

package pureconfig

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. pureconfig
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AllowMissingKey extends AnyRef

    The default behavior of ConfigReaders that are implicitly derived in PureConfig is to raise a KeyNotFoundException when a required key is missing.

    The default behavior of ConfigReaders that are implicitly derived in PureConfig is to raise a KeyNotFoundException when a required key is missing. Mixing in this trait to a ConfigReader allows customizing this behavior. When a key is missing, but the ConfigReader of the given type extends this trait, the from method of the ConfigReader is called with null.

  2. trait BasicReaders extends PrimitiveReaders with UriAndPathReaders with JavaTimeReaders with DurationReaders with TypesafeConfigReaders

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for primitive types and simple classes in Java and Scala standard libraries.

  3. trait BasicWriters extends PrimitiveWriters with UriAndPathWriters with JavaTimeWriters with DurationWriters with TypesafeConfigWriters

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for primitive types and simple classes in Java and Scala standard libraries.

  4. trait DerivedReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for collection, product and coproduct types.

  5. trait DerivedWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for collection, product and coproduct types.

  6. trait DurationReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for Duration and FiniteDuration.

  7. trait DurationWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for Duration and FiniteDuration.

  8. trait JavaTimeReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for java.time classes.

  9. trait JavaTimeWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for java.time classes.

  10. trait PrimitiveReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for primitive types.

  11. trait PrimitiveWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for primitive types.

  12. trait TypesafeConfigReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for Typesafe config models.

  13. trait TypesafeConfigWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for Typesafe config models.

  14. trait UriAndPathReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for classes related to file system paths and URIs.

  15. trait UriAndPathWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for classes related to file system paths and URIs.

  16. trait CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention extends NamingConvention

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  17. trait ConfigConvert [T] extends ConfigReader[T] with ConfigWriter[T]

    Trait for objects capable of reading and writing objects of a given type from and to ConfigValues.

    Trait for objects capable of reading and writing objects of a given type from and to ConfigValues.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  18. trait ConfigFieldMapping extends (String) ⇒ String

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  19. trait ConfigReader [T] extends AnyRef

    Trait for objects capable of reading objects of a given type from ConfigValues.

    Trait for objects capable of reading objects of a given type from ConfigValues.


    the type of objects readable by this ConfigReader


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  20. trait ConfigWriter [T] extends AnyRef

    Trait for objects capable of writing objects of a given type to ConfigValues.

    Trait for objects capable of writing objects of a given type to ConfigValues.


    the type of objects writable by this ConfigWriter


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  21. trait ConvertHelpers extends AnyRef

    Useful helpers for building ConfigConvert instances and dealing with results.

    Useful helpers for building ConfigConvert instances and dealing with results.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  22. trait CoproductHint [T] extends AnyRef

    A trait that can be implemented to disambiguate between the different options of a coproduct or sealed family.

    A trait that can be implemented to disambiguate between the different options of a coproduct or sealed family.


    the type of the coproduct or sealed family for which this hint applies


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  23. class FieldCoproductHint [T] extends CoproductHint[T]

    Hint where the options are disambiguated by a key = "value" field inside the config.

    Hint where the options are disambiguated by a key = "value" field inside the config.

    This hint will cause derived ConfigConvert instance to fail to convert configs to objects if the object has a field with the same name as the disambiguation key.

    By default, the field value written is the class or coproduct option name converted to lower case. This mapping can be changed by overriding the method fieldValue of this class.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  24. class FirstSuccessCoproductHint [T] extends CoproductHint[T]

    Hint where all coproduct options are tried in order.

    Hint where all coproduct options are tried in order. from will choose the first option able to deserialize the config without errors, while to will write the config as is, with no disambiguation information.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  25. trait NamingConvention extends AnyRef

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  26. trait ProductHint [T] extends AnyRef

    A trait that can be implemented to customize how case classes are read from and written to a config.

    A trait that can be implemented to customize how case classes are read from and written to a config.


    the type of case class for which this hint applies


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  27. class StringDelimitedNamingConvention extends NamingConvention

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def loadConfig[Config](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  2. def loadConfig[Config](conf: Config)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  3. def loadConfig[Config](path: Path, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type Config from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  4. def loadConfig[Config](path: Path)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type Config from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  5. def loadConfig[Config](namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type Config from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  6. def loadConfig[Config](implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type Config from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  7. def loadConfigFromFiles[Config](files: Traversable[Path])(implicit arg0: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Loads files in order, allowing values in later files to backstop missing values from prior, and converts them into a Config.

    Loads files in order, allowing values in later files to backstop missing values from prior, and converts them into a Config.

    This is a convenience method which enables having default configuration which backstops local configuration.

    Note: If an element of files references a file which doesn't exist or can't be read, it will silently be ignored.


    Files ordered in decreasing priority containing part or all of a Config. Must not be empty.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  8. def loadConfigFromFilesOrThrow[Config](files: Traversable[Path])(implicit arg0: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

    See also


  9. def loadConfigOrThrow[Config](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  10. def loadConfigOrThrow[Config](conf: Config)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  11. def loadConfigOrThrow[Config](path: Path, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  12. def loadConfigOrThrow[Config](path: Path)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  13. def loadConfigOrThrow[Config](namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  14. def loadConfigOrThrow[Config](implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type Config from the standard configuration files


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  15. def loadConfigWithFallback[Config](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type Config from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  16. def loadConfigWithFallback[Config](conf: Config)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config]): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config]

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type Config from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  17. def loadConfigWithFallbackOrThrow[Config](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  18. def loadConfigWithFallbackOrThrow[Config](conf: Config)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[Config], ct: ClassTag[Config]): Config

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type Config from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the configuration

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  19. def saveConfigAsPropertyFile[Config](conf: Config, outputPath: Path, overrideOutputPath: Boolean = false)(implicit writer: ConfigWriter[Config]): Unit

    Save the given configuration into a property file

    Save the given configuration into a property file


    The configuration to save


    Where to write the configuration


    Override the path if it already exists

    @deprecated @throws( ... )

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  20. def saveConfigToStream[Config](conf: Config, outputStream: OutputStream)(implicit writer: ConfigWriter[Config]): Unit

    Writes the configuration to the output stream and closes the stream

    Writes the configuration to the output stream and closes the stream


    The configuration to write


    The stream in which the configuration should be written


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  21. object CamelCase extends CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention

    CamelCase identifiers look like camelCase and useMorePureconfig

    CamelCase identifiers look like camelCase and useMorePureconfig


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

    See also


  22. object CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  23. object ConfigConvert extends ConvertHelpers

    Provides methods to create ConfigConvert instances.

    Provides methods to create ConfigConvert instances.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  24. object ConfigFieldMapping

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  25. object ConfigReader extends BasicReaders with DerivedReaders

    Provides methods to create ConfigReader instances.

    Provides methods to create ConfigReader instances.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  26. object ConfigWriter extends BasicWriters with DerivedWriters

    Provides methods to create ConfigWriter instances.

    Provides methods to create ConfigWriter instances.


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  27. object ConvertHelpers extends ConvertHelpers

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  28. object CoproductHint

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  29. object KebabCase extends StringDelimitedNamingConvention

    KebabCase identifiers look like kebab-case and use-more-pureconfig

    KebabCase identifiers look like kebab-case and use-more-pureconfig


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

    See also


  30. object PascalCase extends CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention

    PascalCase identifiers look like e.g.PascalCase and UseMorePureconfig

    PascalCase identifiers look like e.g.PascalCase and UseMorePureconfig


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

    See also


  31. object ProductHint

    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

  32. object SnakeCase extends StringDelimitedNamingConvention

    SnakeCase identifiers look like snake_case and use_more_pureconfig

    SnakeCase identifiers look like snake_case and use_more_pureconfig


    (Since version 0.7.0) The pureconfig artifact with organization com.github.melrief is deprecated and won't be published anymore. Please update your dependency to use the organization com.github.pureconfig

    See also


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
