Interface SuffixTrees.Visitor<N extends SuffixTree.Node,E extends SuffixTree.Edge>

Type Parameters:
N - The type of node.
E - The type of edge.
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface SuffixTrees.Visitor<N extends SuffixTree.Node,E extends SuffixTree.Edge>
A general visitor strategy for visiting nodes. This can be used to implement a pure visitor pattern, in which the destination is aware of and accepts the visitor, or a strategy visitor pattern in which a third object does the traversal.
Garret Wilson
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    visit(SuffixTree suffixTree, N node, E parentEdge, int length)
    Visits the given node.
  • Method Details

    • visit

      boolean visit(SuffixTree suffixTree, N node, E parentEdge, int length)
      Visits the given node.
      suffixTree - The suffix tree being visited.
      node - The node being visited.
      parentEdge - The parent edge of the node being visited, or null if the node has no parent.
      length - The length of elements up to the visited node, including the length of the parent edge.
      true if visiting should continue to other nodes.