Class DownsamplingIteratorFactory


public class DownsamplingIteratorFactory extends Object
A factory for creating DownsamplingIterators that uses a number of different strategies to achieve downsampling while meeting various criteria.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DownsamplingIteratorFactory

      public DownsamplingIteratorFactory()
  • Method Details

    • make

      public static DownsamplingIterator make(Iterator<SAMRecord> iterator, DownsamplingIteratorFactory.Strategy strategy, double proportion, double accuracy, int seed)
      Creates a new DownsamplingIterator using the supplied Strategy that attempts to read from the provided iterator and return approximately proportion of the records read.
      iterator - The iterator from which to consume SAMRecords
      strategy - The downsampling strategy to use
      proportion - The proportion of records the downsampling strategy should attempt to emit
      accuracy - If supported by the downsampling strategy, the accuracy goal for the downsampler. Higher accuracy will generally require higher memory usage. An accuracy value of 0.0001 tells the strategy to try and ensure the emitted proportion is within proportion +/0 0.0001.
      seed - The seed value to use for any random process used in down-sampling.
    • make

      public static DownsamplingIterator make(File samFile, DownsamplingIteratorFactory.Strategy strategy, double proportion, double accuracy, int seed)
      Convenience method that constructs a downsampling iterator for all the reads in a SAM file. See make(Iterator, Strategy, double, double, int) for detailed parameter information.
    • make

      public static DownsamplingIterator make(SamReader reader, DownsamplingIteratorFactory.Strategy strategy, double proportion, double accuracy, int seed)
      Convenience method that constructs a downsampling iterator for all the reads available from a SamReader. See make(Iterator, Strategy, double, double, int) for detailed parameter information.