object CanIUse

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CanIUse
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class Agent(prefix: Prefix, prefixExceptions: Map[VerStr, Prefix]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. sealed abstract class Prefix extends AnyRef
  3. type Subject = Map[Agent, Set[Support]]
  4. sealed trait Support extends AnyRef
  5. type VerStr = String

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. val animation: Subject

    CSS Animation

    CSS Animation

    Complex method of animating certain properties of an element


  5. def appearance: Subject

    CSS Appearance

    CSS Appearance

    The appearance property defines how elements (particularly form controls) appear by default. By setting the value to none the default appearance can be entirely redefined using other CSS properties.


  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  7. def backgroundAttachment: Subject

    CSS background-attachment

    CSS background-attachment

    Method of defining how a background image is attached to a scrollable element. Values include scroll (default), fixed and local.


  8. def backgroundImgOpts: Subject

    CSS3 Background-image options

    CSS3 Background-image options

    New properties to affect background images, including background-clip, background-origin and background-size


  9. def backgroundOffsets: Subject

    CSS background-position edge offsets

    CSS background-position edge offsets

    Allows CSS background images to be positioned relative to the specified edge using the 3 to 4 value syntax. For example: background-position: right 5px bottom 5px; for positioning 5px from the bottom-right corner.


  10. def backgroundRepeatRoundSpace: Subject

    CSS background-repeat round and space

    CSS background-repeat round and space

    Allows CSS background images to be repeated without clipping.


  11. def backgroundblendmode: Subject

    CSS background-blend-mode

    CSS background-blend-mode

    Allows blending between CSS background images, gradients, and colors.


  12. val borderImage: Subject

    CSS3 Border images

    CSS3 Border images

    Method of using images for borders


  13. val borderRadius: Subject

    CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)

    CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)

    Method of making the border corners round. Covers support for the shorthand border-radius as well as the long-hand properties (e.g. border-top-left-radius)


  14. def boxdecorationbreak: Subject

    CSS box-decoration-break

    CSS box-decoration-break

    Controls whether the box's margins, borders, padding, and other decorations wrap the broken edges of the box fragments (when the box is split by a break (page/column/region/line).


  15. def boxshadow: Subject

    CSS3 Box-shadow

    CSS3 Box-shadow

    Method of displaying an inner or outer shadow effect to elements


  16. def calc: Subject

    calc() as CSS unit value

    calc() as CSS unit value

    Method of allowing calculated values for length units, i.e. width: calc(100% - 3em)


  17. def canvas: Subject

    CSS Canvas Drawings

    CSS Canvas Drawings

    Method of using HTML5 Canvas as a background image. Not currently part of any specification.


  18. def caretColor: Subject

    CSS caret-color

    CSS caret-color

    The caret-color property allows the color to be set of the caret (blinking text insertion pointer) in an editable text area.


  19. def chUnit: Subject

    ch (character) unit

    ch (character) unit

    Unit representing the width of the character "0" in the current font, of particular use in combination with monospace fonts.


  20. def clipPath: Subject

    CSS clip-path property (for HTML)

    CSS clip-path property (for HTML)

    Method of defining the visible region of an HTML element using SVG or a shape definition.


  21. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  22. val counters: Subject

    CSS Counters

    CSS Counters

    Method of controlling number values in generated content, using the counter-reset and counter-increment properties.


  23. def crispEdges: Subject

    Crisp edges/pixelated images

    Crisp edges/pixelated images

    Scales images with an algorithm that preserves edges and contrast, without smoothing colors or introducing blur. This is intended for images such as pixel art. Official values that accomplish this for the image-rendering property are crisp-edges and pixelated.


  24. def css3Boxsizing: Subject

    CSS3 Box-sizing

    CSS3 Box-sizing

    Method of specifying whether or not an element's borders and padding should be included in size units


  25. def css3CursorsNewer: Subject

    CSS3 Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out

    CSS3 Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out

    Support for zoom-in, zoom-out values for the CSS3 cursor property.


  26. def css3Tabsize: Subject

    CSS3 tab-size

    CSS3 tab-size

    Method of customizing the width of the tab character. Only effective using 'white-space: pre' or 'white-space: pre-wrap'.


  27. def deviceadaptation: Subject

    CSS Device Adaptation

    CSS Device Adaptation

    A standard way to override the size of viewport in web page using the @viewport rule, standardizing and replacing Apple's own popular <meta> viewport implementation.


  28. def displayContents: Subject

    CSS display: contents

    CSS display: contents

    display: contents causes an element's children to appear as if they were direct children of the element's parent, ignoring the element itself. This can be useful when a wrapper element should be ignored when using CSS grid or similar layout techniques.


  29. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  30. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  31. def featurequeries: Subject

    CSS Feature Queries

    CSS Feature Queries

    CSS Feature Queries allow authors to condition rules based on whether particular property declarations are supported in CSS using the @supports at rule.


  32. def filters: Subject

    CSS Filter Effects

    CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects (like blur, grayscale, brightness, contrast and hue) to elements, previously only possible by using SVG.


  33. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  34. def fixed: Subject

    CSS position:fixed

    CSS position:fixed

    Method of keeping an element in a fixed location regardless of scroll position


  35. val flexbox: Subject

    CSS Flexible Box Layout Module

    CSS Flexible Box Layout Module

    Method of positioning elements in horizontal or vertical stacks. Support includes all properties prefixed with flex, as well as display: flex, display: inline-flex, align-content, align-items, align-self, justify-content and order.


  36. def flowRoot: Subject

    display: flow-root

    display: flow-root

    The element generates a block container box, and lays out its contents using flow layout. It always establishes a new block formatting context for its contents. The result is the same as the "clearfix" hack.


  37. def fontFamilySystemUi: Subject

    system-ui value for font-family

    system-ui value for font-family

    Value for font-family that represents the default user interface font.


  38. def fontFeature: Subject

    CSS font-feature-settings

    CSS font-feature-settings

    Method of applying advanced typographic and language-specific font features to supported OpenType fonts.


  39. def fontKerning: Subject

    CSS3 font-kerning

    CSS3 font-kerning

    Controls the usage of the kerning information (spacing between letters) stored in the font. Note that this only affects OpenType fonts with kerning information, it has no effect on other fonts.


  40. def fontSizeAdjust: Subject

    CSS font-size-adjust

    CSS font-size-adjust

    Method of adjusting the font size in a matter that relates to the height of lowercase vs. uppercase letters. This makes it easier to set the size of fallback fonts.


  41. def fontStretch: Subject

    CSS font-stretch

    CSS font-stretch

    If a font has multiple types of variations based on the width of characters, the font-stretch property allows the appropriate one to be selected. The property in itself does not cause the browser to stretch to a font.


  42. def gencontent: Subject

    CSS Generated content for pseudo-elements

    CSS Generated content for pseudo-elements

    Method of displaying text or images before or after the given element's contents using the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. All browsers with support also support the attr() notation in the content property.


  43. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  44. def gradients: Subject

    CSS Gradients

    CSS Gradients

    Method of defining a linear or radial color gradient as a CSS image.


  45. val grid: Subject

    CSS Grid Layout

    CSS Grid Layout

    Method of using a grid concept to lay out content, providing a mechanism for authors to divide available space for layout into columns and rows using a set of predictable sizing behaviors. Includes support for all grid-* properties and the fr unit.


  46. def hangingPunctuation: Subject

    CSS hanging-punctuation

    CSS hanging-punctuation

    Allows some punctuation characters from start (or the end) of text elements to be placed "outside" of the box in order to preserve the reading flow.


  47. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  48. def hyphens: Subject

    CSS Hyphenation

    CSS Hyphenation

    Method of controlling when words at the end of lines should be hyphenated using the "hyphens" property.


  49. def imageOrientation: Subject

    CSS3 image-orientation

    CSS3 image-orientation

    CSS property used generally to fix the intended orientation of an image. This can be done using 90 degree increments or based on the image's EXIF data using the "from-image" value.


  50. def imageSet: Subject

    CSS image-set

    CSS image-set

    Method of letting the browser pick the most appropriate CSS background image from a given set, primarily for high PPI screens.


  51. def initialLetter: Subject

    CSS Initial Letter

    CSS Initial Letter

    Method of creating an enlarged cap, including a drop or raised cap, in a robust way.


  52. def intrinsicWidth: Subject

    Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing

    Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing

    Allows for the heights and widths to be specified in intrinsic values using the max-content, min-content, fit-content and stretch (formerly fill) properties.


  53. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  54. def letterSpacing: Subject

    letter-spacing CSS property

    letter-spacing CSS property

    Controls spacing between characters of text (i.e. "tracking" in typographical terms). Not to be confused with kerning.


  55. def logicalProps: Subject

    CSS Logical Properties

    CSS Logical Properties

    Use start/end properties that depend on LTR or RTL writing direction instead of left/right


  56. val masks: Subject

    CSS Masks

    CSS Masks

    Method of displaying part of an element, using a selected image as a mask


  57. def mediaResolution: Subject

    Media Queries: resolution feature

    Media Queries: resolution feature

    Allows a media query to be set based on the device pixels used per CSS unit. While the standard uses min/max-resolution for this, some browsers support the older non-standard device-pixel-ratio media query.


  58. val multicolumn: Subject

    CSS3 Multiple column layout

    CSS3 Multiple column layout

    Method of flowing information in multiple columns


  59. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  60. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  61. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  62. def objectFit: Subject

    CSS3 object-fit/object-position

    CSS3 object-fit/object-position

    Method of specifying how an object (image or video) should fit inside its box. object-fit options include "contain" (fit according to aspect ratio), "fill" (stretches object to fill) and "cover" (overflows box but maintains ratio), where object-position allows the object to be repositioned like background-image does.


  63. def opacity: Subject

    CSS3 Opacity

    CSS3 Opacity

    Method of setting the transparency level of an element


  64. val outline: Subject

    CSS outline properties

    CSS outline properties

    The CSS outline properties draw a border around an element that does not affect layout, making it ideal for highlighting. This covers the outline shorthand, as well as outline-width, outline-style, outline-color and outline-offset.


  65. def overflowAnchor: Subject

    CSS overflow-anchor (Scroll Anchoring)

    CSS overflow-anchor (Scroll Anchoring)

    Changes in DOM elements above the visible region of a scrolling box can result in the page moving while the user is in the middle of consuming the content. By default, the value of overflow-anchor is auto, it can mitigate this jarring user experience by keeping track of the position of an anchor node and adjusting the scroll offset accordingly


  66. def overscrollBehavior: Subject

    CSS overscroll-behavior

    CSS overscroll-behavior

    CSS property to control the behavior when the scroll position of a scroll container reaches the edge of the scrollport.


  67. def pageBreak: Subject

    CSS page-break properties

    CSS page-break properties

    Properties to control the way elements are broken across (printed) pages.


  68. def reflections: Subject

    CSS Reflections

    CSS Reflections

    Method of displaying a reflection of an element


  69. def regions: Subject

    CSS Regions

    CSS Regions

    Method of flowing content into multiple elements.


  70. def repeatingGradients: Subject

    CSS Repeating Gradients

    CSS Repeating Gradients

    Method of defining a repeating linear or radial color gradient as a CSS image.


  71. def resize: Subject

    CSS resize property

    CSS resize property

    Method of allowing an element to be resized by the user, with options to limit to a given direction.


  72. def runIn: Subject

    display: run-in

    display: run-in

    If the run-in box contains a block box, same as block. If a block box follows the run-in box, the run-in box becomes the first inline box of the block box. If an inline box follows, the run-in box becomes a block box.


  73. def scrollBehavior: Subject

    CSSOM Scroll-behavior

    CSSOM Scroll-behavior

    Method of specifying the scrolling behavior for a scrolling box, when scrolling happens due to navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs.


  74. def sel2: Subject

    CSS 2.1 selectors

    CSS 2.1 selectors

    Basic CSS selectors including: * (universal selector), > (child selector), :first-child, :link, :visited, :active, :hover, :focus, :lang(), + (adjacent sibling selector), [attr], [attr="val"], [attr~="val"], [attr|="bar"], .foo (class selector), #foo (id selector)


  75. def sel3: Subject

    CSS3 selectors

    CSS3 selectors

    Advanced element selection using selectors including: [foo^="bar"], [foo$="bar"], [foo*="bar"], :root, :nth-child(), :nth-last-child(), nth-of-type, nth-last-of-type(), :last-child, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-child, :only-of-type, :empty, :target, :enabled, :disabled, :checked, :not(), ~ (general sibling)


  76. def selection: Subject

    ::selection CSS pseudo-element

    ::selection CSS pseudo-element

    The ::selection CSS pseudo-element applies rules to the portion of a document that has been highlighted (e.g., selected with the mouse or another pointing device) by the user.


  77. val shapes: Subject

    CSS Shapes Level 1

    CSS Shapes Level 1

    Allows geometric shapes to be set in CSS to define an area for text to flow around.


  78. def sticky: Subject

    CSS position:sticky

    CSS position:sticky

    Keeps elements positioned as "fixed" or "relative" depending on how it appears in the viewport. As a result the element is "stuck" when necessary while scrolling.


  79. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  80. def textAlignLast: Subject

    CSS3 text-align-last

    CSS3 text-align-last

    CSS property to describe how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break when text-align is justify.


  81. val textDecoration: Subject

    text-decoration styling

    text-decoration styling

    Method of defining the type, style and color of lines in the text-decoration property. These can be defined as shorthand (e.g. text-decoration: line-through dashed blue) or as single properties (e.g. text-decoration-color: blue)


  82. def textEmphasis: Subject

    text-emphasis styling

    text-emphasis styling

    Method of using small symbols next to each glyph to emphasize a run of text, commonly used in East Asian languages. The text-emphasis shorthand, and its text-emphasis-style and text-emphasis-color longhands, can be used to apply marks to the text. The text-emphasis-position property, which inherits separately, allows setting the emphasis marks' position with respect to the text.


  83. def textIndent: Subject

    CSS text-indent

    CSS text-indent

    The text-indent property applies indentation to lines of inline content in a block.


  84. def textJustify: Subject

    CSS text-justify

    CSS text-justify

    CSS property to define how text should be justified when text-align: justify is set.


  85. def textOrientation: Subject

    CSS text-orientation

    CSS text-orientation

    The CSS text-orientation property specifies the orientation of text within a line. Current values only have an effect in vertical typographic modes (defined with the writing-mode property)


  86. def textOverflow: Subject

    CSS3 Text-overflow

    CSS3 Text-overflow

    Append ellipsis when text overflows its containing element


  87. def textSizeAdjust: Subject

    CSS text-size-adjust

    CSS text-size-adjust

    On mobile devices, the text-size-adjust CSS property allows Web authors to control if and how the text-inflating algorithm is applied to the textual content of the element it is applied to.


  88. def textStroke: Subject

    CSS text-stroke and text-fill

    CSS text-stroke and text-fill

    Method of declaring the outline (stroke) width and color for text.


  89. def textshadow: Subject

    CSS3 Text-shadow

    CSS3 Text-shadow

    Method of applying one or more shadow or blur effects to text


  90. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  91. def touchAction: Subject

    CSS touch-action property

    CSS touch-action property

    touch-action is a CSS property that controls filtering of gesture events, providing developers with a declarative mechanism to selectively disable touch scrolling (in one or both axes) or double-tap-zooming.


  92. def transforms: Subject

    Combination of transforms2d & transforms3d.

  93. def transforms2d: Subject

    CSS3 2D Transforms

    CSS3 2D Transforms

    Method of transforming an element including rotating, scaling, etc. Includes support for transform as well as transform-origin properties.


  94. def transforms3d: Subject

    CSS3 3D Transforms

    CSS3 3D Transforms

    Method of transforming an element in the third dimension using the transform property. Includes support for the perspective property to set the perspective in z-space and the backface-visibility property to toggle display of the reverse side of a 3D-transformed element.


  95. val transitions: Subject

    CSS3 Transitions

    CSS3 Transitions

    Simple method of animating certain properties of an element, with ability to define property, duration, delay and timing function.


  96. def userSelectNone: Subject

    CSS user-select: none

    CSS user-select: none

    Method of preventing text/element selection using CSS.


  97. def variableFonts: Subject

    Variable fonts

    Variable fonts

    OpenType font settings that allows a single font file to behave like multiple fonts: it can contain all the allowed variations in width, weight, slant, optical size, or any other exposed axes of variation as defined by the font designer. Variations can be applied via the font-variation-settings property.


  98. def viewportUnits: Subject

    Viewport units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax

    Viewport units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax

    Length units representing a percentage of the current viewport dimensions: width (vw), height (vh), the smaller of the two (vmin), or the larger of the two (vmax).


  99. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  100. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  101. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  102. def widowsOrphans: Subject

    CSS widows & orphans

    CSS widows & orphans

    CSS properties to control when lines break across pages or columns by defining the amount of lines that must be left before or after the break.


  103. def wordBreak: Subject

    CSS3 word-break

    CSS3 word-break

    Property to prevent or allow words to be broken over multiple lines between letters.


  104. def wordwrap: Subject

    CSS3 Overflow-wrap

    CSS3 Overflow-wrap

    Allows lines to be broken within words if an otherwise unbreakable string is too long to fit. Currently mostly supported using the word-wrap property.


  105. def writingMode: Subject

    CSS writing-mode property

    CSS writing-mode property

    Property to define whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically and the direction in which blocks progress.


  106. object Agent extends Serializable
  107. object Prefix
  108. object Support

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
