
package kse.maths

KSE Maths provides a variety of mathematical utilities that ought to be standard but which go beyond standard high-school level algebra and trigonometry.

These include special functions, unsigned numbers, vectors, hashing and random number generation, and safe and convenient temporal mathematics.

This package is not properly documented presently, however, though it is close to complete in functionality (it is still missing some statistical methods and function approximation and fitting routines).


Members list


Type members


object AutoPrng


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Bf16


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class Bootstrap[T](val value: T, val variants: Array[T])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Bootstrap


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Cal


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
opaque object DoubleDuration


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
opaque object DoubleInstant


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
opaque object DurationCompanion


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait Est


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class M
object Est


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Frac


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait FullHash128


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait Hash128
object MurmurHash
trait FullHash32


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait Hash32
class MurmurHash32
class SumHash32
class XorHash32
class XxHash32
object MurmurHash
object SumHash
object XorHash
object XxHash
Show all
trait FullHash64


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait Hash64
class SumHash64
class XorHash64
class XxHash64
object SumHash
object XorHash
object XxHash
Show all


trait FullHash128
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
trait Hash32 extends FullHash32, IncrementalHash[Int, Int]


trait IncrementalHash[Int, Int]
trait HashInto[Int]
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
class MurmurHash32
class SumHash32
class XorHash32
class XxHash32
trait Hash64 extends FullHash64, IncrementalHash[Long, Long]


trait IncrementalHash[Long, Long]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[Long]
trait HashInto[Long]
trait FullHash64
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
class SumHash64
class XorHash64
class XxHash64
case class HashCode128(hash0: Long, hash1: Long)


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object HashCode128


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait HashInto[Z] extends SimpleIncrementalHash


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait IncrementalHash[A, Z]
trait Hash128
trait Hash32
class MurmurHash32
class SumHash32
class XorHash32
class XxHash32
trait Hash64
class SumHash64
class XorHash64
class XxHash64
class PairHash[A, B, Z, Y]
class PreseededHash[A, Z]
class QuadHash[A, B, C, D, Z, Y, X, W]
class TrioHash[A, B, C, Z, Y, X]
Show all
trait IncrementalHash[A, Z] extends HashInto[Z], SeededIncrementalHash[A]


trait HashInto[Z]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
trait Hash128
trait Hash32
class MurmurHash32
class SumHash32
class XorHash32
class XxHash32
trait Hash64
class SumHash64
class XorHash64
class XxHash64
class PairHash[A, B, Z, Y]
class PreseededHash[A, Z]
class QuadHash[A, B, C, D, Z, Y, X, W]
class TrioHash[A, B, C, Z, Y, X]
Show all
object MakeHasher


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


trait FullHash128
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


trait Hash128
trait FullHash128
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
final class MurmurHash32() extends Hash32


trait Hash32
trait IncrementalHash[Int, Int]
trait HashInto[Int]
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
opaque object NanoDuration


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object NanoInstant


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class PairHash[A, B, Z, Y](h1: IncrementalHash[A, Z], h2: IncrementalHash[B, Y]) extends IncrementalHash[(A, B), (Z, Y)]


trait IncrementalHash[(A, B), (Z, Y)]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[(A, B)]
trait HashInto[(Z, Y)]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object PairHash


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class Pcg64(initialState: Long) extends PrngState64


class PrngState64
class Prng
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Pcg64


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object PlusMinus


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class PreseededHash[A, Z](seed: A, h: IncrementalHash[A, Z]) extends IncrementalHash[Unit, Z]


trait IncrementalHash[Unit, Z]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[Unit]
trait HashInto[Z]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object PreseededHash


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
sealed abstract class Prng

Random number generator intended to be fast, low-state, but reasonably well-distributed. You can serialize this into a few Longs--in many cases only one Long!--when the cache is empty. You can also create copies including the cache.

Random number generator intended to be fast, low-state, but reasonably well-distributed. You can serialize this into a few Longs--in many cases only one Long!--when the cache is empty. You can also create copies including the cache.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class PrngState64
class Pcg64
class ShiftMix64
object Prng


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
sealed abstract class PrngState64 extends Prng


class Prng
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class Pcg64
class ShiftMix64
final class QuadHash[A, B, C, D, Z, Y, X, W](h1: IncrementalHash[A, Z], h2: IncrementalHash[B, Y], h3: IncrementalHash[C, X], h4: IncrementalHash[D, W]) extends IncrementalHash[(A, B, C, D), (Z, Y, X, W)]


trait IncrementalHash[(A, B, C, D), (Z, Y, X, W)]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[(A, B, C, D)]
trait HashInto[(Z, Y, X, W)]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object QuadHash


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait IncrementalHash[A, Z]
trait Hash128
trait Hash32
class MurmurHash32
class SumHash32
class XorHash32
class XxHash32
trait Hash64
class SumHash64
class XorHash64
class XxHash64
class PairHash[A, B, Z, Y]
class PreseededHash[A, Z]
class QuadHash[A, B, C, D, Z, Y, X, W]
class TrioHash[A, B, C, Z, Y, X]
Show all
final class ShiftMix64(initialState: Long) extends PrngState64


class PrngState64
class Prng
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object ShiftMix64


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait HashInto[Z]
trait IncrementalHash[A, Z]
trait Hash128
trait Hash32
class MurmurHash32
class SumHash32
class XorHash32
class XxHash32
trait Hash64
class SumHash64
class XorHash64
class XxHash64
class PairHash[A, B, Z, Y]
class PreseededHash[A, Z]
class QuadHash[A, B, C, D, Z, Y, X, W]
class TrioHash[A, B, C, Z, Y, X]
Show all


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object SumHash extends FullHash32, FullHash64


trait FullHash64
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class SumHash32() extends Hash32


trait Hash32
trait IncrementalHash[Int, Int]
trait HashInto[Int]
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
final class SumHash64() extends Hash64


trait Hash64
trait IncrementalHash[Long, Long]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[Long]
trait HashInto[Long]
trait FullHash64
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
opaque object TemporalCompanion


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Tic


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object ToHexString


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class TrioHash[A, B, C, Z, Y, X](h1: IncrementalHash[A, Z], h2: IncrementalHash[B, Y], h3: IncrementalHash[C, X]) extends IncrementalHash[(A, B, C), (Z, Y, X)]


trait IncrementalHash[(A, B, C), (Z, Y, X)]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[(A, B, C)]
trait HashInto[(Z, Y, X)]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object TrioHash


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object UByte


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object UInt


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object ULong


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object UShort


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Vc


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object XorHash extends FullHash32, FullHash64


trait FullHash64
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class XorHash32() extends Hash32


trait Hash32
trait IncrementalHash[Int, Int]
trait HashInto[Int]
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
final class XorHash64() extends Hash64


trait Hash64
trait IncrementalHash[Long, Long]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[Long]
trait HashInto[Long]
trait FullHash64
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object XxHash extends FullHash32, FullHash64


trait FullHash64
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class XxHash32() extends Hash32


trait Hash32
trait IncrementalHash[Int, Int]
trait HashInto[Int]
trait FullHash32
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
final class XxHash64() extends Hash64


trait Hash64
trait IncrementalHash[Long, Long]
trait SeededIncrementalHash[Long]
trait HashInto[Long]
trait FullHash64
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all


opaque type AutoPrng
opaque type Bf16
opaque type DoubleDuration
opaque type DoubleInstant
opaque type Frac
opaque type NanoDuration
opaque type NanoInstant
opaque type PlusMinus
opaque type Tic
opaque type UByte
opaque type UInt
opaque type ULong
opaque type UShort
opaque type Vc

Value members

Concrete methods

inline def tic: Tic



extension [A](a: Array[A])
inline def %(r: Prng): A
extension (a: String)
inline def %(r: Prng): Char
extension [A](a: Array[A])
inline def randomFillOp()(r: Prng)(f: Prng => A): a.type
inline def randomFillOp()(f: Prng => A)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFillOp(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng)(f: Prng => A): a.type
inline def randomFillOp(i0: Int, iN: Int)(f: Prng => A)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFillOp(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng)(f: Prng => A): a.type
inline def randomFillOp(inline rg: Range)(f: Prng => A)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFillOp(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng)(f: Prng => A): a.type
inline def randomFillOp(inline v: Iv | PIv)(f: Prng => A)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def sample()(r: Prng): A
inline def sample()(using ar: AutoPrng): A
inline def sample(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): A
inline def sample(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): A
inline def sample(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): A
inline def sample(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): A
inline def sample(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): A
inline def sample(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): A
inline def sample(k: Int)(r: Prng)(using ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def sample(k: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng, tag: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def sample(k: Int)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng)(using ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def sample(k: Int)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng, tag: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng)(using ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng, tag: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng)(using ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng, tag: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
inline def shuffle()(r: Prng): a.type
inline def shuffle()(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def shuffle(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def shuffle(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def shuffle(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def shuffle(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def shuffle(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def shuffle(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Boolean])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Byte])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Short])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Char])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Int])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Int)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Long])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomMod(m: Long)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Float])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: Array[Double])
inline def randomFill(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomFill(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): a.type
inline def randomGaussian(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): a.type
extension (a: String)
inline def sample()(r: Prng): Char
inline def sample()(using ar: AutoPrng): Char
inline def sample(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): Char
inline def sample(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): Char
inline def sample(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): Char
inline def sample(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): Char
inline def sample(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): Char
inline def sample(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): Char
inline def sample(k: Int)(r: Prng): String
inline def sample(k: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): String
inline def sample(k: Int)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(r: Prng): String
inline def sample(k: Int)(i0: Int, iN: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng): String
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline rg: Range)(r: Prng): String
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline rg: Range)(using ar: AutoPrng): String
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(r: Prng): String
inline def sample(k: Int)(inline v: Iv | PIv)(using ar: AutoPrng): String
extension (ab: Array[Bf16])
def bisect(xb: Bf16): Double
def isIncreasing: Boolean
extension (ad: Array[Double])
inline def accumulate: Array[Double]
def accumulateInto(target: Array[Double], position: Int, zero: Double): target.type
def bisect(x: Double): Double
def isIncreasing: Boolean
extension (af: Array[Float])
def bisect(x: Float): Double
def isIncreasing: Boolean
extension (b: Byte)
inline def %#(c: Byte): Byte
def *#(c: Byte): Byte
def +#(c: Byte): Byte
def -#(c: Byte): Byte
def /#(c: Byte): Byte
def checkedNeg: Byte
def checkedToChar: Char
inline def clampNeg: Byte
inline def clampToChar: Char
inline def clampToUByte: UByte
inline def clampToUInt: UInt
inline def clampToULong: ULong
inline def clampToUShort: UShort
inline def hexString: String
inline def hiHexString: String
inline def loHexString: String
inline def toUByte: UByte
inline def toUInt: UInt
inline def toULong: ULong
inline def toUShort: UShort
inline def unsigned: UByte
extension (c: Char)
def checkedToByte: Byte
def checkedToShort: Short
def clampToByte: Byte
def clampToShort: Short
inline def hexString: String
inline def hiHexString: String
inline def loHexString: String
inline def toUByte: UByte
inline def toUInt: UInt
inline def toULong: ULong
inline def toUShort: UShort
extension [A, CC <: IterableOnce[A]](coll: CC)
inline def sample()(r: Prng): A
inline def sample()(using ar: AutoPrng): A
inline def sample(k: Int)(r: Prng)(using factory: Factory[A, CC]): CC
inline def sample(k: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng, factory: Factory[A, CC]): CC
def sampleOneAlgorithmL(rng: Prng): A
extension (d: Duration)
inline def %(duration: Duration): Duration
inline def *(scale: Int): Duration
inline def *(frac: Frac): Duration
inline def *!(scale: Int): Duration
inline def +(dd: Duration): Duration
def +(i: Instant): Instant
def +(ldt: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime
def +(odt: OffsetDateTime): OffsetDateTime
def +(zdt: ZonedDateTime): ZonedDateTime
inline def +!(dd: Duration): Duration
inline def +!(i: Instant): Instant
inline def +!(ldt: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime
inline def +!(odt: OffsetDateTime): OffsetDateTime
inline def +!(zdt: ZonedDateTime): ZonedDateTime
inline def -(dd: Duration): Duration
inline def -!(dd: Duration): Duration
inline def /(factor: Int): Duration
inline def /(frac: Frac): Duration
inline def /(duration: Duration): Long
inline def /!(factor: Int): Duration
inline def /!(duration: Duration): Long
inline def checkIn(early: Duration, late: Duration): Duration
def clamp(early: Duration, late: Duration): Duration
inline def in(early: Duration, late: Duration): Boolean
inline def trunc: Trunc
extension (d: Double)
inline def ===(x: Double): Boolean
inline def acos: Double
inline def asin: Double
inline def atan: Double
inline def atan2(e: Double): Double
inline def between(x0: Double, x1: Double): Double
def between(xs: Array[Double]): Double
inline def cbrt: Double
inline def cdfNormal: Double
inline def cos: Double
inline def cosh: Double
inline def cube: Double
inline def deg2rad: Double
inline def entropy: Double
inline def erf: Double
inline def erfInv: Double
inline def erfc: Double
inline def erfcInv: Double
inline def exp: Double
inline def exp10: Double
inline def exp2: Double
inline def gamma: Double
inline def hypot(e: Double): Double
inline def icdfNormal: Double
inline def lnGamma: Double
inline def log: Double
inline def log10: Double
inline def log2: Double
inline def pow(e: Double): Double
inline def rad2deg: Double
inline def rad2rev: Double
inline def rev2rad: Double
inline def rint: Double
inline def sin: Double
inline def sinh: Double
inline def sqrt: Double
inline def tan: Double
inline def tanh: Double
def toUByte: UByte
def toUInt: UInt
def toULong: ULong
inline def wherein(x0: Double, x1: Double): Double
def wherein(xs: Array[Double]): Double
inline def zsqrt: Double
extension (d: Duration)
inline def <(e: Duration): Boolean
inline def <=(e: Duration): Boolean
inline def >(e: Duration): Boolean
inline def >=(e: Duration): Boolean
inline def ceil: Ceil
inline def checked: Check
inline def double: DoubleDuration
inline def floor: Floor
inline def into: Into
inline def max(e: Duration): Duration
inline def min(e: Duration): Duration
inline def round: Round
inline def safeAbs: Duration
def unary_-: Duration
extension (f: Float)
inline def ===(x: Float): Boolean
def toUByte: UByte
def toUInt: UInt
def toULong: ULong
extension (filetime: FileTime)
inline def +(duration: Duration): FileTime
inline def +!(duration: Duration): FileTime
inline def -(duration: Duration): FileTime
def -(ft: FileTime): Duration
inline def -!(duration: Duration): FileTime
def -!(ft: FileTime): Duration
def checkIn(ft0: FileTime, ft1: FileTime): FileTime
def clamp(ft0: FileTime, ft1: FileTime): FileTime
inline def in(ft0: FileTime, ft1: FileTime): Boolean
extension (filetime: FileTime)
inline def <(ft: FileTime): Boolean
inline def <=(ft: FileTime): Boolean
inline def >(ft: FileTime): Boolean
inline def >=(ft: FileTime): Boolean
inline def ceil: CeilFileTime
inline def checkedInstant: Instant
inline def checkedLocal: LocalDateTime
inline def checkedOffset: OffsetDateTime
def checkedTo(ft: FileTime): Duration
inline def checkedUTC: OffsetDateTime
inline def checkedZoned: ZonedDateTime
inline def double: DoubleInstant
inline def floor: FloorFileTime
inline def instant: Instant
inline def local: LocalDateTime
inline def max(ft: FileTime): FileTime
inline def min(ft: FileTime): FileTime
inline def offset: OffsetDateTime
inline def round: RoundFileTime
def to(ft: FileTime): Duration
inline def utc: OffsetDateTime
inline def value: Instant | TimeAndUnit
inline def zoned: ZonedDateTime
extension (i: Int)
inline def %#(j: Int): Int
def *#(j: Int): Int
def +#(j: Int): Int
def -#(j: Int): Int
def /#(j: Int): Int
def checkedNeg: Int
def checkedToByte: Byte
def checkedToChar: Char
def checkedToShort: Short
def clampNeg: Int
def clampToByte: Byte
def clampToChar: Char
def clampToShort: Short
inline def hexString: String
inline def hiHexString: String
inline def loHexString: String
inline def toUByte: UByte
inline def toUInt: UInt
inline def toULong: ULong
inline def toUShort: UShort
inline def unsigned: UInt
extension (i: Int)(using ar: AutoPrng)
infix inline def d(m: Int): Int
infix inline def d(m: Long): Long
inline def roll: Int
extension (instant: Instant)
inline def +(duration: Duration): Instant
inline def +!(duration: Duration): Instant
inline def -(duration: Duration): Instant
inline def -(inst: Instant): Duration
def -(odt: OffsetDateTime): Duration
def -(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Duration
inline def -!(duration: Duration): Instant
def checkIn(i0: Instant, i1: Instant): Instant
def clamp(i0: Instant, i1: Instant): Instant
inline def in(i0: Instant, i1: Instant): Boolean
extension (instant: Instant)
inline def <(inst: Instant): Boolean
inline def <(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
inline def <=(inst: Instant): Boolean
inline def <=(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
inline def >(inst: Instant): Boolean
inline def >(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
inline def >=(inst: Instant): Boolean
inline def >=(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
inline def age: Duration
inline def ceil: CeilInstant
inline def checkedLocal: LocalDateTime
inline def checkedOffset: OffsetDateTime
inline def checkedUTC: OffsetDateTime
inline def checkedZoned: ZonedDateTime
inline def double: DoubleInstant
inline def filetime: FileTime
inline def floor: FloorInstant
inline def local: LocalDateTime
inline def max(inst: Instant): Instant
inline def min(inst: Instant): Instant
inline def offset: OffsetDateTime
inline def round: RoundInstant
inline def to(inst: Instant): Duration
def to(odt: OffsetDateTime): Duration
def to(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Duration
inline def utc: OffsetDateTime
inline def zoned: ZonedDateTime
extension (l: Long)
inline def %#(k: Long): Long
def *#(k: Long): Long
def +#(k: Long): Long
def -#(k: Long): Long
def /#(k: Long): Long
def checkedNeg: Long
def checkedToByte: Byte
def checkedToChar: Char
def checkedToInt: Int
def checkedToShort: Short
def clampNeg: Long
def clampToByte: Byte
def clampToChar: Char
def clampToInt: Int
def clampToShort: Short
inline def hexString: String
inline def hiHexString: String
inline def loHexString: String
inline def toUByte: UByte
inline def toUInt: UInt
inline def toULong: ULong
inline def toUShort: UShort
inline def unsigned: ULong
extension (l: Long)(using ar: AutoPrng)
inline def roll: Long
extension (local: LocalDateTime)
inline def +(duration: Duration): LocalDateTime
inline def +!(duration: Duration): LocalDateTime
inline def -(duration: Duration): LocalDateTime
inline def -(ldt: LocalDateTime): Duration
inline def -!(duration: Duration): LocalDateTime
def checkIn(ldt0: LocalDateTime, ldt1: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime
def clamp(ldt0: LocalDateTime, ldt1: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime
inline def in(ldt0: LocalDateTime, ldt1: LocalDateTime): Boolean
extension (local: LocalDateTime)
inline def <(ldt: LocalDateTime): Boolean
inline def <=(ldt: LocalDateTime): Boolean
inline def >(ldt: LocalDateTime): Boolean
inline def >=(ldt: LocalDateTime): Boolean
inline def ceil: CeilLocal
inline def checkedUTC: OffsetDateTime
inline def filetime: FileTime
inline def floor: FloorLocal
inline def instant: Instant
inline def max(ldt: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime
inline def min(ldt: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime
inline def offset: OffsetDateTime
inline def round: RoundLocal
inline def to(ldt: LocalDateTime): Duration
inline def utc: OffsetDateTime
inline def zoned: ZonedDateTime
extension (offset: OffsetDateTime)
inline def +(duration: Duration): OffsetDateTime
inline def +!(duration: Duration): OffsetDateTime
inline def -(duration: Duration): OffsetDateTime
def -(odt: OffsetDateTime): Duration
inline def -(instant: Instant): Duration
inline def -(zoned: ZonedDateTime): Duration
inline def -!(duration: Duration): OffsetDateTime
def checkIn(odt0: OffsetDateTime, odt1: OffsetDateTime): OffsetDateTime
def clamp(odt0: OffsetDateTime, odt1: OffsetDateTime): OffsetDateTime
inline def in(odt0: OffsetDateTime, odt1: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
extension (offset: OffsetDateTime)
inline def <(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
inline def <=(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
inline def >(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
inline def >=(odt: OffsetDateTime): Boolean
def MaxValue: OffsetDateTime
def MinValue: OffsetDateTime
inline def ceil: CeilOffset
inline def checkedLocal: LocalDateTime
inline def checkedOffset: OffsetDateTime
inline def checkedUTC: OffsetDateTime
inline def checkedZoned: ZonedDateTime
inline def discardOffset: LocalDateTime
inline def double: DoubleInstant
inline def filetime: FileTime
inline def floor: FloorOffset
inline def instant: Instant
inline def local: LocalDateTime
inline def max(odt: OffsetDateTime): OffsetDateTime
inline def min(odt: OffsetDateTime): OffsetDateTime
inline def offset: OffsetDateTime
inline def round: RoundOffset
def to(odt: OffsetDateTime): Duration
def to(instant: Instant): Duration
def to(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Duration
inline def utc: OffsetDateTime
inline def zoned: ZonedDateTime
extension (s: Short)
inline def %#(t: Short): Short
def *#(t: Short): Short
def +#(t: Short): Short
def -#(t: Short): Short
def /#(t: Short): Short
def checkedNeg: Short
def checkedToByte: Byte
def checkedToChar: Char
def clampNeg: Short
def clampToByte: Byte
def clampToChar: Char
inline def hexString: String
inline def hiHexString: String
inline def loHexString: String
inline def toUByte: UByte
inline def toUInt: UInt
inline def toULong: ULong
inline def toUShort: UShort
inline def unsigned: Char
extension (inline t: Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float | Double)
transparent inline def day: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def day_nano: NanoDuration
transparent inline def days: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def days_nano: NanoDuration
transparent inline def h: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def h_nano: NanoDuration
transparent inline def m: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def m_nano: NanoDuration
transparent inline def ms: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def ms_nano: NanoDuration
transparent inline def ns: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def ns_nano: NanoDuration
transparent inline def s: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def s_nano: NanoDuration
transparent inline def us: Duration | DoubleDuration
transparent inline def us_nano: NanoDuration
extension (value: Byte)
def *!(b: Byte): Byte
def +!(b: Byte): Byte
def -!(b: Byte): Byte
def /!(b: Byte): Byte
inline def checkIn(lo: Byte, hi: Byte): Byte
inline def clamp(lo: Byte, hi: Byte): Byte
inline def in(lo: Byte, hi: Byte): Boolean
extension (value: Short)
def *!(s: Short): Short
def +!(s: Short): Short
def -!(s: Short): Short
def /!(s: Short): Short
inline def checkIn(lo: Short, hi: Short): Short
inline def clamp(lo: Short, hi: Short): Short
inline def in(lo: Short, hi: Short): Boolean
extension (value: Char)
inline def checkIn(lo: Char, hi: Char): Char
inline def clamp(lo: Char, hi: Char): Char
inline def in(lo: Char, hi: Char): Boolean
extension (value: Int)
inline def *(f: Frac): Frac
inline def *(nd: NanoDuration): NanoDuration
inline def *(d: Duration): Duration
inline def *!(i: Int): Int
inline def +(f: Frac): Frac
inline def +!(i: Int): Int
inline def -(f: Frac): Frac
inline def -!(i: Int): Int
inline def /(f: Frac): Frac
inline def /!(i: Int): Int
inline def checkIn(lo: Int, hi: Int): Int
inline def clamp(lo: Int, hi: Int): Int
inline def in(lo: Int, hi: Int): Boolean
extension (value: Long)
inline def *(nd: NanoDuration): NanoDuration
inline def *!(l: Long): Long
inline def +!(l: Long): Long
inline def -!(l: Long): Long
inline def /!(l: Long): Long
inline def checkIn(lo: Long, hi: Long): Long
inline def clamp(lo: Long, hi: Long): Long
inline def in(lo: Long, hi: Long): Boolean
extension (value: Float)
inline def %(bf: Bf16): Float
transparent inline def *(inline that: Bf16 | Vc | PlusMinus): Float | Vc | PlusMinus
transparent inline def +(inline that: Bf16 | Vc | PlusMinus): Float | Vc | PlusMinus
transparent inline def -(inline that: Bf16 | Vc | PlusMinus): Float | Vc | PlusMinus
transparent inline def /(inline that: Bf16 | PlusMinus): Float | PlusMinus
inline def checkIn(lo: Float, hi: Float): Float
def clamp(lo: Float, hi: Float): Float
def closeTo(that: Float, abstol: Float, fractol: Float): Boolean
inline def closeTo(that: Float): Boolean
inline def in(lo: Float, hi: Float): Boolean
inline def trunc: Double
extension (value: Double)
inline def %(f: Bf16): Double
inline def *(f: Bf16): Double
inline def *(pm: PlusMinus): PlusMinus
inline def +(f: Bf16): Double
inline def +(pm: PlusMinus): PlusMinus
inline def -(f: Bf16): Double
inline def -(pm: PlusMinus): PlusMinus
inline def /(f: Bf16): Double
def /(pm: PlusMinus): PlusMinus
inline def checkIn(lo: Double, hi: Double): Double
inline def clamp(lo: Double, hi: Double): Double
def closeTo(that: Double, abstol: Double, fractol: Double): Boolean
inline def in(lo: Double, hi: Double): Boolean
inline def trunc: Double
extension (value: Float)
inline def ~>(y: Float): Vc
extension (value: Float | Double)
inline def +-(inline error: Float | Double): PlusMinus
extension (value: Int)
inline def over(denom: Int): Frac
extension (values: Array[Int])
inline def est(): Est
inline def est(i0: Int, iN: Int): Est
inline def est(inline v: Iv | PIv): Est
inline def est(inline rg: Range): Est
extension (values: Array[Long])
inline def est(): Est
inline def est(i0: Int, iN: Int): Est
inline def est(inline v: Iv | PIv): Est
inline def est(inline rg: Range): Est
extension (values: Array[Float])
inline def est(): Est
inline def est(i0: Int, iN: Int): Est
inline def est(inline v: Iv | PIv): Est
inline def est(inline rg: Range): Est
extension (values: Array[Double])
inline def est(): Est
inline def est(i0: Int, iN: Int): Est
inline def est(inline v: Iv | PIv): Est
inline def est(inline rg: Range): Est
extension [A](values: Array[A])
inline def estWith()(inline f: A => Double): Est
inline def estWith(i0: Int, iN: Int)(inline f: A => Double): Est
inline def estWith(inline v: Iv | PIv)(inline f: A => Double): Est
inline def estWith(inline rg: Range)(inline f: A => Double): Est
extension [A <: Int | Long | Float | Double](values: IterableOnce[A])
inline def est(): Est
extension [A](values: IterableOnce[A])
inline def estWith()(f: A => Double): Est
extension (inline x: Byte | Short | Int | Long)
transparent inline def bitCount: Int
transparent inline def bitsD: Double
transparent inline def bitsF: Float
transparent inline def highBit: Int | Long
transparent inline def leadingZeros: Int
transparent inline def lowBit: Int | Long
transparent inline def rotl(j: Int): Int | Long
transparent inline def rotr(j: Int): Int | Long
transparent inline def trailingZeros: Int
transparent inline def u: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong
extension (inline x: Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float | Double)
inline def bf16: Bf16
transparent inline def bitsI: Int
transparent inline def bitsL: Long
inline def f32: Float
inline def f64: Double
transparent inline def finite: Boolean
transparent inline def inf: Boolean
transparent inline def nan: Boolean
transparent inline def next: Float | Double
transparent inline def prev: Float | Double
transparent inline def sign: Int | Long | Float | Double
transparent inline def sq: Double | Float
transparent inline def ulp: Float | Double
extension (zoned: ZonedDateTime)
inline def +(duration: Duration): ZonedDateTime
inline def +!(duration: Duration): ZonedDateTime
inline def -(duration: Duration): ZonedDateTime
def -(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Duration
inline def -(instant: Instant): Duration
inline def -(offset: OffsetDateTime): Duration
inline def -!(duration: Duration): ZonedDateTime
def checkIn(zdt0: ZonedDateTime, zdt1: ZonedDateTime): ZonedDateTime
def clamp(zdt0: ZonedDateTime, zdt1: ZonedDateTime): ZonedDateTime
inline def in(zdt0: ZonedDateTime, zdt1: ZonedDateTime): Boolean
extension (zoned: ZonedDateTime)
inline def <(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Boolean
inline def <=(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Boolean
inline def >(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Boolean
inline def >=(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Boolean
def MaxValue: ZonedDateTime
def MinValue: ZonedDateTime
inline def ceil: CeilZoned
inline def checkedLocal: LocalDateTime
inline def checkedOffset: OffsetDateTime
inline def checkedUTC: OffsetDateTime
inline def checkedZoned: ZonedDateTime
inline def discardZoned: LocalDateTime
inline def double: DoubleInstant
inline def filetime: FileTime
inline def floor: FloorZoned
inline def instant: Instant
inline def local: LocalDateTime
inline def max(zdt: ZonedDateTime): ZonedDateTime
inline def min(zdt: ZonedDateTime): ZonedDateTime
inline def offset: OffsetDateTime
inline def round: RoundZoned
def to(zdt: ZonedDateTime): Duration
def to(instant: Instant): Duration
def to(odt: OffsetDateTime): Duration
inline def utc: OffsetDateTime
inline def zoned: ZonedDateTime