Class ReservedTagConstants


public class ReservedTagConstants extends Object
Constants for tags used in our SAM/BAM files
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Number of nucleotide differences (Specified in the SAM spec doc)
    static final String
    The original cigar before indel cleaning, or 454 cafie and homopolymer correction
    static final String
    The original pred quality scores before modifications such as 454 cafie and homopolymer correction
    static final String
    static final String
    static final String
    The Four54 edit string of 454 cafie and homopolymer corrections
    static final String
    Present and set to 1 if a read is a noise read.
    static final String
    The sum of the mismatched qualities.
    static final String
    The original sequence before 454 cafie and homopolymer correction
    static final String
    The name of an attribute which stores the 1-based index of the start of sequence within a read (in original orientation) that should be clipped or trimmed before alignment and downstream use.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final String READ_GROUP_ID

      public static final String PROGRAM_GROUP_ID
    • XN

      public static final String XN
      Present and set to 1 if a read is a noise read.
      See Also:
    • NM

      public static final String NM
      Number of nucleotide differences (Specified in the SAM spec doc)
    • XQ

      public static final String XQ
      The sum of the mismatched qualities.
      See Also:
    • XT

      public static final String XT
      The name of an attribute which stores the 1-based index of the start of sequence within a read (in original orientation) that should be clipped or trimmed before alignment and downstream use. The region to be clipped extends from this position to the end of the read.
      See Also:
    • XS

      public static final String XS
      The original sequence before 454 cafie and homopolymer correction
      See Also:
    • XF

      public static final String XF
      The Four54 edit string of 454 cafie and homopolymer corrections
         editString ::= {base operator position [- position]}* ;  // Cafie needs 2 positions
         base ::= A | T | G | C | N ;   // N only for undercall
         operator ::= o | u | c ;       // o = Overcall, u = Undercall, c = Cafie.
         position is 0 based position of the correction (assuming forward strand) .  Cafie positions are to-from.
         For example: XF :Z:Gc4-6Nu11Co15 means a cafie correction moved a G from position 6 to 4,
         an N was inserted for an undercall at position 11, and a C was removed as an overcall at position 15
      See Also:
    • OQ

      public static final String OQ
      The original pred quality scores before modifications such as 454 cafie and homopolymer correction
    • OC

      public static final String OC
      The original cigar before indel cleaning, or 454 cafie and homopolymer correction
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ReservedTagConstants

      public ReservedTagConstants()