
Type members


final class Accept(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Accept header.

Provides standardized access to Accept header.

final class AcceptCharset(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Accept-Charset header.

Provides standardized access to Accept-Charset header.

final class AcceptEncoding(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Accept-Encoding header.

Provides standardized access to Accept-Encoding header.

final class AcceptLanguage(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Accept-Language header.

Provides standardized access to Accept-Language header.

final class AcceptPatch(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Accept-Patch header.

Provides standardized access to Accept-Patch header.

final class AcceptRanges(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Accept-Ranges header.

Provides standardized access to Accept-Ranges header.

final class Age(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Age header.

Provides standardized access to Age header.

final class Allow(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Allow header.

Provides standardized access to Allow header.

final class CacheControl[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Cache-Control header.

Provides standardized access to Cache-Control header.

final class Connection[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Connection header.

Provides standardized access to Connection header.

final class ContentDisposition(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Content-Disposition header.

Provides standardized access to Content-Disposition header.

final class ContentEncoding[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Content-Encoding header.

Provides standardized access to Content-Encoding header.

final class ContentLanguage[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Content-Language header.

Provides standardized access to Content-Language header.

final class ContentLength[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Content-Length header.

Provides standardized access to Content-Length header.

final class ContentLocation[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Content-Location header.

Provides standardized access to Content-Location header.

final class ContentRange[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Content-Range header.

Provides standardized access to Content-Range header.

final class ContentType[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Content-Type header.

Provides standardized access to Content-Type header.

final class Date[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Date header.

Provides standardized access to Date header.

final class ETag(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to ETag header.

Provides standardized access to ETag header.

final class EarlyData(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Early-Data header.

Provides standardized access to Early-Data header.

final class Expect(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Expect header.

Provides standardized access to Expect header.

final class Expires(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Expires header.

Provides standardized access to Expires header.

final class From(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to From header.

Provides standardized access to From header.

final class Host(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Host header.

Provides standardized access to Host header.

final class IfMatch(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to If-Match header.

Provides standardized access to If-Match header.

final class IfModifiedSince(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to If-Modified-Since header.

Provides standardized access to If-Modified-Since header.

final class IfNoneMatch(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to If-None-Match header.

Provides standardized access to If-None-Match header.

final class IfRange(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to If-Range header.

Provides standardized access to If-Range header.

final class IfUnmodifiedSince(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to If-Unmodified-Since header.

Provides standardized access to If-Unmodified-Since header.

final class KeepAlive[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Keep-Alive header.

Provides standardized access to Keep-Alive header.

final class LastModified(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Last-Modified header.

Provides standardized access to Last-Modified header.

final class Link(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Link header.

Provides standardized access to Link header.

final class Location(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Location header.

Provides standardized access to Location header.

final class MaxForwards(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Max-Forwards header.

Provides standardized access to Max-Forwards header.

final class Pragma(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Pragma header.

Provides standardized access to Pragma header.

final class Prefer(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Prefer header.

Provides standardized access to Prefer header.

final class PreferenceApplied(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Preference-Applied header.

Provides standardized access to Preference-Applied header.

final class Range(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Range header.

Provides standardized access to Range header.

final class Referer(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Referer header.

Provides standardized access to Referer header.

final class RetryAfter(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Retry-After header.

Provides standardized access to Retry-After header.

final class Server(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Server header.

Provides standardized access to Server header.

final class TE(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to TE header.

Provides standardized access to TE header.

final class Trailer[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Trailer header.

Provides standardized access to Trailer header.

final class TransferEncoding[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Transfer-Encoding header.

Provides standardized access to Transfer-Encoding header.

final class Upgrade[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Upgrade header.

Provides standardized access to Upgrade header.

final class UserAgent(request: HttpRequest) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to User-Agent header.

Provides standardized access to User-Agent header.

final class Vary(response: HttpResponse) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Vary header.

Provides standardized access to Vary header.

final class Via[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Via header.

Provides standardized access to Via header.

final class Warning[T <: HttpMessage](message: T) extends AnyVal

Provides standardized access to Warning header.

Provides standardized access to Warning header.