
trait JwtCore[H, C]

Provide the main logic around Base64 encoding / decoding and signature using the correct algorithm. '''H''' and '''C''' types are respesctively the header type and the claim type. For the core project, they will be String but you are free to extend this trait using other types like JsObject or anything else.

Please, check implementations, like Jwt, for code samples.



the type of the extracted claim from a JSON Web Token


the type of the extracted header from a JSON Web Token

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class Jwt
object Jwt.type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def extractAlgorithm(header: H): Option[JwtAlgorithm]
protected def extractExpiration(claim: C): Option[Long]
protected def extractNotBefore(claim: C): Option[Long]
protected def parseClaim(claim: String): C
protected def parseHeader(header: String): H

Concrete methods

def decode(token: String, options: JwtOptions): Try[C]

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim



a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, the claim of the token in its correct type

def decode(token: String): Try[C]
def decode(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[C]

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, the claim of the token in its correct type

def decode(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[C]
def decode(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[C]

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, the claim of the token in its correct type

def decode(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[C]
def decode(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[C]

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, the claim of the token in its correct type

def decode(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[C]
def decode(token: String, key: SecretKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[C]

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim



the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, the claim of the token in its correct type

def decode(token: String, key: SecretKey): Try[C]
def decode(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[C]

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, the claim of the token in its correct type

def decode(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[C]
def decode(token: String, key: PublicKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[C]

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim

Same as decodeAll but only return the claim



the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, the claim of the token in its correct type

def decode(token: String, key: PublicKey): Try[C]
def decodeAll(token: String, options: JwtOptions): Try[(H, C, String)]

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types



a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple representing the header, the claim and eventually the signature

def decodeAll(token: String): Try[(H, C, String)]
def decodeAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(H, C, String)]

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple representing the header, the claim and eventually the signature

def decodeAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[(H, C, String)]
def decodeAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(H, C, String)]

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple representing the header, the claim and eventually the signature

def decodeAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[(H, C, String)]
def decodeAll(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(H, C, String)]

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple representing the header, the claim and eventually the signature

def decodeAll(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[(H, C, String)]
def decodeAll(token: String, key: SecretKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[(H, C, String)]

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types



the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple representing the header, the claim and eventually the signature

def decodeAll(token: String, key: SecretKey): Try[(H, C, String)]
def decodeAll(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(H, C, String)]

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple representing the header, the claim and eventually the signature

def decodeAll(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[(H, C, String)]
def decodeAll(token: String, key: PublicKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[(H, C, String)]

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types

Same as decodeRawAll but return the real header and claim types



the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple representing the header, the claim and eventually the signature

def decodeAll(token: String, key: PublicKey): Try[(H, C, String)]
def decodeRaw(token: String, options: JwtOptions): Try[String]

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)



a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a string representing the JSON version of the claim

def decodeRaw(token: String): Try[String]
def decodeRaw(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[String]

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a string representing the JSON version of the claim

def decodeRaw(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[String]
def decodeRaw(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[String]

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a string representing the JSON version of the claim

def decodeRaw(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[String]
def decodeRaw(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[String]

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a string representing the JSON version of the claim

def decodeRaw(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[String]
def decodeRaw(token: String, key: SecretKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[String]

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)



the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a string representing the JSON version of the claim

def decodeRaw(token: String, key: SecretKey): Try[String]
def decodeRaw(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[String]

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a string representing the JSON version of the claim

def decodeRaw(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[String]
def decodeRaw(token: String, key: PublicKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[String]

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)

Same as decodeRawAll but only return the claim (you only care about the claim most of the time)



the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a string representing the JSON version of the claim

def decodeRaw(token: String, key: PublicKey): Try[String]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, options: JwtOptions): Try[(String, String, String)]

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings



a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple of 3 strings, the header, the claim and the signature

def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(String, String, String)]

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using a HMAC algorithm

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using a HMAC algorithm



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple of 3 strings, the header, the claim and the signature

def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[(String, String, String)]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(String, String, String)]

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using an asymmetric algorithm

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using an asymmetric algorithm



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple of 3 strings, the header, the claim and the signature

def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[(String, String, String)]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(String, String, String)]

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using a HMAC algorithm

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using a HMAC algorithm



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple of 3 strings, the header, the claim and the signature

def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Try[(String, String, String)]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: SecretKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[(String, String, String)]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: SecretKey): Try[(String, String, String)]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Try[(String, String, String)]

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using an asymmetric algorithm

Will try to decode a JSON Web Token to raw strings using an asymmetric algorithm



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


if successful, a tuple of 3 strings, the header, the claim and the signature

def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Try[(String, String, String)]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: PublicKey, options: JwtOptions): Try[(String, String, String)]
def decodeRawAll(token: String, key: PublicKey): Try[(String, String, String)]
def encode(header: String, claim: String): String
def encode(header: String, claim: String, key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm): String

Encode a JSON Web Token from its different parts. Both the header and the claim will be encoded to Base64 url-safe, then a signature will be eventually generated from it if you did pass a key and an algorithm, and finally, those three parts will be merged as a single string, using dots as separator.

Encode a JSON Web Token from its different parts. Both the header and the claim will be encoded to Base64 url-safe, then a signature will be eventually generated from it if you did pass a key and an algorithm, and finally, those three parts will be merged as a single string, using dots as separator.



the algorithm to sign the token


a valid stringified JSON representing the claim of the token


a valid stringified JSON representing the header of the token


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(header: String, claim: String, key: SecretKey, algorithm: JwtHmacAlgorithm): String
def encode(header: String, claim: String, key: PrivateKey, algorithm: JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm): String
def encode(claim: String): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header.



a valid stringified JSON representing the claim of the token


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(claim: String, key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and allowing you to get rid of Option for the key and the algorithm.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and allowing you to get rid of Option for the key and the algorithm.



the algorithm to sign the token


a valid stringified JSON representing the claim of the token


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(claim: String, key: SecretKey, algorithm: JwtHmacAlgorithm): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and allowing you to get rid of Option for the key and the algorithm.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and allowing you to get rid of Option for the key and the algorithm.



the algorithm to sign the token


a valid stringified JSON representing the claim of the token


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(claim: String, key: PrivateKey, algorithm: JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and allowing you to get rid of Option for the key and the algorithm.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and allowing you to get rid of Option for the key and the algorithm.



the algorithm to sign the token


a valid stringified JSON representing the claim of the token


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(claim: JwtClaim): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and setting both key and algorithm to None.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and setting both key and algorithm to None.



the claim of the JSON Web Token


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(claim: JwtClaim, key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and use the claim as a case class.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and use the claim as a case class.



the algorithm to sign the token


the claim of the JSON Web Token


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(claim: JwtClaim, key: SecretKey, algorithm: JwtHmacAlgorithm): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and use the claim as a case class.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and use the claim as a case class.



the algorithm to sign the token


the claim of the JSON Web Token


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(claim: JwtClaim, key: PrivateKey, algorithm: JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm): String

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and use the claim as a case class.

An alias to encode which will provide an automatically generated header and use the claim as a case class.



the algorithm to sign the token


the claim of the JSON Web Token


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(header: JwtHeader, claim: JwtClaim): String

An alias to encode if you want to use case classes for the header and the claim rather than strings, they will just be stringified to JSON format.

An alias to encode if you want to use case classes for the header and the claim rather than strings, they will just be stringified to JSON format.



the claim to stringify as a JSON before encoding the token


the header to stringify as a JSON before encoding the token


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(header: JwtHeader, claim: JwtClaim, key: String): String

An alias of encode if you only want to pass a string as the key, the algorithm will be deduced from the header.

An alias of encode if you only want to pass a string as the key, the algorithm will be deduced from the header.



the claim to stringify as a JSON before encoding the token


the header to stringify as a JSON before encoding the token


the secret key to use to sign the token (note that the algorithm will be deduced from the header)


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def encode(header: JwtHeader, claim: JwtClaim, key: Key): String

An alias of encode if you only want to pass a string as the key, the algorithm will be deduced from the header.

An alias of encode if you only want to pass a string as the key, the algorithm will be deduced from the header.



the claim to stringify as a JSON before encoding the token


the header to stringify as a JSON before encoding the token


the secret key to use to sign the token (note that the algorithm will be deduced from the header)


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header

def isValid(token: String, options: JwtOptions): Boolean

Test if a token is valid. Doesn't throw any exception.

Test if a token is valid. Doesn't throw any exception.



a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


a boolean value indicating if the token is valid or not

def isValid(token: String): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Boolean

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key for HMAC algorithms

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key for HMAC algorithms



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


a boolean value indicating if the token is valid or not

def isValid(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Boolean

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key for asymmetric algorithms

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key for asymmetric algorithms



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


a boolean value indicating if the token is valid or not

def isValid(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Boolean

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


a boolean value indicating if the token is valid or not

def isValid(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: SecretKey, options: JwtOptions): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: SecretKey): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Boolean

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key

An alias for isValid if you want to directly pass a string as the key



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


a boolean value indicating if the token is valid or not

def isValid(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: PublicKey, options: JwtOptions): Boolean
def isValid(token: String, key: PublicKey): Boolean
protected def validate(header: H, claim: C, signature: String, options: JwtOptions): Unit
protected def validate(header64: String, header: H, claim64: String, claim: C, signature: String, options: JwtOptions, verify: (Array[Byte], Array[Byte], JwtAlgorithm) => Boolean): Unit
protected def validate(header64: String, header: H, claim64: String, claim: C, signature: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit
protected def validate(header64: String, header: H, claim64: String, claim: C, signature: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit
protected def validate(header64: String, header: H, claim64: String, claim: C, signature: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit
protected def validate(header64: String, header: H, claim64: String, claim: C, signature: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit
def validate(token: String, options: JwtOptions): Unit

Valid a token: doesn't return anything but will thrown exceptions if there are any errors.

Valid a token: doesn't return anything but will thrown exceptions if there are any errors.



a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


couldn't decode the token since it's not a valid base64 string


the token isn't valid anymore because its expiration attribute is in the past


the number of parts separated by dots is wrong


the token isn't valid yet because its notBefore attribute is in the future


default validation exception

def validate(token: String): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key for HMAC algorithms.

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key for HMAC algorithms.



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


couldn't decode the token since it's not a valid base64 string


the token isn't valid anymore because its expiration attribute is in the past


the number of parts separated by dots is wrong


the token isn't valid yet because its notBefore attribute is in the future


default validation exception

def validate(token: String, key: String, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key for asymmetric algorithms.

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key for asymmetric algorithms.



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


couldn't decode the token since it's not a valid base64 string


the token isn't valid anymore because its expiration attribute is in the past


the number of parts separated by dots is wrong


the token isn't valid yet because its notBefore attribute is in the future


default validation exception

def validate(token: String, key: String, algorithms: => Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key.

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key.



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


couldn't decode the token since it's not a valid base64 string


the token isn't valid anymore because its expiration attribute is in the past


the number of parts separated by dots is wrong


the token isn't valid yet because its notBefore attribute is in the future


default validation exception

def validate(token: String, key: SecretKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: SecretKey, options: JwtOptions): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: SecretKey): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm], options: JwtOptions): Unit

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key.

An alias of validate in case you want to directly pass a string key.



a list of possible algorithms that the token can use. See Security concerns for more infos.


the key that will be used to check the token signature


a JSON Web Token as a Base64 url-safe encoded String which can be used inside an HTTP header


couldn't decode the token since it's not a valid base64 string


the token isn't valid anymore because its expiration attribute is in the past


the number of parts separated by dots is wrong


the token isn't valid yet because its notBefore attribute is in the future


default validation exception

def validate(token: String, key: PublicKey, algorithms: Seq[JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm]): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: PublicKey, options: JwtOptions): Unit
def validate(token: String, key: PublicKey): Unit
protected def validateHmacAlgorithm(algorithm: JwtHmacAlgorithm, algorithms: Seq[JwtHmacAlgorithm]): Boolean
protected def validateTiming(claim: C, options: JwtOptions): Try[Unit]