
trait Object[B <: SafeBool[B]]

Mix into the companion object for the type.

Mix into the companion object for the type.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object Values


final type Values[+A] = Values[B, A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def negative: B & SafeBool[B]
def positive: B & SafeBool[B]

Concrete methods

final def exists(f: B => Boolean): Boolean
final def fold[A](a: A)(f: (A, B) => A): A
final def forall(f: B => Boolean): Boolean
final def mapReduce[X, Y](m: B => X)(r: (X, X) => Y): Y
final def memo[A](f: B => A): B => A
final def memoLazy[A](f: B => A): B => A



final implicit def equality: UnivEq[B]