
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package little
    Definition Classes
  • package security

    Defines security model based on permissions granted to effective context.

    Defines security model based on permissions granted to effective context.

    How It Works

    little-security is powered by a pair of traits: Permission and SecurityContext.

    A Permission is defined with a given name, and one or more permissions can be applied to a restricted operation.

    A SecurityContext establishes a pattern in which a restricted operation is performed only if its required permissions are granted. Otherwise, a SecurityViolation is raised.

    Security in Action

    The following script demonstrates how read/write access to an in-memory cache could be implemented.

    import{ Permission, SecurityContext, UserContext }
    import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
    object SecureCache {
      // Define permissions for reading and writing cache entries
      private val getPermission = Permission("cache:get")
      private val putPermission = Permission("cache:put")
      private val cache = TrieMap[String, String](
        "gang starr"      -> "step in the arena",
        "digable planets" -> "blowout comb"
      def get(key: String)(implicit security: SecurityContext): String =
        // Test for read permission before getting cache entry
        security(getPermission) { cache(key) }
      def put(key: String, value: String)(implicit security: SecurityContext): Unit =
        // Test for write permission before putting cache entry
        security(putPermission) { cache += key -> value }
    // Create security context for user with read permission to cache
    implicit val user = UserContext("losizm", "staff", Permission("cache:get"))
    // Get cache entry
    val classic = SecureCache.get("gang starr")
    // Throw SecurityViolation because user lacks write permission
    SecureCache.put("sucker mc", classic)


package little
