
trait PersistentCookie extends Cookie

Persistent cookie in CookieStore.

trait Cookie
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def creation: Instant

Gets cookie's creation time.

Gets cookie's creation time.

def domain: String

Gets cookie domain.

Gets cookie domain.

def expiry: Instant

Gets cookie's expiry time.

Gets cookie's expiry time.

def hostOnly: Boolean

Indicates whether cookie should be limited to request host.

Indicates whether cookie should be limited to request host.

If true, the request host must be identical to cookie domain; otherwise, if false, the request host must simply "match" cookie domain.

def httpOnly: Boolean

Indicates whether cookie should be limited to HTTP requests.

Indicates whether cookie should be limited to HTTP requests.

def lastAccess: Instant

Gets cookie's last access time.

Gets cookie's last access time.

def path: String

Gets cookie path.

Gets cookie path.

def persistent: Boolean

Indicates whether cookie should be persistent after current session.

Indicates whether cookie should be persistent after current session.

def secureOnly: Boolean

Indicates whether cookie should be limited to secure channels.

Indicates whether cookie should be limited to secure channels.

Updates last access time and returns cookie.

Updates last access time and returns cookie.


this cookie

Concrete methods

Converts to PlainCookie.

Converts to PlainCookie.

Inherited methods

def name: String

Gets cookie name.

Gets cookie name.

Inherited from
def value: String

Gets cookie value.

Gets cookie value.

Inherited from