
object JwtTime

Util object to handle time operations

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def format(time: Long): String
def now(implicit clock: Clock): Long

Returns the number of millis since the 01.01.1970

Returns the number of millis since the 01.01.1970


Returns the number of millis since the 01.01.1970

def nowIsBetween(start: Option[Long], end: Option[Long])(implicit clock: Clock): Boolean

Test if the current time is between the two prams

Test if the current time is between the two prams

Value Params

if set, the instant that must be after now (in millis)


if set, the instant that must be before now (in millis)


the result of the test

def nowIsBetweenSeconds(start: Option[Long], end: Option[Long])(implicit clock: Clock): Boolean

Same as nowIsBetween but using seconds rather than millis.

Same as nowIsBetween but using seconds rather than millis.

Value Params

if set, the instant that must be after now (in seconds)


if set, the instant that must be before now (in seconds)

def nowSeconds(implicit clock: Clock): Long

Returns the number of seconds since the 01.01.1970

Returns the number of seconds since the 01.01.1970


Returns the number of seconds since the 01.01.1970

def validateNowIsBetween(start: Option[Long], end: Option[Long])(implicit clock: Clock): Try[Unit]

Test if the current time is between the two params and throw an exception if we don't have start <= now < end

Test if the current time is between the two params and throw an exception if we don't have start <= now < end

Value Params

if set, the instant that must be after now (in millis)


if set, the instant that must be before now (in millis)


Failure(JwtNotBeforeException) if start > now, Failure(JwtExpirationException) if now >= end

def validateNowIsBetweenSeconds(start: Option[Long], end: Option[Long])(implicit clock: Clock): Try[Unit]

Same as validateNowIsBetween but using seconds rather than millis.

Same as validateNowIsBetween but using seconds rather than millis.

Value Params

if set, the instant that must be after now (in seconds)


if set, the instant that must be before now (in seconds)


if now > end


if start > now