
final class AlwaysIgnoreDiffer[T] extends Differ[T]

A Differ that always return an Ignored result. Useful when you can't really diff a type

trait Differ[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


override type R = ValueResult

Value members

Concrete methods

override protected def configureIgnored(newIgnored: Boolean): Differ[T]
Definition Classes
override protected def configurePairBy(path: ConfigurePath, op: PairBy[_]): Either[ConfigureError, Differ[T]]
Definition Classes
override protected def configurePath(step: String, nextPath: ConfigurePath, op: ConfigureOp): Either[ConfigureError, Differ[T]]
Definition Classes
override def diff(inputs: DiffInput[T]): ValueResult
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

inline def configure[U](inline path: T => U)(configFunc: Differ[U] => Differ[U]): Differ[T]
Inherited from:
final def configureRaw(path: ConfigurePath, operation: ConfigureOp): Either[ConfigureError, Differ[T]]

Attempt to change the configuration of this Differ. If successful, a new differ with the updated configuration will be returned.

Attempt to change the configuration of this Differ. If successful, a new differ with the updated configuration will be returned.

The configuration change can fail due to

  • bad "path" that does not match the internal structure of the Differ
  • The path resolved correctly, but the configuration update operation cannot be applied for that part of the Differ (e.g. wrong type or wrong operation)
Value parameters:

The configuration change operation you want to perform on the target sub-Differ


The path to traverse to the sub-Differ

Inherited from:
final def diff(obtained: T, expected: T): R
Inherited from:
def ignore: Differ[T]
Inherited from:
inline def ignoreAt[U](inline path: T => U): Differ[T]
Inherited from:
inline def replace[U](inline path: T => U)(newDiffer: Differ[U]): Differ[T]
Inherited from:
Inherited from:

Inherited fields

val requiredShapeMsg: String
Inherited from: