
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case class FastAndSlow[F[_], FastF <: ([f[_], a] =>> DomZipper[f, FX, a, FastF]), FX, FD, SlowF <: ([f[_], a] =>> DomZipper[f, SX, a, SlowF]), SX, SD](fast: FastF[F, FD], slow: () => F[SlowF[F, SD]], isCapableFn: Capability => Boolean)(implicit F: ErrorHandler[F])


type AtHome[F[_], A] = DomZippersFastAndSlow[F, () => F[A], () => F[A]]
type DomCollection[F[_], C[_], Dom, A] = DomCollection[<none>, F, C, () => F[Dom], A]

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_], Fast <: ([f[_], a] =>> DomZipper[f, FX, a, LazyRef(...)]), FX, FD, Slow <: ([f[_], a] =>> DomZipper[f, SX, a, LazyRef(...)]), SX, SD](fast: Fast[F, FD], slow: Slow[F, SD])(implicit F: ErrorHandler[F]): AtHome[F, SD]
def slowOnly[F[_], Z <: ([f[_], a] =>> DomZipper[f, D, a, LazyRef(...)]), D, A](slow: Z[F, A])(implicit F: ErrorHandler[F]): AtHome[F, A]

Uses the same underlying zipper in both the fast and slow slots.

Uses the same underlying zipper in both the fast and slow slots.