Interface Authenticable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAuthenticable, DefaultPasswordAuthenticable

public interface Authenticable
Presents a method for retrieving user authentication credentials.
Garret Wilson
  • Method Details

    • getPasswordAuthentication

      PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication(String prompt)
      Determines password information in relation to a given description.
      prompt - A description of the authentication.
      The password authentication collected from the user, or null if none is provided.
    • getPasswordAuthentication

      PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication(URI uri, String prompt)
      Determines password information in relation to a given URI and description.
      uri - The URI for which authentication is requested, or null if there is no relevant URI.
      prompt - A description of the authentication.
      The password authentication collected from the user, or null if none is provided.
    • getPasswordAuthentication

      PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication(URI uri, String prompt, String username)
      Determines password information for a given user in relation to a given URI and description. The user must not be allowed to change the username, if one is provided.
      uri - The URI for which authentication is requested, or null if there is no relevant URI.
      prompt - A description of the authentication.
      username - The user for which password information should be gathered, or null if the username is not restricted.
      The password authentication collected from the user, or null if none is provided.