Package jnr.ffi.byref

package jnr.ffi.byref
  • Class
    An abstract class for common PrimitiveReference functionality
    An abstract class for common PrimitiveReference functionality
    AddressByReference is used when the address of a primitive pointer value must be passed as a parameter to a function.
    A ByReference subclass is used when a primitive parameter must be passed by-reference.
    ByteByReference is used when the address of a primitive byte value must be passed as a parameter to a function.
    IntByReference is used when the address of a primitive int must be passed as a parameter to a function.
    LongLongByReference is used when the address of a native long long value must be passed as a parameter to a function.
    NativeLongByReference is used when the address of a primitive C long must be passed as a parameter to a function.
    NumberByReference is used when the address of a primitive integral value must be passed as a parameter to a function, but the exact type is system dependent.
    AddressByReference is used when the address of a pointer must be passed as a parameter to a function.
    ShortByReference is used when the address of a primitive short value must be passed as a parameter to a function.