
trait FromParquet

Factory of builders of Parquet readers.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

Creates Builder of Parquet reader for documents of type T.

Creates Builder of Parquet reader for documents of type T.


Creates Builder of Parquet reader of generic records.

Creates Builder of Parquet reader of generic records.


Creates Builder of Parquet reader for projected documents of type T. Due to projection reader does not attempt to read all existing columns of the file but applies enforced projection schema.

Creates Builder of Parquet reader for projected documents of type T. Due to projection reader does not attempt to read all existing columns of the file but applies enforced projection schema.


Creates Builder of Parquet reader of projected generic records. Due to projection reader does not attempt to read all existing columns of the file but applies enforced projection schema.

Creates Builder of Parquet reader of projected generic records. Due to projection reader does not attempt to read all existing columns of the file but applies enforced projection schema.


Creates Builder of Parquet reader returning projected generic records. Due to projection, reader does not attempt to read all existing columns of the file but applies enforced projection schema. Besides simple projection one can use aliases and extract values from nested fields - in a way similar to SQL.

Creates Builder of Parquet reader returning projected generic records. Due to projection, reader does not attempt to read all existing columns of the file but applies enforced projection schema. Besides simple projection one can use aliases and extract values from nested fields - in a way similar to SQL.

Value parameters


first column projection


next column projections


Col("foo").as[Int], // selects Int column "foo"
Col("bar.baz".as[String]), // selects String field "bar.baz", creates column "baz" wih a value of "baz"
Col("bar.baz".as[String].alias("bar_baz")) // selects String field "bar.baz", creates column "bar_baz" wih a value of "baz"