Class BCF2FieldEncoder.AtomicInt

Enclosing class:

public static class BCF2FieldEncoder.AtomicInt extends BCF2FieldEncoder
Specialized int encoder for atomic (non-list) integers
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDynamicType

      public BCF2Type getDynamicType(Object value)
      getDynamicType in class BCF2FieldEncoder
    • encodeValue

      public void encodeValue(BCF2Encoder encoder, Object value, BCF2Type type, int minValues) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: BCF2FieldEncoder
      Key abstract method that should encode a value of the given type into the encoder. Value will be of a type appropriate to the underlying encoder. If the genotype field is represented as an int[], this will be value, and the encoder needs to handle encoding all of the values in the int[]. The argument should be used, not the getType() method in the superclass as an outer loop might have decided a more general type (int16) to use, even through this encoder could have been done with int8. If minValues > 0, then encodeValue must write in at least minValues items from value. If value is atomic, this means that minValues - 1 MISSING values should be added to the encoder. If minValues is a collection type (int[]) then minValues - values.length should be added. This argument is intended to handle padding of values in genotype fields.
      Specified by:
      encodeValue in class BCF2FieldEncoder