
object JwtUtils


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def bytify(str: String): Array[Byte]

Convert a string to its corresponding array of bytes using the default encoding.

Convert a string to its corresponding array of bytes using the default encoding.



the string to convert


the final array of bytes

Returns the expected signature byte array length (R + S parts) for the specified ECDSA algorithm.

Returns the expected signature byte array length (R + S parts) for the specified ECDSA algorithm.



The ECDSA algorithm. Must be supported and not { @code null}.


The expected byte array length for the signature.

def hashToJson(hash: Seq[(String, Any)]): String

Convert a sequence of tuples to a JSON object

Convert a sequence of tuples to a JSON object


def mergeJson(json: String, jsonSeq: String*): String

Merge multiple JSON strings to a unique one

Merge multiple JSON strings to a unique one


def seqToJson(seq: Seq[Any]): String

Convert a sequence to a JSON array

Convert a sequence to a JSON array


def sign(data: Array[Byte], key: SecretKey, algorithm: JwtHmacAlgorithm): Array[Byte]

Generate the signature for a given data using the key and HMAC algorithm provided.

Generate the signature for a given data using the key and HMAC algorithm provided.


def sign(data: String, key: SecretKey, algorithm: JwtHmacAlgorithm): Array[Byte]
def sign(data: Array[Byte], key: PrivateKey, algorithm: JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm): Array[Byte]

Generate the signature for a given data using the key and RSA or ECDSA algorithm provided.

Generate the signature for a given data using the key and RSA or ECDSA algorithm provided.


def sign(data: String, key: PrivateKey, algorithm: JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm): Array[Byte]
def sign(data: Array[Byte], key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm): Array[Byte]

Will try to sign some given data by parsing the provided key, if parsing fail, please consider retrieving the SecretKey or the PrivateKey on your side and then use another "sign" method.

Will try to sign some given data by parsing the provided key, if parsing fail, please consider retrieving the SecretKey or the PrivateKey on your side and then use another "sign" method.


def sign(data: String, key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm): Array[Byte]

Alias to sign using a String data which will be converted to an array of bytes.

Alias to sign using a String data which will be converted to an array of bytes.


def splitString(input: String, separator: Char): Array[String]

Convert an array of bytes to its corresponding string using the default encoding.

Convert an array of bytes to its corresponding string using the default encoding.



the array of bytes to transform


the final string

def transcodeSignatureToConcat(derSignature: Array[Byte], outputLength: Int): Array[Byte]

Transcodes the JCA ASN.1/DER-encoded signature into the concatenated R + S format expected by ECDSA JWS.

Transcodes the JCA ASN.1/DER-encoded signature into the concatenated R + S format expected by ECDSA JWS.



The ASN1./DER-encoded. Must not be { @code null}.


The expected length of the ECDSA JWS signature.


The ECDSA JWS encoded signature.


If the ASN.1/DER signature format is invalid.

Transcodes the ECDSA JWS signature into ASN.1/DER format for use by the JCA verifier.

Transcodes the ECDSA JWS signature into ASN.1/DER format for use by the JCA verifier.



The JWS signature, consisting of the concatenated R and S values. Must not be { @code null}.


The ASN.1/DER encoded signature.


If the ECDSA JWS signature format is invalid.

def verify(data: Array[Byte], signature: Array[Byte], key: SecretKey, algorithm: JwtHmacAlgorithm): Boolean

Check if a signature is valid for a given data using the key and the HMAC algorithm provided.

Check if a signature is valid for a given data using the key and the HMAC algorithm provided.


def verify(data: Array[Byte], signature: Array[Byte], key: PublicKey, algorithm: JwtAsymmetricAlgorithm): Boolean

Check if a signature is valid for a given data using the key and the RSA or ECDSA algorithm provided.

Check if a signature is valid for a given data using the key and the RSA or ECDSA algorithm provided.


def verify(data: Array[Byte], signature: Array[Byte], key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm): Boolean

Will try to check if a signature is valid for a given data by parsing the provided key, if parsing fail, please consider retrieving the SecretKey or the PublicKey on your side and then use another "verify" method.

Will try to check if a signature is valid for a given data by parsing the provided key, if parsing fail, please consider retrieving the SecretKey or the PublicKey on your side and then use another "verify" method.


def verify(data: String, signature: String, key: String, algorithm: JwtAlgorithm): Boolean

Alias for verify

Alias for verify


Concrete fields

val ECDSA: String
val ENCODING: String
val EdDSA: String
val RSA: String