Class FileAppendStreamLRUCache

  extended by htsjdk.samtools.util.ResourceLimitedMap<,>
      extended by htsjdk.samtools.util.FileAppendStreamLRUCache

public class FileAppendStreamLRUCache
extends ResourceLimitedMap<,>

LRU cache of OutputStreams to handle situation in which it is necessary to have more FileOutputStreams than resource limits will allow. Least-recently-used FileOutputStream is closed when it is pushed out of the cache. When adding a new element to the cache, the file is opened in append mode. Actual elements in the cache are usually BufferedOutputStreams wrapping the FileOutputStreams, but will be FileOutputStreams if Defaults.BUFFER_SIZE = 0.

Constructor Summary
FileAppendStreamLRUCache(int cacheSize)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class htsjdk.samtools.util.ResourceLimitedMap
containsKey, finalizeAll, get, remove
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FileAppendStreamLRUCache(int cacheSize)