All Classes and Interfaces

The `ERROR_CODE` enum represents various code codes that can be associated with validation errors when using JSON value specifications (`JsSpecs`).
Represents the index of a value in a JSON array.
Represents a JSON array in a persistent data structure.
Enumeration representing different types of arrays: SET, LIST, or MULTISET.
Represents a JsArray generator.
Represents a specification of a JSON array
The JsArraySpecParser class is responsible for creating JSON array parsers based on provided JSON specifications (specs).
Represents an immutable JSON number of type BigDecimal.
Represents a JsBigDec generator.
Represents an immutable JSON number of type BigInteger.
Represents a JsBigInt generator.
Represents an array of bytes in a JSON-like data structure.
Represents a JsBinary generator.
Represents an immutable JSON boolean.
Represents a JsBool generator
Represents an immutable JSON number of type double.
Represents a JsDouble generator.
Builder class for creating instances of JsEnum, which represents an enumeration of string symbols.
Represents a code validating a value of a JSON
Builder class for creating instances of JsFixedBinary, which represents a fixed-size binary type.
Represents an immutable instant.
Represents a JsInstant generator.
Represents an immutable JSON number of type integer.
Represents a JsInt generator.
Singleton instance to create JSON readers and writers to parse bytes into JSON and serialize JSON into bytes.
Represents an immutable JSON number of type long.
Represents a JsLong generator.
It's a special JSON element that represents 'nothing'.
Represents null.
Represents a sealed abstract class for JSON number values.
Represents a JSON object in a lightweight, immutable, and functional manner.
Represents a JsObj generator.
Represents any element in a JSON object which can be modeled with a key and the associated element.
Represents a specification of a JSON object, allowing you to define rules and constraints for validating JSON objects.
The JsObjSpecBuilder class is a builder for creating instances of JsObjSpec with additional metadata.
The JsObjSpecParser class is responsible for creating JSON object parsers based on provided JSON specifications (specs).
Json<T extends Json<T>>
Represents an immutable and persistent JSON of type T, where T is either a JsObj or a JsArray.
Contains the optics defined for JSON objects and arrays
Contains all the lenses defined for a Json array
Contains all the optics defined for a Json array
Contains all the optionals defined for a Json array
Represents all the lenses defined for a Json object
Contains all the optics defined for a Json object
Contains all the optionals defined for a Json object
Represents any element in a JSON which can be modeled with a path location the associated element.
Represent an exception that is thrown while parsing an array of bytes or string into a JSON.
Represents the full path location of an element in a JSON.
Represents a sealed abstract class for primitive JSON values.
Represent an exception that is thrown while serializing a JSON into an array of bytes.
The `JsSpec` interface represents a specification for validating JSON data structures.
The `JsSpecs` class provides a collection of static factory methods for creating JSON specifications (JsSpec).
Represents an immutable JSON string.
Represents a JsStr generator.
Represents a tuple generator that is modeled with a JsArray generator.
Represents a JSON element of any type.
Represents the key of a value in a JSON object.
Represents the location of a first-level element in a JSON, either a Key in a JsObj or an Index in a JsArray.
The `SpecError` class represents a code that occurs during the validation of a JSON value against a specification.
Exception that models a programming code made by the user.