Class ZstdCompressCtx

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable

    public class ZstdCompressCtx
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZstdCompressCtx

        public ZstdCompressCtx()
        Create a context for faster compress operations One such context is required for each thread - put this in a ThreadLocal.
    • Method Detail

      • setMagicless

        public ZstdCompressCtx setMagicless​(boolean magiclessFlag)
        Enable or disable magicless frames
        magiclessFlag - A 32-bits magic number is written at start of frame, default: false
      • setChecksum

        public ZstdCompressCtx setChecksum​(boolean checksumFlag)
        Enable or disable compression checksums
        checksumFlag - A 32-bits checksum of content is written at end of frame, default: false
      • setTargetLength

        public ZstdCompressCtx setTargetLength​(int targetLength)
      • setContentSize

        public ZstdCompressCtx setContentSize​(boolean contentSizeFlag)
        Enable or disable content size
        contentSizeFlag - Content size will be written into frame header _whenever known_, default: true
      • setDictID

        public ZstdCompressCtx setDictID​(boolean dictIDFlag)
        Enable or disable dictID
        dictIDFlag - When applicable, dictionary's ID is written into frame header, default: true
      • setLong

        public ZstdCompressCtx setLong​(int windowLog)
        Enable or disable LongDistanceMatching and set the window size
        windowLog - Maximum allowed back-reference distance, expressed as power of 2. This will set a memory budget for streaming decompression, with larger values requiring more memory and typically compressing more. Must be clamped between 10 and 32/64 but values greater than 27 may not be decompressable in all context as they require more memory. 0 disables LDM.
      • loadDict

        public ZstdCompressCtx loadDict​(ZstdDictCompress dict)
        Load compression dictionary to be used for subsequently compressed frames.
        dict - the dictionary or `null` to remove loaded dictionary
      • loadDict

        public ZstdCompressCtx loadDict​(byte[] dict)
        Load compression dictionary to be used for subsequently compressed frames.
        dict - the dictionary or `null` to remove loaded dictionary
      • getFrameProgression

        public ZstdFrameProgression getFrameProgression()
        Tells how much data has been ingested (read from input), consumed (input actually compressed) and produced (output) for current frame.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Clear all state and parameters from the compression context. This leaves the object in a state identical to a newly created compression context.
      • setPledgedSrcSize

        public void setPledgedSrcSize​(long srcSize)
        Promise to compress a certain number of source bytes. Knowing the number of bytes to compress up front helps to choose proper compression settings and size internal buffers. Additionally, the pledged size is stored in the header of the output stream, allowing decompressors to know how much uncompressed data to expect. Attempting to compress more or less than the pledged size will result in an error.
      • compressDirectByteBufferStream

        public boolean compressDirectByteBufferStream​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dst,
                                                      java.nio.ByteBuffer src,
                                                      EndDirective endOp)
        Compress as much of the src ByteBuffer into the dst ByteBuffer as possible.
        dst - destination of compressed data
        src - buffer to compress
        endOp - directive for handling the end of the stream
        true if all state has been flushed from internal buffers
      • compressDirectByteBuffer

        public int compressDirectByteBuffer​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dstBuff,
                                            int dstOffset,
                                            int dstSize,
                                            java.nio.ByteBuffer srcBuff,
                                            int srcOffset,
                                            int srcSize)
        Compresses buffer 'srcBuff' into buffer 'dstBuff' reusing this ZstdCompressCtx. Destination buffer should be sized to handle worst cases situations (input data not compressible). Worst case size evaluation is provided by function ZSTD_compressBound(). This is a low-level function that does not take into account or affect the `limit` or `position` of source or destination buffers.
        dstBuff - the destination buffer - must be direct
        dstOffset - the start offset of 'dstBuff'
        dstSize - the size of 'dstBuff' (after 'dstOffset')
        srcBuff - the source buffer - must be direct
        srcOffset - the start offset of 'srcBuff'
        srcSize - the length of 'srcBuff' (after 'srcOffset')
        the number of bytes written into buffer 'dstBuff'.
      • compressByteArray

        public int compressByteArray​(byte[] dstBuff,
                                     int dstOffset,
                                     int dstSize,
                                     byte[] srcBuff,
                                     int srcOffset,
                                     int srcSize)
        Compresses byte array 'srcBuff' into byte array 'dstBuff' reusing this ZstdCompressCtx. Destination buffer should be sized to handle worst cases situations (input data not compressible). Worst case size evaluation is provided by function ZSTD_compressBound().
        dstBuff - the destination buffer (byte array)
        dstOffset - the start offset of 'dstBuff'
        dstSize - the size of 'dstBuff' (after 'dstOffset')
        srcBuff - the source buffer (byte array)
        srcOffset - the start offset of 'srcBuff'
        srcSize - the length of 'srcBuff' (after 'srcOffset')
        the number of bytes written into buffer 'dstBuff'.
      • compress

        public int compress​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dstBuf,
                            java.nio.ByteBuffer srcBuf)
        Compresses the data in buffer 'srcBuf'
        dstBuf - the destination buffer - must be direct. It is assumed that the `position()` of this buffer marks the offset at which the compressed data are to be written, and that the `limit()` of this buffer is the maximum compressed data size to allow.

        When this method returns successfully, its `position()` will be set to its current `position()` plus the compressed size of the data.

        srcBuf - the source buffer - must be direct. It is assumed that the `position()` of this buffer marks the beginning of the uncompressed data to be compressed, and that the `limit()` of this buffer marks its end.

        When this method returns successfully, its `position()` will be set to the initial `limit()`.

        the size of the compressed data
      • compress

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer compress​(java.nio.ByteBuffer srcBuf)
                                     throws ZstdException
        Compresses the data in buffer 'srcBuf'
        srcBuf - the source buffer - must be direct. It is assumed that the `position()` of the buffer marks the beginning of the uncompressed data to be compressed, and that the `limit()` of this buffer marks its end.

        When this method returns successfully, its `position()` will be set to its initial `limit()`.

        A newly allocated direct ByteBuffer containing the compressed data.
      • compress

        public int compress​(byte[] dst,
                            byte[] src)
      • compress

        public byte[] compress​(byte[] src)
      • close

        public void close()
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface