Package jnr.ffi.annotations

package jnr.ffi.annotations
  • Annotation Types
    Indicates that the temporary native memory allocated for an @Out paramneter should be cleared before passing to the native function.
    Indicates that a Struct} parameter should be backed by a persistent native memory block.
    Used to specify the Charset to use for encoding/decoding a String
    Indicates that the errno value for a native function need not be saved after the function returns.
    Indicates that the parameter is an IN parameter.
    Indicates that a long parameter should be treated as native long-long (64bit) instead of the platform-dependent long size.
    Indicates that a byte array or ByteBuffer should be terminated with a zero byte before passing it to a native function.
    Indicates that the parameter is an OUT parameter.
    Marks a method parameter as being pinnable.
    Tags a library method as requiring any error codes as returned by errno on unix, or GetLastError on windows be saved.
    Indicates that a library or a library method requires all calls to be synchronized.
    Indicates that the parameter is transient.
    This is used internally by jnr-ffi to define type aliases, e.g.
    Specifies that a non-varargs function binding will call a variadic C function with the specified number of fixed arguments.