
See theConfigSource companion trait
object ConfigSource

Object containing factory methods for building ConfigSources.

The sources provided here use Typesafe Config configs created from files, resources, URLs or strings. It also provides sources that delegate the loading component to Typesafe Config, to leverage reference configs and overrides, making it easy to switch from using ConfigFactory to ConfigSource.

Other PureConfig modules may provide other ways or building config sources (e.g. for different config formats or data sources).


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

A config source for the default loading process in Typesafe Config with a custom application config source. Typesafe Config stacks reference.conf resources provided by libraries, the given file and system property overrides, resolves them and merges them into a single config.

A config source for the default loading process in Typesafe Config with a custom application config source. Typesafe Config stacks reference.conf resources provided by libraries, the given file and system property overrides, resolves them and merges them into a single config.

This method is provided here to support use cases that previously depended on ConfigFactory.load(config). Creating a custom source by merging the layers manually is usually recommended as it makes the config priorities more transparent.

Value parameters


the source providing the application config



a ConfigObjectSource for the default loading process in Typesafe Config with a custom application config source.

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a file.

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a file.

Value parameters


the path to the file as a string



a config source that provides configs read from a file.

def file(path: Path): ConfigObjectSource

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a file.

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a file.

Value parameters


the path to the file



a config source that provides configs read from a file.

def file(file: File): ConfigObjectSource

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a file.

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a file.

Value parameters


the file



a config source that provides configs read from a file.

def fromConfig(conf: Config): ConfigObjectSource

Returns a config source that provides a fixed Config.

Returns a config source that provides a fixed Config.

Value parameters


the config to be provided



a config source that provides the given config.

Returns a config source that provides configs read from JVM resource files. If multiple files are found, they are merged in no specific order. This method uses Typesafe Config's default class loader (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).

Returns a config source that provides configs read from JVM resource files. If multiple files are found, they are merged in no specific order. This method uses Typesafe Config's default class loader (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).

Value parameters


the resource name



a config source that provides configs read from JVM resource files.

def resources(name: String, classLoader: ClassLoader): ConfigObjectSource

Returns a config source that provides configs read from JVM resource files. If multiple files are found, they are merged in no specific order. The given class loader will be used to look for resources.

Returns a config source that provides configs read from JVM resource files. If multiple files are found, they are merged in no specific order. The given class loader will be used to look for resources.

Value parameters


the class loader to use to look for resources


the resource name



a config source that provides configs read from JVM resource files.

Returns a config source that provides a config parsed from a string.

Returns a config source that provides a config parsed from a string.

Value parameters


the config content



a config source that provides a config parsed from a string.

def url(url: URL): ConfigObjectSource

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a URL. The URL can either point to a local file or to a remote HTTP location.

Returns a config source that provides configs read from a URL. The URL can either point to a local file or to a remote HTTP location.

Value parameters


the URL



a config source that provides configs read from a URL.

Concrete fields

A config source for the default loading process in Typesafe Config. Typesafe Config stacks reference.conf resources provided by libraries, application configs (by default application.conf in resources) and system property overrides, resolves them and merges them into a single config. This source is equivalent to defaultOverrides.withFallback(defaultApplication).withFallback(defaultReference).

A config source for the default loading process in Typesafe Config. Typesafe Config stacks reference.conf resources provided by libraries, application configs (by default application.conf in resources) and system property overrides, resolves them and merges them into a single config. This source is equivalent to defaultOverrides.withFallback(defaultApplication).withFallback(defaultReference).


A config source for the default application config in Typesafe Config (by default application.conf in resources). Like Typesafe Config, it provides an empty object if application config files are not found.

A config source for the default application config in Typesafe Config (by default application.conf in resources). Like Typesafe Config, it provides an empty object if application config files are not found.


A config source for the default overrides in Typesafe Config (by default a map of system properties).

A config source for the default overrides in Typesafe Config (by default a map of system properties).


A config source for the default reference config in Typesafe Config (reference.conf resources provided by libraries). Like Typesafe Config, it provides an empty object if reference.conf files are not found.

A config source for the default reference config in Typesafe Config (reference.conf resources provided by libraries). Like Typesafe Config, it provides an empty object if reference.conf files are not found.

As required by the HOCON spec, the default reference files are pre-emptively resolved - substitutions in the reference config aren't affected by application configs.


A config source for the default reference config in Typesafe Config (reference.conf resources provided by libraries) before being resolved. This can be used as an alternative to defaultReference for use cases that require reference.conf to depend on application.conf. Like Typesafe Config, it provides an empty object if reference.conf files are not found.

A config source for the default reference config in Typesafe Config (reference.conf resources provided by libraries) before being resolved. This can be used as an alternative to defaultReference for use cases that require reference.conf to depend on application.conf. Like Typesafe Config, it provides an empty object if reference.conf files are not found.


A config source that always provides empty configs.

A config source that always provides empty configs.


A config source for Java system properties.

A config source for Java system properties.
