Package jsonvalues

Interface Json<T extends Json<T>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Type of container: either an object or an array
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    JsArray, JsObj

    public interface Json<T extends Json<T>>
    extends JsValue
     Represents a json of type T, where T is the type of the container, either a JsObj or a JsArray.
     A json of any type can be modeled as a set of pairs JsPair=(JsPath, JsValue), where:
     - a JsElem is a JsBool or JsStr or JsNumber or JsNull, or another Json like JsObj or JsArray,
     what makes the data structure recursive.
     - a JsPath represents the location of the element in the json.
     For example, the json
     "a":1, "x":{ "c": true, "d":null, e: [false, 1, "hi"] }
     can be seen as the following set:
     Set[(a,1), (x.c,true), (x.d,null), (x.e.0,false), (x.e.1,1), (x.e.2,"hi"), (_,NOTHING)]
     where _, which means any other JsPath, and the special element JsNothing.NOTHING, makes the
     function get(JsPath) total (defined for every possible path). Moreover, inserting JsNothing
     in a json doesn't change the json, which is very convenient when passing functions as parameters to
     put data in:
     //all the logic goes into the supplier
    Supplier<JsElem> supplier = ()-> (doesnt-put-anything-condition) ? JsNothing.NOTHING : JsInt.of(2);
     Another way to see a json is like a stream of pairs, which opens the door to doing all the operations
     that were introduced in Java 8 (map, filter, reduce, etc). For this purpose the methods streamAll()
     or stream() are provided.
     There are one convention on method names:
     -Methods that are suffixed with underscore traverse the whole json recursively.
     All the methods throw a NullPointerException when any of the params passed in is null. The exception
     UserError is thrown when the user calls a method inappropriately:
     for example calling the method asJsStr in a JsNull instance or calling the
     method head in an empty array, etc. Normally, when that happens, a previous check is missing.
    Rafael Merino Garcia
    See Also:
    to work with jsons that are objects, to work with jsons that are arrays
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default T append​(JsPath path, boolean elem, boolean... others)
      Appends one or more booleans, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json.
      default T append​(JsPath path, double elem, double... others)
      Appends one or more doubles, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json.
      default T append​(JsPath path, int elem, int... others)
      Appends one or more integers, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json.
      default T append​(JsPath path, long elem, long... others)
      Appends one or more longs, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json.
      default T append​(JsPath path, String elem, String... others)
      Appends one or more strings, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json.
      T append​(JsPath path, JsValue elem)
      Appends one element to the array located at the given path in this json.
      default T append​(JsPath path, JsValue elem, JsValue... others)
      Appends one or more elements, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json.
      T appendAll​(JsPath path, JsArray elems)
      Appends all the elements of the array, starting from the head, to the array located at the given path in this json.
      default T appendAllIfPresent​(JsPath path, Supplier<JsArray> supplier)
      Appends all the elements of the array computed by the supplier, starting from the head, to an array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present, in which case, the supplier is not invoked.
      default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path, boolean number, boolean... others)
      Appends one or more booleans to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path, double number, double... others)
      Appends one or more doubles to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path, int number, int... others)
      Appends one or more integers to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path, long number, long... others)
      Appends one or more longs to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path, String str, String... others)
      Appends one or more strings to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path, Supplier<? extends JsValue> supplier)
      Appends the element given by the supplier, to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default boolean containsPath​(JsPath path)
      Returns true if an element exists in this json at the given path.
      boolean containsValue​(JsValue element)
      Returns true if this json contains the given element in the first level.
      default boolean equals​(JsValue elem, JsArray.TYPE ARRAY_AS)  
      T filterAllKeys​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
      Filters all the keys of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
      T filterAllObjs​(BiPredicate<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj> filter)
      Filters all the pair of jsons of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
      T filterAllValues​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
      Filters all the pairs of elements of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
      T filterKeys​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
      Filters the keys in the first level of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
      T filterObjs​(BiPredicate<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj> filter)
      Filters the pair of jsons in the first level of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
      T filterValues​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
      Filters the pairs of elements in the first level of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
      default JsValue get​(JsPath path)
      Returns the element located at the given path or JsNothing if it doesn't exist.
      JsValue get​(Position position)
      Returns the element located at the key or index specified by the given position or JsNothing if it doesn't exist.
      default JsArray getArray​(JsPath path)
      Returns the array located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an array.
      default Optional<JsArray> getArrayOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the array located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an array.
      default BigDecimal getBigDecimal​(JsPath path)
      Returns the big decimal located at the given path as a big decimal or null if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number.
      default Optional<BigDecimal> getBigDecimalOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the big decimal located at the given path as a big decimal or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number.
      default BigInteger getBigInt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the big integer located at the given path as a big integer or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number.
      default Optional<BigInteger> getBigIntOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the big integer located at the given path as a big integer or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number.
      default Boolean getBool​(JsPath path)
      Returns the boolean located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist.
      default Optional<Boolean> getBoolOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the boolean located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist.
      default Double getDouble​(JsPath path)
      Returns the decimal number located at the given path as a double or null if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number.
      default OptionalDouble getDoubleOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the decimal number located at the given path as a double or OptionalDouble.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number.
      default Integer getInt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the integral number located at the given path as an integer or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in an integer.
      default OptionalInt getIntOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the integral number located at the given path as an integer or OptionalInt.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in an integer.
      default Long getLong​(JsPath path)
      Returns the integral number located at the given path as a long or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in a long.
      default OptionalLong getLongOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the integral number located at the given path as a long or OptionalLong.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in a long.
      default JsObj getObj​(JsPath path)
      Returns the object located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an object.
      default Optional<JsObj> getObjOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the object located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an object.
      default String getStr​(JsPath path)
      Returns the string located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an string.
      default Optional<String> getStrOpt​(JsPath path)
      Returns the string located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an string.
      default <A> A ifEmptyElse​(Supplier<A> emptySupplier, Supplier<A> nonemptySupplier)
      Declarative way of implementing if(this.isEmpty()) return emptySupplier.get() else return nonEmptySupplier.get()
      boolean isEmpty()
      return true if there's no element in this json
      default boolean isNotEmpty()
      return true if this json it not empty
      default T map​(UnaryOperator<T> fn)  
      T mapAllKeys​(Function<? super JsPair,​String> fn)
      Maps all the keys of this json.
      T mapAllKeys​(Function<? super JsPair,​String> fn, Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
      Maps all the keys of this json that satisfies a given predicate.
      T mapAllObjs​(BiFunction<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj,​JsObj> fn)
      Maps all the jsons of this json.
      T mapAllObjs​(BiFunction<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj,​JsObj> fn, BiPredicate<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj> predicate)
      Maps all the jsons of this json that satisfies a given predicate.
      T mapAllValues​(Function<? super JsPair,​? extends JsValue> fn)
      Maps all the values of this json.
      T mapAllValues​(Function<? super JsPair,​? extends JsValue> fn, Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
      Maps all the values of this json that satisfies a given predicate.
      T mapKeys​(Function<? super JsPair,​String> fn)
      Maps the keys in the first level of this json.
      T mapKeys​(Function<? super JsPair,​String> fn, Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
      Maps the keys in the first level of this json that satisfies a given predicate.
      T mapObjs​(BiFunction<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj,​JsObj> fn)
      Maps the jsons in the first level of this json.
      T mapObjs​(BiFunction<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj,​JsObj> fn, BiPredicate<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj> predicate)
      Maps the jsons in the first level of this json that satisfies a given predicate.
      T mapValues​(Function<? super JsPair,​? extends JsValue> fn)
      Maps the values in the first level of this json.
      T mapValues​(Function<? super JsPair,​? extends JsValue> fn, Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
      Maps the values in the first level of this json that satisfies a given predicate.
      static Json<?> parse​(String str)
      Tries to parse the string into an immutable json.
      static Json<?> parse​(String str, ParseBuilder builder)
      Tries to parse the string into an immutable json, performing the specified transformations while the parsing.
      default T prepend​(JsPath path, boolean elem, boolean... others)
      prepends one or more booleans, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json.
      default T prepend​(JsPath path, double elem, double... others)
      prepends one or more doubles, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json.
      default T prepend​(JsPath path, int elem, int... others)
      prepends one or more integers, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json.
      default T prepend​(JsPath path, long elem, long... others)
      prepends one or more longs, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json.
      default T prepend​(JsPath path, String elem, String... others)
      Prepends one or more strings, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json.
      T prepend​(JsPath path, JsValue elem)
      prepends one element to the array located at the path in this json.
      default T prepend​(JsPath path, JsValue elem, JsValue... others)
      prepends one or more elements, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json.
      T prependAll​(JsPath path, JsArray elems)
      prepends all the elements of the array, starting from the head, to the array located at the path in this json.
      default T prependAllIfPresent​(JsPath path, Supplier<JsArray> supplier)
      Prepends all the elements of the array computed by the supplier, starting from the head, to the array located at the path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present, in which case, the supplier is not invoked.
      default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path, boolean bool, boolean... others)
      Prepends one or more booleans to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path, double number, double... others)
      Prepends one or more doubles to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path, int number, int... others)
      Prepends one or more integers to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path, long number, long... others)
      Prepends one or more longs to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path, String str, String... others)
      Prepends one or more strings to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path, Supplier<JsValue> supplier)
      Prepends one element given by a supplier, to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
      default T put​(JsPath path, boolean bool)
      Inserts the boolean at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      default T put​(JsPath path, int n)
      Inserts the integer number at the path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary.
      default T put​(JsPath path, long n)
      Inserts the long number at the path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary.
      default T put​(JsPath path, String str)
      Inserts the string at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      default T put​(JsPath path, BigDecimal bigdecimal)
      Inserts the big decimal number at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      default T put​(JsPath path, BigInteger bigint)
      Inserts the big integer number at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in teh path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      T put​(JsPath path, Function<? super JsValue,​? extends JsValue> fn)
      Inserts the element returned by the function at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary.
      default T put​(JsPath path, JsValue element)
      Inserts the element at the path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary.
      default T putIf​(Predicate<? super JsValue> predicate, JsPath path, Function<? super JsValue,​? extends JsValue> fn)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if the existing element satisfies the predicate, a new element returned by the function.
      default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path, double number)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the specified double, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path, int number)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the specified integer, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path, long number)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the specified long, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path, Supplier<? extends JsValue> supplier)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the element returned by the supplier, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
      default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path, double number)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the specified double.
      default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path, int number)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the specified integer.
      default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path, long number)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the specified long.
      default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path, Function<? super JsValue,​? extends JsValue> fn)
      Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the element returned by the function.
      <R> Optional<R> reduce​(BinaryOperator<R> op, Function<? super JsPair,​R> map, Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
      Performs a reduction on the values that satisfy the predicate in the first level of this json.
      <R> Optional<R> reduceAll​(BinaryOperator<R> op, Function<? super JsPair,​R> map, Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
      Performs a reduction on the values of this json that satisfy the predicate.
      T remove​(JsPath path)
      Removes the element in this json located at the given path, if it exists, returning the same this instance otherwise
      default byte[] serialize()  
      default void serialize​(OutputStream os)  
      int size()
      Returns the number of elements in the first level of this json
      default OptionalInt size​(JsPath path)
      Returns the size of the json located at the given path in this json or OptionalInt.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a Json
      default int sizeAll()
      Returns the number of all the elements in this json
      default OptionalInt sizeAll​(JsPath path)
      Returns the size of the json located at the given path in this json or OptionalInt.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a Json
      Stream<JsPair> stream()
      Returns a stream over the pairs of elements in the first level of this json object.
      Stream<JsPair> streamAll()
      Returns a stream over all the pairs of elements in this json object.
      default long times​(JsValue e)  
      default long timesAll​(JsValue e)  
      default String toPrettyString()
      Converts the string representation of this Json to a pretty print version
    • Method Detail

      • append

        default T append​(JsPath path,
                         JsValue elem,
                         JsValue... others)
        Appends one or more elements, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the given JsPath pointing to the array in which all the elements will be appended
        elem - the first JsElem to be appended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional JsElem to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • append

        T append​(JsPath path,
                 JsValue elem)
        Appends one element to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the path pointing to the array in which the element will be appended
        elem - the JsElem to be appended to the existing or created array
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • append

        default T append​(JsPath path,
                         String elem,
                         String... others)
        Appends one or more strings, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the given path pointing to the array in which all the strings will be appended
        elem - the first string to be appended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional strings to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • append

        default T append​(JsPath path,
                         int elem,
                         int... others)
        Appends one or more integers, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the given path pointing to the array in which all the integers will be appended
        elem - the first integer to be appended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional integers to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • append

        default T append​(JsPath path,
                         long elem,
                         long... others)
        Appends one or more longs, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the given path pointing to the array in which all the longs will be appended
        elem - the first long to be appended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional longs to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • append

        default T append​(JsPath path,
                         boolean elem,
                         boolean... others)
        Appends one or more booleans, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the given path pointing to the array in which all the booleans will be appended
        elem - the first boolean to be appended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional booleans to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • append

        default T append​(JsPath path,
                         double elem,
                         double... others)
        Appends one or more doubles, starting from the first, to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the given path pointing to the array in which all the doubles will be appended
        elem - the first double to be appended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional doubles to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendAll

        T appendAll​(JsPath path,
                    JsArray elems)
        Appends all the elements of the array, starting from the head, to the array located at the given path in this json. If the array doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the given JsPath pointing to the array in which all the elements will be appended
        elems - the JsArray of elements to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendAllIfPresent

        default T appendAllIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                     Supplier<JsArray> supplier)
        Appends all the elements of the array computed by the supplier, starting from the head, to an array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present, in which case, the supplier is not invoked.
        path - the given JsPath object pointing to the existing array in which all the elements will be appended
        supplier - the supplier of the array of elements that will be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendIfPresent

        default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                  Supplier<? extends JsValue> supplier)
        Appends the element given by the supplier, to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present. The supplier is not applied if there's no array at the specified path.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the existing array in which the element will be appended
        supplier - the given supplier
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendIfPresent

        default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                  int number,
                                  int... others)
        Appends one or more integers to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the integers will be appended
        number - the integer to be appended
        others - more optional integers to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendIfPresent

        default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                  long number,
                                  long... others)
        Appends one or more longs to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the longs will be appended
        number - the long to be appended
        others - more optional longs to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendIfPresent

        default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                  String str,
                                  String... others)
        Appends one or more strings to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the strings will be appended
        str - the string to be appended
        others - more optional strings to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendIfPresent

        default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                  boolean number,
                                  boolean... others)
        Appends one or more booleans to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the booleans will be appended
        number - the boolean to be appended
        others - more optional booleans to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • appendIfPresent

        default T appendIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                  double number,
                                  double... others)
        Appends one or more doubles to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the doubles will be appended
        number - the double to be appended
        others - more optional doubles to be appended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • containsPath

        default boolean containsPath​(JsPath path)
        Returns true if an element exists in this json at the given path.
        path - the JsPath
        true if a JsElem exists at the JsPath
      • containsValue

        boolean containsValue​(JsValue element)
        Returns true if this json contains the given element in the first level.
        element - the give element JsElem whose presence in this JsArray is to be tested
        true if this JsArray contains the JsElem
      • filterAllKeys

        T filterAllKeys​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
        Filters all the keys of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
        filter - the predicate which takes as the input every JsPair of this json
        same this instance if all the keys satisfy the predicate or a new filtered json of the same type T
        See Also:
        how to filter the keys of only the first level
      • filterAllObjs

        T filterAllObjs​(BiPredicate<? super JsPath,​? super JsObj> filter)
        Filters all the pair of jsons of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
        filter - the predicate which takes as the input every JsPair of this json
        same this instance if all the pairs satisfy the predicate or a new filtered json of the same type T
        See Also:
        how to filter the pair of jsons of only the first level
      • filterAllValues

        T filterAllValues​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
        Filters all the pairs of elements of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
        filter - the predicate which takes as the input every JsPair of this json
        same this instance if all the pairs satisfy the predicate or a new filtered json of the same type T
        See Also:
        how to filter the pairs of values of only the first level
      • filterKeys

        T filterKeys​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
        Filters the keys in the first level of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
        filter - the predicate which takes as the input every JsPair in the first level of this json
        same this instance if all the keys satisfy the predicate or a new filtered json of the same type T
        See Also:
        how to filter the keys of the whole json and not only the first level
      • filterValues

        T filterValues​(Predicate<? super JsPair> filter)
        Filters the pairs of elements in the first level of this json, removing those that don't ifPredicateElse the predicate.
        filter - the predicate which takes as the input every JsPair in the first level of this json
        same this instance if all the pairs satisfy the predicate or a new filtered json of the same type T
        See Also:
        how to filter the pair of elements of the whole json and not only the first level
      • get

        JsValue get​(Position position)
        Returns the element located at the key or index specified by the given position or JsNothing if it doesn't exist.
        position - key or index of the element
        the JsElem located at the given Position or JsNothing if it doesn't exist
      • get

        default JsValue get​(JsPath path)
        Returns the element located at the given path or JsNothing if it doesn't exist.
        path - the JsPath object of the element that will be returned
        the JsElem located at the given JsPath or JsNothing if it doesn't exist
      • getArrayOpt

        default Optional<JsArray> getArrayOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the array located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an array.
        path - the JsPath object of the JsArray that will be returned
        the JsArray located at the given JsPath wrapped in an Optional
      • getArray

        default JsArray getArray​(JsPath path)
        Returns the array located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an array.
        path - the path
        the JsArray located at the given path or null
      • getBigDecimalOpt

        default Optional<BigDecimal> getBigDecimalOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the big decimal located at the given path as a big decimal or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number.
        path - the JsPath object of the BigDecimal that will be returned
        the BigDecimal located at the given JsPath wrapped in an Optional
      • getBigDecimal

        default BigDecimal getBigDecimal​(JsPath path)
        Returns the big decimal located at the given path as a big decimal or null if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number.
        path - the path
        the BigDecimal located at the given path
      • getBigIntOpt

        default Optional<BigInteger> getBigIntOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the big integer located at the given path as a big integer or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number.
        path - the path
        the BigInteger located at the given JsPath wrapped in an Optional
      • getBigInt

        default BigInteger getBigInt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the big integer located at the given path as a big integer or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number.
        path - the path
        the BigInteger located at the given path
      • getBoolOpt

        default Optional<Boolean> getBoolOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the boolean located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist.
        path - the JsPath object of the Boolean that will be returned
        the Boolean located at the given JsPath wrapped in an Optional
      • getBool

        default Boolean getBool​(JsPath path)
        Returns the boolean located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist.
        path - the path
        the Boolean located at the given path or null
      • getDoubleOpt

        default OptionalDouble getDoubleOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the decimal number located at the given path as a double or OptionalDouble.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number. If the number is a BigDecimal, the conversion is identical to the specified in BigDecimal.doubleValue() and in some cases it can lose information about the precision of the BigDecimal
        path - the JsPath object of the double that will be returned
        the decimal number located at the given JsPath wrapped in an OptionalDouble
      • getDouble

        default Double getDouble​(JsPath path)
        Returns the decimal number located at the given path as a double or null if it doesn't exist or it's not a decimal number. If the number is a BigDecimal, the conversion is identical to the specified in BigDecimal.doubleValue() and in some cases it can lose information about the precision of the BigDecimal
        path - the path
        the decimal number located at the given path or null
      • getIntOpt

        default OptionalInt getIntOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the integral number located at the given path as an integer or OptionalInt.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in an integer.
        path - the JsPath object of the integral number that will be returned
        the integral number located at the given JsPath wrapped in an OptionalInt
      • getInt

        default Integer getInt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the integral number located at the given path as an integer or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in an integer.
        path - the path
        the integral number located at the given path or null
      • getLongOpt

        default OptionalLong getLongOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the integral number located at the given path as a long or OptionalLong.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in a long.
        path - the JsPath object of the integral number that will be returned
        the integral number located at the given JsPath wrapped in an OptionalLong
      • getLong

        default Long getLong​(JsPath path)
        Returns the integral number located at the given path as a long or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an integral number or it's an integral number but doesn't fit in a long.
        path - the path
        the integral number located at the given path or null
      • getObjOpt

        default Optional<JsObj> getObjOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the object located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an object.
        path - the JsPath object of the JsObj that will be returned
        the JsObj located at the given JsPath wrapped in an Optional
      • getObj

        default JsObj getObj​(JsPath path)
        Returns the object located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an object.
        path - the path
        the JsObj located at the given path or null
      • getStrOpt

        default Optional<String> getStrOpt​(JsPath path)
        Returns the string located at the given path or Optional.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not an string.
        path - the JsPath object of the JsStr that will be returned
        the JsStr located at the given path wrapped in an Optional
      • getStr

        default String getStr​(JsPath path)
        Returns the string located at the given path or null if it doesn't exist or it's not an string.
        path - the path
        the string located at the given path or null
      • ifEmptyElse

        default <A> A ifEmptyElse​(Supplier<A> emptySupplier,
                                  Supplier<A> nonemptySupplier)
        Declarative way of implementing if(this.isEmpty()) return emptySupplier.get() else return nonEmptySupplier.get()
        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the result
        emptySupplier - Supplier that will produce the result if this json is empty
        nonemptySupplier - Supplier that will produce the result if this json is not empty
        an object of type A
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        return true if there's no element in this json
        true if empty, false otherwise
      • isNotEmpty

        default boolean isNotEmpty()
        return true if this json it not empty
        false if empty, true otherwise
      • parse

        static Json<?> parse​(String str)
                      throws MalformedJson
        Tries to parse the string into an immutable json.
        str - the string that will be parsed
        an immutable json
        MalformedJson - if the string doesnt represent a json
      • parse

        static Json<?> parse​(String str,
                             ParseBuilder builder)
                      throws MalformedJson
        Tries to parse the string into an immutable json, performing the specified transformations while the parsing.
        str - the string that will be parsed
        builder - a builder with the transformations that will be applied during the parsing
        an immutable json
        MalformedJson - if it's not a valid Json
      • prepend

        default T prepend​(JsPath path,
                          JsValue elem,
                          JsValue... others)
        prepends one or more elements, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the array in which all the elements will be prepended
        elem - the first JsElem to be prepended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional JsElem to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prepend

        T prepend​(JsPath path,
                  JsValue elem)
        prepends one element to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the array in which the element will be prepended
        elem - the JsElem to be prepended to the existing or created array
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prepend

        default T prepend​(JsPath path,
                          String elem,
                          String... others)
        Prepends one or more strings, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the path-like string pointing to the array in which all the string will be prepended
        elem - the first string to be prepended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional strings to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prepend

        default T prepend​(JsPath path,
                          int elem,
                          int... others)
        prepends one or more integers, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the array in which all the integers will be prepended
        elem - the first integer to be prepended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional integers to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prepend

        default T prepend​(JsPath path,
                          long elem,
                          long... others)
        prepends one or more longs, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the array in which all the longs will be prepended
        elem - the first long to be prepended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional longs to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prepend

        default T prepend​(JsPath path,
                          boolean elem,
                          boolean... others)
        prepends one or more booleans, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the array in which all the booleans will be prepended
        elem - the first boolean to be prepended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional booleans to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prepend

        default T prepend​(JsPath path,
                          double elem,
                          double... others)
        prepends one or more doubles, starting from the first, to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the array in which all the doubles will be prepended
        elem - the first double to be prepended to the existing or created array
        others - more optional doubles to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependAll

        T prependAll​(JsPath path,
                     JsArray elems)
        prepends all the elements of the array, starting from the head, to the array located at the path in this json. If the array at the path doesn't exist, a new one is created, replacing any existing element in the path and filling empty indexes in arrays with JsNull when necessary. The same this instance is returned when it's an array and the head of the path is a key or when it's an object and the head of the path is an index.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the array in which all the elements will be prepended
        elems - the JsArray of elements to be prepended to the existing or created array
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependAllIfPresent

        default T prependAllIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                      Supplier<JsArray> supplier)
        Prepends all the elements of the array computed by the supplier, starting from the head, to the array located at the path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present, in which case, the supplier is not invoked.
        path - the JsPath object pointing to the existing array in which all the elements will be prepended
        supplier - the supplier of the array of elements that will be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependIfPresent

        default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                   Supplier<JsValue> supplier)
        Prepends one element given by a supplier, to the array located at the given path in this json, returning the same this instance if the array is not present. The supplier is not applied if there's no array at the specified path.
        path - the JsPath pointing to the existing array in which all the elements will be appended
        supplier - the given supplier
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependIfPresent

        default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                   int number,
                                   int... others)
        Prepends one or more integers to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the integers will be prepended
        number - the integer to be prepended
        others - more optional integers to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependIfPresent

        default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                   long number,
                                   long... others)
        Prepends one or more longs to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the longs will be prepended
        number - the long to be prepended
        others - more optional longs to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependIfPresent

        default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                   double number,
                                   double... others)
        Prepends one or more doubles to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the doubles will be prepended
        number - the double to be prepended
        others - more optional doubles to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependIfPresent

        default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                   String str,
                                   String... others)
        Prepends one or more strings to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the strings will be prepended
        str - the string to be prepended
        others - more optional strings to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • prependIfPresent

        default T prependIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                                   boolean bool,
                                   boolean... others)
        Prepends one or more booleans to the array located at the given path in this json in the following order [number, others, existing elements], returning the same this instance if the array is not present.
        path - the path pointing to the existing array in which the booleans will be prepended
        bool - the boolean to be prepended
        others - more optional booleans to be prepended
        same this instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        T put​(JsPath path,
              Function<? super JsValue,​? extends JsValue> fn)
        Inserts the element returned by the function at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary. The same instance is returned when the path is empty, or the head of the path is a key and this is an array or the head of the path is an index and this is an object. In both cases the function is not invoked. The same instance is returned as well when the element returned by the function is JsNothing
        path - the JsPath object where the JsElem will be inserted at
        fn - the function that takes as an input the JsElem at the path and produces the JsElem to be inserted at the path
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        default T put​(JsPath path,
                      JsValue element)
        Inserts the element at the path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary.

        The same instance is returned when the head of the path is a key and this is an array or the head of the path is an index and this is an object or the element is JsNothing

        path - the JsPath object where the element will be inserted at
        element - the JsElem that will be inserted
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        default T put​(JsPath path,
                      int n)
        Inserts the integer number at the path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary. The same instance is returned when the head of the path is a key and this is an array or the head of the path is an index and this is an object or the element is JsNothing
        path - the path where the integer number will be inserted at
        n - the integer that will be inserted
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        default T put​(JsPath path,
                      long n)
        Inserts the long number at the path in this json, replacing any existing element and filling with JsNull empty indexes in arrays when necessary. The same instance is returned when the head of the path is a key and this is an array or the head of the path is an index and this is an object or the element is JsNothing
        path - the path where the long number will be inserted at
        n - the long number that will be inserted
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        default T put​(JsPath path,
                      String str)
        Inserts the string at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
        path - the path where the string will be inserted at
        str - the string that will be inserted
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        default T put​(JsPath path,
                      BigInteger bigint)
        Inserts the big integer number at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in teh path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
        path - the given path where the big integer number will be inserted at
        bigint - the big integer number that will be inserted
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        default T put​(JsPath path,
                      BigDecimal bigdecimal)
        Inserts the big decimal number at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
        path - the given path where the big decimal number will be inserted at
        bigdecimal - the big decimal number that will be inserted
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • put

        default T put​(JsPath path,
                      boolean bool)
        Inserts the boolean at the given path in this json, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
        path - the given path where the boolean will be inserted at
        bool - the boolean that will be inserted
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIf

        default T putIf​(Predicate<? super JsValue> predicate,
                        JsPath path,
                        Function<? super JsValue,​? extends JsValue> fn)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if the existing element satisfies the predicate, a new element returned by the function. If the predicate evaluates to false, the function is not computed. If the function returns JsNothing, the same this instance is returned.
        predicate - the predicate on which the existing element is tested on
        path - the JsPath object
        fn - the function witch computes the new element if the existing one satisfies the given predicate
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfAbsent

        default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path,
                              Supplier<? extends JsValue> supplier)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the element returned by the supplier, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary. The supplier is not invoked if the element is present.
        path - the given JsPath object
        supplier - the supplier which computes the new JsElem if absent
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfAbsent

        default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path,
                              int number)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the specified integer, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
        path - the given JsPath object
        number - the specified integer
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfAbsent

        default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path,
                              long number)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the specified long, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
        path - the given JsPath object
        number - the specified long
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfAbsent

        default T putIfAbsent​(JsPath path,
                              double number)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if no element is present, the specified double, replacing any existing element in the path and filling with JsNull empty positions in arrays when necessary.
        path - the given JsPath object
        number - the specified double
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfPresent

        default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                               int number)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the specified integer.
        path - the given path
        number - the specified integer
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfPresent

        default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                               long number)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the specified long.
        path - the given path
        number - the specified long
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfPresent

        default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                               double number)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the specified double.
        path - the given path
        number - the specified double
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • putIfPresent

        default T putIfPresent​(JsPath path,
                               Function<? super JsValue,​? extends JsValue> fn)
        Inserts at the given path in this json, if some element is present, the element returned by the function.
        path - the given JsPath object
        fn - the function which computes the new JsElem from the existing one
        the same instance or a new json of the same type T
      • reduce

        <R> Optional<R> reduce​(BinaryOperator<R> op,
                               Function<? super JsPair,​R> map,
                               Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
        Performs a reduction on the values that satisfy the predicate in the first level of this json. The reduction is performed mapping each value with the mapping function and then applying the operator
        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of the operands of the operator
        op - the operator upon two objects of type R
        map - the mapping function which produces an object of type R from a JsValue
        predicate - the predicate that determines what JsValue will be mapped and reduced
        an Optional describing the of of the reduction
        See Also:
        to apply the reduction in all the Json and not only in the first level
      • reduceAll

        <R> Optional<R> reduceAll​(BinaryOperator<R> op,
                                  Function<? super JsPair,​R> map,
                                  Predicate<? super JsPair> predicate)
        Performs a reduction on the values of this json that satisfy the predicate. The reduction is performed mapping each value with the mapping function and then applying the operator
        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of the operands of the operator
        op - the operator upon two objects of type R
        map - the mapping function which produces an object of type R from a JsValue
        predicate - the predicate that determines what JsValue will be mapped and reduced
        an Optional describing the result of the reduction
        See Also:
        to apply the reduction only in the first level
      • remove

        T remove​(JsPath path)
        Removes the element in this json located at the given path, if it exists, returning the same this instance otherwise
        path - the given JsPath object
        a json of the same type T
      • serialize

        default byte[] serialize()
      • size

        int size()
        Returns the number of elements in the first level of this json
        the number of elements in the first level of this json
      • size

        default OptionalInt size​(JsPath path)
        Returns the size of the json located at the given path in this json or OptionalInt.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a Json
        path - the given JsPath object
        an OptionalInt
      • sizeAll

        default int sizeAll()
        Returns the number of all the elements in this json
        the number of all the elements in this json
      • sizeAll

        default OptionalInt sizeAll​(JsPath path)
        Returns the size of the json located at the given path in this json or OptionalInt.empty() if it doesn't exist or it's not a Json
        path - the given JsPath object
        an OptionalInt
      • stream

        Stream<JsPair> stream()
        Returns a stream over the pairs of elements in the first level of this json object.
        a Stream over all the JsPairs in the first level of this json
      • streamAll

        Stream<JsPair> streamAll()
        Returns a stream over all the pairs of elements in this json object.
        a Stream over all the JsPairs in this json
      • times

        default long times​(JsValue e)
      • timesAll

        default long timesAll​(JsValue e)
      • toPrettyString

        default String toPrettyString()
        Converts the string representation of this Json to a pretty print version
        pretty print version of the string representation of this Json