
  • package root

    Provided herein is API documentation for Scamper, the HTTP library for Scala.

    Provided herein is API documentation for Scamper, the HTTP library for Scala.

    Definition Classes
  • package scamper

    Defines core types.

    Defines core types.

    HTTP Messages

    At the core of Scamper is HttpMessage, which is a trait that defines the fundamental characteristics of an HTTP message. HttpRequest and HttpResponse extend the specification to define characteristics specific to their respective message types.

    An HttpRequest is created using a factory method defined in its companion object. Or you can start with a RequestMethod and use builder methods to further define the request.

    import scamper.Header
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    val request = Get("/motd").withHeaders(
      Header("Host: localhost:8080"),
      Header("Accept: text/plain")
    printf("Request Method: %s%n", request.method)
    printf("Target URI: %s%n",
    val host: Option[String] = request.getHeaderValue("Host")

    An HttpResponse is created using a factory method defined in its companion object. Or you can start with a ResponseStatus and use builder methods to further define the response.

    import scamper.{ BodyParser, Header }
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToEntity
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Ok
    val response = Ok("There is an answer.").withHeaders(
      Header("Content-Type: text/plain"),
      Header("Connection: close")
    printf("Status Code: %s%n", response.statusCode)
    printf("Reason Phrase: %s%n", response.reasonPhrase)
    val contentType: Option[String] = response.getHeaderValue("Content-Type")
    implicit val parser = BodyParser.text()
    printf("Body: %s%n",[String])
    Definition Classes
  • package auth

    Provides specialized access to authentication headers.

    Provides specialized access to authentication headers.

    Challenges and Credentials

    When working with authentication, a Challenge is presented in the response, and Credentials in the request. Each of these has an assigned scheme, which is associated with either a token or a set of parameters.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Unauthorized
    import scamper.auth.{ Authorization, Challenge, Credentials, WwwAuthenticate }
    // Present response challenge (scheme and parameters)
    val challenge = Challenge("Bearer", "realm" -> "developer")
    val res = Unauthorized().withWwwAuthenticate(challenge)
    // Present request credentials (scheme and token)
    val credentials = Credentials("Bearer", "QWxsIEFjY2VzcyEhIQo=")
    val req = Get("/dev/projects").withAuthorization(credentials)
    Basic Authentication

    There are subclasses defined for Basic authentication: BasicChallenge and BasicCredentials.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Unauthorized
    import scamper.auth.{ Authorization, BasicChallenge, BasicCredentials, WwwAuthenticate }
    // Provide realm and optional parameters
    val challenge = BasicChallenge("admin", "title" -> "Admin Console")
    val res = Unauthorized().withWwwAuthenticate(challenge)
    // Provide user and password
    val credentials = BasicCredentials("sa", "l3tm31n")
    val req = Get("/admin/users").withAuthorization(credentials)

    In addition, there are methods for Basic authentication defined in the header classes.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Unauthorized
    import scamper.auth.{ Authorization, WwwAuthenticate }
    // Provide realm and optional parameters
    val res = Unauthorized().withBasic("admin", "title" -> "Admin Console")
    // Access basic auth in response
    printf(s"Realm: %s%n", res.basic.realm)
    printf(s"Title: %s%n", res.basic.params("title"))
    // Provide user and password
    val req = Get("/admin/users").withBasic("sa", "l3tm3m1n")
    // Access basic auth in request
    printf(s"User: %s%n", req.basic.user)
    printf(s"Password: %s%n", req.basic.password)
    Bearer Authentication

    There are subclasses defined for Bearer authentication: BearerChallenge and BearerCredentials. In addition, there are Bearer-specific methods available in the header classes.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Unauthorized
    import scamper.auth.{ Authorization, WwwAuthenticate }
    // Provide challenge parameters
    val res = Unauthorized().withBearer(
      "scope" -> "user profile",
      "error" -> "invalid_token",
      "error_description" -> "Expired access token"
    // Print optional realm parameter
    // Print scope from space-delimited parameter
    val scope: Seq[String] = res.bearer.scope
    // Print error parameters
    // Test for error conditions
    // Create request with Bearer token
    val req = Get("/users").withBearer("R290IDUgb24gaXQhCg==")
    // Access bearer auth in request
    printf("Token: %s%n", req.bearer.token)
    Definition Classes
  • package client

    Provides HTTP client implementation.

    Provides HTTP client implementation.

    Using HTTP Client

    The HttpClient object can be used to send a request and handle the response.

    import scamper.BodyParser
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.client.HttpClient
    implicit val parser = BodyParser.text()
    def getMessageOfTheDay(): Either[Int, String] = {
      val req = Get("localhost:8080/motd")
      // Send request and handle response
      HttpClient.send(req) { res =>
        res.isSuccessful match {
          case true  => Right([String])
          case false => Left(res.statusCode)

    Note the request must be created with an absolute URI to make effective use of the client.

    Creating HTTP Client

    When using the HttpClient object as the client, it creates an HttpClient instance for one-time usage. If you plan to send multiple requests, you can create and maintain a reference to a client. With it, you also get access to methods corresponding to standard HTTP request methods.

    import scamper.BodyParser
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.client.HttpClient
    implicit val parser = BodyParser.text()
    // Create HttpClient instance
    val client = HttpClient()
    def getMessageOfTheDay(): Either[Int, String] = {
      // Use client instance
      client.get("http://localhost:8080/motd") { res =>
        res.isSuccessful match {
          case true  => Right([String])
          case false => Left(res.statusCode)

    And, if an implicit client is in scope, you can make use of send() on the request itself.

    import scamper.BodyParser
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.client.HttpClient
    import scamper.client.Implicits.ClientHttpRequestType // Adds send method to request
    import scamper.headers.{ Accept, AcceptLanguage }
    import scamper.types.Implicits.{ stringToMediaRange, stringToLanguageRange }
    implicit val client = HttpClient()
    implicit val parser = BodyParser.text(4096)
      .withAcceptLanguage("en-US; q=0.6", "fr-CA; q=0.4")
      .send(res => println([String])) // Send request and print response

    See also ClientSettings for information about configuring the HTTP client before it is created.

    Definition Classes
  • package cookies

    Provides specialized access to message cookies.

    Provides specialized access to message cookies.

    Request Cookies

    In HttpRequest, cookies are stringed together in the Cookie header. You can access them using extension methods provided by RequestCookies, with each cookie represented as PlainCookie.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.cookies.{ PlainCookie, RequestCookies }
    // Build request with cookies
    val req = Get("https://localhost:8080/motd").withCookies(
      PlainCookie("ID", "bG9zCg"), PlainCookie("Region", "SE-US")
    // Print all cookies
    // Get cookies by name
    val id: Option[PlainCookie] = req.getCookie("ID")
    val region: Option[PlainCookie] = req.getCookie("Region")
    // Get cookie values by name
    Response Cookies

    In HttpResponse, the cookies are a collection of Set-Cookie header values. Specialized access is provided by ResponseCookies, with each cookie represented as SetCookie.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToEntity
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Ok
    import scamper.cookies.{ ResponseCookies, SetCookie }
    // Build response with cookies
    val res = Ok("There is an answer.").withCookies(
      SetCookie("ID", "bG9zCg", path = Some("/motd"), secure = true),
      SetCookie("Region", "SE-US")
    // Print all cookies
    // Get cookies by name
    val id: Option[SetCookie] = res.getCookie("ID")
    val region: Option[SetCookie] = res.getCookie("Region")
    // Get attributes of ID cookie
    val path: String = id.flatMap(_.path).getOrElse("/")
    val secure: Boolean =
    // Get cookie values by name
    Definition Classes
  • package headers

    Provides specialized access to message headers.

    Provides specialized access to message headers.

    Using Header Classes

    Specialized header access is provided by type classes. Some headers are available to both requests and responses, and others are available only to a specific message type. This behavior is driven by the HTTP specification.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToUri
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.headers.{ Accept, Host }
    import scamper.types.Implicits.stringToMediaRange
    // Build request using 'Host' and 'Accept' headers
    val req = Get("/motd").withHost("localhost:8080").withAccept("text/plain")
    // Access and print header values
    printf("Host: %s%n",
    printf("Accept: %s%n", req.accept.mkString(", "))
    Definition Classes
  • package logging

    Provides logging facilities.

    Provides logging facilities.

    Definition Classes
  • package server

    Provides HTTP server implementation.

    Provides HTTP server implementation.

    Building HTTP Server

    To build a server, you begin with ServerApplication. This is a mutable structure to which you apply changes to configure the server. Once the desired settings are applied, you invoke one of several methods to create the server.

    import scamper.BodyParser
    import scamper.Implicits.stringToEntity
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.{ NotFound, Ok }
    import scamper.server.HttpServer
    import scamper.server.Implicits._
    // Get server application
    val app =
    // Add request handler to log all requests
    app.incoming { req =>
    // Add request handler to specific request method and path
    app.get("/about") { req =>
      Ok("This server is powered by Scamper.")
    // Add request handler using path parameter
    app.put("/data/:id") { req =>
      def update(id: Int, data: String): Boolean = ???
      implicit val parser = BodyParser.text()
      // Get path parameter
      val id = req.params.getInt("id")
      update(id,[String]) match {
        case true  => Ok()
        case false => NotFound()
    // Serve static files
    app.files("/main", new File("/path/to/public"))
    // Gzip response body if not empty
    app.outgoing { res =>
      res.body.isKnownEmpty match {
        case true  => res
        case false => res.withGzipContentEncoding()
    // Create server
    val server = app.create(8080)
    printf("Host: %s%n",
    printf("Port: %d%n", server.port)
    // Run server for 60 seconds
    Thread.sleep(60 * 1000)
    // Close server when done
    Definition Classes
  • ErrorHandler
  • HttpServer
  • Implicits
  • ParameterNotConvertible
  • ParameterNotFound
  • PathParameters
  • RequestHandler
  • ResponseAborted
  • ResponseFilter
  • Router
  • ServerApplication
  • UpgradeToWebSocket
  • package types

    Defines standard types for header values.

    Defines standard types for header values.

    import scamper.Implicits.{ stringToEntity, stringToUri }
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Ok
    import scamper.headers.{ Accept, ContentType, TransferEncoding }
    import scamper.types.{ MediaRange, MediaType, TransferCoding }
    val json = MediaRange("application", "json", 0.9f)
    val html = MediaRange("text/html; q=0.1")
    val req = Get("/motd").withAccept(json, html)
    val text = MediaType("text/plain")
    val gzip = TransferCoding("gzip")
    val res = Ok("There is an answer.").withContentType(text).withTransferEncoding(gzip)

    Using values defined in Implicits, properly formatted strings can be implicitly converted to standardized types.

    import scamper.Implicits.{ stringToEntity, stringToUri }
    import scamper.RequestMethod.Registry.Get
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Ok
    import scamper.headers.{ Accept, ContentType, TransferEncoding }
    import scamper.types.Implicits._
    val req = Get("/motd").withAccept("application/json; q=0.9", "text/html; q=0.1")
    val res = Ok("There is an answer.").withContentType("text/plain").withTransferEncoding("gzip")
    Definition Classes
    See also


  • package websocket

    Provides WebSocket implementation.

    Provides WebSocket implementation.

    Definition Classes



package server

Provides HTTP server implementation.

Building HTTP Server

To build a server, you begin with ServerApplication. This is a mutable structure to which you apply changes to configure the server. Once the desired settings are applied, you invoke one of several methods to create the server.

import scamper.BodyParser
import scamper.Implicits.stringToEntity
import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.{ NotFound, Ok }
import scamper.server.HttpServer
import scamper.server.Implicits._

// Get server application
val app =

// Add request handler to log all requests
app.incoming { req =>

// Add request handler to specific request method and path
app.get("/about") { req =>
  Ok("This server is powered by Scamper.")

// Add request handler using path parameter
app.put("/data/:id") { req =>
  def update(id: Int, data: String): Boolean = ???

  implicit val parser = BodyParser.text()

  // Get path parameter
  val id = req.params.getInt("id")

  update(id,[String]) match {
    case true  => Ok()
    case false => NotFound()

// Serve static files
app.files("/main", new File("/path/to/public"))

// Gzip response body if not empty
app.outgoing { res =>
  res.body.isKnownEmpty match {
    case true  => res
    case false => res.withGzipContentEncoding()

// Create server
val server = app.create(8080)

printf("Host: %s%n",
printf("Port: %d%n", server.port)

// Run server for 60 seconds
Thread.sleep(60 * 1000)

// Close server when done
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. server
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ErrorHandler extends AnyRef

    Provides utility for handling error when servicing request.

  2. trait HttpServer extends AnyRef

    Provides handle to server instance.

    Provides handle to server instance.

    See also

    HttpServer, ServerApplication

  3. case class ParameterNotConvertible(name: String, value: String) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

    Indicates parameter cannot be converted.

  4. case class ParameterNotFound(name: String) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

    Indicates parameter is not found.

  5. trait PathParameters extends AnyRef

    Provides access to path parameters.

  6. trait RequestHandler extends AnyRef

    Provides utility for handling incoming request.

  7. case class ResponseAborted(message: String) extends HttpException with Product with Serializable

    Indicates response was aborted.

    Indicates response was aborted.

    A RequestHandler throws ResponseAborted if no response should be sent for the request.

  8. trait ResponseFilter extends AnyRef

    Provides utility for filtering outgoing response.

  9. trait Router extends AnyRef

    Configures routing for ServerApplication.

    Configures routing for ServerApplication.

    Router works in much the same way as ServerApplication, except it is configured for request handling only, and all router paths are relative to a mount path defined in the owner application.

    import scamper.Implicits.stringToEntity
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.{ NotFound, Ok }
    import scamper.server.HttpServer
    import scamper.server.Implicits.ServerHttpRequestType
    val app =
    // Mount router to /api
    app.use("/api") { router =>
      val messages = Map(1 -> "Hello, world!", 2 -> "Goodbye, cruel world!")
      // Map handler to /api/messages
      router.get("/messages") { req =>
      // Map handler to /api/messages/:id
      router.get("/messages/:id") { req =>
        val id = req.params.getInt("id")
    See also


  10. class ServerApplication extends AnyRef

    Configures and creates HttpServer.

    Configures and creates HttpServer.

    ServerApplication is a mutable structure. With each applied change, the application is modified and returned. After the desired settings are applied, a server is created using one of several factory methods.

Value Members

  1. object HttpServer

    Provides factory for creating HttpServer.

  2. object Implicits

    Includes server-side type classes.

  3. object RequestHandler

    Provides RequestHandler utilities.

  4. object ResponseFilter

    Provides ResponseFilter utilities.

  5. object ServerApplication

    Provides factory for ServerApplication.

  6. object UpgradeToWebSocket

    Upgrades request to WebSocket connection.

    Upgrades request to WebSocket connection.

    import scamper.HttpRequest
    import scamper.ResponseStatus.Registry.Unauthorized
    import scamper.server.{ ServerApplication, UpgradeToWebSocket }
    val app = ServerApplication()
    app.get("/chat/:roomId") { req =>
      def authorize(req: HttpRequest): Boolean = ...
      authorize(req) match {
        case true  =>
          UpgradeToWebSocket(req) { session =>
            // Set up session
        case false => Unauthorized()

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
