
trait CpsFastRuntimeAwait[F[_]] extends CpsRuntimeAwait[F]

Marker class which mean that CpsRuntimeAwait implemented in such way, that performance penalty in comparison with cps run is relative low and we can not to use cps transformation in async block for such monad.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def async[A, C <: CpsMonadContext[F]](f: C => A)(m: CpsAsyncEffectMonad[F], ctx: C): F[A]
Inherited from:
def await[A](fa: F[A])(m: CpsAsyncMonad[F], ctx: CpsMonadContext[F]): A
Inherited from:
def runAsync[A, C <: CpsMonadContext[F]](f: C => A)(m: CpsAsyncEffectMonad[F], ctx: C): F[A]
Inherited from: