Interface NodeWithMembers<N extends Node>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationDeclaration, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration, EnumDeclaration, RecordDeclaration, TypeDeclaration

public interface NodeWithMembers<N extends Node> extends NodeWithSimpleName<N>
A node having members.

The main reason for this interface is to permit users to manipulate homogeneously all nodes with a getMembers method.

  • Method Details

    • getMembers

      NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> getMembers()
      all members inside the braces of this node, like fields, methods, nested types, etc.
    • tryAddImportToParentCompilationUnit

      void tryAddImportToParentCompilationUnit(Class<?> clazz)
    • getMember

      default BodyDeclaration<?> getMember(int i)
    • setMember

      default N setMember(int i, BodyDeclaration<?> member)
    • addMember

      default N addMember(BodyDeclaration<?> member)
    • setMembers

      N setMembers(NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> members)
    • addField

      default FieldDeclaration addField(Class<?> typeClass, String name, Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Add a field to this and automatically add the import of the type if needed
      typeClass - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addField

      default FieldDeclaration addField(String type, String name, Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Add a field to this.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addField

      default FieldDeclaration addField(Type type, String name, Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Add a field to this.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addFieldWithInitializer

      default FieldDeclaration addFieldWithInitializer(Class<?> typeClass, String name, Expression initializer, Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Add a field to this and automatically add the import of the type if needed
      typeClass - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      initializer - the initializer of the field
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addFieldWithInitializer

      default FieldDeclaration addFieldWithInitializer(String type, String name, Expression initializer, Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Add a field to this.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      initializer - the initializer of the field
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addFieldWithInitializer

      default FieldDeclaration addFieldWithInitializer(Type type, String name, Expression initializer, Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Add a field to this.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      initializer - the initializer of the field
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addPrivateField

      default FieldDeclaration addPrivateField(Class<?> typeClass, String name)
      Add a private field to this.
      typeClass - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addPrivateField

      default FieldDeclaration addPrivateField(String type, String name)
      Add a private field to this and automatically add the import of the type if needed.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addPrivateField

      default FieldDeclaration addPrivateField(Type type, String name)
      Add a private field to this.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addPublicField

      default FieldDeclaration addPublicField(Class<?> typeClass, String name)
      Add a public field to this.
      typeClass - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addPublicField

      default FieldDeclaration addPublicField(String type, String name)
      Add a public field to this and automatically add the import of the type if needed.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addPublicField

      default FieldDeclaration addPublicField(Type type, String name)
      Add a public field to this.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addProtectedField

      default FieldDeclaration addProtectedField(Class<?> typeClass, String name)
      Add a protected field to this.
      typeClass - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addProtectedField

      default FieldDeclaration addProtectedField(String type, String name)
      Add a protected field to this and automatically add the import of the type if needed.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addProtectedField

      default FieldDeclaration addProtectedField(Type type, String name)
      Add a protected field to this.
      type - the type of the field
      name - the name of the field
      the FieldDeclaration created
    • addMethod

      default MethodDeclaration addMethod(String methodName, Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Adds a methods with void return by default to this.
      methodName - the method name
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the MethodDeclaration created
    • addConstructor

      default ConstructorDeclaration addConstructor(Modifier.Keyword... modifiers)
      Adds a constructor to this node with members.
      modifiers - the modifiers like Modifier.Keyword.PUBLIC
      the created constructor
    • addInitializer

      default BlockStmt addInitializer()
      Add an initializer block (InitializerDeclaration) to this.
    • addStaticInitializer

      default BlockStmt addStaticInitializer()
      Add a static initializer block (InitializerDeclaration) to this.
    • getMethodsByName

      default List<MethodDeclaration> getMethodsByName(String name)
      Try to find a MethodDeclaration by its name
      name - the name of the method
      the methods found (multiple in case of overloading)
    • getMethods

      default List<MethodDeclaration> getMethods()
      Find all methods in the members of this node.
      the methods found. This list is immutable.
    • getMethodsByParameterTypes

      default List<MethodDeclaration> getMethodsByParameterTypes(String... paramTypes)
      Try to find a MethodDeclaration by its parameter types. The given parameter types must literally match the declared types of this node's parameters, so passing the string "List" to this method will find all methods that have exactly one parameter whose type is declared as List, but not methods with exactly one parameter whose type is declared as java.util.List or java.awt.List. Conversely, passing the string "java.util.List" to this method will find all methods that have exactly one parameter whose type is declared as java.util.List, but not if the parameter type is declared as List. Similarly, note that generics are matched as well: If there is a method that has a parameter declared as List&lt;String&gt;, then it will be considered as a match only if the given string is "List&lt;String&gt;", but not if the given string is only "List".
      paramTypes - the types of parameters like "Map&lt;Integer, String&gt;", "int" to match void foo(Map&lt;Integer,String&gt; myMap, int number)
      the methods found
    • getMethodsBySignature

      default List<MethodDeclaration> getMethodsBySignature(String name, String... paramTypes)
      Try to find MethodDeclarations by their name and parameter types. Parameter types are matched exactly as in the case of getMethodsByParameterTypes(String...).
      paramTypes - the types of parameters like "Map&lt;Integer, String&gt;", "int" to match void foo(Map&lt;Integer,String&gt; myMap, int number)
      the methods found
    • getMethodsByParameterTypes

      default List<MethodDeclaration> getMethodsByParameterTypes(Class<?>... paramTypes)
      Try to find a MethodDeclaration by its parameter types. Note that this is a match in SimpleName, so java.awt.List and java.util.List are identical to this algorithm. In addition, note that it is the erasure of each type which is considered, so passing List.class to this method will return all methods that have exactly one parameter whose type is named List, regardless of whether the parameter type is declared without generics as List, or with generics as List&lt;String&gt;, or List&lt;Integer&gt;, etc.
      paramTypes - the types of parameters like Map.class, int.class to match void foo(Map&lt;Integer,String&gt; myMap, int number)
      the methods found
    • getConstructors

      default List<ConstructorDeclaration> getConstructors()
      Find all constructors in the members of this node. Note that only "normal" constructors, not the "compact" constructors", within RecordDeclaration are included in the output of this method.
      the constructors found. This list is immutable.
    • getDefaultConstructor

      default Optional<ConstructorDeclaration> getDefaultConstructor()
      Try to find a ConstructorDeclaration with no parameters.
      the constructor found, if any.
    • getConstructorByParameterTypes

      default Optional<ConstructorDeclaration> getConstructorByParameterTypes(String... paramTypes)
      Try to find a ConstructorDeclaration by its parameter types. The given parameter types must literally match the declared types of the desired constructor, so passing the string "List" to this method will search for a constructor that has exactly one parameter whose type is declared as List, but not for a constructor with exactly one parameter whose type is declared as java.util.List or java.awt.List. Conversely, passing the string "java.util.List" to this method will search for a constructor that has exactly one parameter whose type is declared as java.util.List, but not for a constructor whose type is declared as List. Similarly, note that generics are matched as well: If there is a constructor that has a parameter declared as List&lt;String&gt;, then it will be considered as a match only if the given string is "List&lt;String&gt;", but not if the given string is only "List".
      paramTypes - the types of parameters like "Map&lt;Integer, String&gt;", "int" to match Foo(Map&lt;Integer,String&gt; myMap, int number)
      the constructor found, if any.
    • getConstructorByParameterTypes

      default Optional<ConstructorDeclaration> getConstructorByParameterTypes(Class<?>... paramTypes)
      Try to find a ConstructorDeclaration by its parameter types. Note that this is a match in SimpleName, so java.awt.List and java.util.List are identical to this algorithm. In addition, note that it is the erasure of each type which is considered, so passing List.class to this method will search for a constructor that has exactly one parameter whose type is named List, regardless of whether the parameter type is declared without generics as List, or with generics as List&lt;String&gt;, or List&lt;Integer&gt;, etc.
      paramTypes - the types of parameters like Map.class, int.class to match Foo(Map&lt;Integer,String&gt; myMap, int number)
      the constructor found, if any.
    • getFieldByName

      default Optional<FieldDeclaration> getFieldByName(String name)
      Try to find a FieldDeclaration by its name
      name - the name of the field
      null if not found, the FieldDeclaration otherwise
    • getFields

      default List<FieldDeclaration> getFields()
      Find all fields in the members of this node.
      the fields found. This list is immutable.
    • isEmpty

      default boolean isEmpty()
      true if there are no members contained in this node.