
object StaticDsl

This is not meant to be imported by library-users; RouterConfigDsl is the entire library-user-facing facade & DSL.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final class DynamicRedirectB[Page, Props, A, O](f: A => Redirect[Page] => O) extends AnyVal
final class DynamicRouteB[Page, Props, P <: Page, O](f: P => Action[Page, Props] => O) extends AnyVal
final class Route[A](pattern: Pattern, parseFn: Matcher => Option[A], buildFn: A => Path) extends RouteCommon[Route, A] with ForRoute[A]

A complete route.

A complete route.

class RouteB[A](val regex: String, val matchGroups: Int, val parse: Int => String => Option[A], val build: A => String) extends RouteCommon[RouteB, A] with ForRouteB[A]

A fragment of a route. Can be composed with other fragments.

A fragment of a route. Can be composed with other fragments.

Value parameters:

The number of matches that regex will capture.

object RouteB

Route builder. Allows you to specify routes like "user" / int / "display". Once complete, RouteB will become a Route.

Route builder. Allows you to specify routes like "user" / int / "display". Once complete, RouteB will become a Route.

final class RouteBO[A](r: RouteB[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal
abstract class RouteCommon[R <: ([X] =>> RouteCommon[R, X]), A]
final class StaticRedirectB[Page, Props, O](f: (=> Redirect[Page]) => O) extends AnyVal
final class StaticRouteB[Page, Props, O](f: (=> Action[Page, Props]) => O) extends AnyVal