridayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
fridayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.fridayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
fridayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.fridayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
fridays(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #friday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
fridays(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #friday().range(Date start, Date stop).
fridays(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #friday().range(double start, double stop).
fridays(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #friday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step) .
fridays(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #friday().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
fridays(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #friday().range(double start, double stop, double step) .
fromBytes(byte...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromChars(char...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromDoubles(double...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromFloats(float...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromInts(int...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromIterable(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given iterable.
fromJavaArray(Object[]) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromLongs(long...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromObjects(R...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromShorts(short...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Create a new Array from the given values.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest.ResponseType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area.InterpolationMode
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line.InterpolationMode


g() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
generate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Generate a new number with this distribution.
generate(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.PathDataGenerator
Generate the path data as String using the given data object in argument.
generate(List<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.PathDataGenerator
generate(double...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.PathDataGenerator
generate(JavaScriptObject, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.PathDataGenerator
Generate the path data as String using the given data object in argument.
geo() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Geography - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geo
Geography() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.Geography
geom() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Geometry - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
The geometry module.
Geometry() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Geometry
get(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return the element at the specified index as the parameterized type.
get(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
get(DsvCallback<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.Dsv
Defines a callback to invoke on request response.
get(JavaScriptObject, DsvRows<T>) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.DsvCallback
When the CSV data is available, the specified callback will be invoked with the parsed rows as the argument.
get(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.DsvRow
Generic method to get the value of a named field.
get() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return the item at the index i.
getCount() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.CountFunction
getInt(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return the item at the index i.
getNumber(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return the item at the index i.
getObject(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return the item at the index i.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
Return the property of this object as a Value.
getString(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return the item at the index i.
getType() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition.EventType
getValue(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Return the element at the given index wrapped by a Value object.
getValue() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Mode
getValue() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area.InterpolationMode
getValue() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush.BrushEvent
getValue() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line.InterpolationMode
getValue() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol.Type
gravity() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
gravity(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the gravitational strength to the specified value.
Group() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.Group
groupCount() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Return the number of groups in the selection.
groups() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord


h() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
hasNext() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayIterator
HierarchicalLayout<L,T,N extends HierarchicalLayout.Node<T>> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Base class for all hierarchical layouts.
HierarchicalLayout() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
HierarchicalLayout.Link<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
A link between two nodes in a HierarchicalLayout.
HierarchicalLayout.Node<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
A node used in a HierarchicalLayout.
hour() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Factory for interval of Hours (e.g., 01:00 AM).
hours(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #hour().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
hours(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #hour().range(Date start, Date stop).
hours(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #hour().range(double start, double stop).
hours(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #hour().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
hours(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #hour().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
hours(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #hour().range(double start, double stop, double step).
hsl(int, double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Colors
Constructs a new HSL color with the specified hue h, saturation s and lightness l.
hsl(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Colors
Constructs a new HSL color by parsing the specified color string.
hsl(RGBColor) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Colors
Constructs a new HSL color from an existing color object.
hsl() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
Returns the equivalent color in HSL space; see d3.hsl for details on the returned object.
HSLColor - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
HSLColor() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
html(DatumFunction<String>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the inner html content to the value returned by the specified function on all selected elements.
html(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the inner html content of all selected elements to the specified value.
html() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns the value of the inner HTML content for the first non-null element in the selection.
hull() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Geometry
Create a new hull layout with the default x- and y-accessors.
hull(Array<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Geometry
Compute the hull with default x- and y-accessors.
hull(List<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Geometry
Create a new hull layout with the default x- and y-accessors for the given array of vertices.
Hull - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
Hull() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Hull


identity() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Return the identity function:
identity() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new identity scale with the default domain [0,1] and the default range [0,1].
IdentityScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Identity scales are a special case of linear scales where the domain and range are identical; the Scale.apply(double) and its ContinuousQuantitativeScale.invert(double) method are both the identity function.
IdentityScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.IdentityScale
index() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.Group
index() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
indexOf(R) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Search the array for the specified item, and returns its position, or -1 of the item is not found.
indexOf(R, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Search the array for the specified item, and returns its position, or -1 of the item is not found.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
innerRadius() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
innerRadius(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
Set the inner radius of the Arc.
innerTickSize(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Sets the inner tick size to the specified value and returns the axis.
innerTickSize() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
insert(String, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Inserts a new element with the specified name before the element matching the specified before selector, for each element in the current selection.
interpolate(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.CallableInterpolator
interpolate(double) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.Interpolator
Return the domain value corresponding to the parametric value t.
interpolate(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolator
interpolate(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolatorDecorator
interpolate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Returns the current interpolation mode.
interpolate(Area.InterpolationMode) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the current interpolation mode.
interpolate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Returns the current interpolation mode.
interpolate(Line.InterpolationMode) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Set the current interpolation mode.
interpolateArray(Array<?>, Array<?>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns an array interpolator between the two arrays a and b.
interpolateHsl(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns an HSL color space interpolator between the two colors a and b.
interpolateHsl(Color, Color) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns an RGB color space interpolator between the two colors a and b.
interpolateNumber(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns a numeric interpolator between the two numbers a and b.
interpolateNumber(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
interpolateNumber(byte, byte) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
See #interpolate(double, double).
interpolateNumber(float, float) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
See #interpolate(double, double).
interpolateNumber(long, long) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
See #interpolate(double, double).
interpolateNumber(short, short) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
See #interpolate(double, double).
interpolateObject(T, T) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns an object interpolator between the two objects a and b.
interpolateRgb(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns an RGB color space interpolator between the two colors a and b.
interpolateRgb(Color, Color) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns an RGB color space interpolator between the two colors a and b.
interpolateRound(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns a numeric interpolator between the two numbers a and b; the interpolator is similar to #interpolate(double, double), except it will round the resulting value to the nearest integer.
interpolateRound(byte, byte) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
interpolateRound(char, char) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
interpolateRound(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
interpolateRound(long, long) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
interpolateRound(short, short) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
interpolateString(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns a string interpolator between the two strings a and b.
interpolateTransform(Transform, Transform) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns an interpolator between the two 2D affine transforms represented by a and b.
interpolateZoom(Array<Double>, Array<Double>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
Returns a smooth interpolator between the two views a and b of a two-dimensional plane, based on “Smooth and efficient zooming and panning” by Jarke J.
Interpolator<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
An interpolator is a function that maps a parametric value t in the domain [0,1] to a color, number or arbitrary value.
InterpolatorFactory<O> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
Represents an object that can create an Interpolator.
Interpolators - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
Provide access to the d3.interpolat* methods.
Interpolators() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
interpolators() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Interpolators
The array of built-in interpolator factories, as used by #interpolate().
interrupt() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Immediately interrupts the current transition, if any.
Interval - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.time
Time class performing simple time arithmetic.
Interval() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
invert(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ContinuousQuantitativeScale
Returns the value in the input domain x for the corresponding value in the output range y.
invertExtent(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.DiscreteQuantitativeScale
Returns the extent of values in the input domain [x0, x1] for the corresponding value in the output range y, representing the inverse mapping from range to domain.
invertExtent(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.DiscreteQuantitativeScale
Returns the extent of values in the input domain [x0, x1] for the corresponding value in the output range y, representing the inverse mapping from range to domain.
irwinHall(int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Returns a function for generating random number with a Irwin-Hall distribution.
isBoolean() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
isDefined() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
isEmpty() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
isFunction() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
IsFunction - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api
A marker interface to identify JavaScriptObject representing functions.
isHorizontalAxis() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis.Orientation
isNull() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
iso() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeFormat.Builder
The full ISO 8601 UTC time format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ".
isString() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
isUndefined() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
isVerticalAxis() - Method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis.Orientation
iterator() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList


JavascriptEasingFunction - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.ease
JSNI easing functions.
JavascriptEasingFunction() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.JavascriptEasingFunction
JavascriptFunctionInterpolator - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
An interpolator used when the interpolation function is provided by JSNI.
JavascriptFunctionInterpolator() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolator
JavascriptFunctionInterpolatorDecorator<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
JavascriptFunctionInterpolatorDecorator(JavascriptFunctionInterpolator) - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JavascriptFunctionInterpolatorDecorator
join() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Convert each element of the array to a String and join them with a comma separator.
join(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Convert each element of the array to a String and join them with the given separator.
JSNIInterpolatorFactory<O> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators
An interpolator factory returned by JSNI.
JSNIInterpolatorFactory() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.interpolators.JSNIInterpolatorFactory
JSON - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
A convenient builder to build JSONObjects instances.
JSON(JSON) - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
Create a new child instance of the given parent
jsValues() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol.Type


KeyFunction<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
A function used to control how data is joined to elements.
keys(JavaScriptObject) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns an array containing the property names of the specified object (an associative array).


l() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
lastIndexOf(R) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Search the array for the specified item, and returns its position, or -1 of the item is not found.
lastIndexOf(R, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Search the array for the specified item, and returns its position, or -1 of the item is not found.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
layout() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Layout - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Layout() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Layout
leaf() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.Node
length() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Gets the length of the array.
Line - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Generate a piecewise linear curve, as in a line chart.
Line() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
line() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Line generator.
Line.InterpolationMode - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Interpolation mode to be specified in Line.interpolate(InterpolationMode).
linear() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
The identity function
linear(Mode) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
The identity function
linear() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new linear scale with the default domain [0,1] and the default range [0,1].
LinearScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Linear scales are the most common scale, and a good default choice to map a continuous input domain to a continuous output range.
LinearScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LinearScale
Link() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Link
Link() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Link
linkDistance() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
linkDistance(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the target distance between linked nodes to the specified constant value.
linkDistance(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the target distance between linked nodes.
links(Array<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
TODO: make a demo from TODO: documentation
links() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
links(Array<Force.Link<T>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the layout's associated links to the specified array.
links(Array<N>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
Given the specified array of nodes, such as those returned by nodes, returns an array of objects representing the from parent to child for each node.
linkStrength() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
linkStrength(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the strength (rigidity) of all links to the specified constant value in the range [0,1].
linkStrength(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the strength (rigidity) of links in the range [0,1].
listIterator() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
log() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new log scale with the default domain [1,10], the default range [0,1], and the base 10.
logNormal() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Returns a function for generating random number with a log-normal distribution, with a mean of 0 and a deviation of 1.
logNormal(double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Returns a function for generating random number with a log-normal distribution, with the given mean, and a deviation of 1.
logNormal(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Returns a function for generating random number with a log-normal distribution, with the given mean, and the given deviation.
LogScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Log scales are similar to linear scales, except there's a logarithmic transform that is applied to the input domain value before the output range value is computed.
LogScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale


map(ForEachCallback<R>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Calls the provided callback function once for each element in the array, and constructs a new array of all the values returned by the callback.
map(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
map(ForEachCallback<R>, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Calls the provided callback function once for each element in the array, and constructs a new array of all the values returned by the callback.
map(Element, Array<?>, Value, int) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.KeyFunction
Invoked once for each datum in the new data array (A), then once for each element in the current selection (B).
matrix(JsArray<JsArrayNumber>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord
max(JavaScriptObject) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Returns the maximum value in the given array using natural order.
max(JavaScriptObject, ForEachCallback<?>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Transform the values in the given array using the specified ForEachCallback and returns the maximum value in the transformed values using natural order.
max(JavaScriptObject, NumericForEachCallback) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Transform the values in the given array using the specified ForEachCallback and returns the maximum value in the transformed values using natural order.
mean(JavaScriptObject, ObjectAccessor<D, R>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
median(JavaScriptObject, ObjectAccessor<D, R>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Find the minimum and maximum value in an array.
min(JavaScriptObject) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Returns the minimum value in the given array using natural order.
min(JavaScriptObject, ForEachCallback<?>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Transform the values in the given array using the specified ForEachCallback and returns the minimum value in the transformed values using natural order.
min(JavaScriptObject, NumericForEachCallback) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Transform the values in the given array using the specified ForEachCallback and returns the minimum value in the transformed values using numeric order.
minute() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Factory for interval of Minutes (e.g., 01:02:00 AM).
minutes(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #minute().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
minutes(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #minute().range(Date start, Date stop).
minutes(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #minute().range(double start, double stop).
minutes(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #minute().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step) .
minutes(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #minute().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
minutes(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #minute().range(double start, double stop, double step) .
Mode - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.ease
monday() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Monday-based weeks (e.g., February 6, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
mondayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
mondayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.mondayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
mondayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.mondayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
mondays(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #monday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
mondays(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #monday().range(Date start, Date stop).
mondays(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #monday().range(double start, double stop).
mondays(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #monday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step) .
mondays(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #monday().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
mondays(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #monday().range(double start, double stop, double step) .
month() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Months (e.g., February 1, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
months(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #month().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
months(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #month().range(Date start, Date stop).
months(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #month().range(double start, double stop).
months(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #month().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
months(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #month().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
months(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #month().range(double start, double stop, double step).
mouse(Node) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns the x and y coordinates of the current d3.event, relative to the specified container.
mouseAsCoords(Node) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns the x and y coordinates of the current d3.event, relative to the specified container.
mouseX(Node) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns the x coordinate of the current d3.event, relative to the specified container.
mouseY(Node) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns the y coordinate of the current d3.event, relative to the specified container.


Nest - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
Nesting allows elements in an array to be grouped into a hierarchical tree structure; think of it like the GROUP BY operator in SQL, except you can have multiple levels of grouping, and the resulting output is a tree rather than a flat table.
Nest() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Nest
NestFunction - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
A function invoked by D3
next() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayIterator
nice() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LinearScale
Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values.
nice(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LinearScale
Same as LinearScale.nice() but with more control.
nice() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values.
nice() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values.
nice(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Same as PowScale.nice() but with more control.
nice(Interval) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeScale
Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values as determined by the specified time interval.
nice(Interval, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeScale
Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values as determined by the specified time interval and step count.nd optional step count.
node() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns the first non-null element in the current selection.
node() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Returns the first non-null element in the current transition.
Node() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.Node
Node() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster.Node
Node() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
Node() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Node
Node() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree.Node
nodes() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.Node
nodes() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
nodes(List<Force.Node<T>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the layout's associated nodes to the specified array.
nodes(Array<Force.Node<T>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the layout's associated nodes to the specified array.
nodes(T) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
Runs the layout, returning the array of nodes associated with the specified root node.
nodeSize(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster
Sets a fixed size for each node.
nodeSize() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster
Returns the current node size, which defaults to null, meaning that the layout has an overall fixed size, which can be retrieved using Cluster.size().
nodeSize(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree
Sets a fixed size for each node.
nodeSize() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree
Returns the current node size, which defaults to null, meaning that the layout has an overall fixed size, which can be retrieved using Tree.size().
normal() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Returns a function for generating random number with a normal (Gaussian) distribution, with a mean of 0 and a deviation of 1.
normal(double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Returns a function for generating random number with a normal (Gaussian) distribution, with the given mean, and a deviation of 1.
normal(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
Returns a function for generating random number with a normal (Gaussian) distribution, with the given mean, and the given deviation.
NumericForEachCallback - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays
Same as ForEachCallback but ensure the result is treated as a numeric double.


ObjectAccessor<D,T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
offset(JsDate, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Returns a new date equal to date plus step intervals.
offset(double, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.offset(JsDate, int) for double.
offset(Date, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.offset(JsDate, int) for java Date.
on(Drag.DragEventType, DatumFunction<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag
Registers the specified listener to receive events of the specified type from the drag behavior.
on(Zoom.ZoomEventType, DatumFunction<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Registers the specified listener to receive events of the specified type from the zoom behavior.
on(String, DatumFunction<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Same as Selection.on(String, DatumFunction, boolean) with false for the useCapture flag.
on(String, DatumFunction<Void>, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Adds or removes an event listener to each element in the current selection, for the specified type.
on(Force.ForceEventType, DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Registers the specified listener to receive events of the specified type from the force layout.
on(Brush.BrushEvent, DatumFunction<Void>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Set the listener for the specified event type.
order() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Re-inserts elements into the document such that the document order matches the selection order.
ordinal() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new ordinal scale with an empty domain and an empty range.
OrdinalScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Ordinal Scales have a discrete domain, such as a set of names or categories, and a discrete output range.
OrdinalScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
orient() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Returns the current orientation, which defaults to Axis.Orientation.BOTTOM.
orient(Axis.Orientation) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Sets the axis orientation and returns the axis.
origin(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag
Set the origin accessor to the specified function.
origin(DatumFunction<Coords>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag
Set the origin accessor to the specified function.
outerRadius() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
outerRadius(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
Set the outerRadius of the Arc.
outerTickSize(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Sets the outer tick size to the specified value and returns the axis.
outerTickSize() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis


padding(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord
pairs(Array<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
For each adjacent pair of elements in the specified array, returns a new array of tuples of element i and element i - 1.
parent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Node
parentNode(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Return the parentNode property of the i-th group of the selection.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Parses the given 2D affine transform string, as defined by SVG's transform attribute.
parse(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.Dsv
Parse a CSV string into objects using the header row.
parse(String, DsvObjectAccessor<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.Dsv
Parse a CSV string into objects using the header row.
parse(JsArrayString, int) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.DsvArrayAccessor
An accessor function may invoked for each row in a DSV file, being passed the current row and index as two arguments.
parse(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeFormat
Parse a string into a date.
parseRows(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.Dsv
Parses the specified string, which is the contents of a CSV file, returning an array of arrays representing the parsed rows.
parseRows(String, DsvArrayAccessor<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.Dsv
Parses the specified string, which is the contents of a CSV file, returning an array of arrays representing the parsed rows.
PathDataGenerator - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
A PathDataGenerator is an object containing information to simplify the construction of the d attribute for SVG path element, allowing users to generate complex shapes.
PathDataGenerator() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.PathDataGenerator
point() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.Node
poly(int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Raises t to the specified power k (e.g., 3).
poly(Mode, int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Raises t to the specified power k (e.g., 3).
polygon(Array<Array<Double>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Geometry
Returns a polygon object, which is the array of vertices with additional methods added to it.
Polygon - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
Polygon() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Polygon
pop() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element.
popBoolean() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element.
popNumber() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element.
popObject() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element.
popString() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element.
pow() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new power scale with the default domain [0,1], the default range [0,1], and the default exponent 1.
PowScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Power scales are similar to linear scales, except there's an exponential transform that is applied to the input domain value before the output range value is computed.
PowScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Prefix - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A SI Prefix, as returned by D3#formatPrefix()
Prefix() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Prefix
prepend(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Insert a new element before any other existing children.
Projection<P extends Projection<P>> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geo
Projection() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.Projection
projection() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
The projection converts the starting or ending point returned by the source and target accessors Diagonal.source() and, returning a two-element array of numbers.
projection(DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
The projection converts the starting or ending point returned by the source and target accessors Diagonal.source() and, returning a two-element array of numbers.
property(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
This method return the value of the specified property for the first non-null element in the selection.
property(String, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the property with the specified name to the specified value on all selected elements.
property(String, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
property(String, JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
property(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
property(String, DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the property with the specified name to the value returned by the specified function on all selected elements.
PropertyValueFunction<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
A convenient DatumFunction which returns the value of a specified property for each datum.
PropertyValueFunction(String) - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.PropertyValueFunction
push(boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Pushes the given boolean onto the end of the array.
push(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Pushes the given double onto the end of the array.
push(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Pushes the given JavaScriptObject onto the end of the array.
push(T) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Pushes the given item onto the end of the array.
px() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
px(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
sets the previous the x coordinate
py() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
py(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
sets the previous y coordinate


quad() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Equivalent to poly(2).
quad(Mode) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Equivalent to poly(2).
quadtree() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Geometry
Creates a new quadtree factory with the default x-accessor and y-accessor (that assume the input data is a two-element array of numbers; see below for details) and extent.
Quadtree - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
A quadtree is a two-dimensional recursive spatial subdivision.
Quadtree() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
Quadtree.Callback<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
A callback to be passed to RootNode#visit(Callback).
Quadtree.Node<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
Node of the quadtree.
Quadtree.RootNode<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
The root node of the quadtree.
quantile() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new quantile scale with an empty domain and an empty range.
quantiles() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.QuantileScale
Returns the quantile thresholds.
QuantileScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Quantile scales map an input domain to a discrete range.
QuantileScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.QuantileScale
QuantitativeScale<S extends QuantitativeScale<S>> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Quantitative scales have a continuous domain: ContinuousQuantitativeScale have a continuous output range DiscreteQuantitativeScale have a discrete output range
QuantitativeScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.QuantitativeScale
quantize() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new quantize scale with the default domain [0,1] and the default range [0,1].
QuantizeScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Quantize scales are a variant of linear scales with a discrete rather than continuous range.
QuantizeScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.QuantizeScale


r() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
radialDiagonal() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Diagonal generator expressed in polar coordinates.
RadialLine - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
A line generator where each points may be expressed as radial coordinates.
RadialLine() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.RadialLine
radialLine() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Constructs a new radial line generator with the default radius- and angle-accessor functions (that assume the input data is a two-element array of numbers; see below for details), and linear interpolation.
radius(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the radius accessor.
radius(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the radius as a constant.
radius(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.RadialLine
Set the radius coordinates of points generated by this generator.
radius(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.RadialLine
Set the function used to compute radius coordinates of points generated by this line generator.
Random - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A pseudorandom number generation function.
Random() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Random
range(double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Generate a range of stop-1 numeric values, stored in an array, going from 0 to stop (excluded).
range(double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Generate a range of numeric values, stored in an array, going from 0 to stop (exluded), separated by step (>0).
range(double, double, double) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Arrays
Generate a range of numeric values.
range(double...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Set the scale's output range.
range(String...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Set the scale's output range.
range(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Set the scale's output range.
range() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
Return the current output range of this scale.
range(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Returns every time interval after or equal to start and before stop.
range(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
range(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
range(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Returns every time interval after or equal to start and before stop.
range(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
range(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
rangeBand() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Returns the band width.
rangeBands(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Sets the output range from the continuous interval specified by its start and end bounds, representing the minimum and maximum numeric value.
rangeBands(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
rangeBands(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
rangeExtent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Returns a two-element array representing the extent of the scale's range, i.e., the smallest and largest values.
rangePoints(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Sets the output range from the continuous interval specified by its start and end bounds, representing the minimum and maximum numeric value.
rangePoints(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Shortcut to OrdinalScale.rangePoints(double, double, double) with a default padding of 0.
rangeRound(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ContinuousQuantitativeScale
Sets the scale's output range to the specified array of values, while also setting the scale's interpolator to D3#interpolateRound().
rangeRound(double...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ContinuousQuantitativeScale
rangeRound(String...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ContinuousQuantitativeScale
rangeRoundBands(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
rangeRoundBands(JavaScriptObject, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
rangeRoundBands(JavaScriptObject, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
rangeRoundBands(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Like OrdinalScale.rangeBands(double, double, double,double), except guarantees that the band width and offset are integer values, so as to avoid antialiasing artifacts.
rangeRoundBands(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Like OrdinalScale.rangeBands(double, double, double), except guarantees that the band width and offset are integer values, so as to avoid antialiasing artifacts.
rangeRoundBands(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Like OrdinalScale.rangeBands(double, double, double, double), except guarantees that the band width and offset are integer values, so as to avoid antialiasing artifacts.
rangeRoundPoints(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Like OrdinalScale.rangePoints(double, double, double), except guarantees that the range values are integers so as to avoid antialiasing artifacts.
rangeRoundPoints(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.OrdinalScale
Shortcut to OrdinalScale.rangeRoundPoints(double, double, double) with a default padding of 0.
remove() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
remove(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
remove() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Removes the elements in the current selection from the current document.
remove() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Remove the selected elements at the end of a transition.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
requote(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns a quoted (escaped) version of the specified string such that the string may be embedded in a regular expression as a string literal.
reset() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.functions.CountFunction
response() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest
responseType() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest
responseType(XmlHttpRequest.ResponseType) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest
resume() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Equivalent to:
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
reverse() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Reverse the order of the elements in the array.
rgb(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Colors
Constructs a new RGB color with the specified r, g and b channel values.
rgb(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Colors
Constructs a new RGB color by parsing the specified color string.
rgb(Color) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Colors
Construct a new RGB color from the existing color object.
rgb() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
Returns the equivalent color in RGB space; see d3.rgb for details on the returned object.
RGBColor - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A color defined by red, green and blue components.
RGBColor() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.RGBColor
RootNode() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.RootNode
rotate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Returns the rotation angle θ of this transform, in degrees.
rotate(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Set the rotation angle of this transform
rotate(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.Projection
round(double, int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns the value x rounded to n digits after the decimal point.
round(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Returns the closest time interval to the specified date.
round(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.round(JsDate) for a Java date.
round(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Alias for Interval.round(JsDate) for a timestamp.
row(DsvObjectAccessor<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.dsv.Dsv
Defines an accessor to invoke on each rows.


s() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.HSLColor
saturday() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Saturday-based weeks (e.g., February 11, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
saturdayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
saturdayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.saturdayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
saturdayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.saturdayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
saturdays(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #saturday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
saturdays(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #saturday().range(Date start, Date stop).
saturdays(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #saturday().range(double start, double stop).
saturdays(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #saturday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
saturdays(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #saturday().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
saturdays(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #saturday().range(double start, double stop, double step).
scale() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Returns the current zoom scale, which defaults to 1.
scale(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Specifies the current zoom scale.
scale() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom.ZoomEvent
The scale of the zoom
scale(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Prefix
Convert the number to the appropriate prefixed scale.
scale(int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Create a scale operation by x and y
scale(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Create a scale operation by x and by y = x.
scale() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Returns the [kx, ky] scale of this transform, as a two-element array.
scale - Static variable in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
The scale factory module.
scale(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geo.Projection
Sets the projection’s scale factor to the specified value and returns the projection.
Scale<S extends Scale<S>> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Scales are functions that map from an input domain to an output range.
Scale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.Scale
scale() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Return the associated scale, which defaults to a linear scale.
scale(S) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Set the associated scale.
scale() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Constructs a new time scale with the default domain and range; the ticks and tick format are configured for local time.
scaleExtent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Return the zoom scale's allowed range as a two-element array, [*minimum*, maximum].
scaleExtent(Array<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Specifies the zoom scale's allowed range as a two-element array, [*minimum*, maximum].
Scales - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
Factory for Scales.
Scales() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
second() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Factory for interval of Seconds (e.g., 01:23:45.0000 AM).
seconds(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #second().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
seconds(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #second().range(Date start, Date stop).
seconds(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #second().range(double start, double stop).
seconds(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #second().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step) .
seconds(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #second().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
seconds(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #second().range(double start, double stop, double step) .
select(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
For each element in the current selection, selects the first descendant element that matches the specified selector string.
select(DatumFunction<Element>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.EnteringSelection
Creates a new selection containing the first non-null element returned by the given function.
select(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
For each element in the current selection, selects the first descendant element that matches the specified selector string.
select(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the first element that matches the specified selector string, returning a single-element selection.
select(Element) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the specified element.
select(Widget) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the specified widget.
selectAll(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
For each element in the current selection, selects descendant elements that match the specified selector string.
selectAll(DatumFunction<NodeList<T>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
For each element in the current selection, selects elements returned by the specified function, which is invoked in the same manner as other operator functions, being passed the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element.
selectAll(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
For each element in the current transition, selects descendant elements that match the specified selector string.
selectAll(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects all elements that match the specified selector.
selectAll(NodeList<?>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the list of elements.
selectAll(Array<Element>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the specified array of elements.
selectAll(Element...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the specified array of elements.
selectAll(Collection<Element>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the specified collection of elements.
selectAll(Widget...) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the elements corresponding to the root elements of the widgets in the specified array.
selectAll(WidgetCollection) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Selects the specified collection of elements.
Selection - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A selection is an array of elements pulled from the current document.
Selection() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
separation(SeparationFunction<Cluster.Node<T>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster
Uses the specified function to compute separation between neighboring nodes.
separation(T, T) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.SeparationFunction
Return the separation to be used between the 2 nodes
separation(SeparationFunction<Tree.Node<T>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree
Uses the specified function to compute separation between neighboring nodes.
SeparationFunction<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Separation function used in SeparationFunction.separation(Object, Object) method.
set(int, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sets the boolean value at a given index.
set(int, T) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sets the value at a given index.
set(int, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sets the double value at a given index.
set(int, JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sets the object value at a given index.
set(int, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sets the String value at a given index.
set(int, E) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
setLength(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Reset the length of the array.
setOrInvokeSetter(String, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
shiftBoolean() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts the first value off the array.
shiftNumber() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts the first value off the array.
shiftObject() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts the first value off the array.
shiftString() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts the first value off the array.
shuffle(List<?>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Randomly shuffle the list of objects provided.
shuffle(int[]) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
shuffle(char[]) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
sin() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Applies the trigonometric function sin.
sin(Mode) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Easing
Applies the trigonometric function sin.
size() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
size(int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
If size is specified, sets the viewport size to the specified dimensions [width, height] and returns this zoom behavior.
size() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Returns the current viewport size which defaults to [960, 500].
size() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Return the number of elements in the current selection.
size() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
size(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster
Sets the available layout size.
size() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster
Returns the current layout size, which defaults to 1×1.
size() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
size(Array<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the available layout size.
size(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the available layout size.
size(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree
Sets the available layout size.
size() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree
Returns the current layout size, which defaults to 1×1.
size(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol
Set the size of the symbols.
size(DatumFunction<Integer>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol
Set the size of the symbols using the specified function returning an integer.
skew() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Returns the x-skew φ of this transform, in degrees.
skew(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
slice(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Selects the elements starting at the given startIndex, until the last element, and return the selected elements in a new array.
slice(int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Selects the elements starting at the given startIndex, extending at the element just before the endIndex, and return the selected elements in a new array.
some(ForEachCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds one where callback returns a true value.
some(ForEachCallback<Boolean>, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds one where callback returns a true value.
sort(Comparator<Value>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sorts the elements in the current selection according to the specified comparator function.
sort(Comparator<N>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
Sets the sort order of sibling nodes for the layout using the specified comparator function.
sort(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
Sets the sort order of sibling nodes for the layout using the specified comparator function.
Sort - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api
Sort() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.Sort
sortAlphaAsc() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sort the elements alphabetically and ascending.
sortAlphaDesc() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sort the elements alphabetically and descending.
sortNumericAsc() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sort the elements numerically and ascending.
sortNumericDesc() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Sort the elements numerically and ascending.
sortSubgroups(Sort) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord
source() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.ChordItem
source() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Link
source() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Link
source(DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the source accessor.
source() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
Returns the current source accessor, which can either be a function or constant object.
source(Coords) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
Sets the source accessor to be constant.
source(DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
Sets the source accessor function.
sourceEvent() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3Event
Returns the source event that triggered this instance.
splice(int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Remove count elements from startIndex.
splice(int, int, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Remove count elements from startIndex, and insert the given elements at this position.
splice(int, int, Object, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Remove count elements from startIndex, and insert the given elements at this position.
splice(int, int, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Remove count elements from startIndex, and insert the given elements at this position.
splice(int, int, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Remove count elements from startIndex, and insert the given elements at this position.
splice(int, int, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Remove count elements from startIndex, and insert the given elements at this position.
sqrt() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new power scale with the default domain [0,1], the default range [0,1], and the exponent .5.
start() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Starts the simulation; this method must be called when the layout is first created, after assigning the nodes and links.
startAngle() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.Group
startAngle() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
startAngle(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Arc
Set the start angle in radians of the Arc.
startAngle(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the start angle accessor.
startAngle(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the start angle as a constant in radians.
status() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest
statusText() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest
stop() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Equivalent to:
style(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns the current computed value of the specified style property for the first non-null element in the selection.
style(String, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
See Selection#style(String, T, boolean).
style(String, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
See Selection#style(String, T, boolean).
style(String, DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
See Selection#style(String, T, boolean).
style(String, DatumFunction<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the CSS style property with the specified name to the value returned by the given function on all selected elements.
style(String, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Transitions the value of the CSS style property with the specified name to the specified value.
style(String, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
See Transition#style(String, T, boolean).
style(String, DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
See Transition#style(String, T, boolean).
style(String, DatumFunction<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Transitions the value of the CSS style property with the specified name to the specified value.
styleTween(String, TweenFunction<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Transitions the value of the CSS style property with the specified name according to the specified tween function.
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
sunday() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Sunday-based weeks (e.g., February 5, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
sundayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
sundayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.sundayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
sundayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.sundayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
sundays(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #sunday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
sundays(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #sunday().range(Date start, Date stop).
sundays(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #sunday().range(double start, double stop).
sundays(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #sunday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step) .
sundays(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #sunday().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
sundays(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #sunday().range(double start, double stop, double step) .
svg() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
SVG - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Provide access to svg routines.
SVG() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
symbol() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Prefix
Returns the prefix symbol, such as "M" for millions.
symbol() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.SVG
Create a new default Symbol generator.
Symbol - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
A PathDataGenerator generating symbols shapes.
Symbol() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol
Constructs a new symbol generator with the default type- and size-accessor functions (that make no assumptions about input data, and produce a circle sized 64 square pixels).
Symbol.Type - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.svg
Shape of the symbol.


target() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.ChordItem
target() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Link
target() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout.Link
target(DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Chord
Set the target accessor.
target() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
Returns the current target accessor, which can either be a function or constant object.
target(Coords) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
Sets the target accessor to be constant.
target(DatumFunction<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Diagonal
Sets the target accessor function.
tension() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Returns the current tension
tension(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Sets the Cardinal spline interpolation tension to the specified number in the range [0, 1].
tension() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Returns the current tension
tension(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Sets the Cardinal spline interpolation tension to the specified number in the range [0, 1].
text() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Returns the value of the text content for the first non-null element in the selection.
text(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the text content of all selected elements to the given value.
text(DatumFunction<String>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Sets the text content to the value returned by the specified function on all selected elements.
text(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
The text operator is based on the textContent property; setting the text content will replace any existing child elements.
text(DatumFunction<String>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
The text operator is based on the textContent property; setting the text content will replace any existing child elements.
theta() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
theta(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Sets the Barnes–Hut approximation criterion to the specified value.
threshold() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Scales
Constructs a new threshold scale with the default domain [.5] and the default range [0,1].
ThresholdScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.scales
Threshold scales are similar to quantize scales, except they allow you to map arbitrary subsets of the domain to discrete values in the range.
ThresholdScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.ThresholdScale
thursday() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Thursday-based weeks (e.g., February 9, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
thursdayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
thursdayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.thursdayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
thursdayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.thursdayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
thursdays(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #thursday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
thursdays(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #thursday().range(Date start, Date stop).
thursdays(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #thursday().range(double start, double stop).
thursdays(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #thursday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
thursdays(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #thursday().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
thursdays(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #thursday().range(double start, double stop, double step).
tick() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force
Runs the force layout simulation one step.
tickFormat(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.IdentityScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.IdentityScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LinearScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LinearScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int, DatumFunction<String>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(int, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Returns a number format function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickFormat(Formatter) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Override the tick formatting for labels.
tickFormat(DatumFunction<String>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Set the function to be used to format tick values.
tickFormat() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Returns the current format function, which defaults to null.
tickFormat(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeScale
Returns a time Formatter function suitable for displaying a tick value.
tickPadding() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Returns the current padding which defaults to 3 pixels
tickPadding(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Sets the padding to the specified value in pixels and returns the axis.
ticks(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.IdentityScale
Returns approximately count representative values from the scale's input domain (or equivalently, output range).
ticks() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.IdentityScale
Alias for ticks(10).
ticks(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LinearScale
Returns approximately count representative values from the scale's input domain.
ticks() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LinearScale
Alias for ticks(10).
ticks() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.LogScale
Returns representative values from the scale's input domain.
ticks(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Returns approximately count representative values from the scale's input domain.
ticks() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.scales.PowScale
Alias for ticks(10).
ticks() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Get the arguments that will be passed to the associated scale Scale#ticks() method to compute the tick values.
ticks(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Specify the argument that will be passed to the associated scale Scale#ticks() method to compute the tick values.
ticks(int, String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
ticks(int, DatumFunction<String>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
ticks(Interval, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
ticks(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeScale
Returns representative dates from the scale's input domain.
ticks() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeScale
Alias for ticks(10).
ticks(Interval, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeScale
Returns representative dates from the scale's input domain.
tickSize() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
tickSize(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Sets the outer and inner ticks to the specified value.
tickSize(int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
tickSize(int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
tickSubdivide() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
this method has no effect anymore !
tickSubdivide(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
this method has no effect anymore ! use
tickValues() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Return the currently-set tick values, which defaults to null.
tickValues(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
Specify the values to be used for ticks, rather than using the scale's automatic tick generator.
tickValues(double...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
tickValues(String...) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
tickValues(List<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis
time() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Time - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.time
D3 includes a helper module for parsing and formatting dates modeled after the venerable strptime and strftime C-library standards.
Time() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
TimeFormat - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.time
TimeFormat() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeFormat
TimeFormat.Builder - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.time
timer(TimerFunction) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Alias for D3.timer(TimerFunction, int) with a delay equals to 0.
timer(TimerFunction, int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Alias for D3.timer(TimerFunction, int, int) with a mark equals to the "now" timestamp (i.e new Date().getTime()).
timer(TimerFunction, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Start a custom animation timer, invoking the specified TimerFunction repeatedly until it returns true.
timerFlush() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Immediately execute (invoke once) any active timers.
TimerFunction - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.functions
A function to be used with D3#timer().
TimeScale - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.time
D3's time scale is an extension of LinearScale that uses JavaScript Date objects as the domain representation.
TimeScale() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeScale
toArray() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.ArrayList
toCommaSeparatedString() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
toHexaString() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Color
Converts to a RGB hexadecimal string, such as "#f7eaba".
toJSO() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.JSON
toJSOComparator(Comparator<N>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
internal trampoline method
toPrimitive(Boolean) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.utils.Utils
touches(Node) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Returns the x and y coordinates of each touch associated with the current d3.event, based on the touches attribute, relative to the specified container.
Transform - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A Transform is a representation of a SVG transform attribute.
Transform() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
transition() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Selection
Starts a Transition for the current selection.
Transition - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A transition is a special type of selection where the operators apply smoothly over time rather than instantaneously.
Transition() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
transition() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Creates a new transition on the same selected elements that starts with this transition ends.
transition() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Create an animated transition.
Transition.EventType - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
Type of transition event.
translate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Returns the current translation vector, which defaults to [0, 0].
translate(Array<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Specifies the current zoom translation vector.
translate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom.ZoomEvent
A two-element array representing the current translation vector.
translate() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Returns the [dx, dy] translation of this transform, as a two-element array in local coordinates (typically pixels).
translate(int, int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Create a translation by x and y
translate(int) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transform
Create a translation by x and 0.
translateX() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom.ZoomEvent
Shortcut to translate().getNumber(0).
translateY() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom.ZoomEvent
Shortcut to translate().getNumber(1).
tree() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Layout
Creates a new tree layout with the default settings: the default sort order is null; the default children accessor assumes each input data is an object with a children array; the default separation function uses one node width for siblings, and two node widths for non-siblings; the default size is 1×1.
Tree<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
Per the d3 API reference, the tree layout produces tidy node-link diagrams of trees using the Reingold–Tilford “tidy” algorithm.
Tree() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree
Tree.Node<T> - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.layout
A node in the tree layout.
triangles(Array<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
TODO: make a demo from TODO: documentation
tsv() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
tsv(String, DsvCallback<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (TSV) file at the specified url.
tsv(String, DsvObjectAccessor<T>, DsvCallback<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (TSV) file at the specified url.
tsv(String, DsvObjectAccessor<T>) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (TSV) file at the specified url.
tsv(String) - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Issues an HTTP GET request for the comma-separated values (TSV) file at the specified url.
tuesday() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Tuesday-based weeks (e.g., February 7, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
tuesdayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
tuesdayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.tuesdayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
tuesdayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.tuesdayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
tuesdays(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #tuesday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
tuesdays(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #tuesday().range(Date start, Date stop).
tuesdays(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #tuesday().range(double start, double stop).
tuesdays(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #tuesday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
tuesdays(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #tuesday().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
tuesdays(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #tuesday().range(double start, double stop, double step).
tween(String, DatumFunction<Interpolator<?>>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition
Registers a custom tween for the specified name.
TweenFunction<T> - Interface in com.github.gwtd3.api.tweens
A function returning an Interpolator used to tween elements attribute or styles within Transitions.
type(Symbol.Type) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol
Set the type of the symbol using the specified Drag.DragEventType constant.
type(DatumFunction<Symbol.Type>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol
Set the type of the symbol using the specified function returning a DragEventType.
typeof() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
The result of the typeof operator.


unshift(boolean) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts a boolean onto the beginning of the array.
unshift(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts a double onto the beginning of the array.
unshift(JavaScriptObject) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts a JavaScriptObject onto the beginning of the array.
unshift(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.arrays.Array
Shifts a String onto the beginning of the array.
UpdateSelection - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
The result of the methods.
UpdateSelection() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.UpdateSelection
utc() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Interval
Returns a corresponding time interval in UTC rather than local time.
utc() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Constructs a new time scale with the default domain and range; the ticks and tick format are configured for UTC time.
utc(String) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.TimeFormat.Builder
Constructs a new UTC time formatter using the given specifier.
Utils - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.utils
Utils() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.utils.Utils


Value - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.core
A Value is an object wrapping a primitive or a complex value.
Value() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Value
value() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Chord.Group
value(DatumFunction<Integer>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
Sets the value accessor to the specified function.
value() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.HierarchicalLayout
Returns the current value accessor which defaults to null, meaning that the value attribute is not computed.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag.DragEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom.ZoomEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.ForceEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area.InterpolationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush.BrushEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line.InterpolationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest.ResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Drag.DragEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom.ZoomEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.core.Transition.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.ease.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.ForceEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area.InterpolationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Axis.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush.BrushEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line.InterpolationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Symbol.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest.ResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
visit(Quadtree.Node<T>, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.Callback
Called for each node of the quadtree.
visit(Quadtree.Callback<T>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.RootNode
Call the given Quadtree.Callback for each quadtree node pre-order, provided the callback returns false.
voronoi() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Geometry
Creates a Voronoi layout with default accessors.
Voronoi - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.geom
Voronoi layouts are particularly useful for invisible interactive regions, as demonstrated in Nate Vack’s Voronoi picking example.
Voronoi() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi


wednesday() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Wednesday-based weeks (e.g., February 8, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
wednesdayOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
wednesdayOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.wednesdayOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
wednesdayOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.wednesdayOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
wednesdays(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #wednesday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
wednesdays(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #wednesday().range(Date start, Date stop).
wednesdays(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #wednesday().range(double start, double stop).
wednesdays(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #wednesday().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
wednesdays(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #wednesday().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
wednesdays(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #wednesday().range(double start, double stop, double step).
week() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.sunday().
weekOfYear(JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Returns the week number for the given date, where weeks start with the given day.
weekOfYear(Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.weekOfYear(JsDate) for a Java date.
weekOfYear(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for Time.weekOfYear(JsDate) for a double.
weeks(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #week().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
weeks(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #week().range(Date start, Date stop).
weeks(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #week().range(double start, double stop).
weeks(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #week().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
weeks(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #week().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
weeks(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #week().range(double start, double stop, double step).
weight() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node


x() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Return the current x-scale that is automatically adjusted when zooming, or null if no scale have been specified.
x(QuantitativeScale<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Specifies an x-scale whose domain should be automatically adjusted when zooming.
x() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
x(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
set the x coords
x(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Hull
Sets the x-coordinate accessor.
x() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.Node
x(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
Sets the x-coordinate accessor.
x(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
Sets the x-coordinate accessor.
x() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster.Node
x(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster.Node
sets the x coordinate
x() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
x(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
sets the x coordinate
x() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree.Node
x(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree.Node
sets the x coordinate
x(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the function used to compute x coordinates of points generated by this area generator.
x(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the x coordinates of points generated by this generator.
x(Scale<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Set the brush’s x-scale.
x() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Get the brush’s x-scale, which defaults to null.
x(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Set the x coordinates of points generated by this generator.
x(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Set the function used to compute x coordinates of points generated by this line generator.
x0(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the x0 coordinates of points generated by this generator.
x0(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
x1(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the x1 coordinates of points generated by this generator.
x1(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
X_ACCESSOR - Static variable in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
Convenient DatumFunction that return the x component of a Coords datum.
XmlHttpRequest - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr
Overlay type for an XmlHttpRequest error.
XmlHttpRequest() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr.XmlHttpRequest
XmlHttpRequest.ResponseType - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.xhr


y() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Return the current y-scale that is automatically adjusted when zooming, or null if no scale have been specified.
y(QuantitativeScale<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Specifies an y-scale whose domain should be automatically adjusted when zooming.
y() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
y(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
set the y coords
y(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Hull
Sets the y-coordinate accessor.
y() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree.Node
y(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Quadtree
Sets the y-coordinate accessor.
y(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.geom.Voronoi
Sets the y-coordinate accessor.
y() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster.Node
y(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Cluster.Node
sets the y coordinate
y() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
y(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Force.Node
sets the y coordinate
y() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree.Node
y(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.layout.Tree.Node
sets the y coordinate
y(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the y coordinates of points generated by this generator.
y(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
y(Scale<?>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Set the brush’s y-scale.
y() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Brush
Get the brush’s y-scale, which defaults to null.
y(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
Set the y coordinates of points generated by this generator.
y(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Line
y0(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the y0 coordinates of points generated by this generator.
y0(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
y1(double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Set the y1 coordinates of points generated by this generator.
y1(DatumFunction<Double>) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.svg.Area
Y_ACCESSOR - Static variable in class com.github.gwtd3.api.Coords
Convenient DatumFunction that return the y component of a Coords datum.
year() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Years (e.g., January 1, 2012 at 12:00 AM).
years(JsDate, JsDate) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #year().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop).
years(Date, Date) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #year().range(Date start, Date stop).
years(double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #year().range(double start, double stop).
years(JsDate, JsDate, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #year().range(JsDate start, JsDate stop, double step).
years(Date, Date, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #year().range(Date start, Date stop, double step).
years(double, double, double) - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.time.Time
Alias for #year().range(double start, double stop, double step).


zoom() - Method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Behavior
Create a new Zoom behavior, that you will configure and apply to a Selection.
Zoom - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
Zoom() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom
Zoom.ZoomEvent - Class in com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
Provide access to the properties of a zoom event.
Zoom.ZoomEventType - Enum in com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour
Type of scroll event to listen to.
ZoomEvent() - Constructor for class com.github.gwtd3.api.behaviour.Zoom.ZoomEvent
zoomEvent() - Static method in class com.github.gwtd3.api.D3
Get the ZoomEvent from within a Zoom listener.
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