
trait DockerControllerSpecSupport extends SuiteMixin with DockerControllerHelper with RandomPortUtil
trait RandomPortUtil
trait DockerControllerHelper
trait SuiteMixin
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

case class WaitPredicateSetting(awaitDuration: Duration, waitPredicate: WaitPredicate)

Value members

Concrete methods

protected def afterCreateContainers(): Unit
protected def afterRemoveContainers(): Unit
protected def afterStartContainers(): Unit
protected def afterStopContainers(): Unit
protected def beforeCreateContainers(): Unit
protected def beforeRemoveContainers(): Unit
protected def beforeStartContainers(): Unit
protected def beforeStopContainers(): Unit
protected def createDockerContainers(createRemoveLifecycle: Value, testName: Option[String]): Boolean
protected def removeDockerContainers(createRemoveLifecycle: Value, testName: Option[String]): Boolean
def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status
protected def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status
protected def startDockerContainers(startStopLifecycle: Value, testName: Option[String]): Boolean
protected def startStopLifecycle: Value
protected def stopDockerContainers(startStopLifecycle: Value, testName: Option[String]): Boolean

Inherited methods

protected def afterDockerContainerCreated(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def afterDockerContainerRemoved(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def afterDockerContainerStopped(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def afterDocketContainerStarted(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def beforeDockerContainerCreate(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def beforeDockerContainerRemove(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def beforeDockerContainerStop(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def beforeDocketContainerStart(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def createDockerContainer(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
def expectedTestCount(filter: Filter): Int

The total number of tests that are expected to run when this Suite's run method is invoked.

The total number of tests that are expected to run when this Suite's run method is invoked.

Value Params

a Filter with which to filter tests to count based on their tags

Inherited from
def nestedSuites: IndexedSeq[Suite]

An immutable IndexedSeq of this SuiteMixin object's nested Suites. If this SuiteMixin contains no nested Suites, this method returns an empty IndexedSeq.

An immutable IndexedSeq of this SuiteMixin object's nested Suites. If this SuiteMixin contains no nested Suites, this method returns an empty IndexedSeq.

Inherited from
protected def removeDockerContainer(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
def rerunner: Option[String]

The fully qualified name of the class that can be used to rerun this suite.

The fully qualified name of the class that can be used to rerun this suite.

Inherited from
protected def runNestedSuites(args: Args): Status

Runs zero to many of this suite's nested suites.

Runs zero to many of this suite's nested suites.

Value Params

the Args for this run


a Status object that indicates when all nested suites started by this method have completed, and whether or not a failure occurred.


if args is null.

Inherited from
protected def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status

Runs zero to many of this suite's tests.

Runs zero to many of this suite's tests.

Value Params

the Args for this run


an optional name of one test to run. If None, all relevant tests should be run. I.e., None acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite.


a Status object that indicates when all tests started by this method have completed, and whether or not a failure occurred.


if either testName or args is null.

Inherited from
protected def startDockerContainer(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
protected def stopDockerContainer(dockerController: DockerController, testName: Option[String]): Unit
Inherited from
def suiteId: String

A string ID for this Suite that is intended to be unique among all suites reported during a run.

A string ID for this Suite that is intended to be unique among all suites reported during a run.

The suite ID is intended to be unique, because ScalaTest does not enforce that it is unique. If it is not unique, then you may not be able to uniquely identify a particular test of a particular suite. This ability is used, for example, to dynamically tag tests as having failed in the previous run when rerunning only failed tests.


this Suite object's ID.

Inherited from
def suiteName: String

A user-friendly suite name for this Suite.

A user-friendly suite name for this Suite.

This trait's implementation of this method returns the simple name of this object's class. This trait's implementation of runNestedSuites calls this method to obtain a name for Reports to pass to the suiteStarting, suiteCompleted, and suiteAborted methods of the Reporter.


this Suite object's suite name.

Inherited from
def tags: Map[String, Set[String]]

A Map whose keys are String names of tagged tests and whose associated values are the Set of tag names for the test. If a test has no associated tags, its name does not appear as a key in the returned Map. If this Suite contains no tests with tags, this method returns an empty Map.

A Map whose keys are String names of tagged tests and whose associated values are the Set of tag names for the test. If a test has no associated tags, its name does not appear as a key in the returned Map. If this Suite contains no tests with tags, this method returns an empty Map.

Subclasses may override this method to define and/or discover tags in a custom manner, but overriding method implementations should never return an empty Set as a value. If a test has no tags, its name should not appear as a key in the returned Map.

Inherited from
def temporaryServerAddress(interface: String): InetSocketAddress
Inherited from
def temporaryServerHostnameAndPort(interface: String): (String, Int)
Inherited from
def temporaryServerPort(interface: String): Int
Inherited from
def testDataFor(testName: String, theConfigMap: ConfigMap): TestData

Provides a TestData instance for the passed test name, given the passed config map.

Provides a TestData instance for the passed test name, given the passed config map.

This method is used to obtain a TestData instance to pass to withFixture(NoArgTest) and withFixture(OneArgTest) and the beforeEach and afterEach methods of trait BeforeAndAfterEach.

Value Params

the name of the test for which to return a TestData instance


the config map to include in the returned TestData


a TestData instance for the specified test, which includes the specified config map

Inherited from
def testNames: Set[String]

A Set of test names. If this Suite contains no tests, this method returns an empty Set.

A Set of test names. If this Suite contains no tests, this method returns an empty Set.

Although subclass and subtrait implementations of this method may return a Set whose iterator produces String test names in a well-defined order, the contract of this method does not required a defined order. Subclasses are free to implement this method and return test names in either a defined or undefined order.

Inherited from

Inherited fields

protected val dockerClient: DockerClient
Inherited from
protected val dockerClientConfig: DockerClientConfig
Inherited from
protected val dockerControllers: Vector[DockerController]
Inherited from
protected val dockerHost: String
Inherited from
protected val dockerHttpClient: DockerHttpClient
Inherited from
protected val logger: Logger
Inherited from
protected val waitPredicatesSettings: Map[DockerController, WaitPredicateSetting]
Inherited from

Deprecated and Inherited fields

@deprecated("The styleName lifecycle method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest with no replacement.", "3.1.0")
val styleName: String

The styleName lifecycle method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.

The styleName lifecycle method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.

This method was used to support the chosen styles feature, which was deactivated in 3.1.0. The internal modularization of ScalaTest in 3.2.0 will replace chosen styles as the tool to encourage consistency across a project. We do not plan a replacement for styleName.

Inherited from