Class CramRecordReader


public final class CramRecordReader extends Object
A reader used to consume and populate encoded CRAMCompressionRecords from a set of streams representing data series/blocks in a Slice. This is essentially a bridge between the various data series streams associated in a Slice and the corresponding CRAMCompressionRecord fields.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CramRecordReader

      public CramRecordReader(Slice slice, CompressorCache compressorCache, ValidationStringency validationStringency)
      Initialize a Cram Record Reader
      slice - the slice into which the records should be read
      validationStringency - how strict to be when reading this CRAM record
  • Method Details

    • readCRAMRecord

      public CRAMCompressionRecord readCRAMRecord(long sequentialIndex, int prevAlignmentStart)
      Read a CRAMCompressionRecord, using this reader's data series readers.
      prevAlignmentStart - the alignmentStart of the previous record, for position delta calculation
      the newly-read CRAMCompressionRecord