Class SBIIndexMerger


public final class SBIIndexMerger extends IndexMerger<SBIIndex>
Merges SBI files for parts of a file that have been concatenated.
  • Constructor Details

    • SBIIndexMerger

      public SBIIndexMerger(OutputStream out, long headerLength)
      Prepare to merge SBI indexes.
      out - the stream to write the merged index to
      headerLength - the length of any header that precedes the first part of the data file with an index
  • Method Details

    • processIndex

      public void processIndex(SBIIndex index, long partLength)
      Add an index for a part of the data file to the merged index. This method should be called for each index for the data file parts, in order.
      Specified by:
      processIndex in class IndexMerger<SBIIndex>
      index - the index to merge
      partLength - the length of the part file corresponding to the index, in bytes.
    • finish

      public void finish(long dataFileLength)
      Complete the index, and close the output stream.
      Specified by:
      finish in class IndexMerger<SBIIndex>
      dataFileLength - the length of the total data file, in bytes.