Class Javadoc


public class Javadoc extends Object
The structured content of a single Javadoc comment.

It is composed by a description and a list of block tags.

An example would be the text contained in this very Javadoc comment. At the moment of this writing this comment does not contain any block tags (such as @see AnotherClass)

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addBlockTag

      public Javadoc addBlockTag(JavadocBlockTag blockTag)
    • addBlockTag

      public Javadoc addBlockTag(String tagName, String content)
      For tags like "@return good things" where tagName is "return", and the rest is content.
    • addBlockTag

      public Javadoc addBlockTag(String tagName, String parameter, String content)
      For tags like "@param abc this is a parameter" where tagName is "param", parameter is "abc" and the rest is content.
    • addBlockTag

      public Javadoc addBlockTag(String tagName)
    • toText

      public String toText()
      Return the text content of the document. It does not containing trailing spaces and asterisks at the start of the line.
    • toComment

      public JavadocComment toComment()
      Create a JavadocComment, by formatting the text of the Javadoc using no indentation (expecting the pretty printer to do the formatting.)
    • toComment

      public JavadocComment toComment(String indentation)
      Create a JavadocComment, by formatting the text of the Javadoc using the given indentation.
    • getDescription

      public JavadocDescription getDescription()
    • getBlockTags

      public List<JavadocBlockTag> getBlockTags()
      the current List of associated JavadocBlockTags
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object