Module vertx.values
Package vertxval.exp

Class Quadruple<A,​B,​C,​D>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Supplier<io.vertx.core.Future<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>>>, Val<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>>

    public class Quadruple<A,​B,​C,​D>
    extends AbstractVal<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>>
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static <A,​B,​C,​D> Quadruple<A,​B,​C,​D> of​(Val<A> _1,
                                                                                          Val<B> _2,
                                                                                          Val<C> _3,
                                                                                          Val<D> _4)
      • map

        public <P> Val<P> map​(Function<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>,​P> fn)
        Description copied from interface: Val
        Creates a new value by applying a function to the successful result of this value. If this value returns an exception then the new value will also contain this exception.
        Type Parameters:
        P - the type of the returned value
        fn - the function which will be applied to the successful result of this value
        a new value
      • retry

        public Val<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>> retry​(int attempts)
        Description copied from interface: Val
        returns a new value tha will retry its execution if it fails
        attempts - the number of attempts before returning an error
        a new value
      • retry

        public Val<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>> retry​(int attempts,
                                                                    BiFunction<Throwable,​Integer,​Val<Void>> actionBeforeRetry)
        Description copied from interface: Val
        returns a new value tha will retry its execution after the an action.
        attempts - the number of attempts before returning an error
        actionBeforeRetry - the function that produces the action to be executed before the retry
        a new value
      • retryIf

        public Val<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>> retryIf​(Predicate<Throwable> predicate,
                                                                      int attempts)
        Description copied from interface: Val
        returns a new value tha will retry its execution if it fails with an error that satisfies the given predicate.
        predicate - the predicate against which the returned error will be tested on
        attempts - the number of attempts before returning an error
        a new value
      • retryIf

        public Val<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>> retryIf​(Predicate<Throwable> predicate,
                                                                      int attempts,
                                                                      BiFunction<Throwable,​Integer,​Val<Void>> actionBeforeRetry)
        Description copied from interface: Val
        returns a new value tha will retry its execution after an action if it fails with an error that satisfies the given predicate.
        predicate - the predicate against which the returned error will be tested on
        attempts - the number of attempts before returning an error
        actionBeforeRetry - the function that produces the action to be executed before the retry
        a new value
      • get

        public io.vertx.core.Future<io.vavr.Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>> get()