Interface SequenceTask

All Superinterfaces:
PropertyBindable, PropertyConstrainable, Task
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SequenceTask extends Task
A task performed in a sequence.
Garret Wilson
  • Field Details


      static final String SEQUENCE_INDEX_PROPERTY
      The bound, constrained property of the sequence index, of type Integer.
  • Method Details

    • getSequenceIndex

      int getSequenceIndex()
      Returns the index in the sequence. This is a constrained property of type Integer.
      The index in the sequence, or -1 if the sequence has not started.
    • goStart

      void goStart()
      Starts the sequence by going to the first step in the sequence.
    • goFirst

      void goFirst() throws PropertyVetoException
      Goes to the first step in the sequence.
      PropertyVetoException - if the sequence index change has been vetoed.
    • hasPrevious

      boolean hasPrevious()
      Determines if there is a previous step in the sequence.
      true if there is a previous step before the current one.
    • goPrevious

      void goPrevious() throws PropertyVetoException
      Goes to the previous step in the sequence. If there is no previous component, no action occurs.
      PropertyVetoException - if the sequence index change has been vetoed.
      See Also:
    • hasNext

      boolean hasNext()
      Determines if there is a next step in the sequence.
      true if there is a next step after the current one.
    • goNext

      void goNext() throws PropertyVetoException
      Goes to the next step in the sequence. If there is no next step, no action occurs.
      PropertyVetoException - if the sequence index change has been vetoed.
      See Also:
    • goFinish

      void goFinish()
      Verifies the contents and finishes the sequence.