Enum DiskStats.IoStat

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<DiskStats.IoStat>, java.lang.constant.Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum DiskStats.IoStat extends Enum<DiskStats.IoStat>
Enum corresponding to the fields in the output of /proc/diskstats
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    The total number of discards completed successfully.
    Discards which are adjacent to each other merged for efficiency.
    The total number of milliseconds spent by all discards.
    The total number of sectors discarded successfully.
    The total number of flush requests completed successfully.
    The total number of milliseconds spent by all flush requests.
    The total number of milliseconds spent doing I/Os.
    Incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress IO_QUEUE_LENGTH times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the last update of this field.
    Incremented as requests are given to appropriate struct request_queue and decremented as they finish.
    The device major number.
    The device minor number.
    The device name.
    The total number of reads completed successfully.
    Reads which are adjacent to each other merged for efficiency.
    The total number of milliseconds spent by all reads.
    The total number of sectors read successfully.
    The total number of writes completed successfully.
    Writes which are adjacent to each other merged for efficiency.
    The total number of milliseconds spent by all writes.
    The total number of sectors written successfully.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    valueOf​(String name)
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • MAJOR

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat MAJOR
      The device major number.
    • MINOR

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat MINOR
      The device minor number.
    • NAME

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat NAME
      The device name.
    • READS

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat READS
      The total number of reads completed successfully.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat READS_MERGED
      Reads which are adjacent to each other merged for efficiency.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat READS_SECTOR
      The total number of sectors read successfully.
    • READS_MS

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat READS_MS
      The total number of milliseconds spent by all reads.
    • WRITES

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat WRITES
      The total number of writes completed successfully.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat WRITES_MERGED
      Writes which are adjacent to each other merged for efficiency.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat WRITES_SECTOR
      The total number of sectors written successfully.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat WRITES_MS
      The total number of milliseconds spent by all writes.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat IO_QUEUE_LENGTH
      Incremented as requests are given to appropriate struct request_queue and decremented as they finish.
    • IO_MS

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat IO_MS
      The total number of milliseconds spent doing I/Os.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat IO_MS_WEIGHTED
      Incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress IO_QUEUE_LENGTH times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the last update of this field.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat DISCARDS
      The total number of discards completed successfully.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat DISCARDS_MERGED
      Discards which are adjacent to each other merged for efficiency.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat DISCARDS_SECTOR
      The total number of sectors discarded successfully.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat DISCARDS_MS
      The total number of milliseconds spent by all discards.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat FLUSHES
      The total number of flush requests completed successfully.

      public static final DiskStats.IoStat FLUSHES_MS
      The total number of milliseconds spent by all flush requests.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static DiskStats.IoStat[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static DiskStats.IoStat valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null