
package lib

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. lib
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package blackbox
  2. package bus
  3. package com
  4. package cpu
  5. package dsptool
  6. package eda
  7. package experimental
  8. package formal
  9. package fsm
  10. package generator
  11. package generator_backup
  12. package graphic
  13. package io
  14. package logic
  15. package math
  16. package memory
  17. package misc
  18. package pipeline
  19. package sim
  20. package soc
  21. package system
  22. package tools
  23. package wishbone

Type Members

  1. class AnyPimped[T] extends AnyRef
  2. implicit class BigIntRicher extends LiteralRicher
  3. implicit class BinIntsRicher extends AnyRef
  4. implicit class BinaryBuilder extends AnyRef
  5. implicit class BinaryBuilder2 extends AnyRef
  6. class BitAggregator extends AnyRef
  7. class BoolPimped extends AnyRef
  8. class BufferCC[T <: Data] extends Component
  9. implicit class ByteRicher extends LiteralRicher
  10. class ClockDomainPimped extends AnyRef
  11. class Counter extends ImplicitArea[UInt]
  12. class CounterUpDown extends ImplicitArea[UInt]
  13. trait DataCarrier[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  14. class DataCarrierFragmentBitsPimped extends AnyRef
  15. class DataCarrierFragmentPimped[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  16. case class DataOr[T <: Data](dataType: HardType[T]) extends Area with Product with Serializable
  17. type Event = Stream[NoData]
  18. case class EventEmitter(on: Event) extends Product with Serializable
  19. class EventFactory extends MSFactory
  20. class Flow[T <: Data] extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with DataCarrier[T]
  21. class FlowBitsPimped extends AnyRef
  22. class FlowCCByToggle[T <: Data] extends Component
  23. class FlowCmdRsp[T <: Data, T2 <: Data] extends Bundle with IMasterSlave
  24. class FlowFactory extends MSFactory
  25. class FlowFragmentBitsRouter extends AnyRef
  26. class FlowFragmentFactory extends MSFactory
  27. class FlowFragmentPimped[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  28. class Fragment[T <: Data] extends Bundle
  29. class FragmentFactory extends AnyRef
  30. class GrowableAnyPimped[T] extends AnyRef
  31. class HistoryModifyable[T <: Data] extends Component
  32. trait IMasterSlave extends AnyRef

    Master/slave interface

  33. implicit class IntRicher extends LiteralRicher
  34. trait LiteralRicher extends AnyRef
  35. implicit class LongRicher extends LiteralRicher
  36. sealed trait MS extends AnyRef

    Declare a port as master or slave

    Declare a port as master or slave

    There are 4 available syntaxes, which are all equivalent:

    val braces = master(Flow(Bool))
    val short = master Flow (Bool)
    val spaceful = master port Flow(Bool)
    val variadic = Flow(Bool)

    The "braces" syntax is short and generic, but it uses braces.

    The "short" syntax is short, but it is formatted with a space between the type and its parameters, and it can be used only with:

    • Flow
    • Stream

    The "spaceful" syntax is generic and beatiful, but more verbose.

    The "variadic" syntax can be used with any number of interfaces, but can be used only if the interfaces are already declared.

    See also

    master slave

  37. trait MSFactory extends AnyRef

    Something which can create master/slave interfaces

  38. class MemPimped[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  39. case class MemReadPort[T <: Data](dataType: T, addressWidth: Int) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable
  40. case class MemReadPortAsync[T <: Data](dataType: T, addressWidth: Int) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable
  41. case class MemReadWritePort[T <: Data](dataType: T, addressWidth: Int, maskWidth: Int = -1) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable
  42. case class MemWriteCmd[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T], maskWidth: Int = -1) extends Bundle with Product with Serializable
  43. case class MemWriteCmdWithMask[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T], maskWidth: Int) extends Bundle with Product with Serializable
  44. class MuxOHImpl extends AnyRef
  45. class NoData extends Bundle
  46. class PackedBundle extends Bundle

    Similar to Bundle but with bit packing capabilities.

    Similar to Bundle but with bit packing capabilities. Use pack implicit functions to assign fields to bit locations - pack(Range, [Endianness]) - Packs the data into Range aligning to bit Endianness if too wide - packFrom(Position) - Packs the data starting (LSB) at Position. Uses full data length - packTo(Position) - Packs the data ending (MSB) at Position. Uses full data length

    Providing no location tag will place the next data value immediately after the last.

    1. val regWord = new PackedBundle {
        val init = Bool().packFrom(0) // Bit 0
        val stop = Bool() // Bit 1
        val result = Bits(16 bit).packTo(31) // Bits 16 to 31
  47. class PulseCCByToggle extends Component
  48. case class ReadRetLinked[T <: Data, T2 <: Data](readType: HardType[T], linkedType: HardType[T2]) extends Bundle with Product with Serializable
  49. type ScalaStream[T] = scala.collection.immutable.Stream[T]
  50. sealed trait SlicesOrder extends AnyRef

    Enumeration to present order of slices.

  51. class Stream[T <: Data] extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with DataCarrier[T]
  52. class StreamArbiter[T <: Data] extends Component

    A StreamArbiter is like a StreamMux, but with built-in complex selection logic that can arbitrate input streams based on a schedule or handle fragmented streams.

    A StreamArbiter is like a StreamMux, but with built-in complex selection logic that can arbitrate input streams based on a schedule or handle fragmented streams. Use a StreamArbiterFactory to create instances of this class.

  53. class StreamArbiterFactory extends AnyRef
  54. class StreamBitsPimped extends AnyRef
  55. class StreamCCByToggle[T <: Data] extends Component
  56. class StreamDemux[T <: Data] extends Component
  57. class StreamFactory extends MSFactory
  58. class StreamFifo[T <: Data] extends Component
  59. class StreamFifoCC[T <: Data] extends Component
  60. trait StreamFifoInterface[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  61. class StreamFifoLowLatency[T <: Data] extends Component
  62. case class StreamFifoMultiChannelPop[T <: Data](payloadType: HardType[T], channelCount: Int) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable
  63. case class StreamFifoMultiChannelPush[T <: Data](payloadType: HardType[T], channelCount: Int) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable
  64. case class StreamFifoMultiChannelSharedSpace[T <: Data](payloadType: HardType[T], channelCount: Int, depth: Int, withAllocationFifo: Boolean = false) extends Component with Product with Serializable
  65. class StreamFlowArbiter[T <: Data] extends Area
  66. class StreamFork[T <: Data] extends Component

    A StreamFork will clone each incoming data to all its output streams.

    A StreamFork will clone each incoming data to all its output streams. If synchronous is true, all output streams will always fire together, which means that the stream will halt until all output streams are ready. If synchronous is false, output streams may be ready one at a time, at the cost of an additional flip flop (1 bit per output). The input stream will block until all output streams have processed each item regardlessly.

    Note that this means that when synchronous is true, the valid signal of the outputs depends on their inputs, which may lead to dead locks when used in combination with systems that have it the other way around. It also violates the handshake of the AXI specification (section A3.3.1).

  67. class StreamForkArea[T <: Data] extends Area
  68. class StreamFragmentBitsDispatcher extends Area
  69. case class StreamFragmentBitsDispatcherElement(sink: Stream[Bits], header: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  70. class StreamFragmentBitsPimped extends AnyRef
  71. class StreamFragmentFactory extends MSFactory
  72. class StreamFragmentPimped[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  73. class StreamMux[T <: Data] extends Component
  74. trait StreamPipe extends AnyRef
  75. class StreamToStreamFragmentBits[T <: Data] extends Component
  76. class StreamTransactionCounter extends Component
  77. class StreamTransactionExtender[T <: Data, T2 <: Data] extends Component
  78. class StringPimped extends AnyRef
  79. class Timeout extends ImplicitArea[Bool]
  80. class TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T] extends AnyRef
  81. class TraversableOnceAnyTuplePimped[T, T2] extends AnyRef
  82. class TraversableOnceBoolPimped extends AnyRef
  83. class TraversableOncePimped[T <: Data] extends AnyRef
  84. implicit class UIntPimper extends AnyRef
  85. case class WhenBuilder() extends Product with Serializable

Deprecated Type Members

  1. class StreamDispatcherSequencial[T <: Data] extends Component


    Do not use. Use the companion object or a normal regular StreamMux instead.

Value Members

  1. implicit def AnyPimpedDef[T](that: T): AnyPimped[T]
  2. def Event: Stream[NoData]
  3. def NoData(): NoData
  4. val OHMux: MuxOHImpl
  5. def ScalaStream: scala.collection.immutable.Stream
  6. def StreamArbiterFactory(): StreamArbiterFactory
  7. implicit def boolPimped(that: Bool): BoolPimped
  8. implicit def clockDomainPimped(cd: ClockDomain): ClockDomainPimped
  9. implicit def dataCarrierFragmentBitsPimped(that: DataCarrier[Fragment[Bits]]): DataCarrierFragmentBitsPimped
  10. implicit def dataCarrierFragmentPimped[T <: Data](that: DataCarrier[Fragment[T]]): DataCarrierFragmentPimped[T]
  11. implicit def easyFragment[T <: Data](that: Fragment[T]): T
  12. implicit def flowBitsPimped(that: Flow[Bits]): FlowBitsPimped
  13. implicit def flowFragmentPimped[T <: Data](that: Flow[Fragment[T]]): FlowFragmentPimped[T]
  14. implicit def growableAnyPimped[T](that: Growable[T]): GrowableAnyPimped[T]
  15. implicit def memPimped[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T]): MemPimped[T]
  16. def sexport[T <: SpinalTag](h: T): T
  17. def sexport[T](name: String, value: Any): ArrayBuffer[() => Unit]
  18. def sexport[T](h: Handle[T]): Handle[T]
  19. def sexport[T](named: Handle[T], value: => Any): ArrayBuffer[() => Unit]
  20. implicit def streamBitsPimped(that: Stream[Bits]): StreamBitsPimped
  21. implicit def streamFragmentBitsPimped(that: Stream[Fragment[Bits]]): StreamFragmentBitsPimped
  22. implicit def streamFragmentPimped[T <: Data](that: Stream[Fragment[T]]): StreamFragmentPimped[T]
  23. implicit def stringPimped(that: String): StringPimped
  24. implicit def traversableOnceAnyPimped[T](that: TraversableOnce[T]): TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T]
  25. implicit def traversableOnceAnyTuplePimped[T, T2](that: TraversableOnce[(T, T2)]): TraversableOnceAnyTuplePimped[T, T2]
  26. implicit def traversableOnceBoolPimped(that: TraversableOnce[Bool]): TraversableOnceBoolPimped
  27. implicit def traversableOncePimped[T <: Data](that: TraversableOnce[T]): TraversableOncePimped[T]
  28. object AddWithCarry
  29. object AnalysisUtils
  30. object BufferCC
  31. object Callable
  32. object ClearCount
  33. object CountOne
  34. object CountOneOnEach
  35. object Counter

    Creates a counter

  36. object CounterFreeRun

    Creates an always running counter

  37. object CounterMultiRequest
  38. object CounterUpDown
  39. object DataCarrier
  40. object Delay
  41. object DelayEvent
  42. object DelayWithInit
  43. object DoCmd

    Run command

  44. object EndiannessSwap

    **************************************************************************** Big-Endian <-> Little-Endian

  45. object Flow extends FlowFactory
  46. object FlowCCByToggle
  47. object FlowCmdRsp
  48. object FlowFragmentBitsRouter
  49. object Fragment extends FragmentFactory
  50. object FragmentToBitsStates extends SpinalEnum
  51. object GrayCounter
  52. object HIGHER_FIRST extends SlicesOrder

    Slice with higher bits process first

  53. object History
  54. object HistoryModifyable
  55. object KeepAttribute
  56. object LOWER_FIRST extends SlicesOrder

    Slice with lower bits process first

  57. object LatencyAnalysis
  58. object LeastSignificantBitSet
  59. object MajorityVote
  60. object Max
  61. object Min
  62. object MuxOH extends MuxOHImpl
  63. object OHMasking
  64. object OHToUInt
  65. object OhMux extends MuxOHImpl
  66. object PriorityMux
  67. object PulseCCByToggle
  68. object RegFlow
  69. object Repeat
  70. object ResetCtrl
  71. object Reverse
  72. object SetCount
  73. object SetFromFirstOne
  74. object Shift
  75. object Stream extends StreamFactory
  76. object StreamArbiter
  77. object StreamCCByToggle
  78. object StreamCombinerSequential

    This is equivalent to a StreamMux, but with a counter attached to the port selector.

  79. object StreamDemux

    Demultiplex one stream into multiple output streams, always selecting only one at a time.

  80. object StreamDemuxOh
  81. object StreamDispatcherSequential

    This is equivalent to a StreamDemux, but with a counter attached to the port selector.

  82. object StreamFifo
  83. object StreamFifoCC
  84. object StreamFifoLowLatency
  85. object StreamFifoMultiChannelBench extends App
  86. object StreamFlowArbiter

    Combine a stream and a flow to a new stream.

    Combine a stream and a flow to a new stream. If both input sources fire, the flow will be preferred.

  87. object StreamFork
  88. object StreamFork2
  89. object StreamFork3
  90. object StreamFragmentArbiter
  91. object StreamFragmentArbiterAndHeaderAdder
  92. object StreamFragmentGenerator
  93. object StreamFragmentWidthAdapter
  94. object StreamJoin

    Join multiple streams into one.

    Join multiple streams into one. The resulting stream will only fire if all of them fire, so you may want to buffer the inputs.

  95. object StreamMux

    Multiplex multiple streams into a single one, always only processing one at a time.

  96. object StreamPipe
  97. object StreamTransactionCounter
  98. object StreamTransactionExtender
  99. object StreamWidthAdapter
  100. object Timeout
  101. object UIntToOh
  102. object ValidFlow

    Create a new Flow that is always valid, with a given payload

  103. object WrapWithReg
  104. object fromGray
  105. object master extends MS

    Declare a master port

    Declare a master port

    See MS for syntax help.

  106. object slave extends MS

    Declare a slave port

    Declare a slave port

    See MS for syntax help.

  107. object toGray
  108. object whenIndexed
  109. object whenMasked

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object StreamDispatcherSequencial


    Do not use

  2. object masterWithNull extends MS

    Use apply or port instead: 'val b = master(maybeNull)' or 'val rgb = master port maybeNull'

  3. object slaveWithNull extends MS

    Use apply or port instead: 'val b = slave(maybeNull)' or 'val rgb = slave port maybeNull'

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
