


package shapeless

Linear Supertypes
ScalaVersionSpecifics, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. shapeless
  2. ScalaVersionSpecifics
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type Const[C] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = C }
  2. type Everything[F <: Poly, K <: Poly, T] = Case[EverythingAux[F, K], ::[T, HNil]]
  3. type Everywhere[F <: Poly, T] = Case[EverywhereAux[F], ::[T, HNil]]
  4. type Id[+T] = T
  5. class JavaRecordGeneric extends CaseClassMacros with SingletonTypeUtils with JavaRecordGenericCompat
  6. type |¬|[T] = AnyRef { type λ[U] = U <:!< T }
  7. type |∨|[T, U] = AnyRef { type λ[X] = shapeless.package.¬¬[X] <:< (T ∨ U) }
  8. type ¬[T] = (T) => Nothing
  9. type ¬¬[T] = (¬[T]) => Nothing
  10. type [P[_]] = ([[X](P[X]) => Nothing]) => Nothing
  11. type [P[_]] = P[_]
  12. type [T, U] = T with U
  13. type [T, U] = ([¬[T], ¬[U]]) => Nothing

Value Members

  1. val ^: Path.type
  2. macro def cachedImplicit[T]: T
  3. def everything(f: Poly): ApplyEverything[f.type]
  4. def everywhere(f: Poly): EverywhereAux[f.type]
  5. val fin: Fin.type
  6. val lens: OpticDefns.type
  7. val nat: Nat.type
  8. implicit def neq[A, B]: =:!=[A, B]
  9. implicit def neqAmbig1[A]: =:!=[A, A]
  10. implicit def neqAmbig2[A]: =:!=[A, A]
  11. implicit def nsub[A, B]: <:!<[A, B]
  12. implicit def nsubAmbig1[A, B >: A]: <:!<[A, B]
  13. implicit def nsubAmbig2[A, B >: A]: <:!<[A, B]
  14. val optic: OpticDefns.type
  15. val poly: PolyDefns.type
  16. val prism: OpticDefns.type
  17. def unexpected: Nothing
  18. object JavaRecordGeneric

Inherited from ScalaVersionSpecifics

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
