Class I18N


public class I18N extends Object
Singleton responsible for returning localized strings for information returned to the user.
David Hovemeyer
  • Field Details

    • defaultLocale

      public static final Locale defaultLocale
  • Method Details

    • instance

      public static I18N instance()
      Get the single object instance.
    • getMessage

      @Deprecated @Nonnull public String getMessage(String key)
      Get a message string. This is a format pattern for describing an entire bug instance in a single line.
      key - which message to retrieve
    • getShortMessage

      @Nonnull public String getShortMessage(String key)
      Get a short message string. This is a concrete string (not a format pattern) which briefly describes the type of bug, without mentioning particular a particular class/method/field.
      key - which short message to retrieve
    • getShortMessageWithoutCode

      @Nonnull public String getShortMessageWithoutCode(String key)
    • getDetailHTML

      @Nonnull public String getDetailHTML(String key)
      Get an HTML document describing the bug pattern for given key in detail.
      key - which HTML details for retrieve
    • getAnnotationDescription

      public String getAnnotationDescription(String key)
      Get an annotation description string. This is a format pattern which will describe a BugAnnotation in the context of a particular bug instance. Its single format argument is the BugAnnotation.
      key - the annotation description to retrieve
    • getBugTypeDescription

      @Nonnull public String getBugTypeDescription(String shortBugType)
      Get a description for given "bug type". FIXME: this is referred to elsewhere as the "bug code" or "bug abbrev". Should make the terminology consistent everywhere. In this case, the bug type refers to the short prefix code prepended to the long and short bug messages.
      shortBugType - the short bug type code
      the description of that short bug type code means
    • getBugCategoryDescription

      public String getBugCategoryDescription(String category)
      Get the description of a bug category. Returns the category if no description can be found.
      category - the category
      the description of the category