
See theFile companion object
class File extends Serializable

Scala wrapper around java.nio.files.Path


trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def /(child: String): File
def /(child: Symbol): File
def addPermission(permission: PosixFilePermission)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type
def append(text: String)(implicit charset: Charset): File.this.type
def appendByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): File.this.type
def appendBytes(bytes: Iterator[Byte]): File.this.type
def appendLine(line: String)(implicit charset: Charset): File.this.type
def appendLines(lines: String*)(implicit charset: Charset): File.this.type

For large number of lines that may not fit in memory, use printLines

For large number of lines that may not fit in memory, use printLines


def appendText(text: String)(implicit charset: Charset): File.this.type
def asynchronousFileChannel(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): Dispose[AsynchronousFileChannel]
def attributes(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): BasicFileAttributes
def bufferedReader(implicit charset: Charset): Dispose[BufferedReader]
def bufferedWriter(implicit charset: Charset, openOptions: OpenOptions): Dispose[BufferedWriter]
def byteArray: Array[Byte]
def bytes: Iterator[Byte]
def canonicalPath: String
def changeExtensionTo(extension: String): File

Changes the file-extension by renaming this file; if file does not have an extension, it adds the extension Example usage file"".changeExtensionTo(".scala")

Changes the file-extension by renaming this file; if file does not have an extension, it adds the extension Example usage file"".changeExtensionTo(".scala")

If file does not exist (or is a directory) no change is done and the current file is returned


def chars(implicit charset: Charset): Iterator[Char]
def checksum(algorithm: MessageDigest): String



checksum of this file (or directory) in hex format

def children: Iterator[File]
def clear()(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type

If this is a directory, remove all its children If its a file, empty the contents

If this is a directory, remove all its children If its a file, empty the contents




def collectChildren(matchFilter: File => Boolean, maxDepth: Int)(implicit visitOptions: VisitOptions): Iterator[File]

More Scala friendly way of doing Files.walk Note: This is lazy (returns an Iterator) and won't evaluate till we reify the iterator (e.g. using .toList)

More Scala friendly way of doing Files.walk Note: This is lazy (returns an Iterator) and won't evaluate till we reify the iterator (e.g. using .toList)


def contains(file: File, strict: Boolean): Boolean

Check if this directory contains this file

Check if this directory contains this file



If strict is false, it would return true for self.contains(self)


true if this is a directory and it contains this file

def contentAsString(implicit charset: Charset): String
def contentType: Option[String]
def copyTo(destination: File, overwrite: Boolean)(implicit copyOptions: CopyOptions): File




def copyToDirectory(directory: File)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions, copyOptions: CopyOptions): File

Copies this file into the given directory

Copies this file into the given directory



the File referencing the new file created under destination

def createChild(child: String, asDirectory: Boolean, createParents: Boolean)(implicit attributes: Attributes, linkOptions: LinkOptions): File
def createDirectories()(implicit attributes: Attributes, linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type

Create this directory and all its parents Unlike the JDK, this by default sanely handles the JDK-8130464 bug If you want default Java behaviour, use File.LinkOptions.noFollow

Create this directory and all its parents Unlike the JDK, this by default sanely handles the JDK-8130464 bug If you want default Java behaviour, use File.LinkOptions.noFollow


def createDirectory()(implicit attributes: Attributes): File.this.type

Create this directory

Create this directory


def createDirectoryIfNotExists(createParents: Boolean)(implicit attributes: Attributes, linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type
def createFile()(implicit attributes: Attributes): File.this.type

Create this file

Create this file


def createFileIfNotExists(createParents: Boolean)(implicit attributes: Attributes, linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type
def createIfNotExists(asDirectory: Boolean, createParents: Boolean)(implicit attributes: Attributes, linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type

Create this file. If it exists, don't do anything

Create this file. If it exists, don't do anything



If you want this file to be created as a directory instead, set this to true (false by default)


If you also want all the parents to be created from root to this file (false by default)

def delete(swallowIOExceptions: Boolean, linkOption: LinkOptions): File.this.type

Deletes this file or directory Unless otherwise specified, this does not follow symlinks i.e. if this is a symlink, only the symlink itself is deleted and not the linked object

Deletes this file or directory Unless otherwise specified, this does not follow symlinks i.e. if this is a symlink, only the symlink itself is deleted and not the linked object



If this is set to true, any exception thrown is swallowed

def deleteOnExit(swallowIOExceptions: Boolean, linkOption: LinkOptions): File.this.type
def digest(algorithm: MessageDigest): Array[Byte]
def dosAttributes(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): DosFileAttributes
def entries: Iterator[File]
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean

Compares the receiver object (this) with the argument object (that) for equivalence.

Compares the receiver object (this) with the argument object (that) for equivalence.

Any implementation of this method should be an equivalence relation:

  • It is reflexive: for any instance x of type Any, x.equals(x) should return true.
  • It is symmetric: for any instances x and y of type Any, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
  • It is transitive: for any instances x, y, and z of type Any if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.

If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation. Additionally, when overriding this method it is usually necessary to override hashCode to ensure that objects which are "equal" (o1.equals(o2) returns true) hash to the same scala.Int. (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)).



the object to compare against this object for equality.


true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

Definition Classes
def exists(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def extension: Option[String]



extension (including the dot) of this file if it is a regular file and has an extension, else None

def extension(includeDot: Boolean, includeAll: Boolean, toLowerCase: Boolean): Option[String]



whether all extension tokens should be included, or just the last one e.g. for bundle.tar.gz should it be .tar.gz or .gz


whether the dot should be included in the extension or not


to lowercase the extension or not e.g. foo.HTML should have .html or .HTML


extension of this file if it is a regular file and has an extension, else None

def fileChannel(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions, attributes: Attributes): Dispose[FileChannel]
def fileInputStream: Dispose[FileInputStream]
def fileOutputStream(append: Boolean): Dispose[FileOutputStream]
def fileReader: Dispose[FileReader]
def fileWriter(append: Boolean): Dispose[FileWriter]
def glob(pattern: String, includePath: Boolean, maxDepth: Int)(implicit syntax: PathMatcherSyntax, visitOptions: VisitOptions): Iterator[File]

Util to glob from this file's path

Util to glob from this file's path



If true, we don't need to set path glob patterns e.g. instead of *

def globRegex(pattern: Regex, includePath: Boolean, maxDepth: Int)(implicit visitOptions: VisitOptions): Iterator[File]

Util to match from this file's path using Regex

Util to match from this file's path using Regex



If true, we don't need to set path glob patterns e.g. instead of *

def group(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): GroupPrincipal
def groupName(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): String
def gzipInputStream(bufferSize: Int): Dispose[GZIPInputStream]
def gzipOutputStream(bufferSize: Int, syncFlush: Boolean, append: Boolean): Dispose[GZIPOutputStream]
def gzipTo(destination: File, bufferSize: Int, syncFlush: Boolean, append: Boolean): File


def hasExtension: Boolean

Returns the extension if file is a regular file If file is unreadable or does not exist, it is assumed to be not a regular file See:

Returns the extension if file is a regular file If file is unreadable or does not exist, it is assumed to be not a regular file See:


override def hashCode: Int

Calculate a hash code value for the object.

Calculate a hash code value for the object.

The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.

Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)) yet not be equal (o1.equals(o2) returns false). A degenerate implementation could always return 0. However, it is required that if two objects are equal (o1.equals(o2) returns true) that they have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)). Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure to verify that the behavior is consistent with the equals method.



the hash code value for this object.

Definition Classes
def inputStream(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): Dispose[InputStream]
def isChildOf(parent: File): Boolean
def isDirectory(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean



true if this file (or the file found by following symlink) is a directory

def isEmpty(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean



true if file is not present or empty directory or 0-bytes file

def isExecutable: Boolean
def isGroupExecutable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isGroupReadable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isGroupWritable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isHidden: Boolean
def isLocked(mode: RandomAccessMode, position: Long, size: Long, isShared: Boolean)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean

Check if a file is locked.

Check if a file is locked.



true to request a shared lock, false to request an exclusive lock.


The random access mode.


The position at which the locked region is to start; must be non-negative.


The size of the locked region; must be non-negative, and the sum position + size must be non-negative.


True if the file is locked, false otherwise.

def isOthersExecutable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isOthersReadable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isOthersWritable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isOwnerExecutable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isOwnerReadable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isOwnerWritable(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def isParentOf(child: File): Boolean
def isReadLocked(position: Long, size: Long, isShared: Boolean): Boolean
def isReadable: Boolean

This differs from the above as this checks if the JVM can read this file even though the OS cannot in certain platforms

This differs from the above as this checks if the JVM can read this file even though the OS cannot in certain platforms


See also:


def isRegularFile(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean



true if this file (or the file found by following symlink) is a regular file

def isSameContentAs(that: File): Boolean



true if this file is exactly same as that file For directories, it checks for equivalent directory structure

def isSameFileAs(that: File): Boolean
def isSamePathAs(that: File): Boolean
def isSiblingOf(sibling: File): Boolean
def isSimilarContentAs(that: File): Boolean

Almost same as isSameContentAs but uses faster md5 hashing to compare (and thus small chance of false positive) Also works for directories

Almost same as isSameContentAs but uses faster md5 hashing to compare (and thus small chance of false positive) Also works for directories


def isWritable: Boolean
def isWriteLocked(position: Long, size: Long, isShared: Boolean): Boolean
def lastModifiedTime(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Instant
def lineCount(implicit charset: Charset): Long
def lineIterator(implicit charset: Charset): Iterator[String]

Iterate over lines in a file (auto-close stream on complete) NOTE: If the iteration is partial, it may leave a stream open If you want partial iteration use @see lines()

Iterate over lines in a file (auto-close stream on complete) NOTE: If the iteration is partial, it may leave a stream open If you want partial iteration use @see lines()


def lines(implicit charset: Charset): Iterable[String]

Load all lines from this file Note: Large files may cause an OutOfMemory in which case, use the streaming version @see lineIterator

Load all lines from this file Note: Large files may cause an OutOfMemory in which case, use the streaming version @see lineIterator



all lines in this file

def linkTo(destination: File, symbolic: Boolean)(implicit attributes: Attributes): File
def list(filter: File => Boolean, maxDepth: Int, visitOptions: VisitOptions): Iterator[File]

List files recursively up to given depth using a custom file filter

List files recursively up to given depth using a custom file filter


def list: Iterator[File]
def listRecursively(implicit visitOptions: VisitOptions): Iterator[File]
def listRelativePaths(implicit visitOptions: VisitOptions): Iterator[Path]
def loadBytes: Array[Byte]
def md5: String
def moveTo(destination: File)(implicit copyOptions: CopyOptions): File




def moveToDirectory(directory: File)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): File

Moves this file into the given directory

Moves this file into the given directory



the File referencing the new file created under destination

def name: String

Name of file Certain files may not have a name e.g. root directory - returns empty string in that case

Name of file Certain files may not have a name e.g. root directory - returns empty string in that case


def nameOption: Option[String]

Certain files may not have a name e.g. root directory - returns None in that case

Certain files may not have a name e.g. root directory - returns None in that case


def nameWithoutExtension(includeAll: Boolean): String



For files with multiple extensions e.g. "bundle.tar.gz" nameWithoutExtension(includeAll = true) returns "bundle" nameWithoutExtension(includeAll = false) returns "bundle.tar"

def newAsynchronousFileChannel(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): AsynchronousFileChannel
def newBufferedReader(implicit charset: Charset): BufferedReader
def newBufferedWriter(implicit charset: Charset, openOptions: OpenOptions): BufferedWriter
def newFileChannel(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions, attributes: Attributes): FileChannel
def newFileInputStream: FileInputStream
def newFileOutputStream(append: Boolean): FileOutputStream
def newFileReader: FileReader
def newFileWriter(append: Boolean): FileWriter
def newGzipInputStream(bufferSize: Int): GZIPInputStream
def newGzipOutputStream(bufferSize: Int, syncFlush: Boolean, append: Boolean): GZIPOutputStream
def newInputStream(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): InputStream
def newOutputStream(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): OutputStream
def newPrintWriter(autoFlush: Boolean)(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): PrintWriter
def newRandomAccess(mode: RandomAccessMode): RandomAccessFile
def newScanner(splitter: StringSplitter)(implicit charset: Charset): Scanner
def newWatchService: WatchService
def newZipInputStream(implicit charset: Charset): ZipInputStream
def newZipOutputStream(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions, charset: Charset): ZipOutputStream
def nonEmpty(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean



for directories, true if it has no children, false otherwise for files, true if it is a 0-byte file, false otherwise else true if it exists, false otherwise

def notExists(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean
def outputStream(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): Dispose[OutputStream]
def overwrite(text: String)(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions, charset: Charset): File.this.type
def owner(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): UserPrincipal
def ownerName(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): String

Return parent of this file NOTE: This API returns null if this file is the root; please use parentOption if you expect to handle roots

Return parent of this file NOTE: This API returns null if this file is the root; please use parentOption if you expect to handle roots


See also:


def parentOption: Option[File]



Some(parent) of this file or None if this is the root and thus has no parent

def pathAsString: String
def pathMatcher(syntax: PathMatcherSyntax, includePath: Boolean)(pattern: String): PathMatcher
def permissions(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Set[PosixFilePermission]
def permissionsAsString(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): String
def posixAttributes(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): PosixFileAttributes
def printLines(lines: IterableOnce[_])(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): File.this.type
def printWriter(autoFlush: Boolean)(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): Dispose[PrintWriter]
def randomAccess(mode: RandomAccessMode): Dispose[RandomAccessFile]
def readDeserialized[A](classLoaderOverride: Option[ClassLoader], bufferSize: Int)(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): A

Deserialize a object using Java's default serialization from this file

Deserialize a object using Java's default serialization from this file


def register(service: WatchService, events: Events): File.this.type
def relativize(destination: File): Path
def removePermission(permission: PosixFilePermission)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type
def renameTo(newName: String): File

getResource... always uses "/" for separator

def root: File
def scanner(splitter: StringSplitter)(implicit charset: Charset): Dispose[Scanner]
def setGroup(group: String)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type
def setOwner(owner: String): File.this.type
def setPermissions(permissions: Set[PosixFilePermission]): File.this.type
def sha1: String
def sha256: String
def sha512: String
def sibling(name: String): File
def siblings: Iterator[File]
def size(implicit visitOptions: VisitOptions): Long



file size (for directories, return size of the directory) in bytes

def size(returnZeroIfMissing: Boolean)(implicit visitOptions: VisitOptions): Long



If true, return zeroes for missing files*


file size (for directories, return size of the directory) in bytes

def streamedUnzip(destinationDirectory: File)(implicit charset: Charset): File

Streamed unzipping is slightly slower but supports larger files and more encodings

Streamed unzipping is slightly slower but supports larger files and more encodings



destination folder; Creates this if it does not exist


The destination where contents are unzipped

See also:
def symbolicLinkTo(destination: File)(implicit attributes: Attributes): File
def testPermission(permission: PosixFilePermission)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Boolean

test if file has this permission

test if file has this permission


def toJava: File
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes

Java's temporary files/directories are not cleaned up by default. If we explicitly call .deleteOnExit(), it gets added to shutdown handler which is not ideal for long running systems with millions of temporary files as: a) it would slowdown shutdown and b) occupy unnecessary disk-space during app lifetime

Java's temporary files/directories are not cleaned up by default. If we explicitly call .deleteOnExit(), it gets added to shutdown handler which is not ideal for long running systems with millions of temporary files as: a) it would slowdown shutdown and b) occupy unnecessary disk-space during app lifetime

This util auto-deletes the resource when done using the Dispose facility

Example usage: File.temporaryDirectory().foreach(tempDir => doSomething(tempDir)


def tokens(splitter: StringSplitter)(implicit charset: Charset): Iterator[String]
def touch(time: Instant)(implicit attributes: Attributes, linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type

Similar to the UNIX command touch - create this file if it does not exist and set its last modification time

Similar to the UNIX command touch - create this file if it does not exist and set its last modification time


def unGzipTo(destination: File, append: Boolean, bufferSize: Int): File
def unzip(zipFilter: ZipEntry => Boolean)(implicit charset: Charset): File

unzip to a temporary zip file

unzip to a temporary zip file



the zip file

def unzipTo(destination: File, zipFilter: ZipEntry => Boolean)(implicit charset: Charset): File

Unzips this zip file

Unzips this zip file



destination folder; Creates this if it does not exist


An optional param to reject or accept unzipping a file


The destination where contents are unzipped

def update(attribute: String, value: Any)(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): File.this.type

Set a file attribute e.g. file("dos:system") = true

Set a file attribute e.g. file("dos:system") = true


def uri: URI
def url: URL
def usingLock[U](mode: RandomAccessMode)(f: FileChannel => U): U
def verifiedExists(implicit linkOptions: LinkOptions): Option[Boolean]



Some(true) if file is guaranteed to exist Some(false) if file is guaranteed to not exist None if the status is unknown e.g. if file is unreadable

See also:
def walk(maxDepth: Int)(implicit visitOptions: VisitOptions): Iterator[File]

Walk the directory tree recursively upto maxDepth

Walk the directory tree recursively upto maxDepth



List of children in BFS maxDepth level deep (includes self since self is at depth = 0)

def watchService: Dispose[WatchService]
def write(text: String)(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions, charset: Charset): File.this.type
def writeByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte])(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): File.this.type

Write byte array to file. For large contents consider using the writeBytes

Write byte array to file. For large contents consider using the writeBytes




def writeBytes(bytes: Iterator[Byte])(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): File.this.type
def writeSerialized(obj: Serializable, bufferSize: Int)(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions): File.this.type

Serialize a object using Java's serializer into this file, creating it and its parents if they do not exist

Serialize a object using Java's serializer into this file, creating it and its parents if they do not exist


def writeText(text: String)(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions, charset: Charset): File.this.type
def zip(compressionLevel: Int)(implicit charset: Charset): File

zip to a temp directory

zip to a temp directory



the target directory

def zipIn(files: Iterator[File], compressionLevel: Int)(implicit charset: Charset): File.this.type

Adds these files into this zip file Example usage: File("").zipIn(Seq(file"hello.txt", file"hello2.txt"))

Adds these files into this zip file Example usage: File("").zipIn(Seq(file"hello.txt", file"hello2.txt"))




def zipInputStream(implicit charset: Charset): Dispose[ZipInputStream]
def zipOutputStream(implicit openOptions: OpenOptions, charset: Charset): Dispose[ZipOutputStream]
def zipTo(destination: File, compressionLevel: Int)(implicit charset: Charset): File

Zips this file (or directory)

Zips this file (or directory)



The destination file; Creates this if it does not exists


The destination zip file

Concrete fields

val path: Path



implicit val fileSystem: FileSystem