

trait DatabaseAdapter extends AnyRef

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. DatabaseAdapter
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Zip[T] extends AnyRef

  2. class ZipIterable[T] extends AnyRef

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def isTableDoesNotExistException(e: SQLException): Boolean

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. def aliasExport(parentOfTarget: QueryableExpressionNode, target: SelectElement): String

  7. final def arrayCreationType(ptype: Class[_]): String

  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  9. def bigDecimalTypeDeclaration(precision: Int, scale: Int): String

  10. def bigDecimalTypeDeclaration: String

  11. def binaryTypeDeclaration: String

  12. def booleanTypeDeclaration: String

  13. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  14. def convertFromBooleanForJdbc(b: Boolean): Boolean

    unused at the moment, since all jdbc drivers adhere to the standard that : 1 == true, false otherwise.

    unused at the moment, since all jdbc drivers adhere to the standard that : 1 == true, false otherwise. If a new driver would not adhere to this, the call can be uncommented in method convertToJdbcValue

  15. def convertFromUuidForJdbc(u: UUID): AnyRef

  16. def convertToBooleanForJdbc(rs: ResultSet, i: Int): Boolean

    unused for the same reason as def convertFromBooleanForJdbc (see comment)

  17. def convertToJdbcValue(r: AnyRef): AnyRef

    Converts field instances so they can be fed, and understood by JDBC will not do conversion from None/Some, so @arg r should be a java primitive type or a CustomType

  18. def convertToUuidForJdbc(rs: ResultSet, i: Int): UUID

  19. def createSequenceName(fmd: FieldMetaData): String

  20. def createStatement(conn: Connection): Statement

  21. def currenSession: AbstractSession

  22. def databaseTypeFor(fieldMapper: FieldMapper, c: Class[_]): String

  23. def databaseTypeFor(fmd: FieldMetaData): String

  24. def dateTypeDeclaration: String

  25. def doubleArrayTypeDeclaration: String

  26. def doubleTypeDeclaration: String

  27. def dropForeignKeyStatement(foreignKeyTable: Table[_], fkName: String, session: AbstractSession): Unit

  28. def dropTable(t: Table[_]): Unit

  29. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  30. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  31. def exec[A](s: AbstractSession, sw: StatementWriter)(block: (Iterable[StatementParam]) ⇒ A): A

  32. def execFailSafeExecute(sw: StatementWriter, silenceException: (SQLException) ⇒ Boolean): Unit

    Some methods like 'dropTable' issue their statement, and will silence the exception.

    Some methods like 'dropTable' issue their statement, and will silence the exception. For example dropTable will silence when isTableDoesNotExistException(theExceptionThrown). It must be used carefully, and an exception should not be silenced unless identified.

  33. def executeQuery(s: AbstractSession, sw: StatementWriter): (ResultSet, PreparedStatement)

  34. def executeUpdate(s: AbstractSession, sw: StatementWriter): (Int, PreparedStatement)

  35. def executeUpdateAndCloseStatement(s: AbstractSession, sw: StatementWriter): Int

  36. def executeUpdateForInsert(s: AbstractSession, sw: StatementWriter, ps: PreparedStatement): Int

  37. def failureOfStatementRequiresRollback: Boolean

  38. def fieldAlias(n: QueryableExpressionNode, fse: FieldSelectElement): String

  39. def fillParamsInto(params: Iterable[StatementParam], s: PreparedStatement): Unit

  40. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  41. def floatTypeDeclaration: String

  42. def foreignKeyConstraintName(foreignKeyTable: Table[_], idWithinSchema: Int): String

  43. def generateAlmostUniqueSuffixWithHash(s: String): String

    This will create an probabilistically unique string of length no longer than 11 chars, it can be used to create "almost unique" names where uniqueness is not an absolute requirement, is not ,

  44. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  45. def getInsertableFields(fmd: Iterable[FieldMetaData]): Iterable[FieldMetaData]

  46. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  47. def intArrayTypeDeclaration: String

  48. def intTypeDeclaration: String

  49. def isFullOuterJoinSupported: Boolean

  50. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  51. def isNotNullConstraintViolation(e: SQLException): Boolean

    Figures out from the SQLException (ex.

    Figures out from the SQLException (ex.: vendor specific error code) if it's cause is a NOT NULL constraint violation

  52. def jdbcDoubleArrayCreationType: String

  53. def jdbcIntArrayCreationType: String

  54. def jdbcLongArrayCreationType: String

  55. def jdbcStringArrayCreationType: String

  56. def jdbcTypeConstantFor(c: Class[_]): Int

  57. def localDateTimeTypeDeclaration: String

  58. def localDateTypeDeclaration: String

  59. def localTimeTypeDeclaration: String

  60. def longArrayTypeDeclaration: String

  61. def longTypeDeclaration: String

  62. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  63. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  64. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  65. def nvlToken: String

  66. def offsetDateTimeTypeDeclaration: String

  67. def offsetTimeTypeDeclaration: String

  68. def postCreateTable(t: Table[_], printSinkWhenWriteOnlyMode: Option[(String) ⇒ Unit]): Unit

    When @arg printSinkWhenWriteOnlyMode is not None, the adapter will not execute any statement, but only silently give it to the String=>Unit closure

  69. def postDropTable(t: Table[_]): Unit

  70. def prepareStatement(conn: Connection, statement: String): PreparedStatement

  71. def quoteIdentifier(s: String): String

  72. def quoteName(s: String): String

  73. def setParamInto(s: PreparedStatement, p: StatementParam, i: Int): Unit

  74. implicit def string2StatementWriter(s: String): StatementWriter

  75. def stringArrayTypeDeclaration: String

  76. def stringTypeDeclaration(length: Int): String

  77. def stringTypeDeclaration: String

  78. def supportsAutoIncrementInColumnDeclaration: Boolean

  79. def supportsCommonTableExpressions: Boolean

  80. def supportsForeignKeyConstraints: Boolean

  81. def supportsUnionQueryOptions: Boolean

  82. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  83. def timestampTypeDeclaration: String

  84. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  85. def uuidTypeDeclaration: String

  86. def verifyDeleteByPK: Boolean

    Should we verify that when we delete by primary key the JDBC driver reports that no more than one row was affected? MonetDB in particular seems to act badly here

    Should we verify that when we delete by primary key the JDBC driver reports that no more than one row was affected? MonetDB in particular seems to act badly here


    true if we should throw an exception if the driver reports more than 1 affected row

  87. def viewAlias(vn: ViewExpressionNode[_]): String

  88. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  89. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  90. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  91. def writeColumnDeclaration(fmd: FieldMetaData, isPrimaryKey: Boolean, schema: Schema): String

  92. def writeCompositePrimaryKeyConstraint(t: Table[_], cols: Iterable[FieldMetaData]): String

  93. def writeConcatFunctionCall(fn: FunctionNode, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  94. def writeConcatOperator(left: ExpressionNode, right: ExpressionNode, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  95. def writeCreateTable[T](t: Table[T], sw: StatementWriter, schema: Schema): Unit

  96. def writeCteReference(sw: StatementWriter, q: QueryExpressionElements): Unit

  97. def writeDelete[T](t: Table[T], whereClause: Option[ExpressionNode], sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  98. def writeDropForeignKeyStatement(foreignKeyTable: Table[_], fkName: String): String

  99. def writeDropTable(tableName: String): String

  100. def writeEndOfFromHint(qen: QueryExpressionElements, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  101. def writeEndOfQueryHint(isForUpdate: () ⇒ Boolean, qen: QueryExpressionElements, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  102. def writeForeignKeyDeclaration(foreignKeyTable: Table[_], foreignKeyColumnName: String, primaryKeyTable: Table[_], primaryKeyColumnName: String, referentialAction1: Option[ReferentialAction], referentialAction2: Option[ReferentialAction], fkId: Int): String

  103. def writeIndexDeclaration(columnDefs: Seq[FieldMetaData], name: Option[String], nameOfCompositeKey: Option[String], isUnique: Boolean): String


    the name specified in the Schema, when not None, it must be used as the name


    when not None, the column group forms a composite key, 'nameOfCompositeKey' can be used as part of the name to create a more meaningfull name for the constraint, when 'name' is None

  104. def writeInsert[T](o: T, t: Table[T], sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  105. def writeJoin(queryableExpressionNode: QueryableExpressionNode, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  106. def writeNvlCall(left: ExpressionNode, right: ExpressionNode, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  107. def writePaginatedQueryDeclaration(page: () ⇒ Option[(Int, Int)], qen: QueryExpressionElements, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  108. def writeQuery(qen: QueryExpressionElements, sw: StatementWriter, inverseOrderBy: Boolean, topHint: Option[String]): Unit

  109. def writeQuery(qen: QueryExpressionElements, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  110. def writeRegexExpression(left: ExpressionNode, pattern: String, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  111. def writeSelectElementAlias(se: SelectElement, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  112. def writeUnionQueryOptions(qen: QueryExpressionElements, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  113. def writeUniquenessConstraint(t: Table[_], cols: Iterable[FieldMetaData]): String

  114. def writeUpdate(t: Table[_], us: UpdateStatement, sw: StatementWriter): Unit

  115. def writeUpdate[T](o: T, t: Table[T], sw: StatementWriter, checkOCC: Boolean): Unit

  116. def writeValue(o: AnyRef, fmd: FieldMetaData, sw: StatementWriter): String

  117. implicit def zipIterable[T](i: Iterable[T]): ZipIterable[T]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
