
object Util
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def firstFutureOf[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T]
def literalize(s: IndexedSeq[Char], unicode: Boolean): String

Convert a string to a C&P-able literal. Basically copied verbatim from the uPickle source code.

Convert a string to a C&P-able literal. Basically copied verbatim from the uPickle source code.

def pluralize(s: String, n: Int): String
def sequenceEither[A, B, M <: (IterableOnce)](in: M[Either[A, B]])(implicit cbf: BuildFrom[M[Either[A, B]], B, M[B]]): Either[A, M[B]]
def softWrap(s: String, leftOffset: Int, maxWidth: Int): String
def splitPath(p: String): IndexedSeq[String]

Splits a string into path segments; automatically removes all leading/trailing slashes, and ignores empty path segments.

Splits a string into path segments; automatically removes all leading/trailing slashes, and ignores empty path segments.

Written imperatively for performance since it's used all over the place.

def stackTraceString(e: Throwable): String
def transferTo(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream): Unit