
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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A - Enum constant in enum
A host address.
ABNF - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Definitions for augmented BNF as defined by RFC 2234: Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF.
ABNF() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
AbstractAuthenticable - Class in
Abstract authenticator implementation.
AbstractAuthenticable() - Constructor for class
AbstractCache<K,Q extends AbstractCache.Query<K>,V,D extends Cache.Data<V>> - Class in com.globalmentor.cache
An abstract cache that requires a subclass implementing data retrieval methods.
AbstractCache(boolean, long) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
AbstractCache.Query<KK> - Interface in com.globalmentor.cache
The query used to request information from the cache.
AbstractChainedSortOrderComparator<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.comparators
A comparator that can can be chained for subordinate sorting in ascending or descending order.
AbstractChainedSortOrderComparator(SortOrder, Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.AbstractChainedSortOrderComparator
Sort order and subordinate comparator constructor.
AbstractCharSequenceVisitor() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTrees.AbstractCharSequenceVisitor
Default constructor starting an empty sequence.
AbstractCharSequenceVisitor(CharSequence) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTrees.AbstractCharSequenceVisitor
Character sequence constructor.
AbstractClient - Class in
Represents the state of a network client.
AbstractClient() - Constructor for class
Default constructor with no authenticator.
AbstractClient(Authenticable) - Constructor for class
Authenticator constructor.
AbstractCloseable - Class in
Abstract base implementation to facilitate implementation of Closeable.
AbstractCloseable() - Constructor for class
AbstractCollatedSortOrderComparator<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.text
A comparator that uses a collator for text sorting.
AbstractCollatedSortOrderComparator(CollatorFactory, SortOrder) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.AbstractCollatedSortOrderComparator
Collator factory and sort order constructor.
AbstractCollatingComparator - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Abstract base class for a text comparator that uses a Collator for comparison.
AbstractCollatingComparator(Collator) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.AbstractCollatingComparator
Collator constructor.
AbstractCollatingComparator(Locale) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.AbstractCollatingComparator
Locale constructor.
AbstractConverterCollection<S,D> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A collection that provides access to another collection, automatically converting elements to objects possibly of a different type.
AbstractConverterCollection(Collection<S>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterCollection
Collection constructor.
AbstractConverterCollection.ConverterIterator - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A custom proxied iterator that converts returned elements on the fly.
AbstractConverterList<S,D> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A list that provides access to another list, automatically converting elements to objects possibly of a different type.
AbstractConverterList(List<S>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList
List constructor that converts objects from scratch on each request.
AbstractConverterList(List<S>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList
List and reuse constructor.
AbstractConverterList.ConverterIterator - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A custom proxied iterator that converts returned elements on the fly.
AbstractConverterList.ConverterListIterator - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A custom proxied list iterator that converts returned elements on the fly.
AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap<K,V,C extends Collection<V>> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An abstract collection map that decorates an existing map.
AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap(Map<K, C>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
Map constructor.
AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization - Class in com.globalmentor.lex
A base compound tokenization strategy that relies on a delimiter between components.
AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization(char) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.lex.AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization
Delimiters constructor.
AbstractEdgeKey() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.AbstractEdgeKey
AbstractEnumerationDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An abstract base implementation of an enumeration that wraps an existing Enumeration.
AbstractEnumerationDecorator() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractEnumerationDecorator
AbstractEvent - Class in com.globalmentor.event
The base class for events, extending the Java event object as well as implementing the event interface.
AbstractEvent(Object) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractFileCache<K,Q extends AbstractCache.Query<K>> - Class in com.globalmentor.cache
An abstract cache that stores cached values in files.
AbstractFileCache(boolean, long) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractFileCache
AbstractFileCache.FileData - Class in com.globalmentor.cache
Class for storing cached file information.
AbstractFileFilter - Class in
An abstract implementation of a FileFilter that as a convenience implements FilenameFilter.
AbstractFileFilter() - Constructor for class
AbstractFilteredIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
Abstract implementation of an iterator that filters an existing iterator.
AbstractFilteredIterator(Iterator<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractFilteredIterator
Decorated iterator constructor.
AbstractGenericPropertyChangeListener<V> - Class in com.globalmentor.beans
A Java Beans property change listener retrofitted to use generics to cast to proper value type.
AbstractGenericPropertyChangeListener() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.AbstractGenericPropertyChangeListener
AbstractGenericVetoableChangeListener<V> - Class in com.globalmentor.beans
A Java Beans vetoable change listener retrofitted to use generics to cast to proper value type.
AbstractGenericVetoableChangeListener() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.AbstractGenericVetoableChangeListener
AbstractHashObject - Class in com.globalmentor.model
An object that produces a hash for Object.hashCode() and implements equality checking for Object.equals(Object) based upon given objects.
AbstractHashObject(Object...) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractHashObject
Objects constructor.
AbstractIOKit<T> - Class in
AbstractIOKit() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
AbstractIOKit(URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
URI input stream locator constructor.
AbstractIOKit(URIInputStreamable, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Full constructor.
AbstractIOKit(URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
URI output stream locator constructor.
AbstractIteratorDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An abstract base implementation of an iterator that wraps an existing Iterator.
AbstractIteratorDecorator() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractIteratorDecorator
AbstractListIterator<I,E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
A default list iterator that can iterate over a given list.
AbstractListIterator(List<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
List constructor starting at the first index.
AbstractListIterator(List<E>, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
List and index constructor.
AbstractLong<L extends Number> - Class in
Abstract base class for number that represent long values.
AbstractLong() - Constructor for class
AbstractNode(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
Index constructor.
AbstractObjectDecorator<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
An object that decorates another object, preserving the Object.hashCode() and Object.equals(Object) of the decorated object.
AbstractObjectDecorator(T) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractObjectDecorator
Decorated object constructor.
AbstractObjectResource<C extends AbstractObjectResource<C>> - Class in
The abstract base class for a Java object that is also a resource.
AbstractObjectResource(URI, Class<? extends C>) - Constructor for class
URI constructor.
AbstractOperation - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Abstract implementation of some operation that can be executed.
AbstractOperation() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractOperation
AbstractPostponedEvent<L extends EventListener,E extends EventObject> - Class in com.globalmentor.event
Abstract implementation of an event and the means to fire it at a later time.
AbstractPostponedEvent(EventListenerManager, Class<L>, E) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractPostponedEvent
Creates a postponed event.
AbstractPrimedIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
Abstract implementation of an iterator that lazily primes its next value.
AbstractPrimedIterator() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractPrimedIterator
AbstractPrincipal - Class in
An abstract implementation of a principal.
AbstractPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor specifying the principal name.
AbstractProxyHashObject - Class in com.globalmentor.model
An object that delegates generation of a hash code and determination of equality to other objects.
AbstractProxyHashObject(Object...) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractProxyHashObject
Proxied object constructor.
AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap<K,V,R extends Reference<V> & AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap.Keyed<K>> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that uses references to store map values.
AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap(Map<K, R>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Decorated map constructor.
AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap.Keyed<K> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
An object that remembers the key associated with it.
AbstractReadWriteLockOperation - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Abstract implementation of some operation that can be executed, with state governed by a read/write lock.
AbstractReadWriteLockOperation() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractReadWriteLockOperation
Default constructor using a reentrant read/write lock.
AbstractReadWriteLockOperation(ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractReadWriteLockOperation
Read write lock constructor.
AbstractResource - Class in
Represents an abstract implementation of a resource.
AbstractResource() - Constructor for class
AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A runnable consumer that takes elements from a blocking queue and consume them.
AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer(BlockingQueue<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer
Blocking queue constructor.
AbstractSequenceTask - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Abstract implementation of a task performed in a sequence.
AbstractSequenceTask() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
AbstractSortOrderComparator<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.comparators
A comparator that can sort in ascending or descending order.
AbstractSortOrderComparator(SortOrder) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.AbstractSortOrderComparator
Sort order constructor.
AbstractSuffixTree<E extends SuffixTree.Edge> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An abstract base implementation of a suffix tree for a sequence of elements (most commonly characters).
AbstractSuffixTree(boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Represents a node in a suffix tree.
AbstractTask - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Abstract implementation of a task performed in a sequence.
AbstractTask() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractTask
AbstractValueResource<V> - Class in
An abstract implementation of a resource that represents some value object instance.
AbstractValueResource(Class<V>, V) - Constructor for class
AbstractViewIOKit<M> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Absract implementation of loading information into a view or saving information from a view.
AbstractViewIOKit() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractViewIOKit
Default constructor.
AbstractViewIOKit(URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractViewIOKit
URI input stream locator constructor.
AbstractViewIOKit(URIInputStreamable, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractViewIOKit
Full constructor.
AbstractViewIOKit(URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractViewIOKit
URI output stream locator constructor.
accept(double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleConsumer.accept(double), but with a support for IOException.
accept(int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntConsumer.accept(int), but with a support for IOException.
accept(long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongConsumer.accept(long), but with a support for IOException.
accept(File) - Method in class
This version only accepts files based upon whether their directory status matches the status requested.
accept(File) - Method in class
Tests whether or not the specified abstract pathname should be included in a pathname list.
accept(File) - Method in class
accept(File) - Method in class
accept(File, String) - Method in class
accept(File, String) - Method in class
Tests if a specified file should be included in a file list.
accept(T) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Consumer.accept(Object), but with a support for IOException.
accept(T, double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ObjDoubleConsumer.accept(Object, double), but with a support for IOException.
accept(T, int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ObjIntConsumer.accept(Object, int), but with a support for IOException.
accept(T, long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ObjLongConsumer.accept(Object, long), but with a support for IOException.
accept(T, U) - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiConsumer.accept(Object, Object), but with a support for IOException.
ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the accepted encodings.
ACCEPT_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the accepted content types.
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the accepted language types.
ACT_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for an act of a work.
add(char...) - Method in class
Creates a new object with these characters and the given characters.
add(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
add(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
add(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
add(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
add(Characters) - Method in class
Creates a new object with these characters and the given characters.
add(C, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
Adds or subtracts the specified amount of time to the given calendar field, based on the calendar's rules, and returns the given calendar.
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
Inserts the specified element into the list (optional operation).
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
This implementation does not support adding an element.
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
add(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).
add(I) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Inserts the specified element into the list.
add(CharSequence) - Method in class
Creates a new object with these characters and the given characters.
add(Class<T>, L) - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.EventListenerManager
Adds a listener to the manager, associated with the given key.
add(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Ensures that this collection contains the specified element (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Adds an object to the end of the queue and notifies the processing thread.
add(O) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
addAll(C, E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionBuilder
Adds all of the specified elements to the specified collection and returns the given collection.
addAll(C, Iterable<? extends E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionBuilder
Appends the contents of an iterable to a collection.
addAll(C, Iterator<? extends E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionBuilder
Adds all of the elements specified by the given iterator to the specified collection and returns the given collection.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection (optional operation).
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
addAll(Collection<? super String>, Collection<?>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Adds the string representation of the elements specified by the collection to the specified string collection.
addAll(Collection<T>, Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Adds all of the elements specified by the given iterable to the specified collection.
addAll(Collection<T>, Iterator<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Adds all of the elements specified by the given iterator to the specified collection.
addAll(Map<K, V>, Iterable<NameValuePair<K, V>>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Adds all given values from name-value pairs to a map, keyed to the names of those name-value pairs.
addAll(Map<N, V>, NameValuePair<N, V>[]) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Adds values from an array of name-value pairs to a map.
addCacheFetchListener(Q, CacheFetchListener<Q, V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Adds a listener to listen for a value being fetched.
addCacheFetchListener(Q, CacheFetchListener<Q, V>) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Adds a listener to listen for a value being fetched.
addEdge(CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
Adds an edge to the tree.
addEdge(SuffixTree.Node, SuffixTree.Node, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
Creates a new edge and adds it to the tree.
addEdge(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
Adds an edge to the tree.
addExtension(File, String) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Files.addNameExtension(File, String).
addExtension(String, String) - Static method in class
Adds the given extension to a filename and returns the new filename with the new extension.
addExtension(Path, String) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Paths.addFilenameExtension(Path, String).
addFilenameExtension(Path, String) - Static method in class
Adds the given extension to a path and returns the new path with the new extension.
addItem(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.DefaultListIterator
Inserts an element at the given position in the list.
addItem(int, I) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Inserts an element at the given position in the list.
addItem(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
addItem(K, V) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Adds a value to the collection of values associated with the key.
addItem(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
addItem(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
addMaxDurationState(S, long) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Adds a new state at the end of the sequence of states being managed, with a maximum duration before transition.
addMaxPollCountState(S, long) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Adds a new state at the end of the sequence of states being managed, with a maximum poll count before transition.
addNameExtension(File, String) - Static method in class
Adds the given extension to a file name and returns the new file with the new extension.
addNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
Creates a new node and adds it to the internal list of nodes.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class
Adds a progress listener.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Adds a property change listener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable
Adds a property change listener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
Adds a property change listener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Add a property change listener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable
Add a property change listener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
Add a property change listener for a specific property.
addRange(char, char) - Method in class
Adds a range of characters.
addRawNameExtension(URI, String) - Static method in class
Adds the given extension to a URI name and returns the new URI with the new extension.
addState(S, long, long) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Adds a new state at the end of the sequence of states being managed.
addState(S, long, long, long, long) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Adds a new state at the end of the sequence of states being managed.
addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Adds a vetoable listener to the listener list.
addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
Adds a vetoable listener to the listener list.
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Adds a vetoable change listener for a specific property.
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
Adds a vetoable change listener for a specific property.
adjustIndexes(int) - Method in class
Adjusts all indexes by a certain amount.
adjustIndexes(int) - Method in class
Adjusts all indexes by a certain amount.
afterClose() - Method in class
Called after the stream is successfully closed.
afterClose() - Method in class
Called after the stream is successfully closed.
AFTERWORD_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for an afterword heading of a work.
ALLOW_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the allowed methods.
ALPHA_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Alphabetic characters as defined by RFC 2396.
ALPHA_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Alphabetic characters: 0x41-5A / 0x61-7A (A-Z / a-z).
AM_PM - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
Whether the hour is before or after noon.
AMPERE - Enum constant in enum
Unit for electric current.
and(IOBiPredicate<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiPredicate.and(BiPredicate), but with a support for IOException.
and(IODoublePredicate) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoublePredicate.and(DoublePredicate), but with a support for IOException.
and(IOIntPredicate) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntPredicate.and(IntPredicate), but with a support for IOException.
and(IOLongPredicate) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongPredicate.and(LongPredicate), but with a support for IOException.
and(IOPredicate<? super T>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Predicate.and(Predicate), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOBiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiConsumer.andThen(BiConsumer), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOConsumer<? super T>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Consumer.andThen(Consumer), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IODoubleConsumer) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleConsumer.andThen(DoubleConsumer), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IODoubleUnaryOperator) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleUnaryOperator.andThen(DoubleUnaryOperator), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOFunction<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiFunction.andThen(java.util.function.Function), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOFunction<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Function.andThen(Function), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOIntConsumer) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntConsumer.andThen(IntConsumer), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOIntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntUnaryOperator.andThen(IntUnaryOperator), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOLongConsumer) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongConsumer.andThen(LongConsumer), but with a support for IOException.
andThen(IOLongUnaryOperator) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongUnaryOperator.andThen(LongUnaryOperator), but with a support for IOException.
APOSTROPHE_CHAR - Static variable in class
An apostrophe character.
append(char) - Method in class
append(int[], int) - Static method in class
Creates a new array and appends the value to the contents of the given array.
append(int[], int[]) - Static method in class
Creates a new array and appends the contents of array2 to the contents of array1.
append(A, char, int) - Static method in class
Appends a given repetition of characters to an appendable.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class
append(StringBuilder, char, int) - Static method in class
Appends a given repetition of characters to a string builder.
append(StringBuilder, char, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Concatenates the given character sequences by appending them to the string buffer, separated by the given delimiter.
append(StringBuilder, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Concatenates the given character sequences by appending them to the string buffer.
append(StringBuilder, Object...) - Static method in class
Concatenates the string representations of the objects in the array by appending them to the string buffer.
Appendables - Class in
Utilities for working with Appendable objects.
appendBase(String, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Appends a given string to the end of a filename before the extension, if any.
appendBaseFilename(String, CharSequence) - Static method in class
appendChar(StringBuilder, int) - Static method in class
Appends a character to a string builder.
appendFilenameBase(Path, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Appends a given string to the end of the path's filename before the extension, if any.
appendForceLength(StringBuilder, CharSequence, int, char) - Static method in class
Appends a character sequence, ensuring that the given character sequence is the correct length by adding or deleting characters to or from the end.
appendForceLength(StringBuilder, CharSequence, int, char, int) - Static method in class
Appends a character sequence, ensuring that the given character sequence is the correct length by adding or deleting characters to or from the given position.
appendJoined(A, char, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Appends character sequences by joining them using the given delimiter character.
appendJoined(A, char, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - Static method in class
Appends character sequences by joining them using the given delimiter character.
appendJoined(A, CharSequence, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Appends character sequences by joining them using the given delimiter character sequence.
appendJoined(A, CharSequence, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - Static method in class
Appends character sequences by joining them using the given delimiter character sequence.
appendLabel(StringBuilder, int) - Static method in class
Appends a string representing the character as 'x', or if the character is a control character or a surrogate, either a special representation such as '\n' or the Unicode code point of this character, e.g.
appendLabelArrayString(StringBuilder, char[]) - Static method in class
Appends a string representing an array of characters, each character represented as 'x', or if the character is a control character, the Unicode code point of this character, e.g.
appendQueryParameter(URI, String, String) - Static method in class
Constructs a query string for a URI with a single name/value parameter, and appends it to the query of the given URI, if any.
appendQueryParameters(String, URIQueryParameter...) - Static method in class
Constructs a query string for a URI and appends it to the given query, if any.
appendQueryParameters(URI, URIQueryParameter...) - Static method in class
Constructs a query string for a URI and appends it to the query of the given URI, if any.
appendRawNameBase(URI, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Appends a given string to the end of the URI's raw name before the extension, if any.
appendRawQuery(URI, String) - Static method in class
Appends a query string to a URI.
appendUnicodeString(StringBuilder, int) - Static method in class
Appends a string representing the Unicode code point of this character, e.g.
appendValueTo(A, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Appends a string representing a parameter value to an appendable, quoting and escaping it as necessary.
The shared application/octet-stream media type.
APPLICATION_PARAM - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
The name of the application main class to pass to the JNLP servlet.
APPLICATION_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The application top-level type.
apply(double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleFunction.apply(double), but with a support for IOException.
apply(int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntFunction.apply(int), but with a support for IOException.
apply(long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongFunction.apply(long), but with a support for IOException.
apply(Object...) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate
Applies the given template using the given arguments.
apply(T) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Function.apply(Object), but with a support for IOException.
apply(T, U) - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiFunction.apply(Object, Object), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsDouble(double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleUnaryOperator.applyAsDouble(double), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsDouble(double, double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleBinaryOperator.applyAsDouble(double, double), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsDouble(int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntToDoubleFunction.applyAsDouble(int), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsDouble(long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongToDoubleFunction.applyAsDouble(long), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsDouble(T) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ToDoubleFunction.applyAsDouble(Object), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsDouble(T, U) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ToDoubleBiFunction.applyAsDouble(Object, Object), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsInt(double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleToIntFunction.applyAsInt(double), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsInt(int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntUnaryOperator.applyAsInt(int), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsInt(int, int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntBinaryOperator.applyAsInt(int, int), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsInt(long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongToIntFunction.applyAsInt(long), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsInt(T) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ToIntFunction.applyAsInt(Object), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsInt(T, U) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ToIntBiFunction.applyAsInt(Object, Object), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsLong(double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleToLongFunction.applyAsLong(double), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsLong(int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntToLongFunction.applyAsLong(int), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsLong(long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongUnaryOperator.applyAsLong(long), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsLong(long, long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongBinaryOperator.applyAsLong(long, long), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsLong(T) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ToLongFunction.applyAsLong(Object), but with a support for IOException.
applyAsLong(T, U) - Method in interface
This method is the same as ToLongBiFunction.applyAsLong(Object, Object), but with a support for IOException.
applyTo(Comparator<T>) - Method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Applies the sort order to a comparator by reversing the comparator's order if needed.
ARABIC_CODE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO639
Archive - Class in
Utilities and constants for working with archive content.
Archive() - Constructor for class
ARGUMENTS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
An array of application arguments to pass to the JNLP servlet.
ArgumentSyntaxException - Exception in com.globalmentor.text
An unchecked illegal argument exception to indicate that an argument was not in the correct format or did not have the correct checksums.
ArgumentSyntaxException(CharSequence, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
input and index constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Message constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Message and input constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(String, CharSequence, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Message, input, and index constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Message, cause, input, and index constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(String, Throwable, CharSequence) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Message, cause, and input constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(String, Throwable, CharSequence, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Message, cause, input, and index constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Cause constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(Throwable, CharSequence) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Cause and input constructor.
ArgumentSyntaxException(Throwable, CharSequence, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
Cause, input, and index constructor.
ArrayListHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An implementation of a HashMap that stores an ArrayList of values for each key, with special methods for retrieving single values.
ArrayListHashMap() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ArrayListHashMap
Default constructor that decorates a HashMap.
ArrayListMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An decorator map that stores an ArrayList of values for each key, with special methods for retrieving single values.
ArrayListMap(Map<K, List<V>>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ArrayListMap
Map constructor.
Arrays - Class in
Various utilities for manipulating arrays.
Arrays() - Constructor for class
ArraySubList<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Represents a list that is a subset of some larger list, based upon an array.
ArraySubList() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ArraySubList
ARTICLE_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for an article of a work.
asArrayInstance(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Convenience method that returns the given object if and only if it is an instance of an array of the given class.
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Indicates that items should be sorted in increasing order.
ASCII - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Constants and utilities for working with US_ASCII.
ASCII() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
asClass(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the Java class represented by the given URI.
asDecimalValue(Number) - Static method in class
Returns the value of the given number if the number is decimal.
asEnum(Class<E>, String) - Static method in class
Returns the enum constant specified by the given name for the indicated enum type, if the name is in fact of the indicated enum type.
asInstance(Class<I>) - Static method in class
Convenience method that returns a function that casts some object to a given class if and only if it is an instance of that class.
asInstance(T, Class<I>) - Static method in class
Convenience method that returns the given object if and only if it is an instance of the given class.
asInstances(Class<I>) - Static method in class
Convenience method that returns a function that casts some object to a given class if and only if it is an instance of that class, returning a potentially empty stream.
asIntegralValue(Number) - Static method in class
Returns the value of the given number if the number is integral.
asNonEmptyString(String) - Static method in class
Returns the string or null if the string is the empty string ("").
asPackage(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the Java package represented by the given URI.
asPathURIPath(URI) - Static method in class
Returns a URI path based upon the path of the given URI if the given URI uses the "path" scheme.
asStringBuilder(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns a string builder version of the given characters sequence.
AsynchronousWriter - Class in
Writer that queues information and writes the information to the underlying writer asynchronously.
AsynchronousWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class
Writer constructor with a default LinkedBlockingQueue used for data production and consumption, with critical sections synchronized on the writer itself.
AsynchronousWriter(Writer, Object) - Constructor for class
Writer and lock constructor with a default LinkedBlockingQueue used for data production and consumption.
AsynchronousWriter(Writer, BlockingQueue<char[]>) - Constructor for class
Writer and blocking queue constructor, with critical sections synchronized on the writer itself.
AsynchronousWriter(Writer, BlockingQueue<char[]>, Object) - Constructor for class
Writer, blocking queue, and lock constructor.
AsynchronousWriter.Consumer - Class in
The consumer runnable that writes data to the underlying writer.
ATEXT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Email address atext characters as per RFC 5322.
ATTACHMENT - Enum constant in enum
Indicates a bodypart is separate from the main body of the mail message.
ATTO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for quintillionth.
AU_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for audio files.
Audio - Class in
Utilities and constants for working with audio content.
Audio() - Constructor for class
AUDIO_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The audio top-level type.
Authenticable - Interface in
Presents a method for retrieving user authentication credentials.
AUTHORITY_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix string that introduces an authority.
AUTHORIZATION_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating authorization information.
available() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next caller of a method for this input stream.
available() - Method in class


BACKSPACE_CHAR - Static variable in class
A backspace.
backupFile(Path) - Static method in class
Backs up a given file without a rolling policy.
backupFile(Path, long) - Static method in class
Backs up a given file using a rolling, numbered backup file determined by Files.getBackupPath(Path, long).
BASIC_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
Basic audio content defined in RFC 2046 but removed in later versions such as RFC 6838 to indicate "an absolutely minimal lowest common denominator audio format" of "single channel audio encoded using 8bit ISDN mu-law [PCM] at a sample rate of 8000 Hz".
Beans - Class in com.globalmentor.beans
Beans() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.Beans
Default constructor.
beforeClose() - Method in class
Called before the stream is closed.
beforeClose() - Method in class
Called before the stream is closed.
beforeWrite(int) - Method in class
Called before any writes occur, passing the number of bytes that will be written.
BIBLIOGRAPHY_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a bibliography heading of a work.
BinaryObjectHolder - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that can have arbitrary byte arrays attached to it.
BIT - Enum constant in enum
Unit for computer byte subdivision.
BIT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Character representing binary bits: "0" / "1".
BLANK_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
The blank symbol (2422;BLANK SYMBOL;So;0;ON;;;;;N;BLANK;;;;).
BMP_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for bitmap files.
BMP_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for bitmap image files: image/bmp.
BOM_CHAR - Static variable in class
The Byte Order Mark (BOM).
BOMInputStreamReader - Class in
A reader that attempts to auto-detect the charset of an input stream from the beginning byte order mark (BOM).
BOMInputStreamReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Constructs an input stream reader that uses UTF-8 as the default charset if the charset cannot be determined by the BOM.
BOMInputStreamReader(InputStream, Charset) - Constructor for class
Constructs an input stream reader that uses the given named charset as a default if the charset cannot be determined by the BOM.
BOMInputStreamReader(InputStream, Charset, CodingErrorAction) - Constructor for class
Constructs an input stream reader that uses the given named charset as a default if the charset cannot be determined by the BOM.
BOMInputStreamReader(InputStream, CodingErrorAction) - Constructor for class
Constructs an input stream reader that uses UTF-8 as the default charset if the charset cannot be determined by the BOM.
BOOK_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for book.
Booleans - Class in
Utilities for manipulating boolean objects.
booleanValue(Object) - Static method in class
Returns the boolean value of the object, if the object is an instance of Boolean.
BoundPropertyObject - Class in com.globalmentor.beans
An object that automatically supports bound and constrained properties.
BoundPropertyObject() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Default constructor.
BoundPropertyResource - Class in
Represents the default implementation of a resource that recognizes bound properties.
BoundPropertyResource() - Constructor for class
Default constructor that allows the reference URI to be set later.
BoundPropertyResource(URI) - Constructor for class
Constructs a resource with a reference URI.
build() - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate.Builder
Builds the string template from the supplied components.
builder() - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate
Builder factory.
BULLET_CHAR - Static variable in class
Unicode bullet character.
by(Close.Strategy) - Static method in class
Produces a Closeable object that will close by invoking the given consumer.
byBaseFilename(String) - Static method in class
Returns a predicate for matching paths by a base filename.
byFilenamePattern(Pattern) - Static method in class
Returns a predicate for a given filename pattern.
BYTE - Enum constant in enum
Unit for computer memory.
ByteOrderMark - Enum in
The Byte Order Mark (BOM) designations for different character encodings.
Bytes - Class in
Utilities for manipulating bytes.


Cache<Q,V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.cache
A cache that can fetch information when needed.
CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header for cache control.
Cache.Data<VV> - Class in com.globalmentor.cache
Class for storing a value along with its expiration information and other information.
CacheFetchEvent<Q,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.cache
An event that is fired when a value is fetched in the cache.
CacheFetchEvent(Cache<Q, V>, Q, V) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.cache.CacheFetchEvent
Source and property name constructor with old and new values.
CacheFetchListener<Q,V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.cache
Indicates the implementing class can listen for a value being fetched in a cache.
cacheMap - Variable in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
The read/write lock soft value map containing cached values.
CalendarResolution - Enum in com.globalmentor.time
The resolution of time in a calendar in the context of some operation.
Calendars - Class in com.globalmentor.time
Constants and utilities for working with dates and times.
Calendars() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
call(Thread) - Static method in class
Calls a thread serially by first starting the thread and waiting until the thread is finished.
call(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Static method in class
Creates a thread in the given thread group and calls the given runnable in the thread, waiting until the thread is finished.
call(ThreadGroup, Runnable, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Static method in class
Creates a thread in the given thread group and calls the given runnable in the thread, waiting until the thread is finished.
CAMEL_CASE - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
A general case-based compound tokenization, supporting both dromedaryCase and PascalCase variations.
CamelCase - Class in com.globalmentor.lex
A compound tokenization strategy that relies a change from non-uppercase to uppercase to delimit tokens.
CamelCase() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
This class cannot be publicly instantiated, but may be subclassed and instantiated from other classes in the package.
cancel() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractOperation
Cancels the operation.
cancel() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Operation
Cancels the operation.
CANCELED - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task has been abandoned.
CancelException - Exception in com.globalmentor.model
Unchecked exception for indicating that some operation should be canceled.
CancelException() - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.model.CancelException
Constructs a new exception with no detail message.
CancelException(String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.model.CancelException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
CancelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.model.CancelException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
CancelException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.model.CancelException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()).
CANDELA - Enum constant in enum
Unit for luminous intensity.
canonicalize(URI) - Static method in class
Ensures that the given URI is in canonical form.
CaptureInputStream - Class in
An input stream that captures all transferred bytes of a decorated stream.
CaptureInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given input stream.
CaptureOutputStream - Class in
An output stream that captures all transferred bytes of a decorated stream.
CaptureOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given output stream.
CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR - Static variable in class
A carriage return.
CARRIAGE_RETURN_STRING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The string representing the CR EOL character sequence.
CARRIAGE_RETURN_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
The symbol for carriage return (240D;SYMBOL FOR CARRIAGE RETURN;So;0;ON;;;;;N;GRAPHIC FOR CARRIAGE RETURN;;;;).
Case - Enum in com.globalmentor.text
The case of text, such as lowercase or uppercase.
CENTI - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for hundredth.
changeBase(String, String) - Static method in class
Changes the base filename, preserving the extension(s), if any.
changeBase(URI, URI, URI) - Static method in class
Changes a URI from one base to another.
changeBase(Path, Path, Path) - Static method in class
Changes a path from one base to another.
changeExtension(File, String) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Files.changeNameExtension(File, String).
changeExtension(String, String) - Static method in class
Changes the last extension of a filename and returns a new filename with the new extension.
changeExtension(Path, String) - Static method in class
changeFilenameBase(Path, String) - Static method in class
Changes the base of the path's filename, preserving the extension(s), if any.
changeFilenameExtension(Path, String) - Static method in class
Changes the last extension of a path's filename and returns a new path with the filename with the new extension.
changeHost(URI, String) - Static method in class
Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different host.
changeName(File, String) - Static method in class
Changes the name of a file and returns a new file with the new name.
changeName(String, String) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of URIs.changePathName(String, String)
changeName(URI, String) - Static method in class
Changes the name of the path of the given URI to the given name.
changeNameExtension(File, String) - Static method in class
Changes the extension of a file name and returns a new file with the new extension.
changePath(URI, URIPath) - Static method in class
Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different path.
changePathName(String, String) - Static method in class
Changes the name of the path of the given URI to the given name.
changeRawName(URI, String) - Static method in class
Changes the raw name of the path of the given URI to the given raw name.
changeRawNameBase(URI, String) - Static method in class
Changes the base of a URI name, preserving the extension(s), if any.
changeRawNameExtension(URI, String) - Static method in class
Changes the extension of a URI name and returns a new URI with the new name extension.
changeRawPath(URI, String) - Static method in class
Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different raw path.
changeRawSchemeSpecificPart(URI, String) - Static method in class
Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different raw scheme-specific part.
changeScheme(URI, String) - Static method in class
Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different scheme.
CHAPTER_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a chapter of a work.
CHAR_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Any 7-bit US-ASCII characters, excluding NUL: 0x01-7F.
CHARACTER_CLASS_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The beginning character of a character class.
CHARACTER_CLASS_END - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The ending character of a character class.
CHARACTER_CLASS_NEGATION_CHAR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The character class negation character.
CHARACTER_CLASS_RANGE_CHAR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The character class range character.
CHARACTER_CLASS_RESTRICTED - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The restricted characters that must be escaped in regular expression character classes.
CHARACTER_STRING_ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character for escaping a quote character in a string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035.
CHARACTER_STRING_QUOTE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character for quoting a string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035 containing spaces.
CHARACTER_TABULATION_CHAR - Static variable in class
A horizontal tab (0009;<control>;Cc;0;S;;;;;N;CHARACTER TABULATION;;;;).
characterClassNotOf(char...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
Creates a regular expression negative character class (e.g.
characterClassNotOf(Characters) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
Creates a regular expression negative character class (e.g.
characterClassOf(char...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
Creates a regular expression character class (e.g.
characterClassOf(Characters) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
Creates a regular expression character class (e.g.
Characters - Class in
An immutable set of characters that supports various searching and other functions.
charAt(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Returns the char value at the specified index.
charIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
charIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
charLastIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
charLastIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
CharSequenceEdge(CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode, CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode, int, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
CharSequenceNode(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode
Index constructor.
CharSequences - Class in
Various text manipulating functions.
CharSequences() - Constructor for class
CharSequenceSuffixTree - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A suffix tree for a sequence of characters.
CharSequenceSuffixTree.AbstractEdgeKey - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An abstract base class that implements hashing and equality for an edge key.
CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Represents an edge between a parent node and a child node in a suffix tree.
CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Represents an edge between a parent node and a child node in a suffix tree.
CharSequenceSuffixTree.EdgeKey - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A key identifying an edge of a node, uniquely identified by its parent node and first character (as no node in a suffix tree contains more than one edge starting with the same character).
CharSequenceSuffixTrees - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Utilities for working with suffix trees of sequences of characters.
CharSequenceSuffixTrees() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTrees
CharSequenceSuffixTrees.AbstractCharSequenceVisitor - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An abstract implementation of a visitor for character sequences.
CHARSET - Static variable in class
The charset used for HTTP.
CHARSET_ISO_8859_1 - Static variable in class
The common parameter charset=iso-8859-1.
CHARSET_PARAMETER - Static variable in class
The character set parameters.
CHARSET_US_ASCII - Static variable in class
The common parameter charset=us-ascii.
CHARSET_UTF_8 - Static variable in class
The common parameter charset=utf-8.
Charsets - Class in
Utilities for working with charsets.
Charsets() - Constructor for class
check(Reader, char) - Static method in class
Checks that the current character matches a specific character and advances to the next character.
check(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Checks that the current character matches a given set of characters and advances to the next character.
check(Reader, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Checks that the current and subsequent characters matches a specified character sequence.
checkAbsolute() - Method in class
Checks to see if the path is absolute.
checkAbsolute(URI) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given URI is absolute.
checkArgument(boolean) - Static method in class
Checks the results of an expression to see if an argument is correct, and throws an IllegalArgumentException if the value is false.
checkArgument(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks the results of an expression to see if an argument is correct, and throws an IllegalArgumentException if the value is false.
checkArgumentAbsolute() - Method in class
Checks to see if the domain name is absolute.
checkArgumentAbsolute(Path) - Static method in class
Ensures that a path is absolute.
checkArgumentDirectory(Path) - Static method in class
Ensures that a path is a directory.
checkArgumentDisjoint(Path, Path) - Static method in class
Ensures two paths are disjoint, that is, neither one is a subpath of (or equal to) the other.
checkArgumentExists(Path) - Static method in class
Ensures that a path exists.
checkArgumentIsInstance(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure an argument is an instance of a given type, returning the object cast to the appropriate type.
checkArgumentIsInstance(Object, Class<T>, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure an argument is an instance of a given type, returning the object cast to the appropriate type.
checkArgumentMatches(CharSequence, Pattern) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
Checks to make sure an argument matches a given regular expression pattern, returning the successful matcher.
checkArgumentMatches(CharSequence, Pattern, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
Checks to make sure an argument matches a given regular expression pattern, returning the successful matcher.
checkArgumentMinimum(int, int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is not smaller than the given minimum.
checkArgumentMinimum(long, long) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is not smaller than the given minimum.
checkArgumentNotNegative(int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is not negative.
checkArgumentNotNegative(long) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is not negative.
checkArgumentNotNull(T) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure an argument isn't null, throwing IllegalArgumentException if the object is null.
checkArgumentNotNull(T, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure an argument isn't null, throwing IllegalArgumentException if the object is null.
checkArgumentPathAbsolute(String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a resource path path is absolute.
checkArgumentPathRelative(String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a resource path is relative.
checkArgumentPositive(int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is not zero or negative
checkArgumentPositive(long) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is not zero or negative
checkArgumentPresent(Optional<T>) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure an argument is present, throwing IllegalArgumentException if the optional is not present.
checkArgumentPresent(Optional<T>, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure an argument is present, throwing IllegalArgumentException if the optional is not present.
checkArgumentRange(int, int, int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given argument value is within the given range.
checkArgumentRange(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that the given range is within the given range.
checkArgumentRange(long, long, long) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given argument value is within the given range.
checkArgumentRegularFile(Path, LinkOption...) - Static method in class
Ensures that a path is a regular file with opaque content.
checkArgumentRelative() - Method in class
Checks to see if this domain name is relative.
checkArgumentRestrictedName(C) - Static method in class
Confirms that the given input conforms to the rules for restricted-name according to RFC 6838, returning the given input.
checkArgumentsEqual(Set<E>, Set<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Sets
Checks that two sets are equal.
checkArgumentSubPath(Path, Path) - Static method in class
Ensures one path is a subpath of another; that is, they both share a base path with no backtracking.
checkBounds(CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class
Checks the given bounds of a character sequence.
checkCollection() - Method in class
Checks to see if the path represents a collection.
checkCollectionPath(String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given path represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/').
checkCollectionURI(URI) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given URI represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/').
checkConfiguration(boolean) - Static method in class
Checks the results of an expression to see if an argument is correct, and throws a ConfigurationException if the value is false.
checkConfiguration(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks the results of an expression to see if an argument is correct, and throws a ConfigurationException if the value is false.
checkConfigurationNotNull(T) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given variable is an instance of any object, and throws a ConfigurationException if the variable is null.
checkConfigurationNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given variable is an instance of any object, and throws a ConfigurationException if the variable is null.
checkCount(Reader, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Checks that the a certain number of characters matches a given set of characters and advances to the next character.
checkCount(Reader, Characters, int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class
Checks that the a certain number of characters matches a given set of characters and advances to the next character.
checkDirectoryExists(File) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given file exists as a directory, throwing an exception if not.
checkError() - Method in class
Flushes the stream and check its error state.
checkFileExists(File) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given file exists, throwing an exception if not.
checkIndexBounds(int, int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given index is within the range of zero inclusive to the given length exclusive.
checkIndexBounds(int, int, int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given index is within the given range.
checkIndexBounds(long, long) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given index is within the range of zero inclusive to the given length exclusive.
checkIndexBounds(long, long, long) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given index is within the given range.
checkIndexRange(int, int, int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given index range is within the given sized array.
checkIndexRange(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given index range is within the given sized array.
checkInfoNamespace(URI, String) - Static method in class
Verifies that the given URI is an "info" scheme URI with the given namespace.
checkMarkSupported(InputStream) - Static method in class
Checks whether the given input stream supports mark/reset and throws an exception if not.
checkMinLength(T, int) - Static method in class
Ensures that the given character sequence has a minimum the specified number of characters.
checkNotCollectionPath(String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given path does not represents a canonical collection, that is, it does not have a path that ends with a slash ('/').
checkNotCollectionURI(URI) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given URI does not represents a canonical collection, that is, it does not have a path that ends with a slash ('/').
checkOutputStream() - Method in class
Checks to make sure the decorated output stream is available.
checkParseIO(Reader, boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks for a parsing condition and, if the test did not pass, throws a ParseIOException.
checkPath(String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given path is only a path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority.
checkPathURI(URI) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given URI is only a path and not a URI with a scheme, authority, query, and/or fragment.
checkPlainURI(URI) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given URI is plain, i.e.
checkRange(double, double, double) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is within the given range.
checkRange(float, float, float) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure that a given value is within the given range.
checkReaderEnd(Reader) - Static method in class
Checks that reader has no more data.
checkReaderNotEnd(Reader, int) - Static method in class
Checks that a read character does not represent the end of the reader's data.
checkRelative() - Method in class
Checks to see if the path is relative.
checkRelativePath(String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given path is only a relative path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority.
checkRoot(URI) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given URI has the root path.
checkScheme(URI, String) - Static method in class
Verifies that the given URI has the indicated scheme.
checkState(boolean) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure a given state is true.
checkState(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks to make sure a given state is true.
checkSubPath() - Method in class
Checks to see if the path is a subpath.
checksum(byte) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the given input byte.
checksum(byte[]) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the given input bytes.
checksum(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the given input bytes.
checksum(char[]) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the given characters using the UTF-8 charset.
checksum(InputStream) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the contents of the given input stream.
checksum(CharSequence) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the given character sequence using the UTF-8 charset.
checksum(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the given input byte buffer.
checksum(Path) - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string using this algorithm for the contents of the given file.
checksum(MessageDigest, byte) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the given input byte.
checksum(MessageDigest, byte[]) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the given input bytes.
checksum(MessageDigest, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the given input bytes.
checksum(MessageDigest, char[]) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the given characters using the UTF-8 charset.
checksum(MessageDigest, InputStream) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the contents of the given input stream.
checksum(MessageDigest, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the given character sequence using the UTF-8 charset.
checksum(MessageDigest, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the given input byte buffer.
checksum(MessageDigest, Path) - Static method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the contents of the given file.
checkSupportedOperation(boolean) - Static method in class
Checks the results of an expression to see if an operation is supported, and throws an UnsupportedOperationException if the value is false.
checkSupportedOperation(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class
Checks the results of an expression to see if an operation is supported, and throws an UnsupportedOperationException if the value is false.
checkType(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given variable is of the correct type and if not, throws a ClassCastException.
checkType(Object, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given variable is of the correct type and if not, throws a ClassCastException.
checkUsualIO() - Method in enum
Checks to ensure this byte order mark is a usual one (i.e.
CHUNKED_TRANSFER_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP chunked transfer coding.
CLASS_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The name extension for Java class files.
Classes - Class in
Utilities for manipulating Java classes.
ClassResources - Class in
Utilities for accessing Java class resources loaded from the classpath.
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Removes all mappings from this map (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReverseMap
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Removes all of the elements from this collection (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
clear() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Removes all of the elements from this set (optional operation).
clear(StringBuilder) - Static method in class
Removes all the content of a string builder.
clearCapturedBytes() - Method in class
Clears all accumulated captured bytes.
clearCapturedBytes() - Method in class
Clears all accumulated captured bytes.
clearDate(C) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
clearTime(C) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
Client - Interface in
Represents the state of a network client.
clone() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Returns a shallow copy of this HashSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned.
clone() - Method in interface
This version is guaranteed not to throw CloneNotSupportedException.
clone() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
clone(T) - Static method in class
Clones an object that supports cloning.
CloneSupported - Interface in
Indicates that a class implements cloning.
close() - Method in class
Implementations must override AbstractCloseable.closeImpl().
close() - Method in class
Close the stream, flushing it first.
close() - Method in interface
Performs some closing operation.
close() - Method in class
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in class
Closes the manager.
close(boolean) - Method in class
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close(boolean) - Method in class
Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close(boolean) - Method in class
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close(boolean) - Method in class
Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
Close - Class in
Utility factory class for creating Closeable instances.
Close() - Constructor for class
CLOSE_INDICATOR - Static variable in class
The predefined, shared character buffer that, when produced, indicates that the underlying writer should close.
Close.Strategy - Interface in
A strategy for closing.
closeImpl() - Method in class
Implements the closing functionality.
CNAME - Enum constant in enum
The canonical name for an alias
CodePointCharacter - Class in
Value class representing a Unicode code point.
collapse(StringBuffer, Characters, String) - Static method in class
Collapses every run of any number of collapseChars to a single replacement string
collapse(StringBuilder, Characters, String) - Static method in class
Collapses every run of any number of collapseChars to a single replaceString.
collapse(StringBuilder, Characters, String, int) - Static method in class
Collapses every run of any number of collapseChars to a single replaceString, starting with the given offset and collapsing until the end of the string
collapse(StringBuilder, Characters, String, int, int) - Static method in class
Collapses every run of any number of collapseChars to a single replaceString.
collapse(String, Characters, String) - Static method in class
Collapses every run of any number of collapseChars to a single replacement string.
CollatorFactory - Interface in com.globalmentor.text
A source of collators for sorting.
collection - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
The collection this class decorates.
collection - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
The collection this class decorates.
CollectionBuilder - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Utility methods for building collections using a fluent interface.
CollectionBuilder() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionBuilder
CollectionDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A collection that wraps an existing collection, providing access through the Collection interface.
CollectionDecorator(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
Collection constructor.
collectionMap - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
The collection map this class decorates.
collectionMap - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
The collection map this class decorates.
CollectionMap<K,V,C extends Collection<V>> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that stores a collection of values for each key, using a pair of read and write locks to access its data, with special methods for retrieving single values.
Collections - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Various utilities to be used with collections.
Collections() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
COLON_CHAR - Static variable in class
A colon character.
com.globalmentor.beans - package com.globalmentor.beans
com.globalmentor.cache - package com.globalmentor.cache
com.globalmentor.collections - package com.globalmentor.collections
com.globalmentor.collections.comparators - package com.globalmentor.collections.comparators
com.globalmentor.collections.iterables - package com.globalmentor.collections.iterables
com.globalmentor.collections.iterators - package com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
com.globalmentor.event - package com.globalmentor.event - package - package
com.globalmentor.iso - package com.globalmentor.iso - package
com.globalmentor.jnlp - package com.globalmentor.jnlp
com.globalmentor.lex - package com.globalmentor.lex
com.globalmentor.math - package com.globalmentor.math
com.globalmentor.model - package com.globalmentor.model - package - package - package - package
com.globalmentor.text - package com.globalmentor.text
com.globalmentor.time - package com.globalmentor.time
com.globalmentor.util - package com.globalmentor.util
com.globalmentor.util.prefs - package com.globalmentor.util.prefs
com.globalmentor.util.regex - package com.globalmentor.util.regex - package - package
COMMA_CHAR - Static variable in class
A comma character.
Comparables - Class in
Utilities for working with comparables.
Comparables() - Constructor for class
comparator() - Static method in class
Returns a general filename comparator with neutral comparison across locales.
comparator(Collator) - Static method in class
Returns a filename comparator using the given collator.
comparator(Locale) - Static method in class
Returns a filename comparator for the given locale.
compare(long, long) - Static method in class
Compares two longs for order.
compare(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.AbstractCollatingComparator
compare(Number, Number) - Static method in class
Compares the two specified numbers.
compare(String, String, Collator) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
Compares two strings for order in ascending order using the specified collator.
compare(String, String, Collator, SortOrder) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
Compares two strings for order using the specified collator with the specified sort order.
compare(Map.Entry<K, Count>, Map.Entry<K, Count>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count.CounterMapEntryComparator
compare(T, T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.AbstractSortOrderComparator
This implementation performs an identity comparison and then delegates to AbstractSortOrderComparator.compareImpl(Object, Object), returning a negative version of the result if AbstractSortOrderComparator.getSortOrder() is SortOrder.DESCENDING.
compare(T, T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.ExplicitOrderComparator
compare(T, T) - Static method in class
Compares two comparables for order in ascending order.
compare(T, T, int) - Static method in class
Compares two objects for order, taking into account null.
compare(T, T, SortOrder) - Static method in class
Compares two comparables for order using the specified sort order.
compareImpl(Valued<V>, Valued<V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ValuedComparator
Implementation to compare two objects for order.
compareImpl(T, T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.AbstractSortOrderComparator
Implementation to compare two objects for order.
compareImpl(T, T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SerialDelegateComparator
Implementation to compare two objects for order.
compareTo(LocaledText) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Compares this object to another object.
compareTo(Named<N>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultComparableNamed
Compares this object to another object.
compareTo(Range<T>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Range
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(EmailAddress) - Method in class
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Resource) - Method in class
Compares this object to another object.
compareTo(Resource) - Method in class
Compares this object to another object.
compareTo(L) - Method in class
compareTo(T, T) - Static method in class
Compares one object with another, taking into account that one or both objects may be null.
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task has been completed.
compose(IODoubleUnaryOperator) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleUnaryOperator.compose(DoubleUnaryOperator), but with a support for IOException.
compose(IOFunction<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Function.compose(Function), but with a support for IOException.
compose(IOIntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntUnaryOperator.compose(IntUnaryOperator), but with a support for IOException.
compose(IOLongUnaryOperator) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongUnaryOperator.compose(LongUnaryOperator), but with a support for IOException.
CompoundTokenization - Interface in com.globalmentor.lex
A strategy for dealing with compound tokens, such as fooBar or foo-bar.
compress(URI) - Static method in class
Compresses a URI into a shorter string representation.
COMPRESS_CONTENT_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP compress content coding.
COMPRESS_TRANSFER_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP compress transfer coding.
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
concat(Iterator<E>...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns an iterator concatenating the contents of multiple iterators.
concat(Iterator<E>, Enumeration<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns an iterator concatenating the contents of an iterator and an enumeration.
concat(Iterator<E>, Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns an iterator concatenating the contents of two iterators.
A comparator that sorts ancestor classes primarily in terms of height (distance from a descendant class), secondarily in terms of concreteness (concrete class, abstract class, and then interface), and tertiarily by class name.
Conditions - Class in
Various checks on objects.
Conditions() - Constructor for class
CONFIGURATION_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which configuration and settings data is shown.
ConfigurationException - Exception in com.globalmentor.model
Moved to Confound.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.model.ConfigurationException
Message constructor.
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.model.ConfigurationException
Message and cause constructor.
ConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.model.ConfigurationException
Cause constructor.
confirm(Reader, char) - Static method in class
Reads a character and, if a character does not match the given character, resets the reader as if the character were not read.
confirm(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Reads a character and, if a character does not match the given set of characters, resets the reader as if the character were not read.
confirm(Reader, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Reads a string and, if the string does not match the given character sequence, resets the reader as if the string was not read.
CONNECTION_CLOSE - Static variable in class
The HTTP "close" Connection header value.
CONNECTION_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the connection persistency.
constrain(CharSequence, int, ToIntBiFunction<CharSequence, CharSequence>, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Ensures a sequence of characters is not longer than the given maximum, by truncating if necessary and replacing with an omission sequence.
CONSTRAIN_TRUNCATE_END - Static variable in class
Strategy for constraining that truncates at the end of a character sequence.
CONSTRAIN_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE - Static variable in class
Strategy for constraining that truncates in the middle of a character sequence.
CONSTRAIN_TRUNCATE_START - Static variable in class
Strategy for constraining that truncates at the start of a character sequence.
constructPath(boolean, boolean, String...) - Static method in class
Constructs an absolute path from the given elements in the form: /element1/element2.
constructQuery(URIQueryParameter...) - Static method in class
Constructs a query string for a URI by URI-encoding each name-value pair, separating them with '&', and prepending the entire string (if there is at least one parameter) with '?', if there are no parameters, it doesn't do anything.
constructQuery(String) - Static method in class
constructQueryParameters(URIQueryParameter...) - Static method in class
Constructs a query string for a URI by URI-encoding each name-value pair, separating them with '&'.
consume(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer
Consumes an element from the queue.
consume(T) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Consumer
Consumes an object.
Consumer<T> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that consumes other objects.
Consumer() - Constructor for class
consumeUntil(Reader, char, boolean, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until one of the given characters is reached.
consumeUntil(Reader, Characters, boolean, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until one of the given characters is reached.
consumeUntil(Reader, Characters, char, boolean, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until one of the given characters is reached.
contains(char) - Method in class
Determines whether the given character is contained in these characters.
contains(char[], char) - Static method in class
Performs a simple sequential search for the value in the given array.
contains(int[], int) - Static method in class
Performs a simple sequential search for the value in the given array.
contains(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence contains the given character.
contains(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence contains any of the given characters.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns true if this collection contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
contains(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Range
Determines if this range contains the given value.
contains(T[], T) - Static method in class
Performs a simple sequential search for the object in the given array, using the object's equals() operator.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
containsInstance(Collection<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Determines if the given collection contains an object that is an instance of the given class.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.MappedList
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
containsLetter(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if the following character sequence contains a letter.
containsLetterOrDigit(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if the following character sequence contains a letter or a digit.
containsNonTrim(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence contains characters that are not characters that can be trimmed.
containsNonWhitespace(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence contains characters that are not Unicode whitespace (marked by "WS" in Unicode data).
containsOnly(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence contains only the given characters.
containsOnlyIgnoreCase(String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given line contains several required and optional labels, compared without case sensitivity.
containsTitleLabel(String, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given line contains a title label.
containsToken(CharSequence, Characters, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters.
containsTokenIgnoreCase(CharSequence, Characters, CharSequence...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case.
containsTrim(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence contains characters that can be trimmed.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReverseMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
containsWhitespace(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence contains Unicode whitespace.
CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the content description.
CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the content disposition.
CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the content encoding.
CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the natural language(s) of the intended audience for the enclosed entity.
CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the size of the entity body.
CONTENT_LOCATION_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the canonical location of the resource.
CONTENT_MD5_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the MD5 digest of the body.
CONTENT_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The pseudo top-level type used by Java URLConnection to indicate unknown content by content/unknown.
CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the content type.
ContentDispositionType - Enum in
Represents a MIME content disposition type as defined in RFC 1806, "Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header".
CONTENTS_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a contents heading of a work.
CONTROL_CHARS - Static variable in class
Unicode control characters (0x0000-0x001F, 0x007F-0x09F).
convert(I) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Converter
Converts the input to the output.
convert(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultTypeConverter
convert(Object, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.TypeConverter
Converts an object from one type to another.
convert(S) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterCollection
Converts an object in the collection to another object.
convert(S) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList
Converts an object in the list to another object.
Converter<I,O> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
A class that knows how to convert one type of object to another.
ConverterIterable<I,O> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterables
An iterable that returns instances of a ConverterIterator..
ConverterIterable(Iterable<I>, Converter<I, O>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.ConverterIterable
Iterable and converter constructor.
ConverterIterator<I,O> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that returns its objects converted using a Converter.
ConverterIterator(Iterator<I>, Converter<I, O>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterIterator
Iterator and converter constructor.
ConverterIterator(Iterator<S>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterCollection.ConverterIterator
Iterator constructor.
ConverterIterator(Iterator<S>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList.ConverterIterator
Iterator constructor.
ConverterListIterator<I,O> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
A list iterator that returns its objects converted using a Converter.
ConverterListIterator(ListIterator<I>, Converter<I, O>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
Iterator and converter constructor.
ConverterListIterator(ListIterator<S>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList.ConverterListIterator
List iterator constructor.
convertStringsToMessage(List<String>) - Static method in exception
Converts an array of strings to a message with the strings separated by commas.
copy(File, File) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean, boolean, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean, FileFilter) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean, FileFilter, boolean) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean, FileFilter, boolean, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, boolean, FileFilter, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, File, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Copies the given source file or directory to the given destination file or directory.
copy(File, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Stores the contents of a file in an output stream.
copy(File, OutputStream, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Stores the contents of a file in an output stream.
copy(InputStream, File) - Static method in class
Stores the contents of an input stream in a file.
copy(InputStream, File, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Stores the contents of an input stream in a file.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Copies all information from an input stream to an output stream.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, long) - Static method in class
Copies all information from an input stream to an output stream.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, long, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Copies all information from an input stream to an output stream.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, ProgressListener) - Static method in class
Copies all information from an input stream to an output stream.
copy(Class<?>, String, Path, CopyOption...) - Static method in class
Copies all the bytes of a class resource to a file in a file system.
copy(Class<?>, Path, Iterable<String>, CopyOption...) - Static method in class
Copies several class resources to a base directory in a file system, maintaining the relative directory hierarchy.
copy(Class<?>, Path, String...) - Static method in class
Copies several class resource to a base directory in a file system, maintaining the relative directory hierarchy.
copy(ClassLoader, String, Path, CopyOption...) - Static method in class
Copies all the bytes of a class resource to a file in a file system.
CopyOnWriteArrayListConcurrentHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An implementation of a ConcurrentHashMap that stores a CopyOnWriteArrayList of values for each key, with special methods for retrieving single values.
CopyOnWriteArrayListConcurrentHashMap() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.CopyOnWriteArrayListConcurrentHashMap
Default constructor that decorates a ConcurrentHashMap.
COPYRIGHT_SIGN - Static variable in class
The copyright symbol.
count - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
The total number of integers returned.
count - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
The total number of integers returned.
count(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Counts the number of occurrences of a particular character in a character sequence.
count(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Counts the number of occurrences of a particular character in a character sequence, starting at a specified index and searching forward.
Count - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Convenience class for keeping track of a count.
Count() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.Count
Default constructor with a count of zero.
Count(long) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.Count
Count constructor.
Count.CounterMapEntryComparator<K> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Comparator that compares map entries of a counter map based upon the count of each entry.
CountedFilterIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that filters the results of an existing iterator.
CountedFilterIterator(Iterator<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
Iterator constructor.
CountedFilterIterator(Iterator<E>, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
Iterator and count constructor.
CounterMapEntryComparator() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.Count.CounterMapEntryComparator
CR - Static variable in class
US-ASCII carriage return.
CR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
A carriage return character.
create(int, int[]) - Static method in class
Creates a new integer array with the specified size with content from the original array.
create(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
Suffix tree builder factory method which creates a new, explicit suffix tree for a given character sequence.
create(CharSequence) - Static method in class
in favor of MediaType.parse(CharSequence); to be removed in next major version.
create(CharSequence, boolean) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
Suffix tree builder factory method which creates a new suffix tree for a given character sequence.
create(String, String, MediaType.Parameter...) - Static method in class
in favor of MediaType.of(String, String, Parameter...); to be removed in next major version.
createArray(Class<T>, int) - Static method in class
Creates an array of the specified length containing elements of the given type.
createArray(Class<T>, int, T) - Static method in class
Creates an array of the specified length containing elements of the given type and fills the array with the given value.
createArray(Class<T>, T...) - Static method in class
Creates an array of the given type and initializes it with the given elements.
createArray(String) - Static method in class
Creates an array of strings from the given string.
createArray(T...) - Static method in class
createArray(T[], int) - Static method in class
createBuffer() - Method in class
Creates a new buffer and initializes buffer indexes.
createCharacterClass(char...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
createCharacterClass(Characters) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
createCollator(Locale) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.AbstractCollatingComparator
Collator factory.
createCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ArrayListMap
Creates a collection in which to store values.
createCollection() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Creates a collection in which to store values.
createCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CopyOnWriteArrayListConcurrentHashMap
Creates a collection in which to store values.
createCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
createCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.HashSetHashMap
Creates a collection in which to store values.
createCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSetMap
Creates a collection in which to store values.
createCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
Creates a collection in which to store values.
createCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.TreeSetMap
Creates a collection in which to store values.
createControlString(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
Creates a control string according to ECMA-48, "Control Functions for Coded Character Sets", Section 5.6, "Control strings".
createCopy(char[], int, int) - Static method in class
Creates a copy of the given array containing the specified range.
createCopy(int[], int, int) - Static method in class
Creates a copy of the given array containing the specified range.
createCopy(Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Creates a copy of the iterator that contains the same data but will not reflect any modified values of the underlying collection.
createCopy(T[], int) - Static method in class
Creates a shallow copy of the given array containing the specified range.
createCopy(T[], int, int) - Static method in class
Creates a shallow copy of the given array containing the specified range.
createDisplayLanguageLocale(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
Retrieves a locale based upon a given display name in the current local.
createEdge(SuffixTree.Node, SuffixTree.Node, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
Creates a new edge.
createEdge(SuffixTree.Node, SuffixTree.Node, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
Creates a new edge.
createEnumSet(Class<E>, E...) - Static method in class
Creates a set of enums using varargs.
createHashSet(E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Creates a hash set of the given generic type and initializes it with the given elements.
createInfoURI(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates an "info" URI with the given info namespace and identifier with no fragment.
createInfoURI(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Creates an "info" URI with the given info namespace, identifier, and optional fragment.
createJavaURI(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Creates a Java URI for a Java class using the "java" scheme in the form java:/com/example/package/Class.
createJavaURI(Package) - Static method in class
Creates a Java URI for a Java package using the "java" scheme in the form java:/com/example/package/.
createJavaURI(String) - Static method in class
Creates a Java URI for a named Java class using the "java" scheme in the form java:/com/example/package/Class.
createJavaURI(String) - Static method in class
Creates a Java URI for a named Java package using the "java" scheme in the form java:/com/example/package/.
createLocale(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
Constructs a locale object from a locale string with a language, an optional country code, and an optional variant.
createMailtoURI(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates a "mailto" URI in the form mailto:username@domain.
createMessage(String, Reader) - Static method in exception
Creates a message for the exception, determining arguments from the given reader if possible.
createMessage(String, Throwable, Reader) - Static method in exception
Creates a message for the exception, determining arguments from the given reader if possible.
createMessage(String, Throwable, CharSequence, int) - Static method in exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Creates a message based upon a given input string, an optional index, and an optional message.
createMessage(String, Throwable, String, long, long) - Static method in exception
Creates a message for the exception.
createNewFile(File) - Static method in class
Creates a new file, throwing an exception if unsuccessful.
createNode(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
Creates a new node.
createNode(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
createNonce(String) - Method in class
Creates a nonce from a formatted string.
createPathURI(String) - Static method in class
Creates a URI from the given path, verifying that the string contains only a path.
createPostponedPropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Creates an object representing a postponement of firing the property change event.
createReference(K, V, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Creates the appropriate reference for associating the given value with the given key.
createReference(K, V, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap
Creates the appropriate reference for associating the given value with the given key.
createReference(K, V, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap
Creates the appropriate reference for associating the given value with the given key.
createString(char, char) - Static method in class
Creates a string containing a range of characters.
createString(char, int) - Static method in class
Creates a string with a given repetition of characters.
createSubTypeSuffix(String...) - Static method in class
Creates a media type suffix by prepending '+' to each suffix and concatenating the suffixes.
createTempFile() - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in the standard temporary directory with no automatic deletion on JVM exit, using a "temp-" prefix and a "tmp" extension.
createTempFile() - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file.
createTempFile(File) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file for another file, with no automatic deletion on JVM exit.
createTempFile(String) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in the standard temporary directory with no automatic deletion on JVM exit, using a "tmp" extension.
createTempFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in the standard temporary directory with optional automatic deletion, using a "tmp" extension.
createTempFile(String, File) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in a given directory, using a "tmp" extension.
createTempFile(String, File, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in a given directory with optional automatic deletion, using a "tmp" extension.
createTempFile(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in the standard temporary directory with no automatic deletion on JVM exit.
createTempFile(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in the standard temporary directory with optional automatic deletion.
createTempFile(String, String, File, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary file in a given directory with optional automatic deletion.
createUpgradedXMLEncoder(OutputStream) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.beans.Beans
Constructs an XMLEncoder and upgrades it to support other non-JavaBean classes.
createURI(Object, String) - Static method in class
because this ancient code doesn't have an obvious utility, is confusing, and jumbles various types, many of them legacy.
createURI(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
createURI(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
createURI(String, String, String, int, URIPath, String, String) - Static method in class
Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
createURI(String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
createURIList(URI...) - Static method in class
Creates a string of type text/uri-list as defined in RFC 2483, "URI Resolution Services Necessary for URN Resolution".
createURIPathURI(String) - Static method in class
Creates a path URI consisting of the given string version of the raw path.
createURL(Object, String) - Static method in class
createURN(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates a URN in the form urn:nid:nss.
createVariableName(String) - Static method in class
Creates a safe Java variable name by replacing all illegal characters with the underscore ('_') character.
CRLF - Static variable in class
The CR+LF carriage return + linefeed combination.
CRLF - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Internet standard newline.
CRLF_STRING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The string representing the CRLF EOL sequence.
The characters that may not be used in various file system filenames.
The characters that may not be used as the last character of various file system filenames.
CTL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
US-ASCII control characters.
CTL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Control characters: 0x00-1F / 0x7F.
CURRENT_DIRECTORY_NAME - Static variable in class
The special name "." indicating the current directory.
CURRENT_LEVEL_PATH - Static variable in class
The collection path "./" representing the current hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
CURRENT_LEVEL_PATH_SEGMENT - Static variable in class
The path segment "." representing the current hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
CURRENT_LEVEL_PATH_URI - Static variable in class
The URI collection path of "./" representing the current hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.


Data(VV) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.cache.Cache.Data
Value constructor.
DATA_LINK_ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class
Data Link Escape control character (0010;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;DATA LINK ESCAPE;;;;).
DataException - Exception in com.globalmentor.util
Checked exception indicating that there was an error with data being processed.
DataException() - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.util.DataException
Constructs a new exception with no detail message.
DataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.util.DataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
DataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.util.DataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
DataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.util.DataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()).
DATE - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Pattern for complete date: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g.
DATE_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The delimiter that separates year components in a temporal.
DATE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the date of the message, in RFC 1123 format.
DATE_HOURS_MINUTES - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Pattern for complete date plus hours and minutes: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (e.g.
DATE_HOURS_MINUTES_SECONDS - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Pattern for complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g.
DATE_TIME - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Pattern for complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (e.g.
Dates - Class in com.globalmentor.time
Utilities for dealing with dates.
Dates() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.time.Dates
DAY - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
A day on the calendar.
DAY_DESIGNATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The designator for days in a duration expression.
DECA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for ten.
DECI - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for tenth.
DECIMAL_SIGN - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The most common decimal sign used as an ISO 8601 decimal fraction separator.
DECIMAL_SIGNS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The possible decimal representations in a number.
decode(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Decodes the escaped characters in the character iterator according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 2396, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", using the URI escape character, '%'.
decode(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Decodes the escaped ('%') characters in the character iterator according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 2396, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
decodeCharactString(String) - Static method in class
Decodes a resource record string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035 if it is quoted.
decodeFilename(String) - Static method in class
Unescapes all characters in a string that are encoded using '^' as an escape character followed by two hex digits.
decompress(String) - Static method in class
Decompresses a URI from a shorter string representation.
DecoratorIDedMappedList<K,E extends IDed<K>> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A list that allows quick lookup of IDed objects.
DecoratorIDedMappedList(Map<K, E>, List<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
Decorates the given list by mapping its values.
DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe collection decorator that allows many readers but only one writer to access a collection at a time.
DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
Collection constructor with a default reentrant read/write lock.
DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection(Collection<E>, ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
Collection and read/write lock constructor.
DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap<K,V,C extends Collection<V>> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe collection map decorator that allows many readers but only one writer to access a map at a time.
DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap(CollectionMap<K, V, C>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
Collection map constructor with a default reentrant read/write lock.
DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap(CollectionMap<K, V, C>, ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
Collection map and read/write lock constructor.
DecoratorReadWriteLockMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe map decorator that allows many readers but only one writer to access a map at a time.
DecoratorReadWriteLockMap(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
Map constructor with a default reentrant read/write lock.
DecoratorReadWriteLockMap(Map<K, V>, ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
Map and read/write lock constructor.
DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe map decorator that allows many readers but only one writer to access a map at a time, and that also allows lookup of the map keys keyed to the values by decorating two maps.
DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap(Map<K, V>, Map<V, K>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
Map constructor with a default reentrant read/write lock.
DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap(Map<K, V>, Map<V, K>, ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
Map and read/write lock constructor.
DecoratorReadWriteLockSet<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe collection decorator that allows many readers but only one writer to access a set at a time.
DecoratorReadWriteLockSet(Set<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockSet
Set constructor with a default reentrant read/write lock.
DecoratorReadWriteLockSet(Set<E>, ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockSet
Set and read/write lock constructor.
DecoratorReverseMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that also allows lookup of the map keys keyed to the values by decorating two maps.
DecoratorReverseMap(Map<K, V>, Map<V, K>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReverseMap
Constructs a reverse map by decorating two other maps.
decrement() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
Decrements the counter and returns the new value.
decrementCounterMapCount(Map<K, Count>, K) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
Decrements the occurrence count of the given key using the given map.
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class
The recommended default size of I/O buffers.
DEFAULT_DELIMITERS - Static variable in class
The default delimiter characters: whitespace.
DEFAULT_GROUP_BEGINS - Static variable in class
The default beginning group characters: "([{".
DEFAULT_GROUP_ENDS - Static variable in class
The default ending group characters: ")]}".
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class
The default HTTP port, 80.
DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT - Static variable in class
The default HTTPS port, 143.
DEFAULT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
The default threshold number of bytes for switching from memory to a temporary file.
DEFAULT_UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class
The default size of the buffer for unreading data.
DefaultComparableIDNamed<I,N extends Comparable<N>> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A default implementation of an IDed and named object comparable by name.
DefaultComparableIDNamed(I, N) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultComparableIDNamed
Constructor specifying the ID and name.
DefaultComparableNamed<N extends Comparable<N>> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A default implementation of a named object comparable by name.
DefaultComparableNamed(N) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultComparableNamed
Constructor specifying the name.
DefaultIDed<I> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A default implementation of a uniquely identified object.
DefaultIDed(I) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDed
Constructor specifying the ID.
DefaultIDNamed<I,N> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A convenience class for storing an ID and a name.
DefaultIDNamed(I, N) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNamed
Constructor specifying the ID and name.
DefaultIDNameDescriptioned<I,N extends Comparable<N>,D> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A convenience class for storing an ID, a name, and a description.
DefaultIDNameDescriptioned(I, N, D) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNameDescriptioned
Constructor specifying the ID, name, and description.
DefaultListIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
A default list iterator that can iterate over a given list.
DefaultListIterator(List<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.DefaultListIterator
List constructor starting at the first index.
DefaultListIterator(List<E>, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.DefaultListIterator
List and index constructor.
DefaultLocaleable - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A default implementation of an object that keeps track of a locale.
DefaultLocaleable() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultLocaleable
Default constructor.
DefaultLocaleable(Locale) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultLocaleable
Locale constructor.
DefaultModifiable - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A default implementation of a modifiable object.
DefaultModifiable() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultModifiable
DefaultNamed<N> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A default implementation of a named object.
DefaultNamed(N) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultNamed
Constructor specifying the name.
DefaultNonce - Class in
A nonce that uses the current time, the date, a secret key, and a random number.
DefaultNonce(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new nonce with generated values.
DefaultNonce(String, Date, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a nonce from existing information.
DefaultObjectState<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
DefaultObjectState(T) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
Constructs an object state with an object.
DefaultPasswordAuthenticable - Class in
A default class for providing a username and password.
DefaultPasswordAuthenticable(String, char[]) - Constructor for class
Username and password constructor.
DefaultPasswordAuthenticable(PasswordAuthentication) - Constructor for class
Password authentication constructor.
DefaultResource - Class in
Represents the default implementation of a resource.
DefaultResource() - Constructor for class
Default constructor that allows the URI to be set later.
DefaultResource(URI) - Constructor for class
URI constructor.
DefaultTypeConverter - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A default implementation of a type converter.
DefaultTypeConverter() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultTypeConverter
Default constructor; used only for the singleton instance and for extension.
DefaultURIAccessible - Class in
DefaultURIAccessible() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
DefaultURIAccessible(URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
URI input stream locator constructor.
DefaultURIAccessible(URIInputStreamable, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Full constructor.
DefaultURIAccessible(URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
URI output stream locator constructor.
DefaultValueResource<V> - Class in
An abstract implementation of a resource that represents some value object instance.
DefaultValueResource(URI, Class<V>, V) - Constructor for class
DEFLATE_CONTENT_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP deflate content coding.
DEFLATE_TRANSFER_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP deflate transfer coding.
delete(File) - Static method in class
Deletes a directory or file, throwing an exception if unsuccessful.
delete(File, boolean) - Static method in class
DELETE_METHOD - Static variable in class
The HTTP DELETE method.
deleteEnd(StringBuilder) - Static method in class
Deletes the last character of a string builder.
deleteEnd(StringBuilder, int) - Static method in class
Deletes the last characters of a string builder.
deleteFileTree(Path) - Static method in class
Recursively deletes an entire file tree.
DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The dot . delimiter for domain name segments.
DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The character that delimits fields in the nonce.
DELIMITER_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters that delimit tokens.
DELIMITER_STRING - Static variable in class
The string version of the character that delimits fields in the nonce.
denull(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Turns a null character sequence into an empty character sequence.
Punctuation that expects a character to follow at some point.
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Indicates that items should be sorted in decreasing order.
deserialize(Class<I>, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.lex.Lex
Deserializes an identifier from its lexical form.
detect(byte[]) - Static method in enum
Returns the byte order mark with which the given bytes start.
detectCharacterStringEncoded(String) - Static method in class
Attempts to determine whether a string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035 is already encoded (quoted) as per RFC 1035.
detectCharset(InputStream) - Static method in class
Attempts to automatically detect the charset of a particular input stream based upon its byte order marker (BOM).
detectCharset(InputStream, Charset) - Static method in class
Attempts to automatically detect the charset from the byte order mark (BOM) of a particular input stream.
digest(byte) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the given byte.
digest(byte[]) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the specified array of bytes.
digest(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the specified array of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
digest(char[]) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the given characters using the UTF-8 charset.
digest(InputStream) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the contents of the given input stream.
digest(CharSequence...) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the given character sequences using the UTF-8 charset.
digest(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Computes a digest for the specified byte buffer.
digest(Charset, char[]) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the given characters, using the given charset.
digest(Charset, CharSequence...) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the given character sequences, using the given charset.
digest(Path) - Method in class
Computes a digest using this algorithm for the contents of the given file.
digest(MessageDigest, byte) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the given byte.
digest(MessageDigest, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the specified array of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
digest(MessageDigest, char[]) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the given characters using the UTF-8 charset.
digest(MessageDigest, Hash...) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the given hashes.
digest(MessageDigest, InputStream) - Static method in class
Computes a digest from the contents of the given input stream.
digest(MessageDigest, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the given character sequences using the UTF-8 charset.
digest(MessageDigest, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the specified byte buffer.
digest(MessageDigest, Charset, char[]) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the given characters, using the given charset.
digest(MessageDigest, Charset, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Computes a digest for the given character sequences, using the given charset.
digest(MessageDigest, Path) - Static method in class
Computes a digest from the contents of the given file.
DIGIT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Digit characters as defined by RFC 2396.
DIGIT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Digit characters: 0x30-39 (0-9).
DIGIT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The ASCII digit characters '0''9'.
DIGIT_FIRST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the first digit.
DIGIT_LAST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the last digit.
DirectoryFileFilter - Class in
A filter that selects files based upon whether they are directories.
DirectoryFileFilter() - Constructor for class
Default constructor, accepting only directories.
DirectoryFileFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class
Directory status constructor.
discard(K, D) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Performs any operations that need to be done when cached information is discarded (for example, if the cached information is stale).
Disposable - Interface in
to be removed in favor of AutoCloseable in conjunction Java's try-with-resources facility, which mitigates the problem an exception thrown inside close().
dispose() - Method in class
Uninitializes the object.
dispose() - Method in class
Uninitializes the object.
dispose() - Method in class
Uninitializes the object.
dispose() - Method in class
Uninitializes the object.
dispose() - Method in interface
Uninitializes the object.
DOMAIN_LITERAL_BEGIN - Static variable in class
The beginning delimiter of a domain-literal.
DOMAIN_LITERAL_END - Static variable in class
The ending delimiter of a domain-literal.
DOMAIN_PATTERN - Static variable in class
A regular expression pattern for matching the domain of an email addresses according to RFC 5322.
DomainName - Class in
Utilities and encapsulation of a domain name as defined in RFC 1035, DOMAIN NAMES - IMPLEMENTATION AND SPECIFICATION.
DOTFILE_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix used by Unix to designate a dotfile, which is usually hidden.
A double high-reversed-9 quotation mark.
DOUBLE_LOW_9_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A double low-9 quotation mark.
DOUBLE_PRIME_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A double prime quotation mark.
doubleAdd(int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.math.Luhn
Doubles the given digit value and adds the two decimal digits of the outcome.
Doubles - Class in
Utilities for manipulating double objects and values.
Doubles() - Constructor for class
doubleValue() - Method in class
This version delegates to Number.longValue().
DQUOTE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
A double quote character.
drain() - Method in class
Drains the writer by ensuring all enqueued information has been written to the underlying writer.
DRAIN_INDICATOR - Static variable in class
The predefined, shared character buffer that, when produced, indicates that all queued writes should be drained.
DTEXT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Email address dtext characters as per RFC 5322.
Durations - Class in com.globalmentor.time
Utilities for working with Duration.
Durations() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.time.Durations


EM_DASH_CHAR - Static variable in class
Unicode em dash character.
EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN - Static variable in class
A regular expression pattern for matching email addresses according to RFC 5322.
The group for returning the domain of an email address from a matcher derived from EmailAddress.EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN.
The group for returning the local part of an email address from a matcher derived from EmailAddress.EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN.
EmailAddress - Class in
Value class for email addresses represented in the form specified by RFC 5322: Internet Message Format.
EMPTY - Static variable in class
An empty relative domain name.
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
to be removed in favor of Characters.NO_CHARS.
EMPTY_INPUT_STREAM - Static variable in class
The shared instance of an input stream with no content.
EMPTY_ITERABLE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
The singleton immutable empty iterable.
EMPTY_ITERATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
The singleton immutable empty iterator.
EMPTY_PATH_URI - Static variable in class
A shared URI constant equal to creating a URI from an empty path.
EMPTY_URI_PATH - Static variable in class
The empty path ("").
emptyHash() - Method in class
Returns an "empty" hash using this algorithm.
EmptyInputStream - Class in
An input stream that has no content.
EmptyInputStream() - Constructor for class
emptyIterable() - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
emptyIterator() - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
EN_DASH_CHAR - Static variable in class
Unicode en dash character.
encode(String) - Static method in class
Encodes the given string so that it is a valid URI path according RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
encode(String) - Static method in class
Encodes all URI reserved characters in the string according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" using the URI escape character, '%'.
encode(String, char) - Static method in class
Encodes all URI reserved characters in the string according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
encode(URI) - Static method in class
Encodes all non-ASCII and URI reserved characters in the URI according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" using the URI escape character, '%'.
encode(URI, char) - Static method in class
Encodes all non-ASCII and URI reserved characters in the URI according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
encodeCharacterString(String) - Static method in class
Encodes (quotes) a resource record string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035.
encodeCharacterString(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Encodes (quotes) a resource record string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035.
encodeCrossPlatformFilename(String) - Static method in class
Escape all reserved filename characters to a two-digit uppercase hex representation using '^' as an escape character so that the filename can be used across operating systems.
encodeFilename(String) - Static method in class
Escape all reserved filename characters to a two-digit uppercase hex representation using '^' as an escape character.
encodeFilename(String, Characters, Characters) - Static method in class
Escape all reserved filename characters to a two-digit uppercase hex representation using '^' as an escape character.
encodeSegment(String) - Static method in class
Encodes the given string so that it is a valid URI path segment according RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
END_OF_TRANSMISSION_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
The symbol for end of transmission (2404;SYMBOL FOR END OF TRANSMISSION;So;0;ON;;;;;N;GRAPHIC FOR END OF TRANSMISSION;;;;).
END_VALUE - Static variable in class
The value which indicates the end of the data has been reached.
endsWith(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence ends with the given character.
endsWith(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence ends with one of the given characters.
endsWith(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence ends with the given string.
endsWithIgnoreCase(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence ends with the given string without case sensitivity.
ensureDirectoryExists(File) - Static method in class
If the directory does not exist, creates the directory named by this abstract pathname, including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories, throwing an exception if unsuccessful.
ensureExistsFromBackup(File) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a particular file exists.
ensureExistsFromBackup(File, File) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a particular file exists.
entrySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
entrySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
entrySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
entrySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
EnumerationDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An enumeration that wraps an existing enumeration.
EnumerationDecorator(Enumeration<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.EnumerationDecorator
Enumeration constructor.
Enums - Class in
Utilities for working with enums.
Enums() - Constructor for class
EOL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters considered to be end-of-line markers (e.g.
equals(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines if the given character sequence is composed of the single given character.
equals(CharSequence, int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class
Compares characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence.
equals(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence.
equals(CharSequence, CharSequence, int) - Static method in class
Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, starting at the given location to the end of the second character sequence.
equals(CharSequence, CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class
Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
This version compares node indexes.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.AbstractEdgeKey
This version compares parent node, if any, and first character.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Compares the specified object with this collection for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.NameValuePairMapEntry
Determines if the given object is another name value pair with the same name and value.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
equals(Object) - Method in class
This compares the value of Number.longValue() if the given object is an instance of the concrete subclass of this class.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractHashObject
Determines if this object equals another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractObjectDecorator
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractProxyHashObject
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultComparableIDNamed
Considers another object equal if the other object is an IDed with the same ID.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDed
Considers another object equal if the other object is an IDed with the same ID.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultNamed
Compares the names of two objects if the other object is a Named.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
Compares object states by comparing their respective objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Determines if the given object is a LocaledText with the same text and locale.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.NameValuePair
Determines if the given object is another name value pair with the same name and value.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Range
Determines if this object is equal to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
This implementation compares the resource URIs.
equals(Object) - Method in class
This implementation compares the resource URIs.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares the resource reference URIs.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Determines if this object is equivalent to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
If object is another Host, compares the hostname and port.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Determines if this object equals another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Determines if the object is another principal with the same ID.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object, int) - Static method in class
Compares an integer object with the value of a literal integer.
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Objects.equals(Object, Object) from Java 7.
equals(String, String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if two extensions are equal.
EQUALS_SIGN_CHAR - Static variable in class
An equals sign character (003D;EQUALS SIGN;Sm;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;).
equalsIgnoreCase(char, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Compares two characters without regard to ASCII case.
equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Compares characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, without regard to ASCII case.
equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence without regard to ASCII case.
equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, starting at the given location to the end of the second character sequence, without regard to ASCII case
equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, without regard to ASCII case.
equalsIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class
Compares two strings to make sure that the strings are equal without regard to case, or that the strings are both set to null.
equalsLenient(double, double) - Static method in class
Compares to double values to see if there are effectively equals.
equalsLenient(double, double, double) - Static method in class
Compares to double values to see if there are effectively equals, with a difference within some tolerance.
ERA - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
The era (e.g.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task has been started but there is an error.
escape(CharSequence, Characters, char) - Static method in class
Escapes a given string by inserting an escape character before every restricted character, including any occurrence of the given escape character.
escape(StringBuilder, Characters, char) - Static method in class
Escapes a given string builder by inserting an escape character before every restricted character, including any occurrence of the given escape character.
escape(StringBuilder, Characters, char, boolean) - Static method in class
Escapes a given string builder by inserting an escape character before every restricted character, optionally including any occurrence of the given escape character.
ESCAPE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The character used for escaping regular expressions.
ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character to use for escaping reserved characters.
ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character used to escape quotation marks.
ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character to use for escaping URI data as defined by RFC 2396.
escapeHex(CharSequence, Characters, Characters, int, char, int) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated characters in the character sequence using the supplied escape character.
escapeHex(CharSequence, Characters, Characters, int, char, int, Case) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated characters in the character sequence using the supplied escape character.
escapeHex(StringBuilder, int, char, char, int, Case) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated character in the string builder using the supplied escape character.
escapeHex(StringBuilder, int, char, int) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated character in the string builder using the supplied escape character.
escapeHex(StringBuilder, int, char, int, Case) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated character in the string builder using the supplied escape character.
escapeHex(StringBuilder, int, int, Characters, Characters, int, char, int, Case) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated characters in the string builder using the supplied escape character.
escapeHex(StringBuilder, int, Characters, Characters, int, char, int, Case) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated characters in the string builder using the supplied escape character.
escapeHex(StringBuilder, Characters, Characters, int, char, int, Case) - Static method in class
Escapes the indicated characters in the string builder using the supplied escape character.
escapePatternString(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
Escapes restricted characters meant to appear in a pattern.
Event - Interface in com.globalmentor.event
An event interface.
EventListenerManager - Class in com.globalmentor.event
Class that stores and retrieves event listeners, facilitating the creation of another class that allows event listeners to be registered with it.
EventListenerManager() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.event.EventListenerManager
EXA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for quintillion.
EXAMPLE_COM - Static variable in class
Shared representation of an example host,
EXCEL_EPOCH_DATE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.time.Dates
The origin of Microsoft Excel date serial values, 31 December 1899.
excludedIntegerSortedSet - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Create a new set to hold the integers excluded from the iterator.
execute() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractOperation
Executes the operation.
execute() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.RunnableOperation
Executes the operation.
EXPIRES_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the expiration of the content.
ExplicitOrderComparator<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.comparators
A comparator that compares objects according to some explicit order, as specified in a list.
explicitOrderFirst(List<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.ExplicitOrderComparator
Constructs a comparator to compare objects based upon the order in which they appear in a given list, placing ordered items before non-ordered items.
explicitOrderLast(List<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.ExplicitOrderComparator
Constructs a comparator to compare objects based upon the order in which they appear in a given list, placing ordered items after non-ordered items.
EXTENSION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The character used to separate an extension from the rest of a filename.
extensions(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns all the possible extensions of a filename, from the most specific to the most general.
EXTRA_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Extra characters as defined by RFC 2396.


FACET_DELIMITER_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character delimiting a facet name from the rest of the name as per RFC 6838.
FALSE_STRING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
A string representation of boolean false.
FARSI_CODE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO639
FEMTO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for quadrillionth.
fetchBuffer() - Method in class
Fills a buffer with new information.
fetchData(Q) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Fetches data from the backing store.
fetched(CacheFetchEvent<Q, V>) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.CacheFetchListener
Called when a value is fetched in the cache.
fetchLock - Variable in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
The lock forcing synchronous fetching if enabled.
FILE_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The file scheme identifier.
FILE_URI_PATH_ROOT_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The sequence "//" which is supposed to be present in file URIs (e.g.
FileData(File, Date) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractFileCache.FileData
File constructor.
FileExtensionFilter - Class in
A class that can filter files based upon extension.
FileExtensionFilter(String...) - Constructor for class
Constructor specifying extensions to include.
FILENAME_WILDCARD_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
filenameComparator() - Static method in class
Returns a general path filename comparator with neutral comparison across locales.
filenameComparator(Collator) - Static method in class
Returns a path filename comparator using the given collator.
filenameComparator(Locale) - Static method in class
Returns a path filename comparator for the given locale.
FilenameExtensionIterator - Class in
Iterates through the possible extensions of a filename, from the most specific to the most general.
FilenameExtensionIterator(CharSequence) - Constructor for class
Filename constructor using the normal filename extension delimiter.
FilenameExtensionIterator(CharSequence, char) - Constructor for class
Filename and delimiter constructor.
filenameExtensions(Path) - Static method in class
Returns all the possible extensions of a path's filename, from the most specific to the most general.
FilenamePatternFilter - Class in
A class that can filter files based upon a given filename pattern.
FilenamePatternFilter(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor specifying a filename matching pattern string.
FilenamePatternFilter(Pattern) - Constructor for class
Constructor specifying a filename matching pattern.
Filenames - Class in
Utilities for working with filenames, whether from files, paths, or URIs for example.
Filenames.Extensions - Class in
Utilities for working directly with filename extensions themselves, separate from filenames.
FileResource - Class in
A resource accessible by a file.
FileResource(File) - Constructor for class
Constructs a resource with a file.
FileResource(File, URI) - Constructor for class
Constructs a resource with a file and a reference URI.
Files - Class in
Various constants and utilities for examining files.
fill(double[], double) - Static method in class
Fills the given array with the specified value and returns the array.
fill(double[], int, int, double) - Static method in class
Assigns the specified value to each element of the specified range of the specified array.
fill(T[], int, int, T) - Static method in class
Assigns the specified value to each element of the specified range of the specified array.
fill(T[], T) - Static method in class
Fills the given array with the specified value and returns the array.
Filter<T> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Indicates a class that determines whether a given object will pass through the filter or be filtered out.
filterAsInstance(Optional<? super T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Convenience method that returns a value if and only if it the given optional is present and is an instance of the given class.
FilteredIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that filters an existing iterator using a Filter.
FilteredIterator(Iterator<E>, Filter<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.FilteredIterator
Decorated iterator and filter constructor.
finalize() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Cleans up the queue when it is garbage collected.
finalize() - Method in class
Cleans up the asynchronous writer by ensuring that the writer is closed and thereby the consumer thread is ended.
finalize() - Method in class
finalize() - Method in class
findAncestorFileByName(Path, Iterable<String>, Predicate<Path>, Path) - Static method in class
Searches up a path hierarchy to find one of several possible files, stopping the search after some root directory.
findAncestorFileByName(Path, String) - Static method in class
Searches up an entire path hierarchy to find a given file, with no additional filtering.
findAncestorFileByName(Path, String, Path) - Static method in class
Searches up a path hierarchy to find a given file, with no additional filtering, stopping the search after some root directory.
findAncestorFileByName(Path, String, Predicate<Path>) - Static method in class
Searches up an entire path hierarchy to find a given file.
findAncestorFileByName(Path, String, Predicate<Path>, Path) - Static method in class
Searches up a path hierarchy to find a given file, stopping the search after some root directory.
findCharset() - Method in class
Convenience method for returning the "charset" parameter.
findExtension(String) - Static method in class
Extracts the extension from a filename.
findFilename(Path) - Static method in class
Return a path's filename, if any, as a string.
findFilenameExtension(Path) - Static method in class
Extracts the extension from a path's filename.
findFirst(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.Iterables
Returns an Optional describing the first element of this iterable, or an empty Optional if the iterable is empty.
findFirstInstance(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class
Finds and returns the first instance of the given class in the array.
findFromSign(char) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Attempts to determine a sort order from its sign.
findGreatestCommonBase(Iterable<DomainName>) - Static method in class
Determines the domain name with the longest sequence of common base domains.
findName() - Method in class
Returns the decoded name of the resource at the given path, which will be the name of the last path component.
findName(URI) - Static method in class
Returns the decoded name of the resource at the given URI's path, which will be the decoded name of the last path component.
findNameExtension(File) - Static method in class
Extracts the extension from a file.
findNameExtension(URI) - Static method in class
Extracts the extension from a URI's name.
findNext(Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns an Optional describing the first element of this iterator, or an empty Optional if the iterator is empty.
findNextDelimiterIndex() - Method in class
Determines the next delimiter index based on the current "next" delimiter index.
findOnly(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.Iterables
Returns an Optional describing the first and only element of this iterable, or an empty Optional if the iterable is empty.
findOnly(Iterable<T>, Supplier<X>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.Iterables
Returns an Optional describing the first and only element of this iterable, or an empty Optional if the iterable is empty.
findOnly(Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns an Optional describing the first and only element of this iterator, or an empty Optional if the iterator is empty.
findOnly(Iterator<E>, Supplier<X>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns an Optional describing the first and only element of this iterator, or an empty Optional if the iterator is empty.
findRawName() - Method in class
Returns the raw, encoded name of the resource at the given path, which will be the name of the last path component.
findRawName(URI) - Static method in class
Returns the raw name of the resource at the given URI's path, which will be the raw name of the last path component.
findRawNameExtension(URI) - Static method in class
Extracts the raw, encoded extension from a URI's name.
findRelativeChildPath(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Returns a URI relative to the given parent URI.
findRelativePath(URIPath) - Method in class
Returns the path of a target path relative to this path, which may be a sibling path or even a child path of the other path.
findRelativePath(String) - Method in class
Returns the path of a target path relative to this path, which may be a sibling path or even a child path of the other path.
findRelativePath(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI.
findRelativePath(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI.
findResourceName(String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the filename for a resource given its path.
findURIPath(URI) - Static method in class
Returns a path object to represent the path of the URI, if it has one.
finish() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Finishes the sequence.
fireEvent() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.PostponedPropertyChangeEvent
Reports that a bound property has changed.
fireEvent() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractPostponedEvent
Fires the postponed event.
fireEvent() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.event.PostponedEvent
Fires the postponed event.
fireEvent(L, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractPostponedEvent
Fires the postponed event to the provided listener.
fireProgressed(long, long, long) - Method in class
Fires a progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(ProgressEvent) - Method in class
Fires a given progress event to all registered progress listeners.
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports that a bound property has changed.
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports that a bound boolean property has changed, reporting old and new values of type Boolean.
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports that a bound integer property has changed, reporting old and new values of type Integer.
firePropertyChange(String, long, long) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports that a bound long property has changed, reporting old and new values of type Long.
firePropertyChange(String, V, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports that a bound property has changed.
fireVetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Fires a vetoable property update to any registered listeners.
fireVetoableChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports that an integer vetoable property updtae to any registered listeners, reporting old and new values of type Boolean.
fireVetoableChange(String, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports that an integer vetoable property updtae to any registered listeners, reporting old and new values of type Integer.
fireVetoableChange(String, V, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Reports a vetoable property update to any registered listeners.
first() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Goes to the first step in the sequence.
FixedLengthInputStream - Class in
Wraps an existing input stream and only returns a fixed number of bytes.
FixedLengthInputStream(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given input stream.
FixedLengthInputStream(InputStream, long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given input stream.
Floats - Class in
Utilities for manipulating float objects and values.
Floats() - Constructor for class
floatValue() - Method in class
This version delegates to AbstractLong.doubleValue().
floor(int, int) - Static method in class
Finds the floor of a value with a particular precision of a specified digit.
floor(long, int) - Static method in class
Finds the floor of a value with a particular precision of a specified digit.
flush() - Method in class
Flush the stream by writing all data to the underlying writer and then flushing the underlying writer.
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class
Flushes the stream.
FLUSH_INDICATOR - Static variable in class
The predefined, shared character buffer that, when produced, indicates that the underlying writer should flush.
forceLength(String, int, char) - Static method in class
Ensures that the given string is the correct length by adding or deleting characters to or from the end.
forceLength(String, int, char, int) - Static method in class
Ensures that the given string is the correct length by adding or deleting characters to or from the requested position.
forCharset(Charset) - Static method in enum
Determines the byte order mark (BOM) needed to represent the given charset.
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
FOREWORD_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a foreword heading of a work.
FORM_FEED_CHAR - Static variable in class
A form feed (FF).
FORM_FEED_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
The symbol for form feed (240C;SYMBOL FOR FORM FEED;So;0;ON;;;;;N;GRAPHIC FOR FORM FEED;;;;).
format(long) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the default locale for this unit.
format(long, SIPrefix) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the default locale for this unit.
format(long, Locale) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the given locale for this unit.
format(long, Locale, SIPrefix) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the given locale for this unit.
format(String, Object...) - Method in class
Writes a formatted string to this output stream using the specified format string and arguments.
format(BigDecimal) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the default locale for this unit.
format(BigDecimal, SIPrefix) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the default locale for this unit.
format(BigDecimal, Locale) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the given locale for this unit.
format(BigDecimal, Locale, SIPrefix) - Method in enum
Formats the given value in the given locale for this unit.
format(Date, W3CDateFormat.Style) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat
Formats a date by creating a W3C date and time formatter using the given style.
format(Date, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat
Formats a Date into a date/time string.
format(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class
Writes a formatted string to this output stream using the specified format string and arguments.
FORMAT_CHARS - Static variable in class
Unicode formatting characters; Unicode characters marked with "Cf", such as WORD_JOINER.
formatAttribute(A, NameValuePair<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute using '=' for assignment and '\"' for value quotation.
formatAttribute(A, NameValuePair<?, ?>, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute using '=' for assignment.
formatAttribute(A, NameValuePair<?, ?>, char, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute.
formatAttribute(A, Object, Object) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute using '=' for assignment and '\"' for value quotation.
formatAttribute(A, Object, Object, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute using '=' for assignment.
formatAttribute(A, Object, Object, char, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute.
formatAttribute(A, Map.Entry<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute using '=' for assignment and '\"' for value quotation.
formatAttribute(A, Map.Entry<?, ?>, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute using '=' for assignment.
formatAttribute(A, Map.Entry<?, ?>, char, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a single name-value attribute.
formatAttributes(A, char, char, char, Set<?>, NameValuePair<?, ?>...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a series of name-value pairs.
formatAttributes(A, NameValuePair<?, ?>...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Formats a series of name-value pairs using the format: name="value", name="value"
formatHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
formatHex(A, byte[]) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
in favor of merely appending Bytes.toHexString(byte[]).
formatList(char, Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator character.
formatList(char, Object...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator character.
formatList(A, char, Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator character.
formatList(A, char, Object...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator character.
formatList(A, Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a ','.
formatList(A, Object...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a ','.
formatList(A, String, Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator string.
formatList(A, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator string.
formatList(A, T[], char, T) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator character.
formatList(A, T[], String, T) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator string.
formatList(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a ','.
formatList(String, Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator string.
formatList(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator string.
formatList(T[], char, T) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
Appends the string representations of the given items separated by a separator character.
forMethod(Method) - Static method in class
Creates and returns a method signature from the given method.
forMethod(Method, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates and returns a method signature from the given method.
forPattern(Pattern) - Static method in class
Returns a predicate for matching a given filename pattern.
Fraction<N extends Number,D extends Number> - Class in com.globalmentor.math
Represents a numerator and a denominator.
Fraction(N, D) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.math.Fraction
FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The pound character ('#') that separates a fragment from the rest of a URI.
from(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Character sequence factory method.
fromCharSequence(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Produces a code point character from a sequence of characters.
fromChecksum(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Constructs a hash from a checksum string.
fromDigest(MessageDigest) - Static method in class
Constructs a hash for the current contents of the message digest, equivalent to creating a Hash instance from the result of MessageDigest.digest().
fromHexString(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Converts a sequence of hex values to bytes, without regard to case.
fromMapEntry(Map.Entry<MEK, MEV>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.NameValuePair
Static factory method to create a name-value pair from a map entry copy.
fromSerializionOf(Class<E>) - Static method in class
Creates a function for mapping from a serialized form of some enum type to an instance of that enum type.
fromSign(char) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Determines a sort order from its sign.
fromString(String) - Static method in class
Constructs an email address from a string.
fromSurrogatePair(char, char) - Static method in class
Creates a code point character from a surrogate pair.
fromURI(URI) - Static method in class
Creates a URI path from the raw path of the given path URI.
FTP_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The FTP scheme identifier.
FULLWIDTH_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A full width quotation mark.


gatherAccessibleMethods(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Gathers all declared methods in this class and its ancestors that could potentially be accessible to the class, including all public and protected methods from the class and all its parents.
gatherAccessibleMethods(Class<?>, Map<MethodSignature, Method>, boolean) - Static method in class
Gathers all declared methods in this class and its ancestors that could potentially be accessible to the class, including all public and protected methods from the class and all its parents.
GEN_DELIM_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
General delimiter characters defined by RFC 3986.
generateRandom(int) - Static method in class
Creates an array of random bytes.
generateRandom(int, Random) - Static method in class
Creates an array of random bytes.
GenericPropertyChangeEvent<V> - Class in com.globalmentor.beans
A property value change event is a Java Beans property change event retrofitted to use generics to cast to proper value type.
GenericPropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeEvent
Property change event copy constructor.
GenericPropertyChangeEvent(Object, PropertyChangeEvent) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeEvent
Property change event copy constructor that specifies a different source.
GenericPropertyChangeEvent(Object, Object, String, V, V) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeEvent
Source, target, and property name constructor with old and new values.
GenericPropertyChangeEvent(Object, String, V, V) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeEvent
Source and property name constructor with old and new values.
GenericPropertyChangeListener<V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.beans
A JavaBeans property change listener retrofitted to use generics to cast to proper value type.
GenericVetoableChangeListener<V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.beans
A JavaBeans vetoable change listener retrofitted to use generics to cast to proper value type.
get() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Gets the next object from the queue in first in, first out sequence.
get() - Method in interface
This method is the same as Supplier.get(), but with a support for IOException.
get() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.SequentialdISupplier
get(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList
Converts and returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
get(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
get(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Retrieves the first iterated object, if any, from the iterable.
get(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
get(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
get(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
get(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
get(Object) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.MappedList
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
get(Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Retrieves the first iterated object, if any, from the collection.
get(Q) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Retrieves a value from the cache.
get(Q) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Retrieves a value from the cache.
get(Q, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Retrieves a value from the cache.
get(Q, boolean) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Retrieves a value from the cache.
GET_GETTER_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The getter prefix "get".
GET_METHOD - Static variable in class
The HTTP GET method.
getAcceptDirectoryStatus() - Method in class
getAncestorClasses(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Determines all super classes and interfaces of the given class, including the given class itself.
getAncestorClasses(Class<? extends R>, int, Class<R>, boolean, boolean, boolean, Map<Class<? extends R>, NameValuePair<Class<? extends R>, Integer>>) - Static method in class
Determines super classes and interfaces of the given class.
getAncestorClasses(Class<? extends R>, Class<R>) - Static method in class
Determines all super classes and interfaces of the given class, including the given class itself, up to and including the given class.
getAncestorClasses(Class<? extends R>, Class<R>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Comparator<NameValuePair<Class<? extends R>, Integer>>) - Static method in class
Determines all super classes and interfaces of the given class.
getArray(T[], int) - Static method in class
Returns an array with at least given length.
getAsBoolean() - Method in interface
This method is the same as BooleanSupplier.getAsBoolean(), but with a support for IOException.
getASCIIZBytes(String, int) - Static method in class
Creates an array of bytes of the specified length and stores the bytes of the string, in UTF-8, in the array appended with a zero byte.
getASCIIZBytes(String, int, Charset) - Static method in class
Creates an array of bytes of the specified length and stores the bytes of the string, in the array appended with a zero byte.
getAsDouble() - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleSupplier.getAsDouble(), but with a support for IOException.
getAsInt() - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntSupplier.getAsInt(), but with a support for IOException.
getAsLong() - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongSupplier.getAsLong(), but with a support for IOException.
getAuthenticator() - Method in class
getAvailableDisplayCountries() - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
Retrieves a sorted list of display countries for all available locales.
getAvailableDisplayCountries(Locale) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
Retrieves a sorted list of display countries for all available locales.
getBackupFile(File) - Static method in class
Returns a file suitable for backup, based on the specified filename, by adding an extension for a backup file.
getBackupPath(Path) - Static method in class
Determines the backup file path to use for the file at the given path without a rolling policy.
getBackupPath(Path, long) - Static method in class
Determines the rolling, numbered backup file path to use for the file at the given path.
getBase(String) - Static method in class
Retrieves a base filename with no extensions
getBaseContentType() - Method in class
to be removed in favor of MediaType.toBaseType().
getBaseFilename(String) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Filenames.getBase(String).
getBaseFilenamePattern(String) - Static method in class
Creates a pattern for matching a base filename (the given base name followed by one or more filename extensions).
getBasePaths() - Method in class
Parses out and returns the base paths of the path.
getBaseType() - Method in class
to be removed in favor of MediaType.toBaseTypeString().
getBaseURI() - Method in class
getBaseURI() - Method in class
getBinaryObjectMap() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.BinaryObjectHolder
getBlockingQueue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer
getBlockingQueue() - Method in class
getBooleanProperty(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Retrieves a property as a boolean value.
getBooleanProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Retrieves a property as a boolean value, returning the default if no value is present.
getBuffer() - Method in class
getBufferEndIndex() - Method in class
getBufferSize() - Method in class
Returns the size allocated to the buffer.
getByteOrder() - Method in enum
getBytes() - Method in enum
getBytes() - Method in class
Returns the message digest bytes.
getCachedTime() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.Cache.Data
getCalendarField() - Method in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
getCallingClass() - Static method in class
getCallingClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class
getCallingClass(Package) - Static method in class
Retrieves the class representing the caller of the class calling this method.
getCallingClassStackTraceElement() - Static method in class
getCallingClassStackTraceElement(Class<?>) - Static method in class
getCallingStackTraceElement(Package) - Static method in class
Retrieves the stack trace element representing the caller of the class calling this method.
getCapturedBytes() - Method in class
getCapturedBytes() - Method in class
getCapturedBytes(boolean) - Method in class
Returns all captured bytes accumulated from transfers since the captured bytes were last cleared.
getCapturedBytes(boolean) - Method in class
Returns all captured bytes accumulated from transfers since the captured bytes were last cleared.
getCharacterIndex(Reader) - Static method in exception
Determines the character index of the given reader if possible.
getCharIndex() - Method in exception
getCharIndex() - Method in class
getCharIndex(int) - Method in class
getCharSequence() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
getCheckDigit(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.math.Luhn
Calculates the check digit of the entire given sequence of digits.
getCheckDigit(CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.math.Luhn
Calculates the check digit of the given sequence of digits within the given range.
getCheckDigitValue(int[]) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.math.Luhn
Determines the value of the check digit for the given digit values.
getChildEdges() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
getChildEdges() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode
getChildEdges() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Edge
getChildEdges() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Node
getChildNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
getChildNode() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Edge
getChildResources() - Method in class
Retrieves an list of child resources of this resource.
getClassLoaderResourceBasePath(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Determines the base path necessary to access a named resource using the class loader of the given context class.
getClassLoaderResourcePath(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Determines the path necessary to access a named resource using the class loader of the given context class.
getCodePoint() - Method in class
getCodePointString(int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Unicode
Creates a string representation of a given Unicode code point in the form "U+XXXX[XX]".
getCollator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.AbstractCollatingComparator
getCollatorInstance() - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.AbstractCollatedSortOrderComparator
Retrieves an instance of a collator.
getCollatorInstance() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.text.CollatorFactory
Retrieves an instance of a collator.
getCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
getCollection() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockSet
getCollection(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
getCollection(K) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Retrieves the collection of values associated with the given key.
getCollection(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
getCollection(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
Retrieves the collection of values associated with the given key.
getComparator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.TreeSetMap
getCompatibleConstructors(Class<T>, boolean, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Returns all constructors of a class that are compatible with the given parameter types.
getCompatibleDeclaredConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Returns a constructor of a class that is compatible with the given parameter types, regardless of its visibility.
getCompatibleDeclaredConstructors(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Returns all constructors, even protected and private constructors, of a class that are compatible with the given parameter types.
getCompatiblePublicConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Returns a public constructor of a class that is compatible with the given parameter types.
getCompatiblePublicConstructors(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Returns all public constructors of a class that are compatible with the given parameter types.
getCompatibleSetterMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Returns a setter method compatible with a given value type, i.e.
getConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Finds a defined constructor of a class.
getConverter() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.ConverterIterable
getConverter() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterIterator
getCount() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
getCount(Map<K, Count>, K) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
Returns the current count of the given key in the given map.
getCurrentLevel() - Method in class
Determines the current level of this path.
getCurrentLevel(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the current level of a hierarchical URI.
getData(Q) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Retrieves data from the cache.
getData(Q) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Retrieves data from the cache.
getData(Q, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Retrieves data from the cache.
getData(Q, boolean) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Retrieves data from the cache.
getDayDifference(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
Determines the difference between the two calendars.
getDeclaredConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Finds a defined constructor of a class.
getDeclaredDefaultConstructor(Class<T>) - Static method in class
Convenience function to locate and return the default constructor of a particular class.
getDefaultInstance() - Method in class
getDefaultModelView() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
getDefaultURIAccessible() - Static method in class
getDelayDuration() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperation
getDelimiter() - Method in class
Returns the current delimiter encountered, which delimits the current token.
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization
getDelimiters() - Method in class
getDelta() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
getDenominator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.math.Fraction
getDescription() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNameDescriptioned
getDirectoryURL(URL) - Static method in class
Returns a URL representing the directory of the given file URL.
getDirectoryURL(URL) - Static method in class
getDomain() - Method in class
getDomain(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns the domain of an email address from a string.
getDoubleHashCode(double...) - Static method in class
getEdge(char) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode
Retrieves the edge that extends from this and starts with the given character.
getEdges() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
getEdges() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree
getEncodedByteCountForCodePoint(int) - Static method in class
Determines how many bytes are needed to encode a single character in UTF-8.
getEncodedByteCountFromInitialByte(byte) - Static method in class
Determines how many bytes are used to encoded a sequence based on its first encoded byte.
getEncodedByteCountFromInitialOctet(int) - Static method in class
Determines how many bytes are used to encoded a sequence based on its first encoded octet.
getEnd() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
getEnd() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Edge
getEnumeration() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractEnumerationDecorator
getEnumeration() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.EnumerationDecorator
getEvent() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.PostponedPropertyChangeEvent
getEvent() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractPostponedEvent
getEvent() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.event.PostponedEvent
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractPostponedEvent
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractTask
getExecutionThread() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
getExpectedCharacters() - Method in exception
getExpectedMessage() - Method in exception
Returns a message with the expected data, either a list of characters or a list of strings.
getExpectedStrings() - Method in exception
getExpiration() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
getExpiration() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
getExtension(File) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Files.findNameExtension(File).
getExtension(String) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Filenames.findExtension(String).
getExtensions(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns all the possible extensions of a filename, from the most specific to the most general.
getExtensions(Path) - Static method in class
Returns all the possible extensions of a path's filename, from the most specific to the most general.
getExtensionSet() - Method in class
getFactor() - Method in enum
getFactorPower() - Method in enum
getFetchBufferIndex() - Method in class
getFile() - Method in class
getFile() - Method in class
getFile(URL) - Static method in class
Retrieves a File representing the file of the URL.
getFileName(URL) - Static method in class
Retrieves the file name of the URL.
getFilenamePattern() - Method in class
getFileProperty(Properties, String, File) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Retrieves a property as a file, returning the default if no value is present.
getFilter() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
getFilter() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
getFilter() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
getFirstChar() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
getFirstChar() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.EdgeKey
getFirstName() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.User
getForwardPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
getFoundCharacter() - Method in exception
getFoundMessage() - Method in exception
Returns a message with the data found, either a single character or a string.
getFoundString() - Method in exception
getFullName() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.User
getFullName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Creates a full name analogous to a class name from the package of an existing class.
getFullName(Package, String) - Static method in class
Creates a full name given package and a local name.
getGenericPropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.beans.AbstractGenericPropertyChangeListener
Converts a property change event to a generics-aware property value change event.
getGetPropertyMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Returns the "get" getter method of a given class.
getGetPropertyMethodName(String) - Static method in class
The name of the "get" getter method corresponding to the given property.
getGetterMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Returns the getter method of a given class.
getGetterPropertyName(Method) - Static method in class
Determines the property name of the given getter method.
getGetterPropertyName(String) - Static method in class
Determines the property name of the given getter method name.
getGroupBegins() - Method in class
getGroupDepth() - Method in class
getGroupEnds() - Method in class
getHashCode(Object...) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Objects.hash(Object...) from Java 7.
getHeadingType(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Checks to see which type of heading is represented by the given text.
getHost(URI) - Static method in class
Returns the unencoded host and optional port of the given URI.
getId() - Method in enum
getID() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultComparableIDNamed
getID() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDed
getID() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.IDed
getID() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.NameValuePair
getIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
getIndex() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Node
getIndex() - Method in exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
getIndex() - Method in exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
getInfoIdentifier(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the info identifier of the given "info" scheme URI.
getInfoNamespace(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the info namespace of the given "info" scheme URI.
getInfoRawIdentifier(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the raw, encoded info identifier of the given "info" scheme URI.
getInput() - Method in exception com.globalmentor.text.ArgumentSyntaxException
getInput() - Method in exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
getInputStream() - Method in class
getInputStream() - Method in class
Flushes and retrieves an input stream to the current data.
getInputStream(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates an input stream from which to read the given string.
getInputStream(URI) - Method in class
Returns an input stream for the given URI.
getInputStream(URI) - Method in interface
Returns an input stream for the given URI.
getInputStream(URI) - Method in class
Returns an input stream from given URI.
getInputStream(URL) - Static method in class
Returns an input stream from given URL by establishing a connection to the requested URL.
getInstance() - Method in class
in favor of MessageDigests.Algorithm.newMessageDigest(), which has a clearer and less misleading name.
getInstance(Class<C>, T...) - Static method in class
Returns the first object that is an instance of the given object type.
getInstance(T...) - Static method in class
Returns the first object that is an instance of Object (i.e.
getInstanceOf(Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Determines of which, if any, of the provided classes the given object is an instance.
getIntGroups(Matcher) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.regex.Matchers
Returns an array of integer versions from the available groups of the given matcher.
getIntGroups(Matcher, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.regex.Matchers
Returns an array of integer versions from the available groups of the given matcher, starting at the requested group number.
getIntHashCode(int...) - Static method in class
getIntProperty(Properties, String, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Retrieves a property as an integer value, returning the default if no value is present.
getIsPropertyMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Returns the "is" getter method of a given class.
getIsPropertyMethodName(String) - Static method in class
The name of the "is" getter method corresponding to the given property.
getItem(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Retrieves an item representing the element at the given position in the list.
getItem(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.DefaultListIterator
Retrieves an item representing the element at the given position in the list.
getItem(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
getItem(K) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Retrieves the first value from the collection of values, if any, associated with the key.
getItem(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
getItem(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
getItemCount(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
getItemCount(K) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Retrieves the number of values in the collection, if any, associated with the key.
getItemCount(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
getItemCount(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
getItems(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
getItems(K) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Retrieves iterable access to all items, if any, associated with the given key
getItems(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
getItems(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
getIterable() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.ConverterIterable
getIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractIteratorDecorator
getIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterIterator
getIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
This version returns the iterator as a ListIterator.
getIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.IteratorDecorator
getIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.JoinIterator
getKey() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache.Query
getKey() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap.Keyed
getKey() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.NameValuePairMapEntry
getKey() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap.SoftValueReference
getKey() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap.WeakValueReference
getKey(V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
getKey(V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReverseMap
Returns the key that represents the given value.
getKey(V) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.ReverseMap
Returns the key that represents the given value.
getKeys() - Method in class com.globalmentor.util.HashMapResourceBundle
getKeyValues(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Retrieves all map entries from the given map and returns them as a set of name value pairs.
getKeyValues(Map<K, V>, C) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Retrieves all map entries from the given map and returns them as name value pairs in the given collection.
getKeyValuesCloned(Map<K, V>, C) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Retrieves all map entries from the given map and returns them as name value pairs in the given collection; the values are cloned.
getLabel() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Labeled
getLabel(int) - Static method in class
Returns a string representing the character as 'x', or if the character is a control character, the Unicode code point of this character, e.g.
getLabel(Object) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Labels
Determines a human-readable representation of a given object.
getLanguageTag(Locale) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
Determines the string to represent a language identifier according as defined in RFC 4646, "Tags for the Identification of Languages".
getLastDelimiter() - Method in class
Returns the last delimiter encountered, which introduced the current token.
getLastName() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.User
getLastPositionIndex() - Method in class
getLeastSignificantByteIndex() - Method in enum
The index, of a group of encoded bytes for this identified byte order, of the least significant byte.
getLength() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
Returns the length of the edge, i.e.
getLength() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Edge
Returns the length of the edge, i.e.
getLength() - Method in enum
getLength() - Method in class
getLineIndex() - Method in exception
getLineIndex() - Method in class
getLineIndex(int) - Method in class
getLineIndex(Reader) - Static method in exception
Determines the line index of the given reader if possible.
getLineSeparator() - Static method in class
getList() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
getListenerCount(Class<T>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.EventListenerManager
Returns the number of listeners associated with the given key.
getListenerKey() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractPostponedEvent
getListeners(Class<T>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.EventListenerManager
Retrieves a thread-safe snapshot iterable of listeners associated with the given key.
getLocale() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultLocaleable
getLocale() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Localeable
getLocaleCandidatePath(String, Locale, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
TODO move to Rincl
getLocalName(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Returns the local name of the class, with the package name removed.
getLocalPart() - Method in class
getLocalPart(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns the local part of an email address from a string.
getLongestRepeatedSubsequence(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTrees
Determines the longest subsequence that is repeated in the given subsequence.
getLongestSequentialRepeatedSubsequence(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTrees
Determines the longest subsequence that is repeated in the given subsequence.
getLongHashCode(long...) - Static method in class
getLowerBound() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Range
getMap() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
getMarkIndex() - Method in class
getMaximum() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
getMaxSequenceIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Determines the current highest valid sequence index.
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Returns a Method object that reflects the specified public member method of the class or interface represented by this Class object.
getMethodName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Creates a full method name by appending the method local name to the full class name.
getMethodName(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates a full method name by appending the method local name to the full class name.
getMinimumBytesPerCharacter() - Method in enum
getMinSequenceIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Determines the current lowest valid sequence index.
getModel() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelView
Returns the view data model.
getModelIOKit() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewIOKit
getModelView() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
getModifiedTime() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractFileCache.FileData
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this reader.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
getName() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNamed
getName() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultNamed
getName() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Named
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
to be removed in favor of URIPath.findName().
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in enum
getName(String) - Static method in class
Retrieves a hostname from a string containing a host and optional port.
getName(String) - Static method in class
Returns the name of the resource at the given path, which will be the name of the last path component.
getName(URI) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of URIs.findName(URI).
getNameExtension(URI) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of URIs.findNameExtension(URI).
getNameExtensions(File) - Static method in class
Returns all the possible extensions of a filename, from the most specific to the most general.
getNewValue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeEvent
getNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
getNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
getNext() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Sequenceable
getNextIncludedIndex(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Determines the next index to be included after the given index.
getNode(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
getNode(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
getNode(int) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree
Retrieves the identified node.
getNodeCount() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
getNodeCount() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree
getNodeName(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.prefs.PreferencesUtilities
Deterines the absolute path name of the node corresponding to the specified class.
getNodes() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
getNodes() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree
getNonNullCount(T[]) - Static method in class
Counts the number of non-null objects in an array.
getNumerator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.math.Fraction
getObject() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractObjectDecorator
getObject() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
getObject() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ObjectHolder
getObject() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
getObject() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
This version returns the object under a read lock.
getObjectMediaType(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Returns a media type identifying an object of the given class in the form application/x-java-object;class=package.Class.
getOldParentResource() - Method in class
getOldParentResourceURI() - Method in class
getOldResource() - Method in class
getOldResourceURI() - Method in class
getOldValue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeEvent
getOnly(Iterable<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.Iterables
Retrieves the one and only one element expected to be in the iterable.
getOnly(Iterable<E>, Supplier<X>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.Iterables
Retrieves the one and only one element expected to be in the iterable.
getOnly(Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Retrieves the one and only one element expected to be in the iterator.
getOnly(Iterator<E>, Supplier<X>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Retrieves the one and only one element expected to be in the iterator.
getOperation() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperation
getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
getOrder() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.ExplicitOrderComparator
getOutputStream() - Method in class
getOutputStream(URI) - Method in class
Returns an output stream for the given URI.
getOutputStream(URI) - Method in interface
Returns an output stream for the given URI.
getPackageName(String) - Static method in class
Determines the package of the given full name (which can represent the full name of a package or a class).
getParameter(String) - Method in class
Retrieve the parameter value associated with the given parameter name.
getParameterMap(URI) - Static method in class
Retrieves the parameters from the query of a URI, if present.
getParameters() - Method in class
getParameters(String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the parameters from a URI query.
getParameters(URI) - Static method in class
Retrieves the query parameters from a URI.
getParameterTypes() - Method in class
getParentLevel() - Method in class
Determines the parent level of this path.
getParentLevel(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the parent level of a hierarchical URI.
getParentNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
getParentNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
getParentNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode
getParentNode() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.EdgeKey
getParentNode() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Edge
getParentNode() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Node
getParentPackageNames(String) - Static method in class
Retrieves a list of names of all parent packages of the given named package.
getParentPath() - Method in class
Determines the parent path of this path.
getParentResource() - Method in class
getParentResourceURI() - Method in class
getParentURI(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the parent collection of a hierarchical URI.
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.User
getPassword(URI, String, String) - Method in class
Retrieves the password stored for a given user in a given realm of a given root URI.
getPasswordAuthentication() - Method in class
getPasswordAuthentication(String) - Method in class
Determines password information in relation to a given description.
getPasswordAuthentication(String) - Method in interface
Determines password information in relation to a given description.
getPasswordAuthentication(URI, String) - Method in class
Determines password information in relation to a given URI and description.
getPasswordAuthentication(URI, String) - Method in class
Determines password information in relation to a given URI and description.
getPasswordAuthentication(URI, String) - Method in interface
Determines password information in relation to a given URI and description.
getPasswordAuthentication(URI, String, String) - Method in interface
Determines password information for a given user in relation to a given URI and description.
getPasswordAuthentication(URI, String, String) - Method in class
Determines password information for a given user in relation to a given URI and description.
getPath(URI) - Static method in class
to remove in favor of URIs.findURIPath(URI)
getPath(FileSystem, Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Converts a sequence of one or more path strings to a Path by joining them with the given file system.
getPathRawPath(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the raw, encoded path of the given "path" scheme URI.
getPathSegments(String) - Static method in class
Returns the segments (the characters appearing between '/' characters) in the given resource path.
getPathURIPath(URI) - Static method in class
Returns the path of the given "path" scheme URI as a URIPath.
getPattern(W3CDateFormat.Style) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat
Determines a pattern to use for the given style.
getPeekIndex() - Method in class
getPlainURI(URI) - Static method in class
Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with no query or fragment.
getPort() - Method in class
getPort(String) - Static method in class
Retrieves a port from a string containing a host and optional port.
getPreferenceName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.prefs.PreferencesUtilities
Constructs a name for a preference based upon a given class and preference name, in the form "".
getPreferences() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.util.prefs.Preferencesable
getPreviousIncludedIndex(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Determines the previous index to be included before the given index.
getPrimaryType() - Method in class
getPrivateKey() - Method in class
getPrivateKey() - Method in interface
getProgressBarString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
getProperAncestorClasses(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Determines all super classes and interfaces of the given class, excluding the given class itself.
getProperAncestorClasses(Class<? extends R>, Class<R>) - Static method in class
Determines all super classes and interfaces of the given class, excluding the given class itself, up to and including the given class.
getProperName(String) - Static method in class
Constructs a proper name from the given name by capitalizing the first letter of the name.
getProperty(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
Gets a property of the object state.
getProperty(Object) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
Gets a property of the object state.
getProperty(Object, String) - Static method in class
Returns the property of an object based upon a given property name.
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Returns an array of all the listeners that were added to the with BoundPropertyObject.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener).
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable
Returns an array of all the listeners that were added to the with PropertyBindable.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener).
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
getPropertyChangeSupport() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
getPropertyChangeSupport() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.PostponedPropertyChangeEvent
getPropertyName(E) - Static method in class
Returns an identifying string for the enum that includes the enum class and the enum name.
getPropertyName(E, String) - Static method in class
Returns an identifying string for the enum that includes the enum class, the enum name, and an optional property or aspect (such as "label" or "glyph").
getPropertyName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Creates a property name by appending the property local name to the full class name.
getPropertyName(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates a property name by appending the property local name to the full class name.
getPublicDefaultConstructor(Class<T>) - Static method in class
Convenience function to locate and return the public default constructor of a particular class.
getQuery() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.CacheFetchEvent
getRawName() - Method in class
to be removed in favor of URIPath.findRawName().
getRawName(URI) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of URIs.findRawName(URI).
getRawNameExtension(URI) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of URIs.findRawNameExtension(URI).
getRawPathQueryFragment(URI) - Static method in class
Returns the unencoded path, optional unencoded query, and optional unencoded fragment of the given URI.
getReader() - Method in class
getReader() - Method in class
getReadIndex() - Method in class
getRealms(URI) - Method in class
Retrieves the realms stored for a given root URI.
getRelativePath(String) - Static method in class
Determines the relative path of the given absolute path by removing the root path '/' character from the beginning of the path.
getRelativePath(URL, URL) - Static method in class
getRepeatPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
getRepeatVetoableChangeListener() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
getResource() - Method in class
getResource() - Method in class
getResource(URI) - Method in interface
Retrieves a description of the resource with the given reference URI.
getResourceBasePath(Class<?>) - Static method in class
getResourceName(String) - Static method in class
getResourceURI() - Method in class
getResourceURI() - Method in exception
getReturnType() - Method in class
getRootNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
getRootNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
getRootNode() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree
Retrieves the root node of the tree.
getRootURI(URI) - Static method in class
Determines the canonical root URI of a URI.
getScheduledOperationQueue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
getScheduledOperationWorker() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
getScheduledTime() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperation
getSectionNumber(String, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines whether the given text is a numbered section heading, based upon the specified heading label.
getSeededHashCode(int, Object...) - Static method in class
getSequenceIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Returns the index in the sequence.
getSequenceIndex() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Returns the index in the sequence.
getSerializationName(Enum<?>) - Static method in class
Returns a form of the enum name appropriate for serialization.
getSerializedEnum(Class<E>, String) - Static method in class
Returns the appropriate enum that has been serialized.
getSetPropertyMethodName(String) - Static method in class
The name of the "set" setter method corresponding to the given property.
getSetterMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Returns the setter method of a given class.
getSetterPropertyName(Method) - Static method in class
Determines the property name of the given getter method.
getSetterPropertyName(String) - Static method in class
Determines the property name of the given getter method name.
getSign() - Method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
getSimpleName(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Returns the local name of the class, with the package name removed.
getSortOrder() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.AbstractSortOrderComparator
getSortOrder() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrderComparator
getSource() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.CacheFetchEvent
The cache which fetched the value.
getSource() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.event.Event
The object on which the event initially occurred.
getSourceName() - Method in exception
getSourceObject() - Method in class
getStackTraceElementIgnoreClasses(Class<?>...) - Method in class
Retrieves the first stack trace element that is not from one of the ignored classes.
getStackTraceElementIgnoreClasses(String...) - Method in class
Retrieves the first stack trace element that is not from one of the ignored classes.
getStackTraceElementIgnoreClasses(Set<String>) - Method in class
Retrieves the first stack trace element that is not from one of the ignored classes.
getStackTraceElementIgnorePackages(Package...) - Method in class
Retrieves the first stack trace element that is not from one of the ignored packages.
getStackTraceElementIgnorePackages(String...) - Method in class
Retrieves the first stack trace element that is not from one of the ignored packages.
getStackTraceElementIgnorePackages(Set<String>) - Method in class
Retrieves the first stack trace element that is not from one of the ignored packages.
getStackTraceElements() - Method in class
getStackTraceString(Throwable) - Static method in class
Returns a string representing the stack trace of the given throwable.
getStart() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
getStart() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Edge
getStartIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ArraySubList
getStartIndex() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SubList
getStartsWith(CharSequence, int, Collection<S>) - Static method in class
Determines which if any of the given strings the character sequence starts with, starting at the given index.
getStartsWith(CharSequence, Collection<S>) - Static method in class
Determines which if any of the given strings the character sequence starts with.
getState() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractReadWriteLockOperation
getState() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractTask
getState() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Retrieves the current state.
getState() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Task
getStateDuration() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Determines the amount of time the current state has been in effect.
getStateInfo() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
getStateRemainingDuration() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Determines the amount of time the current state has remaining to be in effect before its maximum duration.
getStyle() - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat
getSubordinateComparator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.AbstractChainedSortOrderComparator
getSubSequence() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
getSubType() - Method in class
getSuffixNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
getSuffixNode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode
getSuffixNode() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Node
getSuperListSize() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ArraySubList
getSuperListSize() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SubList
getSupportedModelViews() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
getSymbol() - Method in enum
getSymbol() - Method in enum
getTarget() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeEvent
Returns the object to which the event applies.
getTarget() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.event.TargetedEvent
Returns the object to which the event applies.
getTempDirectory() - Static method in class
Returns the system temporary directory
getTempFile(File) - Static method in class
Returns a file suitable for a temporary file, based on the specified filename, by adding an extension for a temporary file.
GETTER_METHOD_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class
The pattern recognizing a getter method name: "get" or "is" followed by any other characters (assuming they are Java characters), with the prefix in matching group 1 and the property name in matching group 2.
getText() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
getThreadGroup(Class<TG>) - Static method in class
Walks up the thread group chain of the current thread to find the thread group of the given type.
getThreadGroup(ThreadGroup, Class<TG>) - Static method in class
Walks up the thread group chain of the given thread group to find the thread group of the given type or that implements the given interface.
getThreadGroup(Thread, Class<TG>) - Static method in class
Walks up the thread group chain of the given thread to find the thread group of the given type.
getThreshold() - Method in class
The threshold number of bytes for switching from memory to a temporary file.
getTime() - Method in class
getTime() - Method in interface
getTimeZone(int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.TimeZones
Retrieves a time zone based upon a UTC offset days and minutes for the given date.
getTimeZone(Date, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.TimeZones
Retrieves a time zone based upon a UTC offset for the given date.
getTimeZone(Date, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.TimeZones
Retrieves a time zone based upon a UTC offset days and minutes for the given date.
getToken(CharSequence, Characters, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters.
getTokenIgnoreCase(CharSequence, Characters, CharSequence...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case.
getTokens(StringTokenizer) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.StringTokenizers
Retrieves all remaining tokens from a string tokenizer and returns them in an array of strings.
getTtl() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getUndoBufferSize() - Method in class
getUpperBound() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Range
getURI() - Method in class
getURI() - Method in class
getURI() - Method in class
getURI() - Method in class
getURI() - Method in class
getURI() - Method in interface
getURI(String) - Method in class
Creates a URI from the file location, based on the zip file's URI.
getURI(ZipEntry) - Method in class
Creates a URI to represent the given zip entry, based upon the zip entry's path relative to the URI of the zip file itself.
getUserDirectory() - Static method in class
getUserHomeDirectory() - Static method in class
Returns the home directory of the user.
getUsername() - Method in class
getUsername() - Method in class
getUsernames(URI, String) - Method in class
Retrieves any users for which authentication information is stored for a given realm of a given root URI.
getUserNodeForClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.prefs.PreferencesUtilities
Returns the preference node from the calling user's preference tree that is associated with this class relative to the package node (i.e.
getValue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.Cache.Data
getValue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.CacheFetchEvent
getValue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
getValue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.NameValuePair
getValue() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Valued
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in interface
getValue() - Method in class
getValue(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RomanNumerals
Returns the value of the given Roman numeral character.
getValueClass() - Method in class
getValueClass() - Method in interface
getVariableName(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Constructs a variable name from the class by by decapitalizing all of the beginning uppercase letters of the simple name of the class.
getVariableName(String) - Static method in class
Constructs a variable name from the given name by decapitalizing all of the beginning uppercase letters of the name.
getVetoableChangeListeners() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Returns the list of vetoable change listeners.
getVetoableChangeListeners() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
Returns the list of vetoable change listeners.
getVetoableChangeListeners(String) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
getVetoableChangeListeners(String) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
getVetoableChangeSupport() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
getWordBeginning(String, int) - Static method in class
Returns the beginning of the word at index.
getWordEnd(String, int) - Static method in class
Returns the end of the word at index.
getWorkingDirectory() - Static method in class
Returns the current directory of the user.
getWriter() - Method in class
getWriter() - Method in class
getZipEntry(URI) - Method in class
Gets the zip entry that corresponds to the given URI.
getZipEntryIterator() - Method in class
getZipEntryMap() - Method in class
GIF_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for GIF files.
GIF_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for GIF images: image/gif.
GIGA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for billion.
GLOSSARY_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a glossary heading of a work.
GMT - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.time.TimeZones
The shared time zone representing Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
GMT_ID - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.time.TimeZones
The ID for indicating the GMT zone.
goFinish() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Verifies the contents and finishes the sequence.
goFinish() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Verifies the contents and finishes the sequence.
goFirst() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Goes to the first step in the sequence.
goFirst() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Goes to the first step in the sequence.
goNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Goes to the next step in the sequence.
goNext() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Goes to the next step in the sequence.
goPrevious() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Goes to the previous step in the sequence.
goPrevious() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Goes to the previous step in the sequence.
GOSPEL_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for the heading for a gospel.
goStart() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Starts the sequence annd goes to the first step in the sequence.
goStart() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Starts the sequence by going to the first step in the sequence.
grabZipFile() - Method in class
Opens the zip file if needed and increases the reference count to indicate the zip file should be held open.
GRAM - Enum constant in enum
Unit for mass.
GRAPH_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which the data is shown in a graph structure.
GRAVE_ACCENT_CHAR - Static variable in class
A grave accent character.
GREATER_THAN_CHAR - Static variable in class
A greater-than sign character (003E;GREATER-THAN SIGN;Sm;0;ON;;;;;Y;;;;;).
GROUP_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Punctuation used to group characters.
guessAbsoluteURI(String) - Static method in class
Creates an absolute URI from the given string, guessing what the string represents.
GZIP_CONTENT_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP gzip content coding.
GZIP_TRANSFER_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP gzip transfer coding.


handleGetObject(String) - Method in class com.globalmentor.util.HashMapResourceBundle
Gets an object for the given key from this resource bundle.
hasAbsolutePath(URI) - Static method in class
Determines whether the path of the URI (which may or may not be absolute) is absolute.
hasBaseType(MediaType) - Method in class
Checks to see if the given media type has the same primary type and subtype as this media type.
hasBaseType(String, String) - Method in class
Matches a media type against a primary type and subtype with no wildcard support.
hasExtension(String, String) - Static method in class
Determines whether a given filename has the indicated extension.
hash(byte) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the given byte.
hash(byte[]) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the specified array of bytes.
hash(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the specified array of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
hash(char[]) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the given characters using the UTF-8 charset.
hash(Hash...) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the given hashes.
hash(InputStream) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the contents of the given input stream.
hash(CharSequence...) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the given character sequences using the UTF-8 charset.
hash(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the specified byte buffer.
hash(Charset, char[]) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the given characters, using the given charset.
hash(Charset, CharSequence...) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the given character sequences, using the given charset.
hash(Path) - Method in class
Computes a hash using this algorithm for the contents of the given file.
hash(MessageDigest, byte) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the given byte.
hash(MessageDigest, byte[]) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the specified array of bytes.
hash(MessageDigest, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the specified array of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
hash(MessageDigest, char[]) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the given characters using the UTF-8 charset.
hash(MessageDigest, Hash...) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the given hashes.
hash(MessageDigest, InputStream) - Static method in class
Computes a hash from the contents of the given input stream.
hash(MessageDigest, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the given character sequences using the UTF-8 charset.
hash(MessageDigest, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the specified byte buffer.
hash(MessageDigest, Charset, char[]) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the given characters, using the given charset.
hash(MessageDigest, Charset, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Computes a hash for the given character sequences, using the given charset.
hash(MessageDigest, Path) - Static method in class
Computes a hash from the contents of the given file.
Hash - Class in
The encapsulation of message digest output, providing data immutability and convenience methods for updating other message digests.
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns the hash code value for this map.
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
This version returns the node index.
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.AbstractEdgeKey
This version hashes the index of the parent node, if any, and first character.
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns the hash code value for this collection.
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
hashCode() - Method in class
This returns a hash code of Number.longValue().
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractHashObject
Returns the hash code of this object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractObjectDecorator
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractProxyHashObject
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultComparableIDNamed
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDed
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultNamed
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.NameValuePair
hashCode() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Range
hashCode() - Method in class
This implementation returns a hashcode value composed from the reference URI, if available.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns the hash code of this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode(long) - Static method in class
Returns a hash code for a long value.
HashMapResourceBundle - Class in com.globalmentor.util
A resource bundle backed by a hash map.
HashMapResourceBundle() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.HashMapResourceBundle
Default constructor with no parent using a hash map.
HashMapResourceBundle(Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.HashMapResourceBundle
Map constructor with no parent.
HashMapResourceBundle(Map<?, ?>, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.HashMapResourceBundle
Map and parent constructor.
HashMapResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.HashMapResourceBundle
Parent constructor using a hash map.
HashSetHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An implementation of a HashMap that stores an HashSet of values for each key, with special methods for retrieving single values.
HashSetHashMap() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.HashSetHashMap
Default constructor that decorates a HashMap.
HashSetHashMap(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.HashSetHashMap
Initial capacity constructor that decorates a HashMap.
hasItems(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
hasItems(K) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Retrieves whether there are items in a collection associated with the key.
hasItems(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
hasItems(K) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
hasListeners(Class<T>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.EventListenerManager
Determines whether there are listeners associated with the given key.
hasMoreElements() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractEnumerationDecorator
hasMoreElements() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractIteratorDecorator
hasNext - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectIterator
Whether we've not retrieved the object.
hasNext - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
Whether we've not retrieved the object.
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractEnumerationDecorator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractIteratorDecorator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractPrimedIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ReverseIterator
Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
hasNext() - Method in class
hasNext() - Method in class
hasNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Determines if there is a next step in the sequence.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Sequenceable
hasNext() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Determines if there is a next step in the sequence.
hasNextState() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Determines whether there exists states after the current state, if any.
hasPath(URI) - Static method in class
Determines whether the URI has a path.
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
Returns true if this list iterator has more elements when traversing the list in the reverse direction.
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Determines if there is a previous step in the sequence.
hasPrevious() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
Determines if there is a previous step in the sequence.
hasPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Checks if there are any listeners for a specific property, including those registered on all properties.
hasPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable
Checks if there are any property change listeners for a specific property, including those registered on all properties.
hasSubPath(URI) - Static method in class
Determines whether the path of the URI is a relative path that does not backtrack to a higher level.
hasSubTypeSuffix(String...) - Method in class
Determines if the subtype of the media type has the given suffix.
hasVetoableChangeListeners(String) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Checks if there are any vetoable change listeners for a specific property, including those registered on all properties.
hasVetoableChangeListeners(String) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
Checks if there are any vetoable change listeners for a specific property, including those registered on all properties.
HEAD_METHOD - Static variable in class
The HTTP HEAD method.
HEADER_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The character which separates a header name from a header value.
HEBREW_CODE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO639
HEBREW_OBSOLETE_CODE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO639
The obsolete code for Hebrew, used by Java.
HECTO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for hundred.
HEX_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The ASCII hexadecimal digit characters '0''9', 'a''f', and 'A''F'.
HEXDIG_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Hexadecimal digits.
HINFO - Enum constant in enum
Mailbox or mail list information.
HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS_CHAR - Static variable in class
Unicode horizontal ellipsis.
Host - Class in
Encapsulates a host and an optional port.
Host(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a host from a string.
Host(String, int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a host from a name and optional port.
HOST_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating Internet host and port number of the resource being requested.
HOUR - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
The hour within a day.
HOUR_DESIGNATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The designator for hours in a duration expression.
HREF_PARAM - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
A context-relative URL fragment that will generate an equivalent JNLP file, to pass to the JNLP servlet.
HT - Static variable in class
US-ASCII horizontal tab.
HTAB - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
A horizontal tab character.
HTTP - Class in
Constants and utilities relating to the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as defined by RFC 2616, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1".
HTTP() - Constructor for class
HTTP_URI_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The HTTP scheme identifier.
HTTPS_URI_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The HTTPS scheme identifier.
HYPHEN_MINUS_CHAR - Static variable in class
A hyphen or minus character.


I18N_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class
The system property name that represents whether internationalization is turned on.
IDed<I> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that can be identified by an ID.
Identifier - Interface in com.globalmentor.lex
An identifier token in lexical analysis.
identity() - Static method in interface
This method is the same as DoubleUnaryOperator.identity(), but with a support for IOException.
identity() - Static method in interface
Returns a function that always returns its input argument.
identity() - Static method in interface
This method is the same as IntUnaryOperator.identity(), but with a support for IOException.
identity() - Static method in interface
This method is the same as LongUnaryOperator.identity(), but with a support for IOException.
identity() - Static method in interface
This method is the same as UnaryOperator.identity(), but with a support for IOException.
IDENTITY_CONTENT_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP identity content coding.
IDENTITY_TRANSFER_CODING - Static variable in class
The HTTP identity transfer coding.
IdentityHashSet<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A set that is backed by an identity hash map.
IdentityHashSet() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has default initial capacity (16) and load factor (0.75).
IdentityHashSet(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
IdentityHashSet(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Constructs a new set containing the elements in the specified collection.
IdentityHashSetMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An decorator map that stores an IdentityHashSet of values for each key, with special methods for retrieving single values.
IdentityHashSetMap(Map<K, Set<V>>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSetMap
Map constructor.
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating content should be retrieved only if it has been modified after a certain date.
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating content should be retrieved only if it has not been modified after a certain date.
ifPresentOrElse(Optional<T>, Consumer<? super T>, Runnable) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Performs an action with the value if a value is present, otherwise performs another action.
ILLEGAL_TOKEN_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
The characters of RFC 2045 which are considered illegal in tokens such as non-quoted strings.
IllegalDataException - Exception in
Unchecked exception indicating that some data encountered was invalid or inappropriate in the context.
IllegalDataException() - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with no detail message.
IllegalDataException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
IllegalDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
IllegalDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()).
IMAGE_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The image top-level type.
Images - Class in
Utilities and constants for working with image content.
Images() - Constructor for class
ImmutableCollection<E> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A marker interface indicating that the collection is immutable.
immutableListOf(E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Creates a read-only list containing the given elements.
immutableListOf(E[], int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Creates a read-only list containing the given elements in the given range.
immutableListOf(Collection<? extends E>, E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Creates a read-only list containing the elements of the provided collection along with the given elements.
immutableListOf(Collection<? extends E>, E[], int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Creates a read-only list containing the elements of the provided collection along with the given elements.
ImmutableMap<K,V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A marker interface indicating that the map is immutable.
immutableSetOf(E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Sets
Creates a read-only set containing the given elements.
immutableSetOf(Iterable<? extends E>, E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Sets
Creates a read-only set containing the elements of the provided iterable along with the given elements.
immutableSetOf(Collection<? extends E>, E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Sets
Creates a read-only set containing the elements of the provided collection along with the given elements.
impossible() - Static method in class
Creates a throwable indicating a logically impossible condition, which can be thrown by the caller.
impossible(String) - Static method in class
Creates a throwable indicating a logically impossible condition, which can be thrown by the caller.
impossible(String, Throwable) - Static method in class
Creates a throwable indicating a logically impossible condition, which can be thrown by the caller.
impossible(Throwable) - Static method in class
Creates a throwable indicating a logically impossible condition, which can be thrown by the caller.
impute(byte[], CharSequence, ObjectHolder<ByteOrderMark>) - Static method in enum
Determines an imputed Byte Order Mark by detecting a BOM in the actual bytes or, if a true BOM is not present, by comparing the bytes to expected characters.
INCOMPLETE - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task has been started but is incomplete.
increment() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
Increments the counter and returns the new value.
incrementCounterMapCount(Map<K, Count>, K) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
Increments the occurrence count of the given key using the given map.
INDEX_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a an index heading of a work.
IndexFilter() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator.IndexFilter
indexIterator - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
The iterator that determines the next index of the list to return.
indexNotOf(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines the first index not of the given character.
indexNotOf(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Determines the first index not of the given character.
indexNotOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character not of the given characters, starting at the beginning.
indexNotOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character not of the given characters, starting at the given index.
indexNotOf(StringBuilder, char) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the first non-occurrence of the given character in the string buffer.
indexNotOf(StringBuilder, char, int) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the first non-occurrence of the given character in the string buffer from the given index.
indexNotOfLength(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines the first index not of the given character.
indexNotOfLength(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Determines the first index not of the given character.
indexNotOfLength(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character not of the given characters, starting at the beginning.
indexNotOfLength(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character not of the given characters, starting at the given index.
indexOf(char[], char) - Static method in class
Performs a simple sequential search for the value in the given array.
indexOf(int[], int) - Static method in class
Performs a simple sequential search for the value in the given array.
indexOf(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines the first index of the given character.
indexOf(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Determines the first index of the given character.
indexOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character of the given characters, starting at the beginning.
indexOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character of the given characters, starting at the given index.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
indexOf(StringBuffer, char) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the first ocurrence of the given character in the string buffer.
indexOf(StringBuffer, char, int) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the first ocurrence of the given character in the string buffer from the given index.
indexOf(StringBuilder, char) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given character in the string buffer.
indexOf(StringBuilder, char, int) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given character in the string buffer from the given index.
indexOf(T[], T) - Static method in class
Performs a simple sequential search for the object in the given array, using the object's equals() operator.
indexOfIgnoreCase(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Determines the first index of the given character, without regard to ASCII case.
indexOfIgnoreCase(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Determines the first index of the given character, without regard to ASCII case.
indexOfIgnoreCase(String, char) - Static method in class
Finds the index of a particular character, ignoring case.
indexOfIgnoreCase(String, char, int) - Static method in class
Finds the index of a particular character, ignoring case, from a given index.
indexOfIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class
Finds the index of a particular substring, ignoring case.
indexOfIgnoreCase(String, String, int) - Static method in class
Finds the index of a particular substring, ignoring case, from a given index.
indexOfLength(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines the first index of the given character.
indexOfLength(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Determines the first index of the given character.
indexOfLength(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character of the given characters, starting at the beginning.
indexOfLength(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the first index of any character of the given characters, starting at the given index.
INFINITY_CHAR - Static variable in class
Infinity symbol (221E;INFINITY;Sm;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;).
INFO_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The info scheme identifier.
INFO_SCHEME_NAMESPACE_DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The delimiter separating the info scheme namespace from the rest of the info scheme-specific part.
INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_FOUR_CHAR - Static variable in class
The information separator four character.
INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_ONE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The information separator one character.
The information separator three character.
INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_TWO_CHAR - Static variable in class
The information separator two character.
initialize() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractOperation
Method that can be overridden to initialize before execution.
INITIALIZE - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task is preparing to begin.
initializeIndexes() - Method in class
Initializes relevant buffer indexes when, for example, the buffer is first created.
initializeIndexes() - Method in class
Initializes relevant buffer indexes when, for example, the buffer is first created.
INLINE - Enum constant in enum
Indicates a bodypart is intended to be displayed automatically upon display of the message.
InputStreamDecorator<I extends InputStream> - Class in
Wraps an existing input stream.
InputStreamDecorator(I) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given input stream, automatically calling InputStreamDecorator.dispose() when closed.
InputStreamDecorator(I, boolean) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given input stream.
InputStreamReadable - Interface in
An object that can read information from an input stream.
InputStreams - Class in
Class to manipulate input streams.
InputStreams() - Constructor for class
insert(StringBuilder, int, char, int) - Static method in class
Inserts a given repetition of characters into a string builder.
insert(StringBuilder, int, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Inserts a character sequence into a string builder.
insert(String, int, char) - Static method in class
Inserts a character at a specified index.
insert(String, int, String) - Static method in class
Inserts a string at a specified index.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultTypeConverter
The default, shared instance of the converter.
Integers - Class in
Utilities for manipulating integer objects.
INTERNAL_CLASS_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The character used to separate internal classes in Java class names.
INTRODUCTION_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for an introduction heading of a work.
intValue() - Method in class
This version delegates to Number.longValue().
IO<T> - Interface in
Support for reading or writing a particular type.
IOBiConsumer<T,U> - Interface in
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
IOBiFunction<T,U,R> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces a result.
IOBinaryOperator<T> - Interface in
Represents an operation upon two operands of the same type, producing a result of the same type as the operands.
IOBiPredicate<T,U> - Interface in
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of two arguments.
IOBooleanSupplier - Interface in
Represents a supplier of boolean-valued results.
IOConsumer<T> - Interface in
Represents an I/O operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
IODoubleBinaryOperator - Interface in
Represents an operation upon two double-valued operands and producing a double-valued result.
IODoubleConsumer - Interface in
Represents an operation that accepts a single double-valued argument and returns no result.
IODoubleFunction<R> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts a double-valued argument and produces a result.
IODoublePredicate - Interface in
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one double-valued argument.
IODoubleSupplier - Interface in
Represents a supplier of double-valued results.
IODoubleToIntFunction - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts a double-valued argument and produces an int-valued result.
IODoubleToLongFunction - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts a double-valued argument and produces a long-valued result.
IODoubleUnaryOperator - Interface in
Represents an operation on a single double-valued operand that produces a double-valued result.
IOFunction<T,R> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
IOIntBinaryOperator - Interface in
Represents an operation upon two int-valued operands and producing an int-valued result.
IOIntConsumer - Interface in
Represents an operation that accepts a single int-valued argument and returns no result.
IOIntFunction<R> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a result.
IOIntPredicate - Interface in
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one int-valued argument.
IOIntSupplier - Interface in
Represents a supplier of int-valued results.
IOIntToDoubleFunction - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a double-valued result.
IOIntToLongFunction - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a long-valued result.
IOIntUnaryOperator - Interface in
Represents an operation on a single int-valued operand that produces an int-valued result.
IOKit<T> - Interface in
IOLongBinaryOperator - Interface in
Represents an operation upon two long-valued operands and producing a long-valued result.
IOLongConsumer - Interface in
Represents an operation that accepts a single long-valued argument and returns no result.
IOLongFunction<R> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts a long-valued argument and produces a result.
IOLongPredicate - Interface in
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one long-valued argument.
IOLongSupplier - Interface in
Represents a supplier of long-valued results.
IOLongToDoubleFunction - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts a long-valued argument and produces a double-valued result.
IOLongToIntFunction - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts a long-valued argument and produces an int-valued result.
IOLongUnaryOperator - Interface in
Represents an operation on a single long-valued operand that produces a long-valued result.
IOObjDoubleConsumer<T> - Interface in
Represents an operation that accepts an object-valued and a double-valued argument, and returns no result.
IOObjIntConsumer<T> - Interface in
Represents an operation that accepts an object-valued and a int-valued argument, and returns no result.
IOObjLongConsumer<T> - Interface in
Represents an operation that accepts an object-valued and a long-valued argument, and returns no result.
IOOperation<T> - Interface in
A class that encapsulates an I/O-related operation on a particular object.
IOPredicate<T> - Interface in
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
IOStreams - Class in
Utilities for working with streams generally.
IOStreams() - Constructor for class
IOSupplier<T> - Interface in
Represents a supplier of results.
IOToDoubleBiFunction<T,U> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces a double-valued result.
IOToDoubleFunction<T> - Interface in
Represents a function that produces a double-valued result.
IOToIntBiFunction<T,U> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces an int-valued result.
IOToIntFunction<T> - Interface in
Represents a function that produces an int-valued result.
IOToLongBiFunction<T,U> - Interface in
Represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces a long-valued result.
IOToLongFunction<T> - Interface in
Represents a function that produces a long-valued result.
IOUnaryOperator<T> - Interface in
Represents an operation on a single operand that produces a result of the same type as its operand.
IS_GETTER_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The getter prefix "is".
isAbsolute() - Method in class
Determines if the domain name is absolute; that is, it ends with a delimiter '.' character.
isAbsolute() - Method in class
Determines whether this path is absolute.
isAll(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence consists of nothing but the following character.
isAllChars(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence consists of nothing but the given characters.
isASCII(char) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character is in the ASCII character range (0x00-0x7F).
isASCII(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII range.
isASCII(int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII range.
isASCII(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Determines whether a given character sequence contains only ASCII characters.
isASCIIControl(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII control range.
isASCIIControl(int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII control range.
isASCIINonControl(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Determines whether a given character sequence contains only non-control ASCII characters.
isAudio(MediaType) - Static method in class
Determines if the given content type represents an audio file.
isBmpCodePoint() - Method in class
Determines whether the code point is in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) and can thus be represented by a single char.
isBreak(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given text is a page break.
isCached(Q) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Determined if a non-stale value is in the cache.
isCached(Q) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Determined if a non-stale value is in the cache.
isCanceled() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractOperation
This implementation returns whether the state is TaskState.CANCELED.
isCanceled() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Operation
isCapitalized(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character sequence is capitalized.
isCharInRange(char, char[][]) - Static method in class
Sees if the specified character is in one of the specified ranges.
isChild(File, File) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given child file is a child of the parent file in the file system hierarchy.
isChild(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given URI is a child relative to the given base URI.
isCollection() - Method in class
Determines whether the path is a canonical collection path.
isCollectionPath(String) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given path is a canonical collection path.
isCollectionURI(URI) - Static method in class
Determines whether the URI represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/').
isCompatible(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Moved to io.ploop.reflect.Reflector.isReflectionAssignableFrom()
isCrossPlatformFilename(String) - Static method in class
Checks to ensure that a particular string is a valid filename across operating systems.
isCurrentMethodIntersected(StackTrace) - Method in class
Determines if the given stack trace passes through the top method of this stack.
isDecimal(Number) - Static method in class
Determines if the given number is a non-integer decimal type: Float, Double, or BigDecimal.
isDigits(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character sequence contains only Unicode digits.
isDigitsCheck(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.math.Luhn
Determines if the given sequence of digits ends with the correct check digit.
isDisjoint(Path, Path) - Static method in class
Determines whether two paths are disjoint, that is, neither one is a subpath of (or equal to) the other.
isDotfile(Path) - Static method in class
Determines whether the path is for a so-called "dotfile", the filename of which begins with a dot but is neither "." or "..".
isDotfileFilename(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether the filename is for a so-called "dotfile", beginning with a dot but including at least one other character.
isDromedaryCase(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
Indicates whether a token is in dromedaryCase (lower camelCase); this, whether its first letter is in lowercase.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Returns true if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns true if this collection contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Edge
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
isEmpty() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Returns true if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
Determines if this is an empty domain name; that is, one consisting of only an empty string "".
isEmpty() - Method in class
Determines if this is an empty path.
isEmpty(Hash) - Method in class
Determines whether the given hash is "empty", that is, equivalent to hashing no content
isEmpty(InputStream) - Static method in class
Checks whether the given input stream is empty (at its end).
isEmpty(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Determines whether the iterable is empty.
isEnd() - Method in class
isEqual(Object) - Static method in interface
This method is the same as Predicate.isEqual(Object), but with a support for IOException.
isExplicit() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
isExplicit() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree
isFetchSynchronous() - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
isFetchSynchronous() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
isFired() - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.PostponedPropertyChangeEvent
isFired() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.AbstractPostponedEvent
isFired() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.event.PostponedEvent
isGetterMethod(Method) - Static method in class
Determines if the given method is a getter method.
isGetterMethodName(String) - Static method in class
Determines if the given method name is that of a getter method.
isHost(URI) - Static method in class
Determines whether the URI contains only a host and optional port.
isHTTPScheme(String) - Static method in class
Determines if the given scheme is an HTTP scheme, either "http" or "https".
isHTTPURI(URI) - Static method in class
Determines if the given URI has an HTTP scheme, either "http" or "https".
isIncluded(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Determines whether the item at the given index should be included.
isIncluded(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.DefaultListIterator
Determines whether the item at the given index should be included.
isInfoNamespace(URI, String) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given URI is an "info" scheme URI with the given namespace.
isInsidePackage(Package, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Determines if the given class is inside the named package.
isInsidePackage(Package, Package) - Static method in class
Determines if the given package is inside the named package.
isInsidePackage(String, String) - Static method in class
Determines if the given full name (which can represent the full name of a package or a class) is inside the named package.
isInstanceOf(Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Determines if the object is an instance of any of the provided classes.
isIntegral(Number) - Static method in class
Determines if the given number is an integral type: BigInteger, Byte, Integer, Long, or Short.
isLastBuffer() - Method in class
isLatinDigit(char) - Static method in class
isLatinDigits(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Create separate isCharacters() method and use ASCII.DIGIT_CHARACTERS.
isLeaf() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
isLeaf() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTree.Node
isLetters(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character sequence contains only Unicode letters.
isLettersDigits(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character sequence contains only Unicode letters and digits.
isLettersDigitsCharacters(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character sequence contains only Unicode letters, digits, and the supplied extra characters.
isLogged() - Method in class
isLogged() - Method in interface
isLowerCase(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Determines whether the given character is an ASCII lowercase character.
isMixed() - Method in enum
isModelViewSupported(int) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
Determines whether this object supports the given data view.
isModified() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultModifiable
isModified() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Modifiable
isNumber(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character sequence contains only numbers and decimals or commas.
ISO_8859_1_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the ISO-8859-1 charset.
ISO639 - Class in com.globalmentor.iso
ISO 639 Language Codes These codes are the shortest available of ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 codes, as outlined in RFC 4646: "Tags for the Identifying Languages".
ISO639() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO639
ISO8601 - Class in com.globalmentor.iso
Definitions related to ISO 8601-2004, "Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times".
ISO8601() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
isOpen() - Method in class
isOrderedFirst() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.ExplicitOrderComparator
isPageNumber(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given text is a page number.
isPascalCase(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
Indicates whether a token is in PascalCase (upper camelCase); this, whether its first letter is in uppercase.
isPass(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractFilteredIterator
Indicates whether the given element is included when filtering.
isPass(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.FilteredIterator
Indicates whether the given element is included when filtering.
isPass(Integer) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator.IndexFilter
Determines whether a given object should pass through the filter or be filtered out.
isPass(T) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Filter
Determines whether a given object should pass through the filter or be filtered out.
isPath(String) - Static method in class
Determines if a given path is only a path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority.
isPathAbsolute(String) - Static method in class
Determines whether a resource path is absolute.
isPathAbsolute(String) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given path is absolute.
isPathRelative(String) - Static method in class
Determines whether a resource path is relative.
isPathURI(URI) - Static method in class
Determines if a given URI contains only a path and does not have a scheme, authority, query, and/or fragment.
isPeekStringEOF(String) - Method in class
Peeks to check if the next characters are the given string, but does not throw an exception if the end of the file is reached.
isPlainURI(URI) - Static method in class
Determines if a given URI is plain, i.e.
isPresent() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ObjectHolder
isPresentAndEquals(Optional<?>, Object) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Determines whether an optional value is present and is equal to some other nullable object.
isPrimitiveWrapper(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given class is a wrapper of one of the primitive types.
isPunctuation(char) - Static method in class
Specifies whether or not a given character is a punctuation mark.
isQuoted(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given string is quoted.
isRelative() - Method in class
Determines if this domain name is relative; that is, it does not end with a delimiter '.' character.
isRelative() - Method in class
Determines whether this path is relative.
isRepeated() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperation
isReturnTypeSignificant() - Method in class
isRomanNumeral(char) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character is a Roman numeral.
isRomanNumerals(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether a character sequence contains only Roman numerals.
isRoot() - Method in class
Determines if this the root domain name; that is, one consisting of only the '.' delimiter.
isSetterMethod(Method) - Static method in class
Determines if the given method is a setter method.
isSetterMethodName(String) - Static method in class
Determines if the given method name is that of a setter method.
isSpecialName(String) - Static method in class
Determines if a filename is considered "special" (such as a parent directory designation) on file systems in general and cannot therefore be used as a normal filename.
isStaleData(Q, D) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Determines if a given cached value is stale.
isSubHeading(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given text is a subheading.
isSubPath() - Method in class
Determines whether this path is a relative path that does not backtrack to a higher level.
isSubPath(Path, Path) - Static method in class
Determines whether one path is a subpath of another; that is, they both share a base path with no backtracking.
isText(MediaType) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
Determines if the given media type is one representing text in some form.
isTitleCapitalizationRequired(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given string should be capitalized if appearing in a title.
isTitleHeading(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Determines if the given text is a title heading.
isTransitionReady() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Determines if a transition should occur based upon the current duration and poll count of the current state.
isUNCFileURI(URI) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given URI is a UNC file path URI in the form file:////server/file.ext.
isUpperCase(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Determines whether the given character is an ASCII uppercase character.
isUpperCase(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines whether all the letters in a character sequence are capital letters.
isValidFilename(String) - Static method in class
Checks to ensure that a particular string is a valid filename for the operating system.
isValidFilename(String, Characters, Characters) - Static method in class
Checks to ensure that a particular string is a valid filename.
isWhitespace(char) - Static method in class
Specifies whether or not a given character is whitespace.
isWindowsOS() - Static method in class
isWordDelimiter(char) - Static method in class
Specifies whether or not a given character is a word delimiter, such as whitespace or punctuation.
isWordWrap(char) - Static method in class
Specifies whether or not a given character allows a word wrap.
Iterables - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterables
Various utilities to be used with iterables.
Iterables() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.Iterables
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterCollection
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterables.ConverterIterable
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectIterator
This implementation returns this.
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
iterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.
iterator() - Method in class
IteratorDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that wraps an existing iterator.
IteratorDecorator(Iterator<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.IteratorDecorator
Iterator constructor.
Iterators - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
Various utilities to be used with iterators.
Iterators() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators


JARS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
An array of resource jar URL strings to pass to the JNLP servlet.
Java - Class in
Various utilities to assist programming with language-specific Java features.
JAVA_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The name extension for Java files.
JAVA_IO_TMPDIR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The temporary directory name.
JAVA_URI_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The Java URI scheme identifier.
JNLP - Class in com.globalmentor.jnlp
Constant values for accessing the JNLP servlet.
JNLP() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
JNLP_SERVLET_NAME - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
The name of the JNLP servlet or JSP file.
join(char, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Concatenates the given character sequences, separated by the given delimiter.
join(CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Concatenates the given character sequences with no delimiter between them.
join(Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization
Joins components into a compound token.
join(Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
Joins components into a compound token.
join(Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
Joins components into a compound token.
join(Thread) - Static method in class
Joins a thread, ignoring any interruptions.
JoinIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that joins the contents of zero or more iterators.
JoinIterator(Stream<Iterator<E>>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.JoinIterator
Iterators constructor.
JPEG_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for JPEG images: image/jpeg.
JPG_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for JPEG files.


KEBAB_CASE - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
A delimiter-based compound tokenization using '-'.
KEBAB_CASE_DELIMITER - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
The delimiter for kebab-case.
KELVIN - Enum constant in enum
Unit for thermodynamic temperature.
keySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
keySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
keySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
keySet() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
KILO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for thousand.


Labeled - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that can provide a human-readable label.
Labels - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Utilities for working with human-readable representations of objects.
Labels() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.Labels
LANGUAGE_TAG_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
The character '-' used to separate components in language tags as defined in RFC 4646, "Tags for the Identifying".
LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the date and time at which the origin server believes the variant was last modified.
lastIndexNotOf(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines the last index not of the given character.
lastIndexNotOf(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Determines the last index not of the given character.
lastIndexNotOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the last index of any character not of the given characters.
lastIndexNotOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the last index of any character not of the given characters, starting at the given index.
lastIndexOf(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines the last index of the given character.
lastIndexOf(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Determines the last index of the given character.
lastIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the last index of any character of the given characters.
lastIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Searches a character sequence and returns the last index of any character of the given characters, starting at the given index.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String, String, int) - Static method in class
Searches a string in reverse and returns the last index of a substring without case sensitivity, starting from fromIndex.
A Y umlaut.
LATIN_CAPITAL_LIGATURE_OE_CHAR - Static variable in class
An uppercase oe ligature.
LATIN_SMALL_LIGATURE_OE_CHAR - Static variable in class
A lowercase oe ligature.
LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A left double quote.
Left punctuation used to group characters.
LEFT_POINTING_ANGLE_BRACKET - Static variable in class
A left-pointing angle bracket character (2329;LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET;Ps;0;ON;3008;;;;Y;BRA;;;;).
A left-pointing guillemet character.
LEFT_QUOTE_CHARS - Static variable in class
Characters that could be considered the start of a quotation.
LEFT_SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A left single quote.
LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A left-to-right mark (200E;LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK;Cf;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;).
length() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
LESS_THAN_CHAR - Static variable in class
A less-than sign character (003C;LESS-THAN SIGN;Sm;0;ON;;;;;Y;;;;;).
Lex - Class in com.globalmentor.lex
Constants and utilities for lexical analysis.
Lex() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.lex.Lex
LF - Static variable in class
US-ASCII linefeed.
LF - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
A linefeed character.
LINE_FEED_CHAR - Static variable in class
A line feed (LF).
LINE_FEED_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The pattern that can split a line based upon linefeeds.
LINE_FEED_STRING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The string representing the LF EOL character sequence.
LINE_FEED_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
The symbol for line feed (240A;SYMBOL FOR LINE FEED;So;0;ON;;;;;N;GRAPHIC FOR LINE FEED;;;;).
LINE_SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class
A line separator character (2028;LINE SEPARATOR;Zl;0;WS;;;;;N;;;;;).
LINE_SEPARATOR_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters in the Unicode Line_Separator (Zl) category as of Unicode 9.0.0.
LINE_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The property specifying the line separator character for the platform.
LINE_TABULATION_CHAR - Static variable in class
A vertical tab (000B;<control>;Cc;0;S;;;;;N;LINE TABULATION;;;;).
list - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
The list this class decorates.
list - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
The list this class decorates.
LIST_DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The character for delimiting HTTP list items.
LIST_DELIMITER_CHARS - Static variable in class
Characters that delimit a list separated by trim characters, commas, and/or semicolons.
LIST_DELIMITER_PATTERN - Static variable in class
The regular expression pattern for the character for delimiting HTTP list items.
LIST_ELEMENT_WEIGHT_PATTERN - Static variable in class
The regular expression pattern for a weighted list element.
LIST_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which a list of items is shown.
ListDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A list that wraps an existing list, providing access through the List interface.
ListDecorator(List<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
List constructor.
listIterator - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
The list iterator this class decorates.
listIterator - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ReverseIterator
The list iterator this class decorates.
listIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList
listIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
listIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence).
listIterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList
Returns a custom proxied list iterator that will convert returned elements on the fly.
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this list.
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
ListIteratorDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
A list iterator that wraps an existing list iterator, providing access through the ListIterator interface.
ListIteratorDecorator(ListIterator<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
List iterator constructor.
listOf(Iterable<E>, E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Creates and returns a mutable list containing the contents of the given iterable with the additional elements, if any.
listOf(Iterator<E>, E...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Creates and returns a mutable list containing the contents of the given iterator with the additional elements, if any.
ListRandomIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that randomly iterates a list.
ListRandomIterator(List<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns all of the elements of the list.
ListRandomIterator(List<E>, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns at most maxCount elements of the list.
ListRandomIterator(List<E>, Random) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns all of the elements of the list.
ListRandomIterator(List<E>, Random, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns at most maxCount elements of the list.
ListRandomIterator.IndexFilter - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
A class that filters random integers based upon whether the object at the given index in our list passes the criteria of our local filter.
Lists - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Utilities to be used with lists.
Lists() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
listWildcards(File) - Static method in class
listWildcards(File, String) - Static method in class
load(ModelView<M>, InputStream, URI) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewIOKit
Loads data into a view from an input stream.
load(ModelView<M>, InputStream, URI) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ViewIOKit
Loads data into a view from an input stream.
load(ModelView<M>, URI) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractViewIOKit
Loads data into a view from a given URI.
load(ModelView<M>, URI) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ViewIOKit
Loads data into a view from a given URI.
load(InputStream, URI) - Method in interface
Loads an object from an input stream.
load(InputStream, URI) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextIOKit
Loads a model from an input stream.
load(URI) - Method in class
Loads an object from given URI.
load(URI) - Method in interface
Loads an object from a given URI.
loadBuffer(CharSequence) - Method in class
Loads the buffer with the specified characters.
loadPropertiesResource(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Loads properties for the given class from a properties resource.
loadPropertiesResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Loads properties for the given class from a properties resource determined from a given base name.
loadZipEntries() - Method in class
Loads and maps the entries of the zip file.
LOCAL_PART_DOMAIN_DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The delimiter separating the local part from the domain.
LOCAL_PART_PATTERN - Static variable in class
A regular expression pattern for matching the local part of an email addresses according to RFC 5322.
LOCALE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.Localeable
The name of the locale property, if it is bound in any modifiable object.
LOCALE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
The character used to separate components in a locale: '_'.
Localeable - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that keeps track of a locale.
LocaledText - Class in com.globalmentor.model
The encapsulation of text and the locale that indicates the text language.
LocaledText(LocaledText) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Copy constructor.
LocaledText(String) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Text constructor with no locale specified.
LocaledText(String, Locale) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Full constructor.
Locales - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Utilities for manipulating Java locales.
Locales() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.Locales
LOCALHOST - Static variable in class
Shared representation of localhost.
LOCATION_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the destination of a redirection.
longestCommonSegmentSuffix(List<? extends CharSequence>, char) - Static method in class
Determines the longest common suffix of segments from a list of character sequences.
longestCommonSuffix(List<List<T>>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Determines the longest common suffix sublist from a list of lists.
Longs - Class in
Utilities for manipulating long objects.
longValue() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
This version delegates to Count.getCount().
A low double prime quotation mark.
LOWERCASE - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.Case
LOWERCASE_HEX_LETTER_DIGIT_FIRST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the first lowercase hexadecimal letter digit.
LOWERCASE_HEX_LETTER_DIGIT_LAST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the last lowercase hexadecimal letter digit.
LOWERCASE_LETTER_FIRST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the first lowercase letter.
LOWERCASE_LETTER_LAST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the last lowercase letter.
LOWERCASE_UPPERCASE_LETTER_DIFFERENCE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The difference in value between lowercase (higher values) and uppercase (lower values) ASCII letters.
LST_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The name extension for text list files.
Luhn - Class in com.globalmentor.math
Methods implementing the Luhn Algorithm or "modulus 10".
Luhn() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.math.Luhn
LWS_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Linear whitespace characters which can, in the correct sequence, be folded into single spaces.
LWS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class
The regular expression string matching linear whitespace.
LWSP_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Linear whitespace (WSP / CRLF WSP).


MAILTO_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The email address scheme identifier.
The character separating a mailto URI username from the domain.
makeHTMLHyperlinks(String) - Static method in class
Parses the string and finds any hyperlinks, to which it then creates and inserts the appropriate HTML tags.
makeStringLength(String, int, char) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Strings.forceLength(String, int, char).
makeStringLength(String, int, char, int) - Static method in class
map - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
The map this class decorates.
map - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
The map this class decorates.
map - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
The map this class decorates.
MapDecorator<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that wraps an existing map, providing access through the Map interface.
MapDecorator(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
Map constructor.
MapEntryMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A read-only map containing a single map entry.
MapEntryMap(NameValuePair<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
Name/value pair copy constructor.
MapEntryMap(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
Map entry copy constructor.
MapEntryMap(K, V) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
Key and value constructor.
MappedList<K,E> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A list that allows quick lookup of its elements.
Maps - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Various utilities to be used with objects implementing the Map interface.
Maps() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
mark(int) - Method in class
mark(int) - Method in class
markSupported() - Method in class
markSupported() - Method in class
match(String, String) - Method in class
Matchers - Class in com.globalmentor.util.regex
Will be moved to RegularExpressions.
Matchers() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.regex.Matchers
matches(CharSequence) - Method in class
Matches a media type against a primary type and subtype string representation.
matches(Class<?>) - Method in class
Matches a media type against the "application" primary type and "x-java-object" subtype, with a "class" parameter indicating the given object class.
matches(String, String) - Method in class
Matches a media type against a primary type and subtype.
matches(String, String, Class<?>) - Method in class
Matches a media type against a primary type and subtype, with a class parameter indicating the given object class.
matchSchemeSecurity(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Makes sure that a URI matches the security or non-security of its scheme with that of another URI.
Maths - Class in
Utilities for working with math.
Maths() - Constructor for class
max(double, double, double) - Static method in class
Returns the greatest of three double values
max(short, short) - Static method in class
Returns the greater of two short values
MAX_AGE_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP max-age cache control header.
MAX_BYTE_COUNT - Static variable in enum
The maximum number of bytes used by any of the byte order marks in this implementation.
MAX_CONTROL_VALUE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The highest ASCII code point value that is a control character.
MAX_ENCODED_BYTE_COUNT_LENGTH - Static variable in class
The maximum number of octets used to encoded a character in UTF-8.
MAX_ENCODED_BYTE_COUNT1 - Static variable in class
The largest code point value that can be encoded in one byte.
MAX_ENCODED_BYTE_COUNT2 - Static variable in class
The largest code point value that can be encoded in two bytes.
MAX_ENCODED_BYTE_COUNT3 - Static variable in class
The largest code point value that can be encoded in three bytes.
MAX_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The ordered heading with the highest value.
MAX_SIGNIFICANT_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The significant ordered heading with the highest value.
MAX_STALE_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP max-stale cache control header.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The highest ASCII code point value.
maxBy(Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in interface
This method is the same as BinaryOperator.maxBy(Comparator), but with a support for IOException.
maxCount - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
The number of elements to return, or -1 if all of the elements in the proxied iterator should be returned.
maxCount - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
The number of integers to return, or -1 if an unlimited number of integers should be returned.
MB - Enum constant in enum
A mailbox domain name.
MD - Enum constant in enum
Obsolete; use ResourceRecord.Type.MX.
MD2 - Static variable in class
The MD2 message digest algorithm as defined in RFC 1319.
MD5 - Static variable in class
The MD5 message digest algorithm as defined in RFC 1321.
MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
The media type for JNLP: application/x-java-jnlp-file.
MEDIA_TYPES_BY_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
Internet media types for known audio filename extensions.
MEDIA_TYPES_BY_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
Internet media types for known image filename extensions.
MEDIA_TYPES_BY_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
Internet media types for known video filename extensions.
MediaType - Class in
An encapsulation of an Internet media content type as previously defined in RFC 2046: MIME Part 2: Media Types; and most recently in RFC 6838: Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures.
MediaType.Parameter - Class in
A media type parameter name/value pair.
MEGA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for million.
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
MESSAGE_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The message top-level type.
MessageDigests - Class in
Utility methods for working with message digests.
MessageDigests() - Constructor for class
MessageDigests.Algorithm - Class in
Encapsulation of a standard MessageDigest algorithm, which may or may not be implemented by any particular Java platform.
MethodSignature - Class in
A lightweight encapsulation of a method's signature, without regard to its access restrictions or the class to which it belongs.
METRE - Enum constant in enum
Unit for length.
MF - Enum constant in enum
Obsolete; use ResourceRecord.Type.MX.
MG - Enum constant in enum
A mail group member.
MICRO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for millionth.
The maximum URL length allowed by Microsoft Internet Explorer for HTTP GET.
MIDDLE_DOT_CHAR - Static variable in class
A middle dot character.
MILLI - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for thousandth.
MILLISECOND - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
A millisecond of time.
min(double, double, double) - Static method in class
Returns the least of three double values
min(Collection<? extends Integer>) - Static method in class
Determines the lowest integer from a collection of integers.
min(Collection<? extends Integer>, int) - Static method in class
Determines the lowest integer from a collection of integers with a given maximum.
MIN_FRESH_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP min-fresh cache control header.
minBy(Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in interface
This method is the same as BinaryOperator.minBy(Comparator), but with a support for IOException.
MINIMUM_MARK - Static variable in class
The minimum number of characters to mark in a reader.
MINUTE - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
A minute of time.
MINUTE_DESIGNATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The designator for minutes in a duration expression.
mkdir(File) - Static method in class
Creates the directory named by this abstract pathname, throwing an exception if unsuccessful.
mkdirs(File) - Static method in class
Creates the directory named by this abstract pathname, including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories, throwing an exception if unsuccessful.
Model - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
MODEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.Model
The property for the data model for which a component provides a view.
MODEL_VIEW_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The name of the bound view property.
ModelView<M> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
ModelViewable - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
ModelViewIOKit<M> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
ModelViewIOKit(IOKit<M>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewIOKit
Constructs a model/view kit from a model's input/output implementation.
Modifiable - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Indicates the object not only can be modified, it can keep track of whether it has been modified.
ModifiableCollection - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
ModifiableCollection(Collection) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Collection constructor.
ModifiableSet - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
ModifiableSet(Set) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableSet
Set constructor.
MODIFIED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.Modifiable
The name of the modified property, if it is bound in any modifiable object.
MOLE - Enum constant in enum
Unit for amount of substance.
MONTH - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
The calendar month.
MONTH_DESIGNATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The designator for months in a duration expression.
move(File, File) - Static method in class
Moves a file to a different location, overwriting the destination file if it exists.
move(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class
Moves a file to a different location, overwriting the destination file if it exists.
move(File, File, File) - Static method in class
Moves a file to a different location, overwriting the destination file if it exists.
moveBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class
Moves a portion of the buffer.
moveBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class
Moves a portion of the buffer.
MP3_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for MPEG 2 layer 3 (MP3) files.
MPEG_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The content type for MP3: audio/mpeg.
MPEG_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
MPEG-1 video content mentioned in RFC 2046 but removed in later versions such as RFC 6838 to indicate "video coded according to the MPEG standard".
MPG_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for MPEG files.
MR - Enum constant in enum
A mail rename domain name.
MULTIPART_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The multipart top-level type.
MUST_REVALIDATE_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP must-revalidate cache control header.
MutableValued<V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that contains a mutable value.
mutex - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
The mutual exclusion synchronization object.
mutex - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
The mutual exclusion synchronization object.
MX - Enum constant in enum
Mail exchange.


Named<N> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that has a name.
nameExtensions(File) - Static method in class
Returns all the possible extensions of a filename, from the most specific to the most general.
NameValuePair<N,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A convenience tuple for a name and a value.
NameValuePair(N, V) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.NameValuePair
Constructor specifying the name and value.
NameValuePairMapEntry<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A read-only map entry that is also a name/value pair.
NameValuePairMapEntry(NameValuePair<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.NameValuePairMapEntry
Name/value pair copy constructor
NameValuePairMapEntry(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.NameValuePairMapEntry
Map entry copy constructor
NameValuePairMapEntry(K, V) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.NameValuePairMapEntry
Constructor specifying the name and value.
NANO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for billionth.
negate() - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiPredicate.negate(), but with a support for IOException.
negate() - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoublePredicate.negate(), but with a support for IOException.
negate() - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntPredicate.negate(), but with a support for IOException.
negate() - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongPredicate.negate(), but with a support for IOException.
negate() - Method in interface
This method is the same as Predicate.negate(), but with a support for IOException.
newDecoder(Charset, CodingErrorAction) - Static method in class
Convenience method for creating a new decoder from a charset and setting its error handling approach for malformed input and unmappable characters.
newline() - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate.Builder
Appends a system newline generator.
NEWLINE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate
A generator for a newline appropriate for this system.
NEWLINE_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Unicode newline characters.
newMessageDigest() - Method in class
Creates a new message digest instance for this algorithm.
newOutputStreamWithBackup(Path, long, OpenOption...) - Static method in class
Opens or creates a file after first creating a backup of the file if it exists, returning an output stream that may be used to write bytes to the file.
newOutputStreamWithBackup(Path, OpenOption...) - Static method in class
Opens or creates a file after first creating a backup without a rolling policy of the file if it exists, returning an output stream that may be used to write bytes to the file.
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterCollection.ConverterIterator
Converts and returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList.ConverterIterator
Converts and returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList.ConverterListIterator
Converts and returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractEnumerationDecorator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractIteratorDecorator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Returns the next element in the list.
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractPrimedIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ReverseIterator
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class
next() - Method in class
next() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Goes to the next step in the sequence.
NEXT_LINE_CHAR - Static variable in class
A next line (NEL) control character.
nextElement() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractEnumerationDecorator
nextElement() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractIteratorDecorator
nextIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
nextIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
nextIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
Returns the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call to next.
nextIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
NO_BREAK_SPACE_CHAR - Static variable in class
Unicode no-break space (NBSP).
NO_BYTES - Static variable in class
A shared empty array of bytes.
NO_CACHE_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP no-cache cache control header.
NO_CACHE_PRAGMA - Static variable in class
The HTTP no-cache pragma.
NO_CHARS - Static variable in class
A shared instance of an empty array of characters.
NO_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
Indicates no heading.
NO_LONGS - Static variable in class
The shared empty array of longs.
NO_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
Represents no view of the data.
NO_NEXT_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
The constant object representing no next object available.
NO_OBJECTS - Static variable in class
A shared object array that contains no elements.
NO_PROPERTY_CHANGE_LISTENERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
A convenience static empty array of property change listeners.
NO_STORE_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP no-store cache control header.
NO_STRINGS - Static variable in class
A shared empty array of strings.
NO_TRANSFORM_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP no-transform cache control header.
NO_URIS - Static variable in class
The shared static empty array of URIs.
NO_VETOABLE_CHANGE_LISTENERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
A convenience static empty array of vetoable change listeners.
Nonce - Interface in
A generated value to prevent playback attacks in communication protocols.
NONE - Enum constant in enum
No prefix.
NONE - Static variable in class
The shared instance of no characters.
NORMAL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters that can appear in a URI path with no escape sequences.
normalize() - Method in class
Normalizes the path by removing all . and .. segments.
normalize(String) - Static method in class
Normalizes an extension to its ASCII lowercase form.
normalize(URI) - Static method in class
Normalizes a URI.
normalizeCharacterString(String) - Static method in class
Encodes (quotes) as needed a resource record string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035.
normalizeCharacterString(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Encodes (quotes) as needed a resource record string designated as a character-string in RFC 1035.
normalizeEol(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
Normalizes end-of-line sequences in the character sequence to LF.
normalizeEol(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
Normalizes end-of-line sequences in the character sequence to a given sequence.
normalizeForSearch(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Normalizes a string so that it can be used as a liberally matching lookup without regard to diacritics or case.
normalizeForSearch(CharSequence, Locale) - Static method in class
Normalizes a string so that it can be used as a liberally matching lookup without regard to diacritics or case.
normalizePath(String) - Static method in class
Normalizes the given path by resolving the . and .. path segments.
notCharIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
notCharIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
notCharIndexOf(StringBuffer, String) - Static method in class
Searches a string buffer and returns the first index of any character not in the specified string, starting from the beginning.
notCharIndexOf(StringBuffer, String, int) - Static method in class
Searches a string buffer and returns the first index of any character not in the specified string, starting at fromIndex.
notCharIndexOf(StringBuilder, Characters) - Static method in class
Searches a string buffer and returns the first index of any character not in the specified characters, starting from the beginning.
notCharIndexOf(StringBuilder, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Searches a string buffer and returns the first index of any character not in the specified characters, starting at fromIndex.
notCharLastIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
notCharLastIndexOf(CharSequence, Characters, int) - Static method in class
notContains(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence does not contain the given character.
notContains(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence does not contain any of the given characters.
notContainsOnly(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if a character sequence does not contain only the given characters.
NS - Enum constant in enum
An authoritative name server.
NTFS_ADS_DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The NTFS delimiter for separating Alternate Data Stream identifiers from the rest of the filename.
The filename of the NTFS recycle bin folder.
NULL - Enum constant in enum
A null resource record.
NULL_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character with Unicode code point zero.
NULL_KEYWORD - Static variable in class
The string representing the null keyword.
NULL_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
The symbol for NULL (2400;SYMBOL FOR NULL;So;0;ON;;;;;N;GRAPHIC FOR NULL;;;;).
nullify(CS) - Static method in class
Turns an empty character sequence into null.
NullOutputStream - Class in
An output stream that throws away its data.
NullOutputStream() - Constructor for class
Numbers - Class in
Utilities for manipulating numbers.
Numbers() - Constructor for class


object - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectIterator
The single object being iterated.
object(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate.Builder
Adds some object to the template.
OBJECT_PREDICATE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The character used to separate an object and its predicate in an identifier string.
OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHAR - Static variable in class
A character for a placeholder in text for an otherwise unspecified object.
ObjectDecorator<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
An object that decorates another object, preserving the Object.hashCode() and Object.equals(Object) of the decorated object.
ObjectDecorator(T) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ObjectDecorator
Decorated object constructor.
ObjectHolder<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
An object that holds another object.
ObjectHolder() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ObjectHolder
Default constructor to hold null.
ObjectHolder(T) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ObjectHolder
Held object constructor.
ObjectIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterable and iterator to a single object.
ObjectIterator(E) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectIterator
Object constructor.
ObjectList<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
ObjectList(E) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Object constructor.
ObjectListIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterable and iterator to a single object.
ObjectListIterator(E) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
Object constructor.
ObjectProcessor - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Objects - Class in
Various utilities to manipulate Java objects.
ObjectSet<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
ObjectSet(E) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
Object constructor.
ObjectState<T> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
OCTET_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Characters taking up 8 bits of data: 0x00-FF.
OCTET_STREAM_SUBTYPE - Static variable in class
A stream of bytes.
of(byte[]) - Static method in class
Constructs a hash from message digest bytes.
of(char) - Static method in class
Creates a code point character from a Java primitive char type value.
of(char...) - Static method in class
Characters factory method.
of(char[], int, int) - Static method in class
Characters factory method.
of(int) - Static method in class
Creates a code point character from a code point.
of(Characters...) - Static method in class
Characters factory method from existing Characters instances.
of(CharSequence) - Static method in class
in favor of MediaType.parse(CharSequence); to be removed in next major version.
of(Object...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate
Creates a string template from the given components.
of(String) - Static method in class
Returns a domain name from a string form of the name.
of(String) - Static method in class
Creates a URI path from the given string version of the raw path.
of(String, String) - Static method in class
Constructs an email address from its separate components.
of(String, String) - Static method in class
Static factory method specifying the name and value.
of(String, String, MediaType.Parameter...) - Static method in class
Returns a media type object from primary type, a subtype, and optional parameters.
of(String, String, Set<MediaType.Parameter>) - Static method in class
Returns a media type object from primary type, a subtype, and optional parameters.
ofRange(char, char) - Static method in class
Creates a range of characters.
OGG_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for Ogg Vorbis files.
OGG_VORBIS_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The content type for an Ogg Vorbis file: audio/ogg.
ONE_OR_MORE_CHAR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The symbol for specifying one or more repetitions.
ONE_THIRD_DOUBLE - Static variable in class
The double value representing 1/3.
onResourceAdded(ResourceEvent) - Method in interface
Called when a resource is added.
onResourceMoved(ResourceEvent) - Method in interface
Called when a resource is renamed to a different referenceURI.
onResourceRemoved(ResourceEvent) - Method in interface
Called when a resource is removed.
OperatingSystem - Class in
Utilities for working with operating system-specific attributes.
OperatingSystem() - Constructor for class
Operation - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Represents some operation that can be executed.
OperationManager - Class in com.globalmentor.model
A class for managing and executing operations.
OperationManager() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
Default constructor.
OperationManager.ScheduledOperation - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Encapsulates an operation that has been scheduled, along with any delay or repeat.
OperationManager.ScheduledOperationWorker - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Worker for processing scheduled operations.
Optionals - Class in com.globalmentor.util
Utilities to use with Optional.
Optionals() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
OPTIONS_METHOD - Static variable in class
The HTTP OPTIONS method.
or(IOBiPredicate<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiPredicate.or(BiPredicate), but with a support for IOException.
or(IODoublePredicate) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoublePredicate.or(DoublePredicate), but with a support for IOException.
or(IOIntPredicate) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntPredicate.or(IntPredicate), but with a support for IOException.
or(IOLongPredicate) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongPredicate.or(LongPredicate), but with a support for IOException.
or(IOPredicate<? super T>) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Predicate.or(Predicate), but with a support for IOException.
or(Optional<T>, Supplier<Optional<T>>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Returns another another optional from a supplier if the given optional is not present.
OS_ARCH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The operating system architecture.
OS_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The name of the operating system.
OS_VERSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The operating system version.
OutputStreamDecorator<O extends OutputStream> - Class in
Wraps an existing output stream.
OutputStreamDecorator(O) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given output stream, automatically calling OutputStreamDecorator.dispose() when closed.
OutputStreamDecorator(O, boolean) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given output stream.
OutputStreams - Class in
Class to manipulate output streams.
OutputStreams() - Constructor for class
OutputStreamWritable - Interface in
An object that can read information from an input stream.


PACKAGE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The character used to separate packages in Java class names.
Packages - Class in
Utilities for manipulating Java packages.
PAGE_BREAK_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for page-break heading .
PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class
A paragraph separator character (2029;PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR;Zp;0;B;;;;;N;;;;;).
Characters in the Unicode Paragraph_Separator (Zp) category as of Unicode 9.0.0.
PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR_CHARS - Static variable in class
Unicode paragraph separator characters.
PARAGRAPH_SIGN_CHAR - Static variable in class
The paragraph sign.
parallelStream() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
parallelStream() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
parallelStream() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
parameter(StringTemplate.Parameter) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate.Builder
Adds a parameter to the template.
Parameter(String, String) - Constructor for class
in favor of MediaType.Parameter.of(String, String); to be made non-public in next major version.
PARAMETER_ASSIGNMENT_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character used to assign parameter values.
PARAMETER_DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The character for delimiting parameters, such as qvalue weights in lists.
PARAMETER_DELIMITER_CHAR - Static variable in class
The delimiter character separating parameters from the base media type and from each other.
PARAMETER_ITERATE_PATTERN - Static variable in class
A pattern for checking the basic form of a parameter, including the ';' delimiter that precedes and separates each parameter.
PARAMETER_PATTERN - Static variable in class
A pattern for checking the basic form of a parameter, including the ';' delimiter that precedes and separates each parameter.
PARAMETER_PATTERN_NAME_GROUP - Static variable in class
The parameters pattern matching group for the parameter name.
PARAMETER_PATTERN_VALUE_GROUP - Static variable in class
The parameters pattern matching group for the parameter name.
PARENT_DIRECTORY_NAME - Static variable in class
The special name ".." indicating the parent directory.
PARENT_LEVEL_PATH - Static variable in class
The collection path "../" representing the parent hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
PARENT_LEVEL_PATH_SEGMENT - Static variable in class
The path segment ".." representing the parent hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
PARENT_LEVEL_PATH_URI - Static variable in class
The URI collection path "../" representing the parent hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
parse(CharSequence) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Parses a sort order from its sign as text.
parse(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Parses a media type object from a sequence of characters.
parse(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat
Parse a date/time string according to the given parse position.
parseBoolean(String) - Static method in class
Parses a string and returns its boolean value.
parseCharacter(String) - Static method in class
Parses a string and returns its character value.
ParseEOFException - Exception in
Unexpected end of file error when parsing an input stream.
ParseEOFException(Reader) - Constructor for exception
Reader constructor with a default message and no cause.
ParseEOFException(Reader, String) - Constructor for exception
Reader and message constructor with no cause.
ParseEOFException(String, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Reader and message constructor with no cause.
parseIntDefault(String, int) - Static method in class
Parses a string and returns its integer value, or a default value if the string does not contain an integer.
parseIntValue(String) - Static method in class
Parses an integer value in the given string.
ParseIOException - Exception in
Exception class for parsing errors that occur during I/O.
ParseIOException(Reader, String) - Constructor for exception
Reader and message constructor with no cause.
ParseIOException(Reader, String, String) - Constructor for exception
Reader, message, and source constructor with no cause.
ParseIOException(Reader, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Reader, message, and cause constructor.
ParseIOException(Reader, String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception
Reader, message, cause, and source constructor.
ParseIOException(Reader, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Reader, and cause constructor.
ParseIOException(Reader, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception
Reader, cause, and source constructor.
ParseIOException(String) - Constructor for exception
Message constructor with no cause.
ParseIOException(String, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Message and location constructor with no cause.
ParseIOException(String, String) - Constructor for exception
Message and source constructor with no cause.
ParseIOException(String, String, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Message, source, and location constructor with no cause.
ParseIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Message and cause constructor.
ParseIOException(String, Throwable, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Message, cause, and location constructor.
ParseIOException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception
Message, cause, and source constructor.
ParseIOException(String, Throwable, String, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Message, cause, source, and location constructor.
ParseIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Cause constructor.
ParseIOException(Throwable, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Cause and location constructor.
ParseIOException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception
Cause and source constructor.
ParseIOException(Throwable, String, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Cause, source, and location constructor.
parseNumberTextValue(String) - Static method in class
Parses the given text string and returns a number without throwing an exception if the string is invalid.
parseOrdinal(String) - Static method in class
Parses the given string and returns an ordinal value.
parseOrdinalValue(String) - Static method in class
Parses the given string and returns an ordinal value without throwing an exception if the string is invalid.
parseParameters(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Parses parameters of a media type from a sequence of characters.
ParseReader - Class in
ParseReader(Reader) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies another reader.
ParseReader(Reader, Object) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a ParseReader from another reader, along with a source object.
ParseReader(Reader, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies another reader and a name.
ParseReader(Reader, StringBuffer) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a ParseReader from another reader, along with several characters that have already been read.
ParseReader(Reader, StringBuffer, Object) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a ParseReader from another reader, along with several characters that have already been read and a source object.
ParseReader(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a reader from the contents of a string.
ParseReader(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a reader from the contents of a string.
parseRomanNumerals(String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.RomanNumerals
Parses the given Roman numerals and returns their integer value.
ParseUnexpectedDataException - Exception in
Class for unexpected characters encountered when parsing an input stream.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(char, char, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error, when one character was expected.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(char, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(Characters, char, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error, when multiple characters were expected.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(Reader, char) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error from a parse reader.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(Reader, char, char) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error from a parse reader, when one character was expected.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(Reader, Characters, char) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error from a parse reader, when multiple characters were expected.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(Reader, String, char) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error from a parse reader.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(Reader, String, char, char) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error from a parse reader, when one character was expected.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(String[], String, long, long, String) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error, when multiple strings were expected.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(String, char, char, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error, when one character was expected.
ParseUnexpectedDataException(String, char, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for an unexpected character error.
parseUserInput(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Durations
Parses a duration as a user might enter it.
parseValue(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Parses a parameter of a media type from a sequence of characters.
PART_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a part of a work.
pass(Reader, char) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until the given delimiter is passed or the end is reached.
pass(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until one of the given characters or the end is reached.
passRequired(Reader, char) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until the given delimiter is passed, throwing an exception if the end of the reader has been reached.
passRequired(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until one of the given characters is reached, throwing an exception if the end of the reader has been reached.
PATH_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Path characters defined by RFC 3986.
PATH_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The path scheme identifier for representing relative and absolute URI paths.
PATH_SEGMENT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Path segment characters defined by RFC 3986.
PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The slash character ('/') which separates components in a resource path.
PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The slash character ('/') that separates components in a URI path.
PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.util.prefs.PreferencesUtilities
The character used to separate elements in preference paths.
PathFilenamePatternPredicate - Class in
A predicate that matches paths based on whether the path filename matches a given pattern.
Paths - Class in
Utility methods to manipulate Paths.
PATTERN - Static variable in class
A pattern for checking the basic form of regular expressions.
PATTERN_PARAMETERS_GROUP - Static variable in class
The pattern matching group for all the parameters, with delimiters.
PATTERN_PRIMARY_TYPE_GROUP - Static variable in class
The pattern matching group for the primary type.
PATTERN_SUBTYPE_GROUP - Static variable in class
The pattern matching group for the subtype.
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task is temporarily paused.
peek() - Method in class
Peeks at the next character to be read.
peek(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Peeks a specified number of characters into a portion of an array.
peek(Reader) - Static method in class
Reads a character and, if a character was read (i.e.
peekChar() - Method in class
Peeks at the next character to be read, and throws an exception if there are no more characters to read.
peekExpectedChar(String) - Method in class
Makes sure the next character to be read is one we expect, but that character is left to be read.
peekExpectedStrings(String[]) - Method in class
Checks to see if the string of characters waiting to be read matches any that are expected.
peekGroup() - Method in class
Returns the character of the group currently on the stack.
peekRequired(Reader) - Static method in class
Reads a character and and resets the reader as if the character were not read, throwing an exception if the end of the reader has been reached.
peekString(int) - Method in class
Peeks the specified number of characters, and throws an exception if the end of the file is reached.
peekStringEOF(int) - Method in class
Peeks the specified number of characters, but does not throw an exception if the end of the file is reached.
PERCENT_SIGN_CHAR - Static variable in class
The percent sign.
perform(T) - Method in interface
Performs an operation on the indicated object.
PERIOD_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The delimiter (for "period") that introduces a duration.
PETA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for quadrillion.
PHRASE_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters used to punctuate phrases and sentences.
PICO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for trillionth.
PILCROW_SIGN_CHAR - Static variable in class
The pilcrow or paragraph sign.
PLAIN_ENCODE_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
The characters that are allowed in a URI plain encoding.
The characters that, at least initially, should not be encoded.
PLAIN_ENCODING_ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character used for escaping characters in a URI plain encoding.
PLAIN_ENCODING_REPLACE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character used for replacing certain characters in a URI plain encoding.
PLAIN_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The media type for plain text: text/plain.
PLAIN_SUBTYPE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The MIME subtype of text/plain.
plainDecode(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Decodes a plain-encoded URI.
plainEncode(URI) - Static method in class
Encodes an absolute URI into a plain string that is safe to be used in the path of another URI, for example.
PLUS_SIGN_CHAR - Static variable in class
A plus sign character.
PNG_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for PNG files.
PNG_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for PNG images: image/png.
pollState() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Polls and then retrieves the current state.
PollStateManager<S> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Manages a sequence of several states, allowing a consumer to poll for states, with state transitions occurring when needed.
PollStateManager() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Default constructor.
popGroup() - Method in class
Pops a group from the stack and returns the group beginning character.
PORT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The colon character (':') that separates a host from a port.
POSIX_RESERVED_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
The characters that may not be used in POSIX filenames.
POST_METHOD - Static variable in class
The HTTP POST method.
PostponedEvent<E extends EventObject> - Interface in com.globalmentor.event
Encapsulation of an event and the means to fire it at a later time.
PostponedPropertyChangeEvent - Class in com.globalmentor.beans
Encapsulation of a property change event and its associated property change support, queued for later firing.
PostponedPropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeSupport, PropertyChangeEvent) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.beans.PostponedPropertyChangeEvent
Creates a postponed property change event.
PRAGMA_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP pragma header.
PREFACE_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a preface heading of a work.
Preferencesable - Interface in com.globalmentor.util.prefs
Indicates that an object can store and retrieve preferences.
PreferencesUtilities - Class in com.globalmentor.util.prefs
Utilities methods for working with preferences.
PreferencesUtilities() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.prefs.PreferencesUtilities
previous() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractConverterList.ConverterListIterator
Converts and returns the previous element in the iteration.
previous() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Returns the previous element in the list.
previous() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
previous() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
Returns the previous element in the list.
previous() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
previous() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Goes to the previous step in the sequence.
previousIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
Returns the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call to previous.
previousIndex() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
primedNext - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
The value that has been retrieved and has passed the filter and is waiting to be returned, or NO_NEXT_OBJECT if there is no primed next object.
primedNext - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
The value that has been retrieved and has passed the filter and is waiting to be returned, or null if there is no primed next object.
primeNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractFilteredIterator
Returns the next available element for the iterator.
primeNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractPrimedIterator
Returns the next available element for the iterator.
primeNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
Retrieves the next object and stores it locally to return from the next call to next().
primeNext() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Retrieves the next object and stores it locally to return from the next call to next().
primeToken() - Method in class
If there is no token primed, attempts to retrieve the next token.
PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES - Static variable in class
The set of classes that wrap primitive types.
print(boolean) - Method in class
Print a boolean value.
print(char) - Method in class
Print a character.
print(char[]) - Method in class
Print an array of characters.
print(double) - Method in class
Print a double-precision floating-point number.
print(float) - Method in class
Print a floating-point number.
print(int) - Method in class
Print an integer.
print(long) - Method in class
Print a long integer.
print(A) - Method in class
Prints this stack trace to the specified appendable in a format similar to Throwable.printStackTrace(PrintStream).
print(SuffixTree, PrintStream) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees
Prints a character representation of the tree and its branches, starting from the root node.
print(SuffixTree, PrintStream, SuffixTree.Edge, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees
Prints a character representation of the child edges of the given edge.
print(SuffixTree, PrintStream, SuffixTree.Node, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees
Prints a character representation of the given node.
print(Object) - Method in class
Print an object.
print(String) - Method in class
Print a string.
println() - Method in class
Terminate the current line by writing the line separator string.
println(boolean) - Method in class
Print a boolean and then terminates the line.
println(char) - Method in class
Print a character and then terminates the line.
println(char[]) - Method in class
Print an array of characters and then terminates the line.
println(double) - Method in class
Print a double and then terminates the line.
println(float) - Method in class
Print a float and then terminates the line.
println(int) - Method in class
Print an integer and then terminates the line.
println(long) - Method in class
Print a long and then terminates the line.
println(Object) - Method in class
Print an object and then terminates the line.
println(String) - Method in class
Print a string and then terminates the line.
PrintStreamWriter - Class in
Converts a PrintStream to a Writer.
PrintStreamWriter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class
Print stream constructor.
PrintStreamWriter(PrintStream, boolean) - Constructor for class
Print stream and optional closing constructor.
process() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Processes any objects in the queue.
process(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Processes a single object in the queue.
process(Object) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectProcessor
Processes a single object.
processBufferedData(int) - Method in class
Provides away to do initial processing on newly-buffered data.
ProcessingBufferedReader - Class in
A reader that buffers data and allows this data to be processed before handing it to the consumer.
ProcessingBufferedReader(Reader) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a ProcessingBufferedReader from another reader.
ProcessingBufferedReader(Reader, CharSequence) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a ProcessingBufferedReader from another reader, along with several characters that have already been read.
ProcessingBufferedReader(CharSequence) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create a reader from the contents of a character sequence.
produce(char[]) - Method in class
Queues an array of characters for asynchronous writing, throwing an exception if this writer has been closed.
PRODUCT_VERSION_REGEX - Static variable in class
The regular expression for a product version in the form X.X.X, where all but the first version is optional.
progressed(ProgressEvent) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.event.ProgressListener
Invoked when progress has been made.
ProgressEvent - Class in com.globalmentor.event
An event used to notify interested parties that progress has been made.
ProgressEvent(Object, long) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
Value constructor.
ProgressEvent(Object, long, long) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
Value and maximum constructor.
ProgressEvent(Object, long, long, long) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
Delta, value, and maximum constructor.
ProgressListener - Interface in com.globalmentor.event
Represents an object which monitors the progress of a particular task.
ProgressOutputStream - Class in
An output stream that provides progres events for bytes written.
ProgressOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Decorates the given output stream.
PROPERTIES_NAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
PropertiesUtilities - Class in com.globalmentor.util
to be removed in favor of Confound library.
PropertiesUtilities() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
PropertyBindable - Interface in com.globalmentor.beans
Indicates that an object supports bound properties and property change listener notification.
propertyChange(GenericPropertyChangeEvent<V>) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.GenericPropertyChangeListener
Called when a bound property is changed.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.AbstractGenericPropertyChangeListener
Called when a bound property is changed.
PropertyConstrainable - Interface in com.globalmentor.beans
Indicates that an object supports constrained properties and vetoable change listener notification.
Prose - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Constants and utilities for working with the structure of text.
Prose() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
PROXY_REVALIDATE_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP proxy-revalidate cache control header.
PTR - Enum constant in enum
A domain name pointer.
PUNCTUATION_CHARS - Static variable in class
Characters used to punctuate phrases and sentences, as well as general punctuation such as quotes.
purge() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Purges all enqueued references.
purgeExcept(R) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Purges all enqueued references except for the given reference.
PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that uses soft references to store map values.
PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap
Default constructor with a default initial capacity and load factor.
PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap
Empty map constructor with the specified initial capacity and a default load factor.
PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap
Empty map constructor with the specified initial capacity and load factor.
PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap(Map<K, PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap.SoftValueReference<K, V>>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap
Decorated map constructor.
PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap.SoftValueReference<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A soft reference that keeps track of the key with which a value was associated.
PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that uses weak references to store map values.
PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap
Default constructor with a default initial capacity and load factor.
PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap
Empty map constructor with the specified initial capacity and a default load factor.
PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap
Empty map constructor with the specified initial capacity and load factor.
PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap(Map<K, PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap.WeakValueReference<K, V>>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap
Decorated map constructor.
PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap.WeakValueReference<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A weak reference that keeps track of the key with which a value was associated.
pushGroup(char) - Method in class
Pushes a group onto the stack.
put(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
put(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
put(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReverseMap
put(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
put(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
put(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
PUT_METHOD - Static variable in class
The HTTP PUT method.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
putPassword(URI, String, String, char[]) - Method in class
Caches the password for a given user in a given realm of a given root URI.
putRemoveNull(Map<K, V>, K, V) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.


QUERY_NAME_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT - Static variable in class
The character that represents assigning a value to a name in a query.
QUERY_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The character that separates each name-value pair in a query.
QUERY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The character that separates the query from the rest of a URI.
QUESTION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A question mark character (003F;QUESTION MARK;Po;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;).
QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A quotation mark character.
QUOTE - Static variable in class
US-ASCII double-quote mark.
QUOTE_CHARS - Static variable in class
Characters that start or end quotations.
The control characters not allowed in a quoted string as per RFC 7230.
Characters required to be escaped in a quoted string.


random - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
The random number generator.
RANDOM - Static variable in class
The shared random number factory.
RandomIntegerIterator - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that iterates a sequence of random iterators.
RandomIntegerIterator(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Shuffle constructor.
RandomIntegerIterator(int, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns numbers between zero (inclusive) and the given maximum value (exclusive).
RandomIntegerIterator(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns numbers between zero (inclusive) and the given maximum value (exclusive).
RandomIntegerIterator(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Full constructor with default random number generator.
RandomIntegerIterator(Random, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Shuffle constructor with random number generator.
RandomIntegerIterator(Random, int, int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns numbers between zero (inclusive) and the given maximum value (exclusive).
RandomIntegerIterator(Random, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Constructs an iterator that returns numbers between zero (inclusive) and the given maximum value (exclusive).
RandomIntegerIterator(Random, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Full constructor with random number generator.
randomize(Vector<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Vectors
Randomizes the elements of the vector.
randomize(Vector<E>, Random) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Vectors
Randomizes the elements of the vector with the specified random number generator.
range - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
The absolute positive length of the range of possible values.
Range<T extends Comparable<? super T>> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Represents a range of comparable values.
Range(T, T) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.Range
Creates a range with a lower and upper bound, inclusive.
rangeMax - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
The upper bound, inclusive, of the range to include.
rangeMin - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
The lower bound, inclusive, of the range to include.
RAR_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for RAR compressed files.
RAR_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for RAR files: application/vnd.rar.
reach(Reader, char) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until the given delimiter is passed or the end is reached.
reach(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until one of the given characters or the end is reached.
reachRequired(Reader, char) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until the given delimiter is passed, throwing an exception if the end of the reader has been reached.
reachRequired(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Skips all characters in a reader until one of the given characters is reached, throwing an exception if the end of the reader has been reached.
read() - Method in class
Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
read() - Method in class
This version always returns -1.
read() - Method in class
Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in class
Read a single character.
read(byte[]) - Method in class
Reads some number of bytes from the input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
read(byte[]) - Method in class
This version always returns -1.
read(byte[]) - Method in class
Reads some number of bytes from the input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
read(byte[]) - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
This version always returns -1.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Read characters into a portion of an array.
read(File, InputStreamReadable) - Static method in class
Reads the contents of the given file.
read(File, IO<T>) - Static method in class
Reads an object from a file using the given I/O support.
read(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class
Fills a buffer with bytes from an input stream, starting at its beginning, blocking until the buffer is full or the end of the stream is reached.
read(InputStream, byte[], int) - Static method in class
Fills a section of a buffer with bytes from an input stream, starting at its beginning, blocking until the buffer is full or the end of the stream is reached.
read(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Fills a section of a buffer with bytes from an input stream, blocking until the buffer is full or the end of the stream is reached.
read(InputStream, URI) - Method in interface
Reads the contents of the given input stream.
read(InputStream, URI) - Method in interface
to be moved to an I/O strategy class, or removed altogether.
read(Reader, char[]) - Static method in class
Fills a buffer with characters from a reader, starting at its beginning, blocking until the buffer is full or the end of the reader is reached.
read(Reader, char[], int) - Static method in class
Fills a section of a buffer with characters from a reader, starting at its beginning, blocking until the buffer is full or the end of the reader is reached.
read(Reader, char[], int, int) - Static method in class
Fills a section of a buffer with characters from a reader, blocking until the buffer is full or the end of the reader is reached.
read(Class<?>, String, IO<T>) - Static method in class
Reads a class resource using the given class' class loader and the given I/O support.
read(URL, IO<T>) - Static method in class
Reads an object from a URL using the given I/O support.
readBytes(File) - Static method in class
Loads the contents of a file into an array of bytes.
readBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class
Loads the contents of an input stream into an array of bytes.
readBytes(InputStream, int) - Static method in class
Reads a specified number of bytes from the stream and returns them in a byte array.
readBytes(InputStream, long, int) - Static method in class
Reads a specified number of bytes from the stream and returns them in a byte array, starting at a given offset.
readBytes(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Reads all the bytes of a class resource.
readBytes(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class
Reads all the bytes of a class resource.
readBytes(URL) - Static method in class
Loads the contents of a URL into an array of bytes.
readChar() - Method in class
Read a single character, and throws an exception if the end of the file is reached.
readDelimitedString(char, char) - Method in class
Reads text from an input stream that that has certain beginning and ending delimiter characters.
readDelimitedString(String) - Method in class
Reads text from an input stream that ends in a certain delimiter.
readDelimitedString(String, String) - Method in class
Reads text from an input stream that that has certain beginning and ending delimiters.
readDelimitedStringInclusive(char, char) - Method in class
Reads text from an input stream that that has certain beginning and ending delimiter characters, and returns the string including the delimiters.
readDelimitedStringInclusive(String, String) - Method in class
Reads text from an input stream that that has certain beginning and ending delimiters, and returns the string including the delimiters.
readEnclosedRequired(Reader, char, char) - Static method in class
Reads text from a reader that has certain required beginning and ending delimiter characters.
ReaderParser - Class in
Parsing methods that work on a Reader.
ReaderParser() - Constructor for class
Readers - Class in
Utility methods for working with Reader instances.
Readers() - Constructor for class
ReaderTokenizer - Class in
Tokenizes input from a reader, recognizing groups.
ReaderTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class
Reader constructor with default token delimiters and no group delimiters.
ReaderTokenizer(Reader, Characters) - Constructor for class
Token delimiter constructor with no group delimiters.
ReaderTokenizer(Reader, Characters, String, String) - Constructor for class
Delimiter and group constructor.
readExpectedChar(char) - Method in class
Gets the next character from the reader, and make sure it's the character we expected; otherwise an exception is thrown.
readExpectedChar(String) - Method in class
Gets the next character from the reader, and make sure it's a character we expect; otherwise an exception is thrown.
readExpectedString(String) - Method in class
Gets the a certain number of characters from the reader, and makes sure they are what we expected; otherwise an exception is thrown.
readExpectedStringIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class
Gets the a certain number of characters from the reader, and makes sure they are what we expected, ignoring case; otherwise an exception is thrown.
readExpectedStrings(String[]) - Method in class
Reads a string of characters and makes sure they match a string in a given list, returning the index of the matched string.
readLock() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ReadWriteLockDecorator
readLock() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractReadWriteLockOperation
Returns the lock used for reading.
readLock() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
readPast(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until one of the given characters or the end is reached.
readPastRequired(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until one of the given characters.
readRequired(Reader) - Static method in class
Reads a character, throwing an error if the end of the reader was reached.
readRequiredCount(Reader, int) - Static method in class
Reads a given number of characters, throwing an error if the end of the reader was reached.
readRequiredCount(Reader, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Reads a given number of characters, throwing an error if the end of the reader was reached or if a character in the string does not match one of the given characters.
readRequiredMinimumCount(Reader, Characters, int) - Static method in class
Reads at least a minimum number of characters in a reader that appear in a set of characters.
readRequiredMinimumCount(Reader, Characters, int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class
Reads at least a minimum number of characters in a reader that appear in a set of characters.
readString(int) - Method in class
Gets the specified number of characters from the reader.
readString(Reader) - Static method in class
Reads all characters remaining in the reader into a string.
readString(Reader, int) - Static method in class
Reads all characters remaining in the reader into a string up until the given maximum length.
readString(URL, Charset) - Static method in class
Loads the contents of a URL into a string.
readStringUntilChar(char) - Method in class
Reads characters until a particular character is reached.
readStringUntilChar(String) - Method in class
Reads characters until one of the characters in delimiterCharString is reached.
readStringUntilCharEOF(char) - Method in class
Reads characters until a particular character is reached or the end of the file is reached.
readStringUntilCharEOF(String) - Method in class
Reads characters until one of the characters in delimiterCharString is reached, or the end of the file is reached.
readStringUntilSkipString(String) - Method in class
Reads characters up to the given string and skips the given string.
readStringUntilString(String) - Method in class
Reads characters until the given string is reached.
readUntil(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until one of the given characters or the end is reached.
readUntilRequired(Reader, char) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until the given delimiter is reached, throwing an exception if the end of the reader has been reached.
readUntilRequired(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader until one of the given characters is reached, throwing an exception if the end of the reader has been reached.
readWhile(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader that appear within a given set of characters.
readWhile(Reader, Characters, StringBuilder) - Static method in class
Reads all characters in a reader that appear within a given set of characters and collects them in a given string builder.
ReadWriteLockCollection<E> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe collection that uses a pair of read and write locks to access its data.
ReadWriteLockCollectionMap<K,V,C extends Collection<V>> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe map that stores a collection of values for each key, with special methods for retrieving single values.
ReadWriteLockDecorator - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A read/write lock that decorates another read/write lock.
ReadWriteLockDecorator(ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ReadWriteLockDecorator
Read write lock constructor.
ReadWriteLockMap<K,V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe map that uses a pair of read and write locks to access its data.
ReadWriteLockObjectHolder<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
An object that holds another object and provides read/write lock access to the object.
ReadWriteLockObjectHolder() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
Default constructor to hold null.
ReadWriteLockObjectHolder(ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
Read write lock constructor.
ReadWriteLockObjectHolder(T) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
Held object constructor.
ReadWriteLockObjectHolder(T, ReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
Held object and read write lock constructor.
ReadWriteLockReverseMap<K,V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe reverse map that uses a pair of read and write locks to access its data.
ReadWriteLockSet<E> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A thread-safe set that uses a pair of read and write locks to access its data.
ready() - Method in class
REALM_PARAMETER - Static variable in class
The "realm" parameter used in headers such as WWW-Authenticate.
recode(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
Re-encodes the given string to the new encoding (such as UTF-8), assuming the string was encoded from an array of bytes using the old encoding (e.g.
ReferenceResource - Class in
A class that represents a reference to another resource via its URI.
ReferenceResource(URI) - Constructor for class
URI constructor.
REFERER_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the referring location.
RegularExpressions - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Constants and utility methods for regular expression-related tasks.
RegularExpressions() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
relativize(DomainName) - Method in class
Relativizes the other domain against this name.
relativize(URIPath) - Method in class
Returns the path of a target path relative to this path, which may be a sibling path or even a child path of the other path.
relativize(String) - Method in class
Returns the path of a target path relative to this path, which may be a sibling path or even a child path of the other path.
relativize(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI.
relativizeChildPath(URIPath) - Method in class
Relativizes the given path against this path.
relativizeChildPath(String) - Method in class
Relativizes the given path against this path.
relativizeChildPath(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Returns a URI relative to the given parent URI.
relativizePath(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI.
releaseZipFile() - Method in class
Releases the hold on the zip file.
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractEnumerationDecorator
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractIteratorDecorator
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Removes from the list the last element that was returned by or AbstractListIterator.previous().
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractPrimedIterator
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterIterator
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.JoinIterator
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
This implementation does not support element removal, and always throws an exception.
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectIterator
This implementation does not support removal.
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
This implementation does not support element removal, and always throws an exception.
remove() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ReverseIterator
Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by the iterator (optional operation).
remove() - Method in class
Removes the last token from the underlying collection.
remove(char...) - Method in class
Creates a new object with these characters, with the given characters removed.
remove(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
remove(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
remove(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
remove(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
remove(Characters) - Method in class
Creates a new object with these characters, with the given characters removed.
remove(CharSequence) - Method in class
Creates a new object with these characters, with the given characters removed.
remove(Class<T>, L) - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.EventListenerManager
Removes a listener from the manager as associated with the given key.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReverseMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
remove(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
remove(String, int) - Static method in class
Removes a character at the specified index.
remove(String, int, int) - Static method in class
Removes several characters at the specified index.
removeAfterFirstChar(String, Characters) - Static method in class
Removes all characters that come after and including the first occurrence of a character in the given delimiter string.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Removes all this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
removeAll(Collection<T>, Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Removes all of the elements specified by the given iterable from the specified collection.
removeAll(Collection<T>, Iterator<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Removes all of the elements specified by the given iterator from the specified collection.
removeBeforeLast(String, char) - Static method in class
Removes all characters that come before the last occurrence of the given character.
removeCacheFetchListener(Q, CacheFetchListener<Q, V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Removes a listener to listen for a value being fetched.
removeCacheFetchListener(Q, CacheFetchListener<Q, V>) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Removes a listener to listen for a value being fetched.
removeEdge(CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
Removes an edge from the tree.
removeEdge(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
Removes an edge from the tree.
removeEvery(StringBuffer, char) - Static method in class
Removes every occurrence of a specified character.
removeEvery(StringBuilder, char) - Static method in class
Removes every occurrence of a specified character.
removeEveryChar(StringBuffer, String) - Static method in class
Removes every occurrence of any of the given specified characters.
removeEveryChar(StringBuilder, String) - Static method in class
Removes every occurrence of any of the given specified characters.
removeExtension(File) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Files.removeNameExtension(File).
removeExtension(String) - Static method in class
Removes the last extension, if any, of a filename and returns a new filename with no extension.
removeExtension(Path) - Static method in class
to be removed in favor of Paths.removeFilenameExtension(Path).
removeFilenameExtension(Path) - Static method in class
Removes the last extension, if any, of a path's filename and returns a new filename with no extension.
removeFirstCharLength(StringBuffer, Characters) - Static method in class
Removes all content after and including the first occurrence of a character appearing in the delimiter string.
removeFirstCharLength(StringBuilder, Characters) - Static method in class
Removes all content after and including the first occurrence of a character appearing in the delimiter string.
removeFragment(URI) - Static method in class
Returns a URI with its fragment, if any, removed.
removeIf(Predicate<? super E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
removeIf(Predicate<? super E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
removeIf(Predicate<? super E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
removeItem(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractDecoratorCollectionMap
removeItem(K, V) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionMap
Removes the first occurence of the given value from the collection of values, if any, associated with the key.
removeItem(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollectionMap
removeItem(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
removeKey(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
removeKey(Object) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.MappedList
Removes the value from the list mapped to the given key value.
removeLengthIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class
Removes the given substring, matched without case sensitivity, and everything following the string.
removeMarks(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Removes all normalized Unicode marks such as accents from a string.
removeNameExtension(File) - Static method in class
Removes the extension of a filename, if any, and returns a new file with no extension.
removePassword(URI, String, String) - Method in class
Removes the password stored for a given user in a given realm of a given root URI.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class
Removes an progress listener.
removeProperty(Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
Removes a property of the object state.
removeProperty(Object) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
Removes a property of the object state.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Remove a property change listener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable
Remove a property change listener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
Remove a property change listener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Remove a property change listener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyBindable
Remove a property change listener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
Remove a property change listener for a specific property.
removeRawNameExtension(URI) - Static method in class
Removes the extension, if any, of a URI name and returns a new URI with no extension.
removeTokensIgnoreCase(CharSequence, Characters, CharSequence...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
removeTokensIgnoreCase(StringBuilder, int, int, Characters, CharSequence...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
removeTokensIgnoreCase(StringBuilder, Characters, CharSequence...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
removeValue(V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockReverseMap
removeValue(V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReverseMap
removeValue(V) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.ReverseMap
Removes the mapping for a value from this map if it is present.
removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Removes a vetoable change listener from the listener list.
removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
Removes a vetoable change listener from the listener list.
removeVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.BoundPropertyObject
Removes a vetoable change listener for a specific property.
removeVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.PropertyConstrainable
Removes a vetoable change listener for a specific property.
renameTo(File, File) - Static method in class
Renames the file, throwing an exception if unsuccessful.
repeat - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
true if values should be repeated, else false.
replace(StringBuffer, char[]) - Static method in class
Converts all characters in the string buffer to corresponding characters in a given lookup table.
replace(StringBuffer, char[][]) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with a given replacement.
replace(StringBuffer, char[], String[]) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the corresponding replacement string.
replace(StringBuffer, char, char) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the given replacement character.
replace(StringBuffer, char, String) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the given replacement string.
replace(StringBuffer, int, int, char) - Static method in class
Removes several characters at the specified index and replaces them with the given character.
replace(StringBuffer, String, char) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the given replacement.
replace(StringBuffer, String, String) - Static method in class
Replaces every occurrence of a specified string with another string.
replace(StringBuilder, char[]) - Static method in class
Converts all characters in the string buffer to corresponding characters in a given lookup table.
replace(StringBuilder, char[][]) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with a given replacement.
replace(StringBuilder, char[], String[]) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the corresponding replacement string.
replace(StringBuilder, char, char) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the given replacement character.
replace(StringBuilder, char, String) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the given replacement string.
replace(StringBuilder, int, int, char) - Static method in class
Removes several characters at the specified index and replaces them with the given character.
replace(StringBuilder, Characters, char) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the given replacement.
replace(StringBuilder, Characters, String) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the given replacement string.
replace(StringBuilder, String, String) - Static method in class
Replaces every occurrence of a specified string with another string.
replace(String, char[], String[]) - Static method in class
Replaces each matching character with the corresponding replacement string.
replace(String, char, String) - Static method in class
Replaces every occurrence of a specified character with a string.
replace(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class
Removes several characters at the specified index and replaces them with the given string.
replace(String, Characters, char) - Static method in class
Replaces any of several matching characters with a particular character.
replace(String, Characters, String) - Static method in class
Replaces any of several matching characters with a particular string.
replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Replaces every occurrence of a specified string with another string.
replace(List<E>, E, E) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Replaces the first occurrence of the given object with a new object.
replace(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
replace(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
replace(K, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
replace(K, V, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
replace(K, V, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
replace(K, V, V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
replaceAll(UnaryOperator<E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
replaceAll(UnaryOperator<E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
REPLACEMENT_CHAR - Static variable in class
Represents a character that is unknown or unrepresentable in Unicode.
replaceRawFragment(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a URI with its fragment, if any, replaced.
replaceRuns(StringBuffer, char, int, int, char) - Static method in class
Replaces all runs of the given character with another character.
replaceRuns(StringBuilder, char, int, int, char) - Static method in class
Replaces all runs of the given character with another character.
requireNonNulls(Object...) - Static method in class
Checks to see if the elements are instances of any object, and throws a NullPointerException if any element is null.
requireNonNulls(T[]) - Static method in class
Checks to see if the elements within an array are instances of any object, and throws a NullPointerException if any element is null.
requireNonNulls(T[], String) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a given variable is an instance of any object, and throws a NullPointerException if the variable is null.
RESERVED_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Reserved characters as defined by RFC 2396.
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Resets the poll manager to the first state in the sequence.
resetPeek() - Method in class
Resets any characters we've peeked so that the next peek will reflect the next character which will be read.
resetScheduledTime() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperation
Resets the scheduled time to the current time.
resetState() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Resets the information for the current state by setting the poll count to zero and initializing the time to the current time.
resolve(DomainName) - Method in class
Resolves another domain name against this domain name.
resolve(URIPath) - Method in class
Resolves the given path against this path.
resolve(String) - Method in class
Resolves the given path against this path.
resolve(URI) - Method in class
Resolves the given URI against this path.
resolve(URI, URIPath) - Static method in class
Resolves a URI path against a base URI.
resolve(URI, String) - Static method in class
Resolves a string against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(String), following RFC 3986.
resolve(URI, URI) - Static method in class
Resolves a relative URI against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(URI), following RFC 3986.
resolve(URI, URI, boolean) - Static method in class
Resolves a relative URI against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(URI), following RFC 3986.
resolve(Path, String...) - Static method in class
Resolve the given path names against the paths formed by the given names.
resolve(Path, Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Resolve the given path names against the paths formed by the given names.
resolveFragment(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a URI constructed from a given URI and a fragment identifier.
resolveRawFragment(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a URI constructed from a given URI and a raw fragment identifier.
resolveResourcePath(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Resource - Interface in
Represents a generic resource with an identifying URI.
RESOURCE_PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
RESOURCE_PROPERTY - Variable in class
The resource property.
RESOURCE_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The resource scheme identifier "resource".
ResourceEvent - Class in
An event related to a resource.
ResourceEvent(Object, Resource) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies the resource description.
ResourceEvent(Object, Resource, Resource) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies the parent and resource description.
ResourceEvent(Object, Resource, URI, Resource, Resource) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies the old and new parent resource descriptions, the new resource description and the old resource reference URI.
ResourceEvent(Object, URI) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies the resource reference URI.
ResourceEvent(Object, URI, Resource, Resource) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies the parent and resource description, as well as an old resource URI.
ResourceEvent(Object, URI, Resource, URI, Resource, URI, Resource, URI, Resource) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies parent, old, and current resources.
ResourceEvent(Object, URI, URI) - Constructor for class
Constructor that specifies both an old and a current resource reference URI.
ResourceForbiddenException - Exception in
A class indicating that a resource cannot be accessed with the current authorization, either because of the current authorization or because the access is denied in general (e.g.
ResourceForbiddenException(URI) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception for the specified resource URI.
ResourceForbiddenException(URI, String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and detail message.
ResourceForbiddenException(URI, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI, detail message, and cause.
ResourceForbiddenException(URI, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and cause, along with a detail message derived from the cause.
ResourceIOException - Exception in
A class for resource-related I/O errors, agnostic of the I/O protocol being used.
ResourceIOException(URI) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception for the specified resource URI.
ResourceIOException(URI, String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and detail message.
ResourceIOException(URI, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI, detail message, and cause.
ResourceIOException(URI, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and cause, along with a detail message derived from the cause.
ResourceListener - Interface in
Indicates the implementing class can listen for events relating to resource additions, removals, and changes.
ResourceModel<R extends Resource> - Class in
A model of a resource.
ResourceModel() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
ResourceModel(URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
URI input stream locator constructor.
ResourceModel(URI) - Constructor for class
Base URI constructor.
ResourceModel(URI, URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Base URI and input stream locator constructor.
ResourceModel(R) - Constructor for class
Resource constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Resource and URI input stream locator constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URIInputStreamable, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Resource and input/output stream locator constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Resource and URI output stream locator constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URI) - Constructor for class
Resource and base URI constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URI, URIAccessible) - Constructor for class
Resource, base URI, and URI accessible constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URI, URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Resource, base URI, and input stream locator constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URI, URIInputStreamable, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Full constructor.
ResourceModel(R, URI, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Resource, base URI, and output stream locator constructor.
ResourceNotFoundException - Exception in
A class indicating that a resource could not be found.
ResourceNotFoundException(URI) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception for the specified resource URI.
ResourceNotFoundException(URI, String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and detail message.
ResourceNotFoundException(URI, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI, detail message, and cause.
ResourceNotFoundException(URI, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and cause, along with a detail message derived from the cause.
ResourceRecord - Class in
Encapsulation of information that appears in the resource record of a DNS zone file.
ResourceRecord(ResourceRecord.Type, DomainName, String, long) - Constructor for class
Constructor using a known type.
ResourceRecord(String, DomainName, String, long) - Constructor for class
ResourceRecord.Type - Enum in
Common, known resource record types.
ResourceSelector<R extends Resource> - Interface in
An interface to an object that allows resources to be selected for input or output.
ResourceStateException - Exception in
A class indicating that a resource is in the wrong state or a precondition for an operation related to the resource failed.
ResourceStateException(URI) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception for the specified resource URI.
ResourceStateException(URI, String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and detail message.
ResourceStateException(URI, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI, detail message, and cause.
ResourceStateException(URI, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified resource URI and cause, along with a detail message derived from the cause.
RESTRICTED - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The restricted characters that must be escaped in regular expressions at least in some places.
RESTRICTED_NAME_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
The restricted-name-chars characters of RFC 6838, making up a restricted-name.
RESTRICTED_NAME_CHARS_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class
The maximum number of restricted-name-chars of a restricted-name according to RFC 6838.
The restricted-name-first characters of RFC 6838, defining the first character of a restricted-name.
RESTRICTED_NAME_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class
The maximum length of a restricted-name according to RFC 6838.
RESTRICTED_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class
The regular expression pattern defining a restricted-name as per RFC 6838.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
retainAll(Map<K, V>, Set<K>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Retains only the entries in the map the keys of which have a corresponding entry in the given map.
rethrow(Throwable) - Static method in class
Rethrows an exception.
retrieveData(Q) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Fetches data from the backing store, stores the data in the cache, and notifies any listeners.
A reversed double prime quotation mark.
ReverseIterator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.iterators
An iterator that wraps an existing list iterator and provides its elements in reverse order.
ReverseIterator(Iterable<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ReverseIterator
Iterable constructor.
ReverseIterator(ListIterator<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ReverseIterator
List iterator constructor.
ReverseMap<K,V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that also allows lookup of the map keys keyed to the values.
RIGHT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A right double quote.
Right punctuation used to group characters.
RIGHT_POINTING_ANGLE_BRACKET - Static variable in class
A right-pointing angle bracket character (232A;RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET;Pe;0;ON;3009;;;;Y;KET;;;;).
A right-pointing guillemet character.
RIGHT_QUOTE_CHARS - Static variable in class
Characters that could be considered the end of a quotation.
RIGHT_SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A right single quote.
RIGHT_TO_LEFT_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A right-to-right mark (200F;RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK;Cf;0;R;;;;;N;;;;;).
RomanNumerals - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Utilities for working with Roman numerals.
RomanNumerals() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.RomanNumerals
Default constructor.
ROOT - Static variable in class
The root domain name as per RFC 1035
ROOT_PATH - Static variable in class
The path to root, consisting of a single path separator ("/").
ROOT_PATH_PARENT_LEVEL - Static variable in class
The path Java returns when it tries to resolve .. to the root path.
ROOT_PATH_URI - Static variable in class
A URI consisting only of a single path separator ("/").
ROOT_URI_PATH - Static variable in class
The path to root, consisting of a single path separator ("/").
round(float, int) - Static method in class
Rounds a value with a particular precision of a specified digit.
run() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer
The main functionality of the consumer, which consumes data from the blocking queue and calls AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer.consume(Object).
run() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
The method which executes as the processing thread.
run() - Method in class
The main functionality of the consumer, which consumes data from the blocking queue and writes it to the underlying writer.
run() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractOperation
This version sets the state to TaskState.INITIALIZE and then calls AbstractOperation.initialize().
run() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperationWorker
RunnableOperation - Class in com.globalmentor.model
An operation that delegates to a provided Runnable.
RunnableOperation(Runnable) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.RunnableOperation
Runnable constructor.


S_MAXAGE_CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class
The HTTP s-maxage cache control header.
SAFE_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Safe characters as defined by RFC 2396.
save(ModelView<M>, OutputStream) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewIOKit
Saves a view to an output stream.
save(ModelView<M>, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ViewIOKit
Saves a view to an output stream.
save(ModelView<M>, URI) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractViewIOKit
Saves a view to a given URI.
save(ModelView<M>, URI) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ViewIOKit
Saves a view to a given URI.
save(StringBuilder, OutputStream) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.TextIOKit
Saves a model to an output stream.
save(T, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Saves an object to an output stream.
save(T, URI) - Method in class
Saves an object to a given URI.
save(T, URI) - Method in interface
Saves an object to a given URI.
SC_ACCEPTED - Static variable in class
Status code (202) indicating that a request was accepted for processing, but was not completed.
SC_BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in class
Status code (502) indicating that the HTTP server received an invalid response from a server it consulted when acting as a proxy or gateway.
SC_BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class
Status code (400) indicating the request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.
SC_CONFLICT - Static variable in class
Status code (409) indicating that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
SC_CONTINUE - Static variable in class
Status code (100) indicating the client may continue with its request.
SC_CREATED - Static variable in class
Status code (201) indicating the request succeeded and created a new resource on the server.
SC_FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class
Status code (403) indicating the server understood the request but refused to fulfill it.
SC_GONE - Static variable in class
Status code (410) indicating that the requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known.
SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class
Status code (500) indicating an error inside the HTTP service which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class
Status code (411) indicating that the server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-Length.
SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class
Status code (405) indicating the method specified is not allowed for the resource.
SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in class
Status code (301) indicating that the resource has permanently moved to a new location, and that future references should use a new URI with their requests.
SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY - Static variable in class
Status code (302) indicating that the resource has temporarily moved to another location, but that future references should still use the original URI to access the resource.
SC_NO_CONTENT - Static variable in class
Status code (204) indicating that the request succeeded but that there was no new information to return.
SC_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class
Status code (404) indicating that the requested resource is not available.
SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class
Status code (501) indicating the HTTP service does not support the functionality needed to fulfill the request.
SC_NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in class
Status code (304) indicating that a conditional GET operation found that the resource was available and not modified.
SC_OK - Static variable in class
Status code (200) indicating the request succeeded normally.
SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in class
Status code (412) indicating the precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class
Status code (413) indicating the server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class
Status code (503) indicating that the HTTP service is temporarily overloaded, and unable to handle the request.
SC_UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class
Status code (401) indicating that the request requires HTTP authentication.
SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
Status code (415) indicating the server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
SCENE_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a scene a work.
schedule(Operation) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
Schedules an operation for later, serial execution once with no delay.
schedule(Operation, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
Schedules an operation for later, serial execution with no delay.
schedule(Operation, Duration) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
Schedules an operation for later, serial execution once with the given delay.
schedule(Operation, Duration, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager
Schedules an operation for later, serial execution.
ScheduledOperation(Operation, Duration, boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperation
ScheduledOperationWorker(BlockingQueue<OperationManager.ScheduledOperation>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.OperationManager.ScheduledOperationWorker
Blocking queue constructor.
SCHEME_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The colon character (':') that separates a URI schema from the rest of the URI.
SECOND - Enum constant in enum
Unit for time.
SECOND - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
A second of time.
SECOND_DESIGNATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The designator for seconds in a duration expression.
SEGMENT_SEPARATOR_CHARS - Static variable in class
Unicode segment separator characters.
selectInputResource(R) - Method in interface
Selects a resource for input.
selectOutputResource(R) - Method in interface
Selects a resource for output.
SEMICOLON_CHAR - Static variable in class
A semicolon character.
SEPARATOR_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters in the Unicode Separator (Z) group as of Unicode 9.0.0.
SEPARATOR_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters that must be in a quoted string to be included in a parameter value.
SEQUENCE_INDEX_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.SequenceTask
The bound, constrained property of the sequence index, of type Integer.
SEQUENCE_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which a sequence of items is shown, perhaps as a card deck.
Sequenceable<E> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that can appear in a sequence, able to provide the next object in the sequence.
SequenceTask - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
A task performed in a sequence.
SequentialdISupplier - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Supplies sequential string identifiers via SequentialdISupplier.get(), each guaranteed to be sequentially unique.
SequentialdISupplier() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.SequentialdISupplier
Constructor with no prefix.
SequentialdISupplier(String) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.SequentialdISupplier
Prefix constructor.
SerialDelegateComparator<T> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections.comparators
A comparator that can perform comparisons based upon a sequence of other comparators.
SerialDelegateComparator(SortOrder, Comparator<? super T>...) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SerialDelegateComparator
Sort order constructor and comparators constructor.
SerialDelegateComparator(Comparator<? super T>...) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SerialDelegateComparator
Comparators constructor for ascending order sorting.
serialize(Identifier) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.lex.Lex
Returns a serialized form of an identifier.
set - Variable in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedSetDecorator
The set this class decorates.
set(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorIDedMappedList
set(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
set(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
set(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
set(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListIteratorDecorator
Replaces the last element returned by next or previous with the specified element (optional operation).
set(E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ObjectListIterator
This implementation does not support setting the element.
set(I) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Replaces the last element returned by or AbstractListIterator.previous() with the specified element.
set(Collection<T>, Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Sets the contents of the collection to the contents of the other given collection.
set(Collection<T>, T...) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Sets the contents of the collection to the contents of the other given collection.
set(O) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ConverterListIterator
SET_SETTER_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The getter prefix "set".
setAuthenticator(Authenticable) - Method in class
Sets the authenticator object used to retrieve client authentication.
setBufferEndIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the index directly after the end of the last character in the buffer.
setCharIndex(long) - Method in class
Changes the index of the last character read.
setDateTime(C, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
Sets the date and time-related fields, including milliseconds.
setDescription(D) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNameDescriptioned
Sets the description of the object.
setEnd(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the end of the data has been reached.
setError() - Method in class
Set the error state of the stream to true.
setExcluded(int, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
Determines whether the given index should be excluded from the iteration.
setExcluded(int, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Determines whether the given integer value should be excluded from the iteration.
setExcluded(E, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
Determines whether the given element should be excluded from the iteration.
setExcluded(Integer, boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Determines whether the given integer value should be excluded from the iteration.
setExpectedCharacters(Characters) - Method in exception
Sets the expected characters.
setExpectedStrings(List<String>) - Method in exception
Sets the expected strings.
setExpiration(long) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Sets the life of an object in the cache.
setExpiration(long) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Sets the life of an object in the cache.
setExtension(String, String) - Static method in class
Adds the extension, if any, to a filename and returns the new filename.
setFetchBufferIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the index where a new buffer should be read.
setFetchSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Sets whether fetching new values is synchronous.
setFetchSynchronous(boolean) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Sets whether fetching new values is synchronous.
setFilter(Filter<E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.CountedFilterIterator
Sets the filter used to exclude items from the iterator.
setFilter(Filter<E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ListRandomIterator
Sets the filter used to exclude items from the iterator.
setFilter(Filter<Integer>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.RandomIntegerIterator
Sets the filter used to exclude items from the iterator.
setFoundCharacter(char) - Method in exception
Sets the character found.
setFoundString(String) - Method in exception
Sets the string found.
setID(I) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDed
Sets the identifier of the object.
setItem(int, E) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.DefaultListIterator
Sets the element at the given position in the list.
setItem(int, I) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Sets the element at the given position in the list.
setLastBuffer(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether or not the previously-read buffer was the last.
setLastPositionIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the index of the last time the line and character indexes were updated.
setLeaf(boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
Sets whether this node is a leaf.
setLineIndex(long) - Method in class
Changes the line index of the last character read.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultLocaleable
Sets the locale
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Localeable
Sets the locale
setLogged(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this client logs its communication.
setLogged(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether this client logs its communication.
setModel(M) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelView
Sets the data model.
setModelView(int) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
Sets the view of the data.
setModified(boolean) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultModifiable
Sets whether the object has been modified.
setModified(boolean) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Modifiable
Sets whether the object has been modified.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the reader.
setName(N) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNamed
Sets the name of the object.
setObject(T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractObjectDecorator
Sets the decorated object.
setObject(T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
Sets the object being described.
setObject(T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ObjectHolder
Sets the held object.
setObject(T) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
Sets the held object.
setOutputStream(O) - Method in class
Changes the decorated output stream.
setParentNode(SuffixTree.Node) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
Sets the node indicating this node's parent.
setPassword(char[]) - Method in class
Sets the user password.
setPeekIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the index of the next character to be peeked.
setPreferences(Preferences) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.util.prefs.Preferencesable
Sets the preferences to be used for this panel.
setProperty(Object, Object) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultObjectState
Sets the value of an object state property, and fires a property changed event if the key is a string.
setProperty(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.ObjectState
Sets the value of an object state property.
setProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Sets a boolean property by converting the boolean value to a string and storing it in the underlying properties.
setProperty(Properties, String, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Sets an integer property by converting the integer value to a string and storing it in the underlying properties.
setProperty(Properties, String, File) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Sets a file property by converting the file to a string and storing it in the underlying properties.
setRawNameExtension(URI, String) - Static method in class
Adds the extension, if any, to a name and returns the new URI.
setReadIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the index of the next character to be read and checks to see if the end of the file has been reached.
setReferenceURI(URI) - Method in class
Sets the reference URI of the resource.
setResource(R) - Method in class
Sets the resource being modeled.
Sets - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Utilities to be used with sets.
Sets() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.Sets
setSequenceIndex(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Goes to the indicated index in the sequence.
setSourceObject(Object) - Method in class
Sets the source of the reader's data.
setStartIndex(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ArraySubList
Sets The index of the superlist at which this list starts.
setState(TaskState) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractReadWriteLockOperation
setState(TaskState) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractTask
Sets the current state of the task.
setSuffixNode(SuffixTree.Node) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
Sets the node representing the next smaller suffix.
setSuperListSize(int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ArraySubList
Sest the size of the superlist of which this list is a sublist.
SETTER_METHOD_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class
The pattern recognizing a setter method name: "set" followed by any other characters (assuming they are Java characters), with the prefix in matching group 1 and the property name in matching group 2.
setText(String) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Sets the represented text.
setTime(C, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
setTime(C, Calendar) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
Sets the following time-related calendar fields from a given calendar: Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY Calendar.MINUTE Calendar.SECOND Calendar.MILLISECOND
setURI(URI) - Method in class
Sets the URI of the resource.
setUsername(String) - Method in class
Sets the username.
setUsername(String) - Method in class
Restricts this client to particular user.
setValue(V) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.NameValuePairMapEntry
setValue(V) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.MutableValued
Sets the new value.
SEVENZ_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for 7z compressed files.
SEVENZ_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for 7z files: x-7z-compressed.
SHA_1 - Static variable in class
A hash algorithms defined in FIPS PUB 180-4.
SHA_224 - Static variable in class
A hash algorithms defined in FIPS PUB 180-4.
SHA_256 - Static variable in class
A hash algorithms defined in FIPS PUB 180-4.
SHA_384 - Static variable in class
A hash algorithms defined in FIPS PUB 180-4.
SHA_512_224 - Static variable in class
A hash algorithms defined in FIPS PUB 180-4.
SHA_512_256 - Static variable in class
A hash algorithms defined in FIPS PUB 180-4.
SHA3_224 - Static variable in class
Permutation-based hash and extendable-output functions as defined in FIPS PUB 202 producing a 224 bit digest.
SHA3_256 - Static variable in class
Permutation-based hash and extendable-output functions as defined in FIPS PUB 202 producing a 256 bit digest.
SHA3_384 - Static variable in class
Permutation-based hash and extendable-output functions as defined in FIPS PUB 202 producing a 384 bit digest.
SHA3_512 - Static variable in class
Permutation-based hash and extendable-output functions as defined in FIPS PUB 202 producing a 512 bit digest.
SIGNS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The possible signs of a number.
A single high-reversed-9 quotation mark.
A left-pointing single guillemet character.
SINGLE_LOW_9_QUOTATION_MARK_CHAR - Static variable in class
A single low-9 quotation mark.
A right-pointing single guillemet character.
SIPrefix - Enum in
A prefix of the International System of Units codified by ISO 30.
SIUnit - Enum in
A unit of the International System of Units codified by ISO 30 and related units.
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.IdentityHashSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
size() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
skip(long) - Method in class
This version always returns 0.
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
skip(long) - Method in class
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips the specified number of characters.
skip(Reader, Characters) - Static method in class
Skips over characters in a reader that appear within a given set of characters.
skipChars(long) - Method in class
Skips the specified number of characters, and throws an exception if the end of the file is reached.
skipChars(String) - Method in class
Skips every character that matches the skip characters, and returns the number of characters skipped.
skipCharsEOF(String) - Method in class
Skips every character that matches the skip characters, and returns the number of characters skipped.
SNAKE_CASE - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
A delimiter-based compound tokenization using '_'.
SNAKE_CASE_DELIMITER - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
The delimiter for kebab_case.
SOA - Enum constant in enum
Marks the start of a zone of authority.
SoftValueReference(K, V, ReferenceQueue<? super V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteSoftValueHashMap.SoftValueReference
Creates a new soft reference that remembers the given key, refers to the given object, and is registered with the given queue.
SOLIDUS_CHAR - Static variable in class
A solidus or slash character (002F;SOLIDUS;Po;0;CS;;;;;N;SLASH;;;;).
sort(Object, Object) - Static method in class
Compares the two specified objects, one of which must be an instance of Number, and either of which may be null.
sort(Object, Object, boolean) - Static method in class
Compares the two specified objects, one of which must be an instance of Number, and either of which may be null.
sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
sort(Vector<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Vectors
Sorts a vector containing Comparable objects using a quicksort algorithm.
sortLastModified(List<? extends File>) - Static method in class
Sorts a list of files in ascending order by modified time and secondly by file name.
SortOrder - Enum in com.globalmentor.collections.comparators
The order in which sorting should be performed.
SortOrderComparator<T> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections.comparators
A comparator that can sort in ascending or descending order.
SOURCE_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which any source data used to generate the data is shown.
SP - Static variable in class
US-ASCII space.
SP - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
A space character.
SPACE_CHAR - Static variable in class
A space character.
SPACE_SEPARATOR_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters in the Unicode Space_Separator (Zs) category as of Unicode 9.0.0.
SPACE_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
The symbol for space (2420;SYMBOL FOR SPACE;So;0;ON;;;;;N;GRAPHIC FOR SPACE;;;;).
SPECIAL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
The tspecials characters of RFC 2045, which require a string to be quoted in a parameter value.
split(CharSequence) - Method in class
Splits a character sequence on the these characters.
split(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization
split(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
split(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
Splits a compound token into its component parts.
split(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
splitEdge(CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
splitEdge(E, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree
Splits an edge into two.
spliterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
spliterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
spliterator() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
StackTrace - Class in
Convenience class and methods for working with stack traces.
StackTrace() - Constructor for class
Creates a stack trace from the current caller's location.
StackTrace(StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a stack trace from an array of stack elements.
StackTrace(StackTraceElement[], int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a stack trace from an array of stack elements.
start() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Causes this queue to begin processing its contents, if any, in a separate thread of execution.
start() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractSequenceTask
Starts the sequence by going to the first step in the sequence.
START_OF_STRING_CHAR - Static variable in class
A start of string control character.
started() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer
Called when the consumer is started before processing ends.
startsWith(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class
Determines if the given byte array starts with the specified prefix.
startsWith(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
Compares a character sequence with the characters at the start of this child edge and continuing along child edges.
startsWith(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode
Compares a character sequence with the characters starting at this node and continuing along child edges.
startsWith(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
Compares a character sequence with the characters starting at the root node and continuing along child edges.
startsWith(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence starts with the given character.
startsWith(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
Compares part of a character sequence with the characters at the start of this child edge and continuing along child edges.
startsWith(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode
Compares part of a character sequence with the characters starting at this node and continuing along child edges.
startsWith(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree
Compares part of a character sequence with the characters starting at the root node and continuing along child edges.
startsWith(CharSequence, int, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence starts with the given string, starting at the given index.
startsWith(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence starts with one of the given characters.
startsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence starts with the given string.
startsWith(StringBuffer, String) - Static method in class
Determines if the string buffer starts with the given string.
startsWith(StringBuilder, String) - Static method in class
Determines if the string buffer starts with the given string.
startsWithChar(CharSequence, Characters) - Static method in class
Determines if the character sequence starts with one of the given characters.
startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class
Determines whether the string starts with the given prefix, ignoring case.
STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.Task
The bound property of the task state.
stop() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Stops the thread that is processing this queue's contents.
stopped() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractRunnableBlockingQueueConsumer
Called when the consumer is stopped after processing ends.
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task is stopped.
stream() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
stream() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
stream() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
stream(Optional<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Converts an optional to a stream.
streamOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Convenience method to create a stream producing CodePointCharacter instances from the code points in the given character sequence.
Streams - Class in
Utilities for working with Streams.
Streams() - Constructor for class
STRING_ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character for escaping a quoted string.
STRING_PARAMETER - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate
The parameter indicating that a string argument should be expected.
STRING_QUOTE_CHAR - Static variable in class
The character for quoting a string, such as a parameter value with special characters.
STRING_TERMINATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class
A string terminator control character.
StringBuffers - Class in
StringBuffers() - Constructor for class
StringBuilders - Class in
Various methods that manipulate StringBuilder objects.
stringOf(char...) - Static method in class
Convenience method to create a string from characters using varargs.
Strings - Class in
Various text manipulating functions.
StringTemplate - Class in com.globalmentor.text
An efficient class for creating templates which can be repeatedly applied with string arguments.
StringTemplate(Object...) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate
in favor of the static factory method StringTemplate.of(Object...).
StringTemplate.Builder - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Builder for a string template.
StringTemplate.Generator - Interface in com.globalmentor.text
Content to be generated.
StringTemplate.Parameter - Interface in com.globalmentor.text
A parameter to be replaced by an argument.
StringTemplate.Replacement - Interface in com.globalmentor.text
A component to be replaced in a template.
stringToken(String, int, Characters) - Static method in class
Returns the specified numbered (one-based) token in the specified string, separated by delimiters.
StringTokenizers - Class in com.globalmentor.util
Various utilities for working with a string tokenizer.
StringTokenizers() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.util.StringTokenizers
stringWord(String, int) - Static method in class
Returns the specified numbered (one-based) word in the specified string.
SUB_DELIM_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Subdelimiter characters defined by RFC 3986.
SUB_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a sub-heading of a work.
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ListDecorator
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
SubList<E> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
Represents a list that is a subset of some larger list.
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Returns a new CharSequence that is a subsequence of this sequence.
SUBTYPE_EXTENSION_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The separator character that begins a non-standard extension type.
SUBTYPE_SUFFIX_DELIMITER_CHAR - Static variable in class
The separator character that delimits a subtype suffix.
SuffixTree - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A general interface for a suffix tree for a sequence of elements (most commonly characters).
SuffixTree.Edge - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
Represents an edge between a parent node and a child node in a suffix tree.
SuffixTree.Node - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
Represents a node in a suffix tree.
SuffixTrees - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Utilities for working with suffix trees.
SuffixTrees() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees
SuffixTrees.Visitor<N extends SuffixTree.Node,E extends SuffixTree.Edge> - Interface in com.globalmentor.collections
A general visitor strategy for visiting nodes.
SUMMARY_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which the data is shown as a brief overview.
SYMBOL_FONT_TO_UNICODE_TABLE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Unicode
A map of Unicode characters stored at Adobe Symbol font indexes.
SynchronizedCollectionDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A collection that wraps an existing collection, providing access through the Collection interface.
SynchronizedCollectionDecorator(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
Collection constructor.
SynchronizedCollectionDecorator(Collection<E>, Object) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
Collection and mutex constructor.
SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator<K,V,C extends Collection<V>> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A collection map that wraps an existing collection map, providing access through the CollectionMap interface.
SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator(CollectionMap<K, V, C>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
Collection map constructor.
SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator(CollectionMap<K, V, C>, Object) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionMapDecorator
Collection map constructor.
SynchronizedListDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A list that wraps an existing list, providing access through the List interface.
SynchronizedListDecorator(List<E>, Object) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedListDecorator
List constructor.
SynchronizedMapDecorator<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A map that wraps an existing map, providing access through the Map interface.
SynchronizedMapDecorator(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
Map constructor.
SynchronizedMapDecorator(Map<K, V>, Object) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
Map and mutex constructor.
SynchronizedSetDecorator<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A set that wraps an existing set, providing access through the Set interface.
SynchronizedSetDecorator(Set<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedSetDecorator
Set constructor.
SynchronizedSetDecorator(Set<E>, Object) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedSetDecorator
Set and mutex constructor.
SyntaxException - Exception in com.globalmentor.text
Generic checked exception thrown to indicate that input contains a syntax error.
SyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Message constructor.
SyntaxException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
input and index constructor.
SyntaxException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Message and input constructor.
SyntaxException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Message, input, and index constructor.
SyntaxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Message, cause, input, and index constructor.
SyntaxException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Message, cause, and input constructor.
SyntaxException(String, Throwable, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Message, cause, input, and index constructor.
SyntaxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Cause constructor.
SyntaxException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Cause and input constructor.
SyntaxException(Throwable, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.globalmentor.text.SyntaxException
Cause, input, and index constructor.


TargetedEvent - Interface in com.globalmentor.event
An interface indicating that an event knows its target, or the object to which the event applies (which may be different than the object that fired the event).
Task - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Represents a task being performed.
TaskState - Enum in com.globalmentor.model
Represents the progress of a task.
TE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating what extension transfer-codings it is willing to accept in the response and whether or not it is willing to accept trailer fields in a chunked transfer-coding.
TEL_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The telephone scheme identifier.
TempFileInputStream - Class in
An input stream to a file that, when closed, deletes the file.
TempFileInputStream(File) - Constructor for class
File constructor.
TempOutputStream - Class in
An output stream used for the temporary collection of bytes.
TempOutputStream() - Constructor for class
Default constructor with default threshold, automatically calling TempOutputStream.dispose() when closed.
TempOutputStream(boolean) - Constructor for class
Auto-dispose constructor with default threshold.
TempOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class
Threshold constructor, automatically calling TempOutputStream.dispose() when closed.
TempOutputStream(int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Threshold constructor.
TERA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for trillion.
test(double) - Method in interface
This method is the same as DoublePredicate.test(double), but with a support for IOException.
test(int) - Method in interface
This method is the same as IntPredicate.test(int), but with a support for IOException.
test(long) - Method in interface
This method is the same as LongPredicate.test(long), but with a support for IOException.
test(Path) - Method in class
test(T) - Method in interface
This method is the same as Predicate.test(Object), but with a support for IOException.
test(T, U) - Method in interface
This method is the same as BiPredicate.test(Object, Object), but with a support for IOException.
text(String) - Method in class com.globalmentor.text.StringTemplate.Builder
Adds literal text to the template.
Text - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Constants and utilities for text.
Text() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.Text
TEXT_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The text top-level type.
TextFormatter - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Utilities for formatting text.
TextFormatter() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.TextFormatter
TextIOKit - Class in com.globalmentor.text
TextIOKit() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.TextIOKit
Default constructor.
TextIOKit(URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.TextIOKit
URI input stream locator constructor.
TextIOKit(URIInputStreamable, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.TextIOKit
Full constructor.
TextIOKit(URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.TextIOKit
URI output stream locator constructor.
ThreadedQueue - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
ThreadedQueue() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Default constructor that does not start the processing thread and uses this class as an object processor.
ThreadedQueue(boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Autostart constructor that uses this class as the object processor.
ThreadedQueue(ObjectProcessor) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Object processor that does not automatically start the processing thread.
ThreadedQueue(ObjectProcessor, boolean) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.ThreadedQueue
Object processor autostart constructor.
Threads - Class in
Utility methods for threads.
Threads() - Constructor for class
Throwables - Class in
Utilities for working with throwbles and exceptions.
Throwables() - Constructor for class
TIF_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for TIFF files.
TIFF_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for TIFF images: image/tiff.
TILDE_CHAR - Static variable in class
A tilde character (007E;TILDE;Sm;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;).
TIME_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The delimiter that introduces a time component in a temporal.
TIME_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The delimiter that separates time components in a temporal.
TIME_SUBSECONDS_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The delimiter that separates time subseconds from seconds.
TimeZones - Class in com.globalmentor.time
Constant values and utilities for working with time zones.
TimeZones() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.time.TimeZones
TITLE_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for a title heading of a work.
TITLE_PARAM - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
The title of the application to pass to the JNLP servlet.
toArray() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
toArray() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
toArray() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
toArray() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
toArray() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
toArray(Iterable<E>, Class<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns a copy of the contents of the iterable in a new array in iterator traversal order.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ModifiableCollection
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray(Iterator<E>, Class<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns a copy of the contents of the iterator in a new array in iterator traversal order.
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CollectionDecorator
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockCollection
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedCollectionDecorator
toAutoCloseable(Object) - Static method in class
Converts an object to an AutoCloseable instance so that it can be used with try-with-resources.
toBaseType() - Method in class
Returns an instance of the "base type"; that is, the media type with no parameters.
toBaseTypeString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the base type; that is, the same primary and subtype as the media type, but with no parameters
toBigDecimal(Number) - Static method in class
Returns a big decimal representation of the given number.
toByteArray(char[]) - Static method in class
Converts an array of characters to an array of bytes, using the UTF-8 charset.
toByteArray(char[], Charset) - Static method in class
Converts an array of characters to an array of bytes, using the given character encoding.
toBytes(long) - Static method in class
Converts a long value into its equivalent big-endian sequence of bytes, equivalent to ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(value).array().
toCamelCase(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
toCamelCase(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
Converts a token from one tokenization to camelCase, leaving the case of the first component unchanged.
toChar() - Method in class
Returns the primitive char represented by this code point.
toCharacter() - Method in class
Returns a Character representing this this code point.
toCharArray(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns a character array containing the characters from the given character sequence.
toCharset() - Method in enum
Returns a charset corresponding to this byte order mark.
toChecksum() - Method in class
Computes a lowercase hex checksum string for the hash bytes.
toCloseable(Object) - Static method in interface
Converts an object to a Closeable instance so that it can be used with try-with-resources.
toCollection(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Converts an iterable to a collection.
toCollectionURI(URI) - Static method in class
Forces a URI to represent a collection by appending a trailing path separator to the URI path, if any.
toCollectionURIPath() - Method in class
Returns a collection form of the URI path.
toDecodedString() - Method in class
toDromedaryCase(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
Converts a token from camelCase to dromedaryCase (lower camelCase) by decapitalizing the initial letter.
toEndListIterator(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.ReverseIterator
Returns a list iterator to the given iterable.
toEnumeration(Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Converts an iterator to an enumeration, if it isn't already.
toExcelDate(Date) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.time.Dates
Converts a Java date to Microsoft Excel representation, defined as the fractional number of days past 31 December 1899.
toFindOnly() - Static method in class
Reduction operator to require a stream to contain at most one element.
toFindOnly(Supplier<X>) - Static method in class
Reduction operator to require a stream to contain at most one element.
toHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class
Converts an array of bytes into a lowercase hex string, with each character pair representing the hexadecimal value of the byte.
toHexString(int, int) - Static method in class
Converts an integer into a hex string with the specified number of digits.
toHexString(int, int, Case) - Static method in class
Converts an integer into a hex string with the specified number of digits.
toHexString(long, int) - Static method in class
Converts a long into a hex string with the specified number of digits.
toHexString(UUID) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.UUIDs
Constructs a string of hexadecimal characters equivalent to the return value of UUID.toString() with all non-digits removed.
toImmutableMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Maps
Creates a read-only copy of the given map.
toInstance(T, T) - Static method in class
Returns either and object or a default instance if the object is null.
toInt(long) - Static method in class
Converts a long value to an integer, checking for overflow.
toIntArray(Integer...) - Static method in class
Creates an array of primitive values from the given array of objects.
toIntegerArray(int...) - Static method in class
Creates an array of objects from the given array of primitive values.
toIterable(Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns a single-use iterable that returns the given iterator.
toIterator(Enumeration<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Converts an enumeration to an iteration, if it isn't already.
toKebabCase(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization
Converts a token from one tokenization to kebab-case.
toKebabCase(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
Converts a token from one tokenization to kebab-case.
Token - Interface in com.globalmentor.lex
Something representing a token in lexical analysis.
tokenEndIndex(String, int, Characters) - Static method in class
Returns the index right after the given numbered (one-based) token.
tokenIndex(String, int, Characters) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the given numbered (one-based) token.
toLabelArrayString() - Method in class
Returns a string representing an array of these characters, each character represented as 'x', or if the character is a control character, the Unicode code point of this character, e.g.
toLabelArrayString(char...) - Static method in class
Returns a string representing an array of these characters, each character represented as 'x', or if the character is a control character, the Unicode code point of this character, e.g.
toLabelArrayString(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns a string representing an array of these characters, each character represented as 'x', or if the character is a control character, the Unicode code point of this character, e.g.
toList(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Lists
Returns a list to represent the given iterable.
toLocaleTextArray(String[], Locale) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
Converts an array of strings to an array of LocaleTexts.
toLong(byte[]) - Static method in class
Converts a big-endian sequence of bytes into the represented long value, equivalent to ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getLong().
toLowerCase(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a character to lowercase if it is an ASCII uppercase letter.
toLowerCase(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a character sequence to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
toLowerCase(StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a string builder to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
toLowerCase(StringBuilder, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a string builder to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
toMarkSupportedInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class
Retrieves an input stream that support mark/reset.
toOnly() - Static method in class
Collector that returns the one and only one element expected to be in the stream.
toOnly(Supplier<X>) - Static method in class
Collector that returns the one and only one element expected to be in the stream.
toOptionalDouble(Optional<Double>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Converts an optional wrapper Double instance to a primitive containing OptionalDouble instance.
toOptionalInt(Optional<Integer>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Converts an optional wrapper Integer instance to a primitive containing OptionalInt instance.
toOptionalLong(Optional<Long>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.Optionals
Converts an optional wrapper Long instance to a primitive containing OptionalLong instance.
toPascalCase(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
Converts a token from camelCase to PascalCase (upper camelCase) by capitalizing the initial letter.
toPathURI() - Method in class
toProperties(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
Converts the given map to a properties object.
toRelativeURIPath() - Method in class
Returns a relative form of the URI path.
toSnakeCase(CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.AbstractDelimiterCompoundTokenization
Converts a token from one tokenization to snake_case.
toSnakeCase(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.lex.CompoundTokenization
Converts a token from one tokenization to snake_case.
toStream(Iterator<E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.Iterators
Returns a stream providing access to the contents of the given iterator.
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractSuffixTree.AbstractNode
This implementation returns a string in the form (index)*, where '*' indicates a leaf node.
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge
toString() - Method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectList
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ObjectSet
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.event.ProgressEvent
This implementation returns a string indicating the current progress in the form 123/1000.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
This version return a string containing the character(s) represented by the given code point, which may be a surrogate pair of characters.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.math.Fraction
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractHashObject
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractObjectDecorator
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Count
This implementation outputs the current count.
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultComparableIDNamed
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDed
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNamed
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultIDNameDescriptioned
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.DefaultNamed
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.LocaledText
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.NameValuePair
toString() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.Range
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the resource.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the resource.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Constructs a string representation of the email address in its RFC 5322 format.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in exception
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in interface
toString() - Method in enum
Returns a string representation of the prefix.
toString() - Method in enum
Returns a string representation of the unit.
toString(boolean) - Method in class
Returns a possibly formatted string version of the given media type.
toString(int, int, int) - Static method in class
Returns a string representation of a given integer in the given radix, modified to match the the given length.
toString(Resource) - Static method in class
Returns a reference string representation of the given resource.
toString(Object) - Static method in class
Returns the string representation of the object or "null".
toString(String, String, MediaType.Parameter...) - Static method in class
Constructs a string representing a media type.
toString(String, String, Iterable<MediaType.Parameter>) - Static method in class
Constructs a string representing a media type in canonical form with no extra whitespace or other formatting.
toString(String, String, Iterable<MediaType.Parameter>, boolean) - Static method in class
Constructs a string representing a media type.
toString(URI) - Static method in class
Returns a reference string representation of the resource identified by the given URI.
toString(Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Converts a collection to a string by concatenating the string values of each member of the collection, separated by a comma.
toString(Collection<T>, char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Converts a collection to a string by concatenating the string values of each member of the collection, separated by the given delimiter character.
toString(Collection<T>, String) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.Collections
Converts a collection to a string by concatenating the string values of each member of the collection, separated by the given delimiter.
toStringBuilder() - Method in class
A string builder containing these characters.
toStringBuilder(int) - Method in class
A string builder containing these characters, with an initial capacity with room for the specified number of extra characters.
toUpperCase(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a character to uppercase if it is an ASCII lowercase letter.
toUpperCase(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a character sequence to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
toUpperCase(StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a string builder to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
toUpperCase(StringBuilder, int, int) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Converts a string builder to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
toURI() - Method in class
toURI(File) - Static method in class
Constructs a URIs.FILE_SCHEME scheme URI that represents this abstract pathname.
toURI(File, boolean) - Static method in class
Constructs a URIs.FILE_SCHEME scheme URI that represents this abstract pathname.
toURI(URL) - Static method in class
Converts a URL to a URI.
toURI(UUID) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.model.UUIDs
Creates a URI from the UUID in the form urn:uuid:uuid.
toValidURL(URI) - Static method in class
Creates a URL from a URI.
toValueString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the value, quoting and escaping it as necessary.
TRACE_METHOD - Static variable in class
The HTTP TRACE method.
TRADE_MARK_SIGN_CHAR - Static variable in class
Trademark character.
TRANSFER_ENCODING_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the what (if any) type of transformation has been applied to the message body in order to safely transfer it between the sender and the recipient.
transformJoinComponent(int, CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
Determines the component to use before joining.
transformSplitComponent(int, CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.lex.CamelCase
Determines the component to use after splitting.
transition() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.PollStateManager
Transitions to the next state in the sequence.
TREE_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which the data is shown in a tree structure.
TreeSetMap<K,V> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
An decorator map that stores a TreeSet of values for each key, with special methods for retrieving single values.
TreeSetMap(Map<K, Set<V>>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.TreeSetMap
Map constructor with a natural ordering of set values.
TreeSetMap(Map<K, Set<V>>, Comparator<? super V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.TreeSetMap
Map and comparator constructor that sorts set values in the order specified by the comparator.
trim(StringBuffer, String) - Static method in class
Trims the specified delimiters from the beginning and end of the string buffer.
trim(StringBuilder, Characters) - Static method in class
Trims the specified delimiters from the beginning and end of the string buffer.
trim(String, Characters) - Static method in class
Trims the specified delimiters from the beginning and end of the string.
TRIM_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters that do not contain visible "content", and may be trimmed from ends of a string.
trimBeginning(StringBuilder, Characters) - Static method in class
Trims the specified delimiters from the beginning of the string buffer.
trimBeginning(String, char, int) - Static method in class
Trims the left side of the string beginning at the specified occurrence of removeChar from the beginning.
trimBeginning(String, String) - Static method in class
If the input string begins with the specifid string, trims that string.
trimBeginningFirst(String, char) - Static method in class
Trims the left side of the string beginning at the first occurrence of removeChar.
trimBeginningLast(String, char) - Static method in class
Trims the left side of the string beginning at the last occurrence of removeChar.
trimEnd(StringBuffer, String) - Static method in class
Trims the specified delimiters from the end of the string buffer.
trimEnd(StringBuilder, char) - Static method in class
Trims the specified delimiter from the end of the string buffer.
trimEnd(StringBuilder, Characters) - Static method in class
Trims the specified delimiters from the end of the string buffer.
trimEnd(String, char, int) - Static method in class
Trims the right side of the string beginning at the specified occurrence of removeChar from the end.
trimEnd(String, String) - Static method in class
If the input string ends with the specified string, trims that string.
trimEndFirst(String, char) - Static method in class
Trims the right side of the string beginning at the first occurrence of removeChar.
trimEndLast(String, char) - Static method in class
Trims the right side of the string beginning at the last occurrence of removeChar.
trimWhitespaceNoBreak(String) - Static method in class
Trims whitespace, including the Unicode no-break space character 0x00A0, from the beginning and end of the string.
trimWhitespaceNoBreakBeginning(String) - Static method in class
Trims whitespace, including the Unicode no-break space character 0x00A0, from the beginning of the string.
trimWhitespaceNoBreakEnd(String) - Static method in class
Trims whitespace, including the Unicode no-break space character 0x00A0, from the beginning of the string.
TRUE_STRING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.util.PropertiesUtilities
A string representation of boolean true.
truncate(String, int) - Static method in class
Truncates the string, if needed, to ensure that the string is no longer than the provided length.
truncateAtFirst(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Truncates the end of the string beginning at the first occurrence of the given character.
truncateAtLast(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class
Truncates the end of the string beginning at the last occurrence of the given character.
truncateChar(String, Characters) - Static method in class
Removes everything after and including the first occurrence of one of the given characters.
TWO_THIRDS_DOUBLE - Static variable in class
The double value representing 2/3.
TXT - Enum constant in enum
Text strings.
TXT_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Text
The name extension for text files.
TYPE_DIVIDER - Static variable in class
The divider character for media type strings.
TYPE_WILDCARD_CHAR - Static variable in class
The wildcard character.
TypeConverter - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Converts an object from one type to another.


uncache(Q) - Method in class com.globalmentor.cache.AbstractCache
Removes a value from the cache.
uncache(Q) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.cache.Cache
Removes a value from the cache.
UNDEFINED_CHAR - Static variable in class
An invalid, undefined Unicode character which is "guaranteed not to be a Unicode character at all.
unescape(StringBuilder, char) - Static method in class
Unescapes a value int a string builder using the provided escape character.
unescapeHex(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class
Decodes the escaped characters in the character sequence by converting the hex value after each occurrence of the escape character to the corresponding Unicode character using UTF-8.
unexpected(String) - Static method in class
Creates a throwable indicating an unexpected condition, which can be thrown by the caller.
unexpected(String, Throwable) - Static method in class
Creates a throwable indicating an unexpected condition, which can be thrown by the caller.
unexpected(Throwable) - Static method in class
Creates a throwable indicating an unexpected condition, which can be thrown by the caller.
Unicode - Class in com.globalmentor.text
General information and utilities for working with Unicode.
Unicode() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.Unicode
UNIT_SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class
A unit separator character.
UNKNOWN_SUBTYPE - Static variable in class
The pseudo subtype used by Java URLConnection to indicate unknown content by content/unknown.
unread(char[]) - Method in class
Pushes back an array of characters.
unread(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Pushes back a portion of an array of characters.
unread(int) - Method in class
Pushes back a single character.
UNRESERVED_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Unreserved characters defined by RFC 3986.
unskip(int) - Method in class
Reverses the reading position to the previous characters read.
UNSTARTED - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
The task has not yet begun.
update(MessageDigest, byte) - Static method in class
Updates a digest from the given byte.
update(MessageDigest, byte[]) - Static method in class
Updates a digest for the specified array of bytes.
update(MessageDigest, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Updates a digest for the specified array of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
update(MessageDigest, char[]) - Static method in class
Updates a digest with the given characters using the UTF-8 charset.
update(MessageDigest, Hash...) - Static method in class
Updates a digest from the given hashes
update(MessageDigest, InputStream) - Static method in class
Updates a digest with the contents of the given input stream.
update(MessageDigest, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Updates a digest from the given character sequences using the UTF-8 charset.
update(MessageDigest, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class
Updates a digest for the specified byte buffer.
update(MessageDigest, Charset, char[]) - Static method in class
Updates a digest with the given characters, using the given charset.
update(MessageDigest, Charset, CharSequence) - Static method in class
Updates a digest with the given character sequence, using the given charset.
update(MessageDigest, Charset, CharSequence...) - Static method in class
Updates a digest from given character sequences, using the given charset.
update(MessageDigest, Path) - Static method in class
Updates a digest with the contents of the given file.
updateEnd() - Method in class
Checks to see if the end of the data has been reached, and updates the EOF property if so.
updateIncludedIndexes() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.iterators.AbstractListIterator
Ensures that the current next and previous indexes are included.
updateMessageDigest(MessageDigest) - Method in class
Updates a digest with the bytes of this hash.
updatePosition(int) - Method in class
Updates the line and character indexes and sets the last position index to one character before the given index, which is usually the read index.
upgradeEncoder(Encoder) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.beans.Beans
Upgrades an encoder to support encoding of other non-JavaBean classes.
UPPERCASE - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.Case
UPPERCASE_HEX_LETTER_DIGIT_FIRST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the first uppercase hexadecimal letter digit.
UPPERCASE_HEX_LETTER_DIGIT_LAST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the last uppercase hexadecimal letter digit.
UPPERCASE_LETTER_FIRST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the first uppercase letter.
UPPERCASE_LETTER_LAST - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
The value of the last uppercase letter.
URDU_CODE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO639
URI_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters that can appear in a URI as defined by RFC 2396.
URI_LIST_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
A text/uri-list content type as defined in RFC 2483 § 5.
URI_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface
The Java property name of a resource's URI.
URIAccessible - Interface in
URIAccessibleModel - Class in
A model that keeps track of a base URI and knows how to access input streams based upon URIs.
URIAccessibleModel() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
URIAccessibleModel(URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
URI input stream locator constructor.
URIAccessibleModel(URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
URI output stream locator constructor.
URIAccessibleModel(URI) - Constructor for class
Base URI constructor.
URIAccessibleModel(URI, URIInputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Base URI and input stream locator constructor.
URIAccessibleModel(URI, URIInputStreamable, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Full constructor.
URIAccessibleModel(URI, URIOutputStreamable) - Constructor for class
Base URI and output stream locator constructor.
URIInputStreamable - Interface in
URIOutputStreamable - Interface in
URIPath - Class in
Represents the path of a hierarchical URI with the same encoding requirements as URIs in general.
URIQueryParameter - Class in
A URI query parameter name/value pair.
URIQueryParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor specifying the name and value.
URIs - Class in
Various URI manipulating functions for working with URIs as defined in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
URIs() - Constructor for class
URLs - Class in
Various URL manipulating functions.
URLs() - Constructor for class
URN_SCHEME - Static variable in class
The URN scheme identifier "urn".
URN_SSP_PATTERN - Static variable in class
The pattern to match the scheme-specific part of a URN.
URN_SSP_PATTERN_NID_MATCHING_GROUP - Static variable in class
The matching group to retrieve the URN namespace identifier.
URN_SSP_PATTERN_NSS_MATCHING_GROUP - Static variable in class
The matching group to retrieve the URN-namespace-specific part.
US_ASCII_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the US-ASCII charset.
User<I> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
A representation of an individual.
USER_AGENT_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the user agent.
USER_DIR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The property for the user's current working directory.
USER_HOME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The property for the user's home directory.
USER_INFO_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The at sign ('@') that separates user information from a host in a URI.
USER_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
The user name property.
UTC - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.time.TimeZones
The shared time zone representing Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
UTC_DESIGNATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The UTC designator for "Zulu Time", 'Z'.
UTF_16_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the general 16-bit UTF-16 charset (which requires an initial Byte Order Mark).
UTF_16BE - Enum constant in enum
UTF-16, big-endian BOM
UTF_16BE_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the 16-bit UTF-16 big-endian charset.
UTF_16LE - Enum constant in enum
UTF-16, little-endian BOM
UTF_16LE_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the 16-bit UTF-16 little-endian charset.
UTF_32_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the 32-bit UTF-32 charset.
UTF_32BE - Enum constant in enum
UTF-32, big-endian (1234 order) BOM
UTF_32BE_MIXED - Enum constant in enum
UTF-32, big-endian, with word swapped byte order (2143 order) BOM
UTF_32BE_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the 32-bit UTF-32 big-endian charset.
UTF_32LE - Enum constant in enum
UTF-32, little-endian (4321 order) BOM
UTF_32LE_MIXED - Enum constant in enum
UTF-32, little-endian, with word swapped byte order (3412 order) BOM
UTF_32LE_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the 32-bit UTF-32 little-endian charset.
UTF_8 - Enum constant in enum
UTF_8_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the eight-bit UTF-8 charset (to which the big-endian/little-endian byte order does not apply).
UTF8 - Class in
Constants and methods for working with the UTF-8 encoding.
UTF8() - Constructor for class
UUID_URN_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.model.UUIDs
The UUID URN namespace identifier "uuid".
UUIDs - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Utilities for manipulating a universally unique identifier (UUID).
UUIDs() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.UUIDs


Valued<V> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
An object that contains a value.
ValuedComparator<V extends Comparable<V>> - Class in com.globalmentor.model
Comparator that sorts two Valued objects by their comparable values.
ValuedComparator(SortOrder) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.model.ValuedComparator
Sort order constructor.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.text.Case
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOfDigit(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Returns the value represented by the given ASCII digit.
valueOfHexDigit(char) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.text.ASCII
Find the value of the hexadecimal digit, without regard to case.
ValueResource<V> - Interface in
A resource that represents some value object instance.
values() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.AbstractPurgeOnWriteReferenceValueMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.collections.comparators.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.DecoratorReadWriteLockMap
values() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapDecorator
values() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.MapEntryMap
values() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SynchronizedMapDecorator
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.model.TaskState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.text.Case
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VCHAR_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
Visible (printing) characters: 0x21-7E.
Vectors - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
Various vector manipulating functions.
Vectors() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.Vectors
VENDOR_PARAM - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.jnlp.JNLP
The vendor of the application to pass to the JNLP servlet.
Verifiable - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Indicates that an object can be verified in some way.
verify() - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Verifiable
Verifies the object, returning the verification result.
VERSION_DELIMITER - Static variable in class
The character '.' which separates components of an HTTP version.
VERSION_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class
The string "HTTP" begins an HTTP version.
VERSION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
The character '/' which separates the letters "HTTP" from the HTTP version.
VERTICAL_TAB_SYMBOL - Static variable in class
vetoableChange(GenericPropertyChangeEvent<V>) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.beans.GenericVetoableChangeListener
Called when a constrained property is changed.
vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.globalmentor.beans.AbstractGenericVetoableChangeListener
Called when a constrained property is changed.
Video - Class in
Utilities and constants for working with video content.
Video() - Constructor for class
VIDEO_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class
The video top-level type.
ViewIOKit<M> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Represents an implementation for loading information into a view or saving information from a view.
visit(SuffixTree, CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode, CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge, int) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTrees.AbstractCharSequenceVisitor
visit(SuffixTree, CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceNode, CharSequenceSuffixTree.CharSequenceEdge, CharSequence) - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.CharSequenceSuffixTrees.AbstractCharSequenceVisitor
Visits the given node.
visit(SuffixTree, SuffixTrees.Visitor<N, E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees
Recursively visits all the nodes in a given suffix tree.
visit(SuffixTree, N, E, int) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees.Visitor
Visits the given node.
visit(SuffixTree, N, E, int, SuffixTrees.Visitor<N, E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees
Recursively visits a given node and all descendant nodes in a subtree of a suffix tree.
visit(N) - Method in interface com.globalmentor.model.Visitor
Visits the given node.
visitChildren(SuffixTree, N, int, SuffixTrees.Visitor<N, E>) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.collections.SuffixTrees
Recursively visits all descendant nodes in a subtree of a suffix tree.
Visitor<N> - Interface in com.globalmentor.model
Represents a visitor that can visit each node during traversal (e.g.
VOLUME_HEADING - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.Prose
The heading for volume of a work.


W3CDateFormat - Class in com.globalmentor.text
Class for formatting dates and times according to the W3C Note, "Date and Time Formats",, a profile of ISO 8601.
W3CDateFormat() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat
Default constructor specifying a full W3CDateFormat.Style.DATE_TIME format.
W3CDateFormat(W3CDateFormat.Style) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat
Constructs a W3C date and time formatter using the given style.
W3CDateFormat.Style - Enum in com.globalmentor.text
The specific style of W3C date format.
WAV_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for Microsoft Windows Wave format.
WeakHashSet<E> - Class in com.globalmentor.collections
A class that implements the Set interface, backed by a WeakHashMap.
WeakHashSet() - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set.
WeakHashSet(int) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set.
WeakHashSet(int, float) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Constructs a new, empty set.
WeakHashSet(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.WeakHashSet
Constructs a new set containing the elements in the specified collection.
WeakValueReference(K, V, ReferenceQueue<? super V>) - Constructor for class com.globalmentor.collections.PurgeOnWriteWeakValueHashMap.WeakValueReference
Creates a new weak reference that remembers the given key, refers to the given object, and is registered with the given queue.
WEEK - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
The week within the given year.
WEEK_DAY_COUNT - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.time.Calendars
The number of days in a week.
WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Unicode whitespace characters.
WILDCARD_CHAR - Static variable in class
The HTTP character used as a wildcard.
WILDCARD_CHAR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The regular expression character that matches any character.
WILDCARD_FILE_FILTER - Static variable in class
The shared file filter that accepts all files.
WILDCARD_SUBTYPE - Static variable in class
The wildcard subtype, matching any subtype.
WildcardFileFilter - Class in
A file filter that accepts all files.
WildcardFileFilter() - Constructor for class
WINDOWS - Static variable in class
The string, "windows", which is a case-insensitive substring of a Windows operating system identification string.
WINDOWS_1252_NAME - Static variable in class
The canonical name of the Cp1252 charset.
WINDOWS_RESERVED_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
The characters that may not be used in Windows filenames.
The characters that may not be used as the last character of Windows filenames.
The name of the hidden system folder on Windows used by System Restore to store its information and restore points.
WINDOWS_UNC_PATH_URI_SSP_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix used in the scheme-specific part by Java for Windows UNC paths in file URIs.
withCharset(Charset) - Method in class
Returns a media type with the given charset as a "charset" parameter, replacing any existing parameter with the same name.
withParameter(MediaType.Parameter) - Method in class
Returns a media type with the given parameter, replacing any existing parameter with the same name.
withParameter(String, String) - Method in class
Returns a media type with the given parameter, replacing any existing parameter with the same name.
WKS - Enum constant in enum
A well known service description.
WORD_DELIMITER_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class
Characters that separate words.
WORD_JOINER_CHAR - Static variable in class
A zero-width non-breaking space—word joiner (WJ).
WORD_WRAP_CHARS - Static variable in class
Characters that allow words to wrap.
wordEndIndex(String, int) - Static method in class
Returns the index right after the given numbered (one-based) word.
wordIndex(String, int) - Static method in class
Returns the index of the given numbered (one-based) word.
wrap(String, int) - Static method in class
Performs word-wrapping on the input string by strategically inserting ends-of-line, ensuring that each line is no longer than the specified length.
wrap(String, int, char, char) - Static method in class
Performs word-wrapping on the input string by strategically inserting ends-of-line, ensuring that each line is no longer than the specified length.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this output stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class
Writes all the bytes from the specified byte array to the decorated output stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
This version performs pre-write checks and updates.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this output stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Writes specified number of bytes from the specified byte array to the decorated output stream starting at the given offset.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
This version performs pre-write checks and updates.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Write the specified number of bytes bytes from the specified byte array starting at the specified offset.
write(char[]) - Method in class
write(char[]) - Method in class
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of an array of characters.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
Write a single character.
write(int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
write(int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte to the decorated output stream.
write(int) - Method in class
This version performs pre-write checks and updates.
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
Write the specified byte to this stream.
write(File, OutputStreamWritable) - Static method in class
Writes to the given file.
write(OutputStream, int, int) - Static method in class
Writes the given byte to the output stream the specified number of times.
write(OutputStream, URI) - Method in interface
Writes to the given output stream.
write(OutputStream, URI, T) - Method in interface
to be moved to an I/O strategy class, or removed altogether.
write(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class
Copies the contents of a reader to a writer.
write(String) - Method in class
write(String) - Method in class
write(String) - Method in class
Writes a string to the underlying writer.
write(String, boolean) - Method in class
Writes a string to the underlying writer, optionally flushing the writer.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of a string.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
write(URI, T, IO<T>) - Static method in class
Writes an object to a string using the given I/O support, converting bytes to a string using the UTF-8 charset.
write(URI, T, IO<T>, Charset) - Static method in class
Writes an object to a string using the given I/O support.
write(URL, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Stores the contents of a URL in an output stream.
writeLock() - Method in class com.globalmentor.collections.ReadWriteLockDecorator
writeLock() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.AbstractReadWriteLockOperation
Returns the lock used for writing.
writeLock() - Method in class com.globalmentor.model.ReadWriteLockObjectHolder
writeLowOrderFirst(OutputStream, long, int) - Static method in class
Writes the given number of bytes of the given value, low-ordered bytes first.
WriterDecorator - Class in
Class that wraps an existing writer.
WriterDecorator(Writer) - Constructor for class
Writer constructor with critical sections synchronized on the writer itself.
WriterDecorator(Writer, Object) - Constructor for class
Writer and lock constructor.
WriterPrintStream - Class in
A print stream that writes to a given writer.
WriterPrintStream(Writer) - Constructor for class
Writer constructor.
WriterPrintStream(Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class
Writer and autoflush constructor.
Writers - Class in
Utility methods for working with Writer instances.
Writers() - Constructor for class
WSP_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.ABNF
White space characters.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE_HEADER - Static variable in class
The HTTP header indicating the credentials expected by the server.
WYSIWYG_MODEL_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.globalmentor.model.ModelViewable
The view in which the data is shown as it would be in its final form.


X_JAVA_OBJECT - Static variable in class
A Java object.
xmlDecode(File) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.beans.Beans
Reads the given JavaBean to the file using long-term XML-encoded persistence.
xmlEncode(Object, File) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.beans.Beans
Writes the given JavaBean to the file using long-term XML-encoded persistence.
xmlEncode(Object, File, boolean) - Static method in class com.globalmentor.beans.Beans
Writes the given JavaBean to the file using long-term XML-encoded persistence.


YEAR - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Style for year: YYYY (e.g.
YEAR - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.time.CalendarResolution
The calendar year.
YEAR_DESIGNATOR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.iso.ISO8601
The designator for years in a duration expression.
YEAR_MONTH - Enum constant in enum com.globalmentor.text.W3CDateFormat.Style
Pattern for year and month: YYYY-MM (e.g.
YOCTO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for septillionth.
YOTTA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for septillion.


ZEPTO - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for sextillionth.
ZERO_OR_MORE_CHAR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The symbol for specifying zero or more repetitions.
ZERO_OR_ONE_CHAR - Static variable in class com.globalmentor.text.RegularExpressions
The symbol for specifying zero or one repetitions.
ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER_CHAR - Static variable in class
A zero-width joiner (200D;ZERO WIDTH JOINER;Cf;0;BN;;;;;N;;;;;).
ZERO_WIDTH_NO_BREAK_SPACE_CHAR - Static variable in class
A zero-width no-breaking space (ZWNBSP)—the Byte Order Mark (BOM) (FEFF;ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE;Cf;0;BN;;;;;N;BYTE ORDER MARK;;;;).
ZERO_WIDTH_NON_JOINER_CHAR - Static variable in class
A zero-width non-joiner (200C;ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER;Cf;0;BN;;;;;N;;;;;).
ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE_CHAR - Static variable in class
A zero-width space (ZWSP) that may expand during justification.
ZETTA - Enum constant in enum
Prefix for sextillion.
ZIP_FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
The filename extension for ZIP files.
ZIP_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The media type for ZIP files: application/zip.
ZipManager - Class in
Facilitates access to a zip file.
ZipManager(File, URI) - Constructor for class
Constructs a zip manager to manage entries in a zip file stored in the specified file.
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