

package pureconfig

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. pureconfig
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package backend
  2. package error
  3. package syntax

Type Members

  1. trait BasicReaders extends PrimitiveReaders with JavaEnumReader with UriAndPathReaders with RegexReaders with JavaTimeReaders with DurationReaders with NumericReaders with TypesafeConfigReaders

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for primitive types and simple classes in Java and Scala standard libraries.

  2. trait BasicWriters extends PrimitiveWriters with JavaEnumWriter with UriAndPathWriters with RegexWriters with JavaTimeWriters with DurationWriters with NumericWriters with TypesafeConfigWriters

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for primitive types and simple classes in Java and Scala standard libraries.

  3. trait CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention extends NamingConvention
  4. trait CollectionReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for collection types.

  5. trait CollectionWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for collection types.

  6. trait ConfigConvert[A] extends ConfigReader[A] with ConfigWriter[A]

    Trait for objects capable of reading and writing objects of a given type from and to ConfigValues.

  7. sealed trait ConfigCursor extends AnyRef

    A wrapper for a ConfigValue providing safe navigation through the config and holding positional data for better error handling.

  8. trait ConfigFieldMapping extends (String) => String

    A mapping between case class fields and their respective keys in the config.

  9. case class ConfigListCursor(listValue: ConfigList, pathElems: List[String], offset: Int = 0) extends ConfigCursor with Product with Serializable

    A ConfigCursor pointing to a config list.

  10. case class ConfigObjectCursor(objValue: ConfigObject, pathElems: List[String]) extends ConfigCursor with Product with Serializable

    A ConfigCursor pointing to a config object.

  11. final class ConfigObjectSource extends ConfigSource

    A ConfigSource which is guaranteed to generate config objects (maps) as root values.

  12. trait ConfigReader[A] extends AnyRef

    Trait for objects capable of reading objects of a given type from ConfigValues.

    Trait for objects capable of reading objects of a given type from ConfigValues.


    the type of objects readable by this ConfigReader

  13. trait ConfigSource extends AnyRef

    A representation of a source from which ConfigValues can be loaded, such as a file or a URL.

    A representation of a source from which ConfigValues can be loaded, such as a file or a URL.

    A source allows users to load configs from this source as any type for which a ConfigReader is available. Raw configs can also be retrieved as a ConfigValue, a ConfigCursor or a FluentConfigCursor. Before using any of the loading methods described, Users can opt to focus on a specific part of a config by specifying a namespace.

    All config loading methods are lazy and defer resolution of references until needed.

  14. trait ConfigWriter[A] extends AnyRef

    Trait for objects capable of writing objects of a given type to ConfigValues.

    Trait for objects capable of writing objects of a given type to ConfigValues.


    the type of objects writable by this ConfigWriter

  15. trait ConvertHelpers extends AnyRef

    Useful helpers for building ConfigConvert instances and dealing with results.

  16. trait DurationReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for scala.concurrent.duration.Duration and scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration.

  17. trait DurationWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for scala.concurrent.duration.Duration and scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration.

  18. final case class Exported[A](instance: A) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    A wrapper for type class instances intended to allow implicits in scope by import statements to have lower priority than implicits in the relevant companion objects.

    A wrapper for type class instances intended to allow implicits in scope by import statements to have lower priority than implicits in the relevant companion objects. This behavior requires type classes to provide a bridge in their companion objects, as done by ConfigReader (see pureconfig.ExportedReaders) and ConfigWriter (see pureconfig.ExportedWriters).


    the type class


    the type class instance to wrap

  19. trait ExportedReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait allowing ConfigReader instances exported via Exported to be used.

    Trait allowing ConfigReader instances exported via Exported to be used.

    This trait should be the last to be mixed into ConfigReader's companion object so that exported readers will always have lower precedence than ConfigReader instances exposed as implicits through the usual means.

  20. trait ExportedWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait allowing ConfigWriter instances exported via Exported to be used.

    Trait allowing ConfigWriter instances exported via Exported to be used.

    This trait should be the last to be mixed into ConfigWriter's companion object so that exported writers will always have lower precedence than ConfigWriter instances exposed as implicits through the usual means.

  21. trait FactoryCompat[-A, +C] extends AnyRef

    A compatibility layer for creating CanBuildFrom-like generic methods that work both on Scala 2.13 and pre-2.13 versions.

    A compatibility layer for creating CanBuildFrom-like generic methods that work both on Scala 2.13 and pre-2.13 versions.


    the type of elements that get added to the builder


    the type of collection that it produces

  22. case class FluentConfigCursor(cursor: Result[ConfigCursor]) extends Product with Serializable

    A version of ConfigCursor with a more fluent interface, focused on config navigation instead of error handling.

    A version of ConfigCursor with a more fluent interface, focused on config navigation instead of error handling.

    The at method, used to access object and list values, is available without a previous need to cast the cursor and always returns another cursor instead of a ConfigReader.Result. The error handling is left for the last step, where users can opt to cast to a primitive value using one of the as methods or by requesting a regular cursor with cursor.


    the regular cursor pointed to by this object, wrapped itself into a Right, or a Left with a list of failures in case an error occurred during navigation

  23. trait JavaEnumReader extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instance for Java Enums.

  24. trait JavaEnumWriter extends AnyRef

    Trait containing instance for ConfigWriter for Java Enum.

  25. trait JavaTimeReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for java.time classes.

  26. trait JavaTimeWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for java.time classes.

  27. trait NamingConvention extends AnyRef
  28. trait NumericReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for Java and Scala arbitrary-precision numeric types.

  29. trait NumericWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for Java and Scala arbitrary-precision numeric types.

  30. sealed trait PathSegment extends Product with Serializable
  31. trait PrimitiveReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for primitive types.

  32. trait PrimitiveWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for primitive types.

  33. trait ProductReaders extends AnyRef
  34. trait ProductWriters extends AnyRef
  35. trait ReadsMissingKeys extends AnyRef

    A marker trait signaling that a ConfigReader accepts missing (undefined) values.

    A marker trait signaling that a ConfigReader accepts missing (undefined) values.

    The standard behavior of ConfigReaders that expect required keys in config objects is to return a KeyNotFound failure when one or more of them are missing. Mixing in this trait into the key's ConfigReader signals that if a value is missing for the key, the ConfigReader can be called with a cursor in the "undefined" state.

  36. trait RegexReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for classes related to regular expressions.

  37. trait RegexWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for classes related to regular expressions.

  38. case class SimpleConfigCursor(valueOpt: Option[ConfigValue], pathElems: List[String]) extends ConfigCursor with Product with Serializable

    A simple ConfigCursor providing no extra operations.

  39. class StringDelimitedNamingConvention extends NamingConvention
  40. trait TypesafeConfigReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for Typesafe config models.

  41. trait TypesafeConfigWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for Typesafe config models.

  42. trait UriAndPathReaders extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigReader instances for classes related to file system paths and URIs.

  43. trait UriAndPathWriters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing ConfigWriter instances for classes related to file system paths and URIs.

  44. trait WritesMissingKeys[A] extends AnyRef

    A trait signaling that a ConfigWriter can write missing (undefined) values.

    A trait signaling that a ConfigWriter can write missing (undefined) values.

    ConfigWriters always produce a valid ConfigValue with their to method. This trait adds an extra toOpt method that parent writers can use in order to decide whether or not they should write a value using this writer.

Value Members

  1. def saveConfigAsPropertyFile[A](conf: A, outputPath: Path, overrideOutputPath: Boolean = false, options: ConfigRenderOptions = ConfigRenderOptions.defaults())(implicit writer: ConfigWriter[A]): Unit

    Save the given configuration into a property file

    Save the given configuration into a property file


    The configuration to save


    Where to write the configuration


    Override the path if it already exists


    the config rendering options

  2. def saveConfigToStream[A](conf: A, outputStream: OutputStream, options: ConfigRenderOptions = ConfigRenderOptions.defaults())(implicit writer: ConfigWriter[A]): Unit

    Writes the configuration to the output stream and closes the stream

    Writes the configuration to the output stream and closes the stream


    The configuration to write


    The stream in which the configuration should be written


    the config rendering options

  3. object BasicReaders extends BasicReaders
  4. object BasicWriters extends BasicWriters
  5. object CamelCase extends CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention

    CamelCase identifiers look like camelCase and useMorePureconfig

    CamelCase identifiers look like camelCase and useMorePureconfig

    See also


  6. object CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention
  7. object CollectionReaders extends CollectionReaders
  8. object CollectionWriters extends CollectionWriters
  9. object ConfigConvert extends ConvertHelpers

    Provides methods to create ConfigConvert instances.

  10. object ConfigCursor
  11. object ConfigFieldMapping
  12. object ConfigObjectSource
  13. object ConfigReader extends BasicReaders with CollectionReaders with ProductReaders with ExportedReaders

    Provides methods to create ConfigReader instances.

  14. object ConfigSource

    Object containing factory methods for building ConfigSources.

    Object containing factory methods for building ConfigSources.

    The sources provided here use Typesafe Config configs created from files, resources, URLs or strings. It also provides sources that delegate the loading component to Typesafe Config, to leverage reference configs and overrides, making it easy to switch from using ConfigFactory to ConfigSource.

    Other PureConfig modules may provide other ways or building config sources (e.g. for different config formats or data sources).

  15. object ConfigWriter extends BasicWriters with CollectionWriters with ProductWriters with ExportedWriters

    Provides methods to create ConfigWriter instances.

  16. object ConvertHelpers extends ConvertHelpers
  17. object ExportedReaders extends ExportedReaders
  18. object ExportedWriters extends ExportedWriters
  19. object FactoryCompat
  20. object KebabCase extends StringDelimitedNamingConvention

    KebabCase identifiers look like kebab-case and use-more-pureconfig

    KebabCase identifiers look like kebab-case and use-more-pureconfig

    See also


  21. object PascalCase extends CapitalizedWordsNamingConvention

    PascalCase identifiers look like e.g.PascalCase and UseMorePureconfig

    PascalCase identifiers look like e.g.PascalCase and UseMorePureconfig

    See also


  22. object PathSegment extends Serializable
  23. object ProductReaders extends ProductReaders
  24. object ProductWriters extends ProductWriters
  25. object ScreamingSnakeCase extends NamingConvention

    SnakeCase identifiers look like SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE and USE_MORE_PURECONFIG

    SnakeCase identifiers look like SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE and USE_MORE_PURECONFIG

    See also

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_case (and search for SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE)

  26. object SnakeCase extends StringDelimitedNamingConvention

    SnakeCase identifiers look like snake_case and use_more_pureconfig

    SnakeCase identifiers look like snake_case and use_more_pureconfig

    See also


Deprecated Value Members

  1. def loadConfig[A](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).at(namespace).load[A] instead

  2. def loadConfig[A](conf: Config)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).load[A] instead

  3. def loadConfig[A](path: Path, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type A from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default(ConfigSource.file(path)).at(namespace).load[A] instead

  4. def loadConfig[A](path: Path)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type A from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default(ConfigSource.file(path)).load[A] instead

  5. def loadConfig[A](namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type A from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default.at(namespace).load[A] instead

  6. def loadConfig[A](implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type A from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default.load[A] instead

  7. def loadConfigFromFiles[A](files: Traversable[Path], failOnReadError: Boolean = false, namespace: String = "")(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Loads files in order, allowing values in later files to backstop missing values from prior, and converts them into a Config.

    Loads files in order, allowing values in later files to backstop missing values from prior, and converts them into a Config.

    This is a convenience method which enables having default configuration which backstops local configuration.

    The behavior of the method if an element of files references a file which doesn't exist or can't be read is defined by the failOnReadError flag. With failOnReadError = false, such files will silently be ignored while otherwise they would yield a failure (a Left value).


    Files ordered in decreasing priority containing part or all of a Config


    Where to return an error if any files fail to read


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    (Since version 0.12.0) Construct a custom ConfigSource pipeline instead

  8. def loadConfigFromFilesOrThrow[A](files: Traversable[Path])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Construct a custom ConfigSource pipeline instead

    See also


  9. def loadConfigOrThrow[A](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).at(namespace).loadOrThrow[A] instead

  10. def loadConfigOrThrow[A](conf: Config)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).loadOrThrow[A] instead

  11. def loadConfigOrThrow[A](path: Path, namespace: String)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default(ConfigSource.file(path)).at(namespace).loadOrThrow[A] instead

  12. def loadConfigOrThrow[A](path: Path)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file.

    Load a configuration of type A from the given file. Note that standard configuration files are still loaded but can be overridden from the given configuration file


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default(ConfigSource.file(path)).loadOrThrow[A] instead

  13. def loadConfigOrThrow[A](namespace: String)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default.at(namespace).loadOrThrow[A] instead

  14. def loadConfigOrThrow[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files

    Load a configuration of type A from the standard configuration files


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.default.loadOrThrow[A] instead

  15. def loadConfigWithFallback[A](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type A from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).withFallback(ConfigSource.default).at(namespace).load[A] instead

  16. def loadConfigWithFallback[A](conf: Config)(implicit reader: ConfigReader[A]): Result[A]

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    A Success with the configuration if it is possible to create an instance of type A from the configuration files, else a Failure with details on why it isn't possible


    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).withFallback(ConfigSource.default).load[A] instead

  17. def loadConfigWithFallbackOrThrow[A](conf: Config, namespace: String)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the base namespace from which the configuration should be load


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).withFallback(ConfigSource.default).at(namespace).loadOrThrow[A] instead

  18. def loadConfigWithFallbackOrThrow[A](conf: Config)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[A], reader: ConfigReader[A]): A

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration

    Load a configuration of type A from the given Config, falling back to the default configuration


    Typesafe configuration to load


    the configuration

    @throws(scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException[_]]) @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.0) Use ConfigSource.fromConfig(conf).withFallback(ConfigSource.default).loadOrThrow[A] instead

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
