
abstract class CommonBase[B](nested: Reader[B])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def intercept(readFun: Try[B] => Unit): Try[B] => Unit

Concrete methods

def canExpire: Boolean
def capture(fromChannel: ReadChannel[F, A]): Option[Try[B] => Unit]
def isExpired(fromChannel: ReadChannel[F, A]): Boolean
def markFree(fromChannel: ReadChannel[F, A]): Unit
def markUsed(fromChannel: ReadChannel[F, A]): Unit
protected def passIfClosed(v: Try[B], readFun: Try[B] => Unit): Unit
protected def passToNested(v: Try[B], readFun: Try[B] => Unit): Unit
protected def setClosed(): Boolean

Can be called only insed wrapper fun, set current inUse be closed, if n precondition: inUse.get !== null return: true, if bith x and y are closed

Can be called only insed wrapper fun, set current inUse be closed, if n precondition: inUse.get !== null return: true, if bith x and y are closed

Concrete fields

val inUse: AtomicReference[ReadChannel[F, A]]
val used: AtomicBoolean