Class BCF2FieldEncoder

Direct Known Subclasses:
BCF2FieldEncoder.AtomicInt, BCF2FieldEncoder.Flag, BCF2FieldEncoder.Float, BCF2FieldEncoder.GenericInts, BCF2FieldEncoder.IntArray, BCF2FieldEncoder.StringOrCharacter

public abstract class BCF2FieldEncoder extends Object
See #BCFWriter for documentation on this classes role in encoding BCF2 files
  • Method Details

    • getField

      public final String getField()
    • writeFieldKey

      public final void writeFieldKey(BCF2Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Write the field key (dictionary offset and type) into the BCF2Encoder stream
      encoder - where we write our dictionary offset
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getCountType

      protected final VCFHeaderLineCount getCountType()
    • hasConstantNumElements

      public boolean hasConstantNumElements()
      True if this field has a constant, fixed number of elements (such as 1 for an atomic integer)
    • hasValueDeterminedNumElements

      public boolean hasValueDeterminedNumElements()
      True if the only way to determine how many elements this field contains is by inspecting the actual value directly, such as when the number of elements is a variable length list per site or per genotype.
    • hasContextDeterminedNumElements

      public boolean hasContextDeterminedNumElements()
      True if this field has a non-fixed number of elements that depends only on the properties of the current VariantContext, such as one value per Allele or per genotype configuration.
    • numElements

      public int numElements()
      the number of elements, assuming this field has a constant number of elements.
    • numElements

      public int numElements(Object value)
      the number of elements by looking at the actual value provided
    • numElements

      public int numElements(VariantContext vc)
      the number of elements, assuming this field has context-determined number of elements.
    • numElements

      public final int numElements(VariantContext vc, Object value)
      A convenience access for the number of elements.
      vc -
      value -
      the number of encoded elements, either from the fixed number it has, from the VC, or from the value itself.
    • numElementsFromValue

      protected int numElementsFromValue(Object value)
      Given a value, return the number of elements we will encode for it. Assumes the value is encoded as a List
      value -
      the number of elements we will encode for .
    • isStaticallyTyped

      public final boolean isStaticallyTyped()
      Is the BCF2 type of this field static, or does it have to be determine from the actual field value itself?
      true if the field is static
    • isDynamicallyTyped

      public final boolean isDynamicallyTyped()
      Is the BCF2 type of this field static, or does it have to be determine from the actual field value itself?
      true if the field is not static
    • getType

      public final BCF2Type getType(Object value)
      Get the BCF2 type for this field, either from the static type of the field itself or by inspecting the value itself.
      the BCF2 type for this field
    • getStaticType

      public final BCF2Type getStaticType()
    • getDynamicType

      public BCF2Type getDynamicType(Object value)
    • encodeValue

      public abstract void encodeValue(BCF2Encoder encoder, Object value, BCF2Type type, int minValues) throws IOException
      Key abstract method that should encode a value of the given type into the encoder. Value will be of a type appropriate to the underlying encoder. If the genotype field is represented as an int[], this will be value, and the encoder needs to handle encoding all of the values in the int[]. The argument should be used, not the getType() method in the superclass as an outer loop might have decided a more general type (int16) to use, even through this encoder could have been done with int8. If minValues > 0, then encodeValue must write in at least minValues items from value. If value is atomic, this means that minValues - 1 MISSING values should be added to the encoder. If minValues is a collection type (int[]) then minValues - values.length should be added. This argument is intended to handle padding of values in genotype fields.
      encoder -
      value -
      type -
      minValues -