Class SearchTree<VertexType extends GraphVertex<VertexType>>


public class SearchTree<VertexType extends GraphVertex<VertexType>> extends Object
SearchTree represents a search tree produced by a graph search algorithm, such as BreadthFirstSearch or DepthFirstSearch.
  • Constructor Details

    • SearchTree

      public SearchTree(VertexType v)
      Create a new search tree.
  • Method Details

    • getVertex

      public VertexType getVertex()
      Get the vertex contained in this node.
    • addChild

      public void addChild(SearchTree<VertexType> child)
      Add a child search tree.
    • childIterator

      public Iterator<SearchTree<VertexType>> childIterator()
      Return collection of children of this search tree. (Elements returned are also SearchTree objects).
    • addVerticesToSet

      public void addVerticesToSet(Set<VertexType> set)
      Add all vertices contained in this search tree to the given set.