
package core

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class Context[+A](path: Path, value: A) extends Product with Serializable
  2. case class FieldPart(value: String) extends PathPart with Product with Serializable
  3. case class IndexPart(index: String) extends PathPart with Product with Serializable
  4. final class Parser[F[_], E, A, B] extends ParserBinCompat[F, E, A, B]

    A type class that defines how to parse an instance of A to an instance of B.

    A type class that defines how to parse an instance of A to an instance of B. Can be thought of as a A => F[IorNec[E, B]] function.

  5. trait ParserBinCompat[F[_], E, A, B] extends AnyRef
  6. trait ParserInstance0 extends AnyRef
  7. trait ParserInstances extends ParserInstance0
  8. trait PartiallyAppliedValidatorConstructorBinCompat[F[_], E] extends AnyRef
  9. case class Path(chain: Chain[PathPart]) extends Product with Serializable
  10. sealed trait PathPart extends AnyRef
  11. final class Validator[F[_], E, A] extends ValidatorBinCompat[F, E, A]

    A type class that defines how to validate an instance of A.

    A type class that defines how to validate an instance of A. Can be thought of as a A => F[ValidatedNec[E, Unit]] function.

  12. trait ValidatorBinCompat[F[_], E, A] extends AnyRef
  13. trait ValidatorInstances extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Parser extends ParserInstances
  2. object Path extends Serializable
  3. object Validator extends ValidatorInstances
